Politics Week: Trump and Project 2025 are Wrong for America

Ty is on a court ordered vacation this week, so RD is taking over the writing duties. Due to the incredible time, we live in, RD is going to cover politics every day. The views expressed in these articles are the same as the website owners since it is RD that owns the website.

All compliments and complaints can be sent to rkulik@publicforumproductions.com

The Donald Trump for President team has a plan. I know that seems obvious, every person who runs for President has a plan. In 2016 the Trump team did not have a plan, and that is why his administration was a chaotic mess and the country was incredibly ill prepared for the pandemic. Not having a plan in 2016 was bad for America. Trump’s plan for another possible term as President, Project 2025, is catastrophic.

Project 2025 is a list of policy proposals, and the plan to implement them, that came out of the right-wing think tank The Heritage Foundation. Project 2025 is part of the Heritage Foundation’s “Mandate for Leadership” series that started in 1981. Project 2025 is their most aggressive plan ever and it will remake every corner of American society. Project 2025 is the New Deal of the far-right republican party.

Outside of the regular proposals Heritage always has in their “Mandates for Leadership”, policies like lower taxes on the rich, less government regulations, and stronger police, Project 2025 is adding new proposals to create an authoritarian, anti-woman, and anti-immigrant America. The 900+ page document, which I have read, is very specific in how the think tank will implement these policies. In the case of access to abortion and women’s’ health, Project 2025 wants to eliminate long standing medical practices and start to prosecute women and doctors. In the case of immigration, Project 2025 wants to indiscriminately tear apart families and force deportation even if the immigrant has a legitimate claim for political asylum. Project 2025 does not want the Congress or court system to get in the way of these radical proposals. Project 2025 expands the authority of the Executive Branch that the checks and balances of the past will have no place. If the President wants to do it, it is done.

One of the proposals in Project 2025 that is not getting as much attention is the plan to ban and criminalize all pornography. The proposal would punish anyone who has pornography, close or levy heavy fines on anyone who distributes it, such as internet providers, and lay down heavy jail sentences for anyone who creates pornography. What is hidden in this proposal is what is defined as pornography. Along with the traditional ideas of what pornography is, Project 2025 is expanding this definition to anything that incudes sexuality and gender identity. Under Project 2025, if someone was to publicly say they are gay or trans, the US Government could punish and jail that person. If a teacher is trying to help a transgender child who is in an unsafe home, that teacher would be severely punished. If a doctor gives medical care to a transgender person, that doctor will be jailed. Project 2025 does not want to ban pornography; Project 2025 wants to ban other sexual and gender identities.

Recently the public has been hearing more about Project 2025, and the proposal is not popular. Trump himself has been claiming that he knows nothing about it, yet it is written by many of his advisors who worked in the Whitehouse when Trump was President. Also, the Republican VP candidate JD Vance has publicly praised the ideas in Project 2025. Also, also the Trump team has put together their own plan for a second term called Agenda 47 which reads like a far-right wing third grader wrote Project 2025. Agenda 47 is almost the same, it just has more words like “deep state” and “fake news” littered throughout. Project 2025 and Agenda 47 identical policy twins.

The 2024 election is fast approaching, and voters are starting to do their research. The Democratic Party has rallied around Vice President Kamala Harris and the agenda of the party is starting to take shape. On the republican side we know their agenda, it is Project 2025. Trump may lie and say he does not know and/or support Project 2025, but a second Trump term would bring on the policies and plans mapped out in the 900+ page Heritage Foundation dream. The US does not need to move backward, we are better than hate and ugliness of Project 2025. It must be rejected. Trump and Project 2025 are bad for America.


RD is the creator and Head Editor of SeedSing and the host of The X Millennial Man Podcast

Support SeedSing and The X Millennial Man on patreon.

Politics Week: The Republican Party is Not Conservative

Ty is on a court ordered vacation this week, so RD is taking over the writing duties. Due to the incredible time, we live in, RD is going to cover politics every day. The views expressed in these articles are the same as the website owners since it is RD that owns the website.

