Ty Watches "Severance"

I fully understand that I'm late to all of this, but "Severance" is one hell of a tv show. I just started to watch the first season this week, and I have already seen all of season 1. I have watched half of the first episode of season 2, and I'm all in.

"Severance" isn't the freshest idea in the sci-fi world, but damned if it isn't one of the best written and acted shows. I find myself endlessly floored at the performances that the actors give. This is a whole new world for Adam Scott and he is absolutely nailing it. I always find it fascinating when an actor who is so entrenched in one genre, I'd say comedy for Scott, does something totally different. It shouldn't be a surprise, Adam Scott is a professional actor. But, going from a very joke heavy show like "Parks and Rec", to doing hard sci-fi like "Severance", this is an accomplishment from him. He does such a wonderful job. Britt Lower matches him punch for punch. She is rebellious and knows this whole world that this show has created is not good. She does a fantastic job, and the big twist with her at the end of season 1 makes her role that much more impressive. John Tutturo is in this show and he shows us all why he is one of the better actors working right now. The two versions of himself in the show couldn't be more different, but I find myself rooting for each one. There are scenes with him and Christopher Walken, another powerhouse performance, that are sweet and heartbreaking in one shot. The work the two of them do together is beautifully done, and Tutturo steals the show for me. Zach Cherry is the "comic relief", but he also does some heavy stuff here. I have always liked Cherry's work, but he is on another level in "Severance". I cannot wait to see what his character does in season 2. Outside the four main actors, Trammel Tillman is so menacing and nice and singularly focused on the task at hand. He has quickly become my favorite character in the show. Jen Tullock, as Scott's sister, and Michael Chernus, as Scott's brother in law, bring a realness and a grounding to this show that is a nice break. And Patricia Arquette is on a whole other level here. I realized watching this show that I had not seen much of her work. She is magnetic and outstanding in this show.

The writing takes this show to a different level as well. For a sci-fi series, the things that happen are easy enough to follow. The show isn't weird just for the sake of being weird. From what I've seen to this point, whenever something odd happens, it has a nice payoff. I like that questions get answered. When the actors deliver the written lines, I believe what they're saying is coming from their character's perspective. This show is so good on every single level. Even the way it is shot, it is cool to look at on my screen. Oh, and the opening credits sequence to season 1 is one of the coolest openings in tv history. I usually skip through the intro of a show, but not here. The music and the animation is so rad.

Look, "Severance" is a critically acclaimed show. It has been nominated I assume. I'm not telling you all anything new if you already watch the show. But if you don't, and you may be on the fence, watch it. It is so well done and so interesting and cool. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

Come and support Ty and the podcast on Patreon.

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Ty Watches "Dune: Part 2"

I have just returned home from seeing "Dune : Part 2".

I have been really anticipating the release of this movie. I watched the first, new "Dune" during the pandemic. It was released to streaming, and I took advantage and watched that movie in my home. I loved it. I was glued to my screen. I did not look at my phone once. My wife would come in and out of the room and ask questions and I would answer, and then rewind and rewatch what we may have missed. The first new "Dune" was also my first time I found myself cheering for Timothee Chalamet. That movie made me a fan, and I have not looked back. I also watched David Lynch's "Dune" during the pandemic. I did not like that version at all. It was a slog. It was boring. And it was nonsensical. So I've done the necessary homework. My dad joined me this morning, he watched the first new "Dune" on Wednesday, and we set off for a 10am screening.

I want to say, the theater was as clean as I've ever seen a theater before. The crowd was delightful and pleasant. The staff was dynamite and helpful. The Galleria 6 Cinema here in Saint Louis did their job perfectly. There were only two previews, only one commercial, and by about 10 after, we were in the world of "Dune". And from there on out I was in awe of what I was watching.

First off, this cast is incredible. Chamalet is back and does an even better job in this movie. Zendaya is given much more to work with in this sequel and she does amazing things. I was rooting for her character the entire movie. Javier Bardem was more involved, did a great job and even provided some laughs. Rebecca Ferguson did a phenomenal job with her arc in this movie. The whole Harkonnen family was terrifying in all the right ways. Stellan Skaarsgard is back and he is even more scary as the head of the family. David Bautista is back and he is cowardly and in over his head. And Austin Butler is the nephew who is the villainous of all the villains in this movie. He was scary as hell. Florence Pugh and Christopher Walken do some pretty good things here. Pugh figures to have a much bigger part in the third installment of this franchise. Josh Brolin returns and he is having a great back half of his career. And there's all the side characters and minor part actors who do some wonderful things in their very minimal screen time.

