"The Simpsons" Just Delivered Another All Time Classic Episode

"The Simpsons" returned from what seemed like a few month hiatus this past Sunday. I have missed the show. It is my all time favorite show, I like the new episodes because I am not a hipster and I appreciate when the writers do stuff that makes me feel the way I do today. My wife and I watched the newest episode last night on DVR, and it was one of the best, and sweetest episodes "The Simpsons" have ever done.

The short and sweet plot synopsis sees Homer and Marge watching TV and doing their thing. Bart and Lisa see this and think that they have lost their spark. They think they need to do something adventurous and fun. What Bart and Lisa do not realize, this is exactly what Homer and Marge like to do. They love doing menial things together, like any longtime married couple. But to appease the kids they decide to go on an excursion that they have been putting off. When they get there they realize it is not what they were hoping to do. Then they get lost in the woods and have to basically fend for themselves. They go out, lose their car in the river, take off their clothes to try and dry them off, lose those and have to find a way to stay warm and survive in the wilderness. They do. They find a way. They find an abandoned hotel and they make use of the things that are left behind. They make clothes from the carpet, they use the beds and bathtubs as shelter. They find food. They keep it together. Then a wolverine finds them and attacks. Homer finds a way to stop the wolverine and Marge gets away. Homer follows behind her. They use the wolverine for more food and clothes. Eventually Homer sees a person on a snowmobile and tries to track them down. He cannot and tells Marge that part of him was kind of happy that he could not catch the person. Both Homer and Marge decide they need to track down the snowmobile person and they follow the tracks. Before departing their newfound life, Marge says that maybe they can walk slowly and Homer tells her that they always do. As the episode ends we see Homer and Marge in full clothes and hanging out outside their new cabin. When Homer asks Marge if she is ready to leave she tells him to sit with her and watch her favorite "show". That show happens to be the sunrise and the two of them eat chips and the dust is sucked into the air, just like the cheeto dust in the beginning.

It was beautiful. And sweet. And heartwarming. After we finished my wife kept mentioning how nice the episode was. I just kind of sat there and took it all in. In fact I was contemplating the episode all night, and have been all day. This is one of the best episodes of "The Simpsons" ever in my opinion. My wife was completely right. It was an incredibly sweet 22 minutes of TV. It showed the love that Homer and Marge have for one another. They truly are, as the kids say, relationship goals. It also showed, now that I have been married for almost 13 years, how the littlest things are usually the best. My favorite part of the day is when my kids go to bed and my wife and I have dessert and either watch TV or just talk about our day. I also cherish the lunch dates we have when my wife works from home. It truly is the small things that make a relationship with the person you love so great. And that is what this episode proved and showed. It was just so sweet and so nice and so beautiful and has kept a smile on my face for the past 2 days.

I highly recommend people watch this episode, especially married couples. And leave all your "The Simpsons isn't as good as it used to be" or "they don't know how to tell a proper story anymore" theories at the door. Watch this with open eyes and an open mind. You will be moved. I almost guarantee it.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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