Ty Watches "The Boys" Season 4

The other night my wife and I finished season 4 of "The Boys". This is a show my wife and I started during the pandemic. RD suggested it to us in fact. We loved it from the start. This show is violent and fast and intriguing and funny and fascinating to watch. To take on superheroes in this fashion, making some of them very, very bad people, is a great hook. It does things other shows don't even think about doing. Some of the stuff they have gotten away with, it is amazing that they are even able to show it to the public.

I was stoked for season 4 after season 3 ended so upsetting. We start off pretty much where we left off, but this season proceeded to be one of the most depressing seasons of television I've ever watched. I had to remind myself multiple times that this show is not real. None of this is based on a true story. Some of the things that are being done on the show cannot possibly happen in real life. That is how damn sad this fourth season of the show is.

"The Boys" takes on what is happening in the real world right now. You have the alt right versus the progressive left. We see the rich superheroes, and their friends and supporters, as the alt right. They say things this season that have been said to me about being a liberal. I squirmed at times hearing Homelander or Firecracker talk to people who don't side with them. I would have to take a good long break after some episodes because they perfectly portrayed the alt right as I see them. The progressive left is highlighted by the titular Boys. They are all back and they are fighting the alt right. They have also added Starlight. She and Hughie are a couple and they are fighting together. Starlight is the face because she is a superhero. She is the leader of the left. She gets scoured by the alt right. It was all too real to watch. Again, seeing the way she was treated all season made me sick because it felt so real. The way the right in this show does their news, leaks their news, has their rallies, it all looks like Fox News and what the alt right follows and listens to nowadays. The progressives are left to hide and fight with whatever little means they can find. Some want to run, others are willing to die for what they believe in. All of this is way, way too real. It is a nearly perfect parallel to what is happening right now. And not one side can change the other side's mind.

It is shocking how realistic this show about lab created superheroes was this entire season. I would sigh and think how poignant it is in today's political climate. I love this show, but this season was such a downer. I was depressed after every single episode. It made me sad. Seeing how these characters have grown or changed this season was shockingly upsetting. I would find myself ruminating on episodes days after watching them. After watching the finale I sat in my bed and was terrified at the outcome, because something similar could really, truly happen in America.

I will always and forever recommend "The Boys", but this season is a tough watch. This season will make you feel all sorts of ways. I'm curious to see how they close it all out in their fifth and final season, coming sometime soon I believe. I'll watch for sure. But season 4 is a season I will most likely never watch again. It really bummed me out. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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