Then we have the direction. Denis Villenvue is the best sci fi director in the game right now. I trust him with any material he decides to work on from this moment on. And then there's the stuff on screen. This is an epic in every sense of the word. It was close to three hours but never felt long. The scenery, being pretty much nothing but sand, was mesmerizing to look at on a big screen. The sandworms were the coolest thing I have seen in a movie in a long, long time. I was enamored with those things. The CGI and the massive amount of people in the movie was a triumph all its own.

The story was pretty great too. The majority of the movie is a war movie. There are a bunch of battles. There are moments of strategy. There are training moments. There is hand to hand combat. There are soldiers hiding and attacking from everywhere. It was awesome. And, near the end, although it is what I consider to be the main story, it becomes a religious story, and the problems that lie within following one person. It was interesting to see the movie take this turn and everyone involved pulled it off with grace and professionalism.

I loved this movie. My dad did too. I couldn't believe that they exceeded my high, high expectations. I cannot recommend this movie enough. That is why I left my review so vague. I think you should try and see it in a theater too. I'm not a big theater goer, but this movie needs to be seen on a big screen to get the full effect. "Dune: Part 2" is amazing. Go see it. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

Come and support Ty and the podcast on Patreon.

Follow Ty on instagram.

SeedSing is funded by a group of awesome people. Join them by donating to SeedSing.

SeedSing Classic: The Advent Calendar of Great Holiday Movies: Day 4 "Batman Returns"

ed note: This article originally premiered on December 4th, 2018

The pre-Christmas Day season of Advent is upon us. Here at SeedSing we love the chocolaty goodness of getting a piece of candy once a day until we get to open our presents. As our gift to you we will present a great movie associated with the holiday season. Many will be awesome, some will be extra awesome. Enjoy.

Day 4: “Batman Returns”

Opened Doors: Day 1, Day 2, Day 3

The holiday season is filled with beautiful scenery and insane people. There is something magical about the look of fresh snow on late December night, but our boss at work may just kill us. The twinkle of the lights bring a feeling of festive joy, but we also know that some hideous looking forgotten son may arise from the sewer and try to take over the city. The sounds of children singing Christmas carols warms our heart, but a batman is out there having a sensual fight with a catwoman trying to keep the streets a bit more safe for the Christmas season. It is a weird time of the year.

In the summer of 1992 director Tim Burton and actor Michael Keaton delivered the promised sequel to their smash hit movie “Batman”. This time around Michelle Pfieffer and Danny DeVito joined Keaton’s Batman as Selina Kyle/ Catwoman and Oswald Cobblepot / The Penguin respectively. Christopher Walken even joined the action as the villainous Max Schreck, a wild haired character created just for this film. The movie split some critics with many for and against the movie pointing to the surreal atmosphere Tim Burton brought to his vision of Gotham City. The snow was a blueish gray, the lights twinkled against the large impressive Gothic buildings, and the film takes place during the holiday season. ‘Batman Returns” would be the last Burton/Keaton outing for the Dark Knight. The weirdness of the this particular summer blockbuster was not acceptable by the major Hollywood studios of the early 1990’s.

What “Batman Returns” has in strangeness, it pays the audience back with a great story for the holidays. Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle are insane, lonely, people. They find each other under a mistletoe in the midst of a struggle. The magic of the holidays takes over. Grotesque, and abandoned, Oswald Cobblepot comes back to a city who is willing to embrace the monster. The holiday spirit asks us to see the good in people. An army of penguins equipped with rocket launchers almost destroys a city, the first born son of every household is nearly kidnapped, but through the chaos and destruction Bruce Wayne and Alfred the Butler know to wish each other a Merry Christmas in the end. The holidays are too strong to let super villains, industrialists, and Catwomen bring it all crashing down. Batman knows this.

Every great holiday movie does not need to be steeped in the mythical figures of the North Pole, we can have a holiday lesson with the mythical figures of our comic books. Tim Burton saw the serene strangeness of the holidays, and he used it to tell a Christmas tale using the Batman. Chaos, quietness, destruction, and togetherness all have a place in every person’s holiday season. Embrace the gifts, and discard the negative. Batman and Catwoman learned this lesson in “Batman Returns”. Let us all bask in their victory.


RD is the Head Editor for SeedSing. Hanukkah is different year to year. Tragedy does not care for respecting the holidays, but people do. See one of the best Christmas stories ever told by one of the best television shows ever. Check out “Death Takes a Holiday from “M*A*S*H”.

