Ty Watches 'House of the Dragon" Season 2 Finale

"House of the Dragon" closed out the second season last night. Let’s discuss.

I have been on board all season with this show. If you go back and read a past blog of mine, I wrote how I was waiting with such anticipation for the big battle they've been building towards all season long. I hoped it was coming. It felt like it was coming. They had a scene in an earlier episode that was akin to foreplay, in which we saw the bad side of battle and saw what the dragons are capable of doing. All of this had me so pumped to what I assumed was going to be one of the most epic battle scenes in television history. As my wife and I sat down to watch, we were both on the edge of our seats. With each passing minute we both felt that we were getting closer and closer to this tremendous battle. The armies were finished forming. People on both sides pledged their allegiance. We had big dinners the night before. We saw some dragons flying. We even got a glimpse into the future, with White Walkers and Danerys mind you, and it felt like it was time.

Sorry for the spoilers by the way.

After the meetup between Rhaeynera and Allicient, I figured it was going to be just a matter of time. I looked down at my watch and realized that we had less than ten minutes left in the finale. I figured, well, this is going to be a quick war scene. Maybe they would come in with a bang, have some epic stuff happen, close with a big kill, and then it would be on to the next two years before season 3.

That, unfortunately, didn't happen. After the meeting between the two queens, we see all the people that have some kind of importance traveling. The armies are on the move with their flags. The dragons are circling around waiting to get shit done. The king is being quietly moved to his new home. Some people are showing the prince regent that they don't trust his move. Allicient's dad is still in jail. One of Rhaeynera's step kids has found her dragon. The new riders are being fit with armor. It is a bunch of slow shots of people traveling to fight a war. And it went black while watching all of this.

I sat there confused. I, along with almost every other viewer, had been waiting for a war. This is what the whole season has been building to. This is what it is supposed to all come down to to close out the second season. We were supposed to see war. But we saw, as we have all season, people prepping for battle, people getting themselves lathered up for a fight. I am of the belief that tv shows owe us nothing, and I'm still at the point today. But come on dude. The fans have waited all season long for a war. At least on "Game of Thrones" we would get a bunch of battles during the season. That show was always building towards the biggest battle, but we got something like an appetizer from time to time. We saw fights, we saw bloodshed, we saw people dealing with their own reckoning. "House of the Dragon" season 2 was a tease. We got none of that. We saw people prepping for eight straight episodes. I still think this show is amazing, and it kept my attention. But, throw us a bone. Give us a taste. Let us see one of the main things we come to see when we watch this show.

I'll still definitely watch season 3, but this finale left an unappetizing taste in my mouth. There was a ton of pomp, but no circumstance. I was bummed, and now we have to wait for 2 more years to hopefully see this battle. That is a drag. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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