Politics Week: The Republican Party is Not Conservative

Ty is on a court ordered vacation this week, so RD is taking over the writing duties. Due to the incredible time, we live in, RD is going to cover politics every day. The views expressed in these articles are the same as the website owners since it is RD that owns the website.

All compliments and complaints can be sent to rkulik@publicforumproductions.com

Politics is a game of lies. Promises are made and not kept, deals are made and then broken, truths are revealed and then found to be false. That is politics. In this game of lies there is one so big in today’s political arena that we all see yet no one cares to discuss. What is the grand lie in plain sight? The great political falsehood of 2024 is that the current Republican Party is conservative.

One could argue, successfully, that the GOP used to be conservative. I would say that the party has a few conservative philosophical pillars, but it is not 100% pure. Lower taxes, austerity measures, less business regulation, resistance to letting government initiate social changes, these are all principals the Republican Party can claim in its past. This is not the Republican Party of Donald Trump and the ghouls who wrote Project 2025.

This new Republican Party wants an absolute authoritarian ruler at the top. Whatever the President says is the law. They want a leader like the Pope of the Catholic Church. They want the entire government to center on this leader. The modern GOP doesn’t want less government interference, they want unlimited government interference from one office. This ultimate leader can, and will, set the social, economic, and foreign policy agenda as they see fit. This idea of an all-powerful executive branch is nowhere near what the true conservative philosophers believe. As a matter of fact, true conservatism would reject this idea.

Project 2025 wants the government to have total control over everything. They want the press to be only loyal to their ideas. They want businesses to do as they are told. They want the people to live as vassals to the lords and ladies of the Whitehouse. Project 2025 rejects conservatism more than the Democratic Socialists in the Democratic Party. Project 2025 is the New Deal of the anti-conservative Republican Party.

Trump and his Project 2025 gang will still claim to be conservative. They will tout the rolling back of government regulations and tax cuts as proof of their conservative bona fides. These are lies. Once implemented, Project 2025 would allow the executive branch to set new regulations on businesses. These regulations would have to do with access to abortion, hiring of protected classes, and the duty to pollute. The tax cuts will continue to only benefit the corporations and richest Americans. The rest of us will pay for any economic calamity. Trump and his lackeys at Project 2025 will say they are the conservative choice. That is a lie.

As we get ready for the 2024 election season, think about what you hear. No one trusts politics because we knowing lying is like breathing air. While you continue to dismiss the everyday talk, do not get fooled by the things that we are told is certain. Donald Trump’s and Project 2025 Republican Party is not conservative. Do not be fooled again.


RD is the creator and Head Editor of SeedSing and the host of The X Millennial Man Podcast

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