All compliments and complaints can be sent to rkulik@publicforumproductions.com

Politics is a game of lies. Promises are made and not kept, deals are made and then broken, truths are revealed and then found to be false. That is politics. In this game of lies there is one so big in today’s political arena that we all see yet no one cares to discuss. What is the grand lie in plain sight? The great political falsehood of 2024 is that the current Republican Party is conservative.

One could argue, successfully, that the GOP used to be conservative. I would say that the party has a few conservative philosophical pillars, but it is not 100% pure. Lower taxes, austerity measures, less business regulation, resistance to letting government initiate social changes, these are all principals the Republican Party can claim in its past. This is not the Republican Party of Donald Trump and the ghouls who wrote Project 2025.

This new Republican Party wants an absolute authoritarian ruler at the top. Whatever the President says is the law. They want a leader like the Pope of the Catholic Church. They want the entire government to center on this leader. The modern GOP doesn’t want less government interference, they want unlimited government interference from one office. This ultimate leader can, and will, set the social, economic, and foreign policy agenda as they see fit. This idea of an all-powerful executive branch is nowhere near what the true conservative philosophers believe. As a matter of fact, true conservatism would reject this idea.

Project 2025 wants the government to have total control over everything. They want the press to be only loyal to their ideas. They want businesses to do as they are told. They want the people to live as vassals to the lords and ladies of the Whitehouse. Project 2025 rejects conservatism more than the Democratic Socialists in the Democratic Party. Project 2025 is the New Deal of the anti-conservative Republican Party.

Trump and his Project 2025 gang will still claim to be conservative. They will tout the rolling back of government regulations and tax cuts as proof of their conservative bona fides. These are lies. Once implemented, Project 2025 would allow the executive branch to set new regulations on businesses. These regulations would have to do with access to abortion, hiring of protected classes, and the duty to pollute. The tax cuts will continue to only benefit the corporations and richest Americans. The rest of us will pay for any economic calamity. Trump and his lackeys at Project 2025 will say they are the conservative choice. That is a lie.

As we get ready for the 2024 election season, think about what you hear. No one trusts politics because we knowing lying is like breathing air. While you continue to dismiss the everyday talk, do not get fooled by the things that we are told is certain. Donald Trump’s and Project 2025 Republican Party is not conservative. Do not be fooled again.


RD is the creator and Head Editor of SeedSing and the host of The X Millennial Man Podcast

Support SeedSing and The X Millennial Man on patreon.

Politics Week: Kamala Harris is The Democrats Best Chance

Ty is on a court ordered vacation this week, so RD is taking over the writing duties. Due to the incredible time, we live in, RD is going to cover politics every day. The views expressed in these articles are the same as the website owners since it is RD that owns the website.

All compliments and complaints can be sent to rkulik@publicforumproductions.com

As I write these words Vice President Kamala Harris has unofficially secured enough Democratic Party delegates to be the official nominee for President in 2024. The so-called mini primary was a little noise and no real chaos. It took the Vice President just over 48 hours to rally and unite the Democrats.

 Thank goodness.

I know that the GOP and legacy media wanted uncertainty when President Joe Biden announced he would not run for reelection. Politico and others kept floating the Joe Manchin phantom candidacy. RFK jr decided to weigh in. None of the dissention came to the surface. The President endorsed Harris immediately and then most of the party fell in line. Kamala Harris will be the Democratic Party nominee for President and will take on Trump and his Project 2025 social club this fall.

 Thank goodness.

At this time in the election calendar, and at this point in history, Kamala Harris is the best candidate to take down Trump and his Project 2025 goons this November. Harris herself said it on Monday when she highlighted her career as a prosecutor and dealing with sexual predators, con men, and frauds, men like Trump. The team that Biden gives Harris, on the campaign and in the Whitehouse, is tested and they have already beaten Trump before. Also, Kamala Harris is not 81 and does not flub words or sentences very often. The Harris for President campaign is only a few days old, and it is already using its momentum to disrupt the shaky Republican effort.