SeedSing is funded by a group of awesome people. Join them by donating to SeedSing.

The Advent Calendar of Great Holiday Movies: Day 4 "Batman Returns"

The pre-Christmas Day season of Advent is upon us. Here at SeedSing we love the chocolaty goodness of getting a piece of candy once a day until we get to open our presents. As our gift to you we will present a great movie associated with the holiday season. Many will be awesome, some will be extra awesome. Enjoy.

Day 4: “Batman Returns”

Opened Doors: Day 1, Day 2, Day 3

The holiday season is filled with beautiful scenery and insane people. There is something magical about the look of fresh snow on late December night, but our boss at work may just kill us. The twinkle of the lights bring a feeling of festive joy, but we also know that some hideous looking forgotten son may arise from the sewer and try to take over the city. The sounds of children singing Christmas carols warms our heart, but a batman is out there having a sensual fight with a catwoman trying to keep the streets a bit more safe for the Christmas season. It is a weird time of the year.

In the summer of 1992 director Tim Burton and actor Michael Keaton delivered the promised sequel to their smash hit movie “Batman”. This time around Michelle Pfieffer and Danny DeVito joined Keaton’s Batman as Selina Kyle/ Catwoman and Oswald Cobblepot / The Penguin respectively. Christopher Walken even joined the action as the villainous Max Schreck, a wild haired character created just for this film. The movie split some critics with many for and against the movie pointing to the surreal atmosphere Tim Burton brought to his vision of Gotham City. The snow was a blueish gray, the lights twinkled against the large impressive Gothic buildings, and the film takes place during the holiday season. ‘Batman Returns” would be the last Burton/Keaton outing for the Dark Knight. The weirdness of the this particular summer blockbuster was not acceptable by the major Hollywood studios of the early 1990’s.

What “Batman Returns” has in strangeness, it pays the audience back with a great story for the holidays. Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle are insane, lonely, people. They find each other under a mistletoe in the midst of a struggle. The magic of the holidays takes over. Grotesque, and abandoned, Oswald Cobblepot comes back to a city who is willing to embrace the monster. The holiday spirit asks us to see the good in people. An army of penguins equipped with rocket launchers almost destroys a city, the first born son of every household is nearly kidnapped, but through the chaos and destruction Bruce Wayne and Alfred the Butler know to wish each other a Merry Christmas in the end. The holidays are too strong to let super villains, industrialists, and Catwomen bring it all crashing down. Batman knows this.

Every great holiday movie does not need to be steeped in the mythical figures of the North Pole, we can have a holiday lesson with the mythical figures of our comic books. Tim Burton saw the serene strangeness of the holidays, and he used it to tell a Christmas tale using the Batman. Chaos, quietness, destruction, and togetherness all have a place in every person’s holiday season. Embrace the gifts, and discard the negative. Batman and Catwoman learned this lesson in “Batman Returns”. Let us all bask in their victory.


RD is the Head Editor for SeedSing. Hanukkah is different year to year. Tragedy does not care for respecting the holidays, but people do. See one of the best Christmas stories ever told by one of the best television shows ever. Check out “Death Takes a Holiday from “M*A*S*H”.

SeedSing is funded by a group of awesome people. Join them by donating to SeedSing.

SeedSing's Advent Calendar of Awesome Holiday Music: Day 2-Baby It's Cold Outside


ed note: This article was originally published on December 2nd, 2015

The pre-Christmas Day season of Advent is upon us. Here at SeedSing we love the chocolaty goodness of getting a piece of candy once a day until we get to open our presents. As our gift to you we will present a new awesome holiday song for every day of Advent. This is the greatest music of the season. Enjoy.

Day 2: "Baby It's Cold Outside"

Opened Doors: One

Ed note: I was originally going to write about "Baby It's Cold Outside" and talk about how much I liked the song in spite of the frightening message. There are great renditions of this song always coming out, including the gender reversal version with Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Lady Gaga. Ty wanted to get into the fun so he gets the floor for today,

Continuing the new countdown of holiday music, the "Advent Calendar of Awesome Holiday Music", I'm going to write about a very famous holiday song that has an extremely horrifying scenario proposed throughout its entirety. The song I'm speaking of is "Baby It's Cold Outside".

Everyone knows this song. It was written by Frank Loesser in 1944 and it's been performed by a lot of musicians, most notably, Dean Martin and a female chorus in 1959. Some other notable performers include Sammy Davis Jr and Carmen McRae, Ray Charles and Betty Carter, Robert Palmer and Carnie Wilson and most recently Michael Buble and Idina Menzel. This is a very famous, very popular holiday song, but as I've gotten older and listened to it more and more, it portrays a possible sexual assault.

