Relax Morrissey


Since we have been living with my folks I have not been able to stay as up to date on my regular TV shows. We still get to watch some from time to time. But, I have not seen one of my Sunday night shows in awhile. That means I have missed a good four or five episodes of "Bob's Burgers" and, most importantly, "The Simpsons".

Missing so much "Simpsons" is a bummer. I know I will catch up when we get back home, which should be in two weeks hopefully. But still, I miss my usual ritual of watching after having a real nice Sunday night dinner with my family. I especially am bummed for missing the most recent episode. I heard all about it, and I have been reading all the aftermath that has occurred since it aired. I am a fan of Benedict Cumberbatch, I adore Flight of the Conchords and Bret McKenzie and I have never listened, or wanted to listen, to any Morrisey music. So all the stuff I saw and heard prior to its airing had me excited. I like when "The Simpsons" does stuff like this. I like when they make fun of an aging star, especially one that clearly cannot take a joke. So for them to go at Morrisey, and it remains to be seen for me if it was purposeful, I was totally on board. I am even more on board after seeing how he reacted, and all the stuff he has said since. I guess he wasn't too pleased and said some things. I believe he called the writers hurtful and racist. I even saw that he was going to pursue a lawsuit, but he doesn't have the money to do it apparently. That is so goddamn funny to me. Morrissey seems pretty holier than thou, that he takes himself far too seriously, that he thinks he is above criticism, that he thinks he can say whatever he wants but no one else can, basically he seems like a real downer. He seems like a guy that would be a real drag to simply talk to. He seems like no fun. He is the real life version of Debbie Downer.

This isn't the first time, nor the last I imagine, that "The Simpsons" has gone after a famous person like this. They did this to George Bush, and he seemed to take it in stride. They also made fun of Gerald Ford in that very same episode, and I didn't hear Ford complaining about it at all. Those are two presidents. They made Michael Jackson out as a humongous white person that resided in an insane asylum. He didn't say a word. There was an episode with a ton of pro athletes, including guys like Yao Ming, Tom Brady and LeBron James, and they did their own voices. They had no problem poking fun at themselves. Even famous people that are total recluses, like Jasper Johns. He wears a bag over his head, he makes jokes at his own expense and he has been on more than once. If Jasper Johns can take the joke, why does Morrissey think he is above the poking fun that has been a cornerstone of "The Simpsons"?

I think it is plain and simple, and I have already mentioned it. He is a sad sack of a human being. He is a bummer. He is an asshole. He is miserable. He is no fun to be around. I'm sure the people in his circle thought this episode was hilarious, but they have to make a big fuss or else Morrissey will be upset. I would go as far to think that even his fans found it kind of funny. But not Morrissey. He has to be the wet blanket. He has to be the lone dissenting voice. He has to make a fit. He has to be the child.

I am so excited to watch this episode now, and I am prepared to laugh and laugh and laugh. And while I am rolling on the floor, I will think about how Morrissey wanted to file a lawsuit, but that he doesn't have the money to do it. That is the funniest part of this whole thing to me. He was once a star, once an uber famous person, and now he cannot even afford to file a suit. That is a riot. As for "The Simpsons", I hope they continue to do what they do best and skewer pop culture. I know they will, and it makes me even happier knowing that this means they will probably go after Morrisey again, possibly soon. One can hope.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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