We are still a few weeks away from the Democratic Party’s National Convention in Chicago, and things may change. Much to the chagrin of The New York Times, I do not think we will see any party disarray. Vice President Harris is not only united the party, but she has also energized it. A record-breaking day in fundraising and strong public appearances, coupled with Trump’s online temper tantrums, has changed the narrative of the 2024 Presidential election. Kamala Harris has been the spark the Democratic Party has needed since the halcyon days of Barrack Obama. Hope lives again.

I understand that we are still in the “honeymoon” period of the Kamala Harris Presidential campaign, but I feel like the moment has gotten better. It is not just President Biden’s act of patriotism that has brought on a brighter day, it is an excited and vibrant Harris for President campaign. Everything we have seen the last few days should leave no doubt in anyone’s mind. Kamala Harris is the Democrats best chance to win in November.

Thank goodness.


RD is the creator and Head Editor of SeedSing and the host of The X Millennial Man Podcast

Support SeedSing and The X Millennial Man on patreon.

Politics Week: President Biden Did The Right Thing

Ty is on a court ordered vacation this week, so RD is taking over the writing duties. Due to the incredible time, we live in, RD is going to cover politics every day. The views expressed in these articles are the same as the website owners since it is RD that owns the website.

All compliments and complaints can be sent to rkulik@publicforumproductions.com

In case you have not heard, President Joe Biden has said he will not continue his campaign to be reelected President of the United States. He intends to finish his term, but he is moving aside so a new Democrat can take on Donald Trump and his Project 2025 acolytes. I have some thoughts.

Joe Biden has been a good President in my opinion. I am not pleased with a lot of what his administration has done, and not done, but I do think in the last few years and the political climate we live in, Biden has done a better-than-expected job. If policy was the determining factor in voting for a candidate, Joe Biden would clearly be the front runner. Yet being a good President is not the main factor in the 2024 election. Age is, and President Biden really shows his age. That has been a problem since day one and it was put on full display the last few weeks. Biden showing his age gave Trump and his Project 2025 minions the opening they needed. When Biden stepped aside from the race, the Republicans lost their only advantage.

Should age have been the reason President Biden stepped aside. Yes, it should be. At the age of 81, Joe Biden was going to be the oldest person to ever run for President. In my state of Ohio, you cannot be a judge past the age of 70. I do not think anyone past seventy should be in the most stressful job in the world. Now that Biden took the age issue away, the Republicans are left with a 78-year-old Trump as their nominee. Again, way too old. I also know many may not know this, but Biden would mix up names and words a lot. Trump rambles like a conspiracy crazed lunatic. The man has observable cognitive decline. Now the age question surrounds the GOP nominee, and the country can decide if they want an old, crazed lunatic to be back in the Whitehouse, or do we want a capable non brain rotted person. I think the answer is obvious. The republicans have an age problem on their ticket. Everyone should know that.

I personally believe that Biden would have beaten Trump, and his Project 2025 supporters, in November. I think most of the United States do not want a competent Trump administration that would become more authoritarian and anti-immigrant and woman. Even though I still think Biden would have won, I still thinking stepping aside was the right move. The question is not who can win in November, the question is who can lead the next four years. It is obvious that if Trump wins the Whitehouse he will go back to golfing and grifting while autocrats like JD Vance and Project 2025 will start to strip people’s rights away. The Democratic Party can now tell the people that their nominee will be set for the next four years, and our democracy will be in good hands. Biden did the right thing by allowing the Democrats to chart a path for four years and beyond.

I admire President Biden for doing the right thing for his country. Whatever people may think of Joe Biden and his political career, history will look at this moment and reward him in its writing. I gave just a few reasons I think the President did the right thing, there are many more, and I wish him well the rest of his term. It is a new beginning thanks to President Joe Biden. It is now our turn to take advantage of this gift and to put Trump and Project 2025 on top of the dustheap of history.


RD is the creator and Head Editor of SeedSing and the host of The X Millennial Man Podcast

Support SeedSing and The X Millennial Man on patreon.