My wife loves holiday music and I've never been that much of a fan. It's too slow and makes me tired. I also dislike the new fad of playing holiday music before Thanksgiving is over. Let Thanksgiving be its own holiday. But, I'm not going to make my wife listen to only my music, I've stated before that I have very different taste in music from my wife, so it's easier to just let the holiday music play until the holiday is over. With that being said, I've heard "Baby It's Cold Outside" about ten million times in the past nine years. I've heard a lot of holiday songs, but "BICO" is the one that sticks out most to me. I originally thought it was a pretty cool tune.  I never really thought about the song, but the more I heard it, the more I listened and started to make out the lyrics to this song and they are disturbing.

The song opens with the lady saying, "I really can't stay" and the man responds, "But baby it's cold outside". The following lyrics in the first verse are as follows, with the lady singing first, then the man, "I've got to go away", "but baby it's cold outside", "the evening has been", "been hoping you'd drop in", "So very nice", " I'll hold your hand, they're just like ice". Let's break this down. Right off the bat the lady is ready to go. She's stated that she REALLY has to go. She clearly doesn't want to stay. But, the guy insists she stays by telling her it's too cold outside. The lady follows up saying she has got to go away. She is trying anything to get away from this man. The man, once again tells her it's too cold for her to leave. I imagine some creep standing in the doorway, a la Christopher Walken on the SNL skit, "The Continental". Then the lady even pays the man a compliment by saying the evening was nice, but reiterates the fact that she has to go. The man, unrelenting, tells her he will hold her hands to warm her up. In the next verse, the creepiness is ramped up. Throughout the second verse, the lady claims that her parents will worry if she's not home soon. She even claims she has to scurry. But, the man turns on the "charm" and calls her beautiful, asks her what's her hurry, proclaims he has a great fireplace, then makes her a drink. So, she starts out by telling the man that she has to leave because her folks will worry and this creep makes her a drink. This is beyond creepy now, this is sexual assault territory. In the third verse, the lady begins to worry what the neighbors will think if they see her there. The man once again hits her with the fact that it's cold and snowy outside, as if to say that the neighbors will be too preoccupied with the weather to worry about the upcoming sexual assault that most assuredly is going to occur. Then, the most messed up line of the whole song happens. The lady asks, "what's in this drink". Okay, back in the 40's that may have been cute, but in the 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's 2000's and especially now, how is that anything but a roofie in that drink. He's clearly slipped her something to make her inhibitions go away.

So creepy and just wrong.

Go and listen to the Buble and Menzel version and try not to be creeped out when you hear this line. The lady follows that up with "I wish I knew how to break this spell". The guys only response, there are no cabs, her eyes look like star lights and he takes her coat and hat, complementing her hair. What a god damn creep. The lady goes on to say she ought to say no to this man, he decides to move closer. She says that she will tell people at least she tried, almost saying, she tried to get away from him, but she was drugged. The man's response, "What's the sense of hurting my pride". What an asshole. This lady wants nothing to do with him, but he cannot take a hint. The lady then says things like "I simply must go", "the answer is no", the man's reply to this, "baby it's cold outside". So what if it's cold, she can make her way home. She's said no to you multiple times now, let it go, she doesn't want your company. Later, after talking about how her parents would worry, she starts to bring up her brother, sister, aunts and uncles. This lady is really grasping at straws trying to get out of this horrible situation. The creepy guys responds with stuff like, "never such a blizzard before", "waves upon a tropical storm" and the most creepy pick up line of all, "gosh your lips look delicious". What the hell is that! Is this some frat boy that won't take no for an answer? By this point, the lady should say no means no, blow her assault whistle and call the cops because this guy has bad intentions.

Thankfully, the lady finally gets out of the situation by grabbing her coat and saying she will see this man tomorrow. He responds with by asking how could she do this to him and think of his sorrow and even telling her she will get pneumonia and die. This guy is a straight up douchebag. He is what I envision every frat boy that's even been accused of sexual assault acts and looks like. Who gives a shit about your pride and sorrow, you slipped drugs into a lady's drink to try and get laid. You're a monster.

I CANNOT believe that this is a classic holiday song. It is the Christmas version of "Blurred Lines". Next time you hear "Baby It's Cold Outside", think about how disturbing this song truly is. I cannot hear it the same anymore. The creepiness has been burned into my brain. The fact that it's still performed and beloved is astounding, especially in the new PC culture we live in. I thought the song was ok before, but now I hate it since I understand how disturbing it is.

It's frightening.


Ty is the Pop Culture Editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man podcast. He doesn't care how cold outside it is, if Michigan Football is on he is going home. Follow Ty on twitter @tykulik.

Cloves and Fedoras: Ty believes in Joe Dirt 2: Beautiful Loser

Cloves and Fedoras is SeedSing's reviews for little known pieces of pop culture (or older pieces).  Feel free to contact us with your own submissions of undiscovered gems that must be known.

I just finished watching "Joe Dirt 2:Beautiful Loser" and on the heels of my blog earlier this week I have a review.

This movie was exactly what I expected it to be. It wasn't as good as the first, but how many sequels are better than their predecessors? Maybe, only "Godfather 2" is equal, if not better than "Godfather"(ed note - The Empire Strikes Back is the greatest sequel of all time). That's about it though. "Joe Dirt 2:Beautiful Loser" was basically a goof around, everyone just have fun type movie. In a good way. There was no one saying, we have to make this one of the great comedies of the 21st century. They weren't fooling themselves. It's funny, stupid material and that's how you should watch this movie. If you're expecting some type of revelations, you're watching the wrong movie.

It may sound like I'm criticizing it, but I'm not. I genuinely enjoyed this movie. It was just under two hours and it was not a waste of my time. David Spade reprised probably his most well known, if not most famous, role and did just as good a job this time around. He was funny, witty and charming as Joe Dirt. Brandy was back and she was cute and fun this go around as well. Even showing a teeny tiny bit of range, playing a different version of herself in an alternate universe. She was a drug user, alcoholic money grubber. That's not the Brandy that I know and Brittany Daniel did a decent job playing both Brandy's. Dennis Miller was barely in this movie, basically only narrating parts that needed narration. You get one scene with Kickin Wing, who now has become a drug dealer during one of Joe Dirt's dream sequences. Christopher Walken is back, and his performance was the only one that actually underwhelmed me. He was so good in the first movie, but he's barely used in the new one. That's not his fault, that goes on the writers and director. He does get to say his famous line, "Does your mother sew? Tell her to stitch that!" twice in the movie, so at least there's that. Patrick Warburton plays a guardian angel and he just plays an angel version of Patrick Warburton.

My biggest worry was the addition of Mark McGrath. He took over the Kid Rock role from the first movie. I don't care for Kid Rock as a person and I vehemently disagree with his political views, but he was really great as the bully that's in love with Brandy in the First "Joe Dirt". But, playing essentially the same role, Mark McGrath does a pretty decent job. He's rude and crass and mean to Joe and I hated his character by the end of the movie. The fact that he got me emotionally invested, means he must have done something right.

The plot of this movie is basic. Joe is sitting at a bench, a la "Forrest Gump", and he starts to tell a lady his story. This movie involves Joe going back in time after being trapped in a tornado. He gets trapped because he's trying to save a toy for one of his three daughters that she left in a trailer. That's right, Joe and Brandy end up having triplets in this one. He wants to prove he's brave, hence him risking his life in a tornado to save a toy, because people still pick on him and Brandy has to fight his fights. So, he gets trapped in the trailer and the tornado takes him back in time. This, it turns out, is all a dream to show Joe that Brandy and their daughters love him for who he is. He doesn't have to be some tough guy or some rich guy or a jerk. They love him because he's a genuinely good person. A lot of crazy stuff happens while traveling through time. I suggest you watch it to see all the craziness. Some of it is very, very funny.

If you're reading this review and thinking, it's not in the theaters, how do I watch it? I found it, for free with limited commercials, on a website called Crackle (check it out here). If you're a fan of the first, you'll definitely like the second. Turn the movie on and turn your mind off and just laugh at the silliness that is "Joe Dirt 2:Beautiful Loser".

It's a great way to kill two hours on a rainy day.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for Seed Sing. He will always be up to listen to some Van Halen, not Van Hagar. Follow him on twitter @tykulik.

When bad movies are really good.

With the release of "Joe Dirt 2: Beautiful Loser" coming tomorrow, I'd like to take time today to talk about movies like these. 

By this I mean, movies that critics don't like all that much, but a lot of people really like. They may not be good, but these movies have a ton of fans and are a lot of fun. Let's call them "beautiful disasters". These are the movies I will be speaking of today.

Back to "Joe Dirt 2:Beautiful Loser", I'm sure that critics will pan this movie and it will rate very low on the rotten tomato meter. That doesn't matter to me, I will see this movie because I LOVED "Joe Dirt". I was hesitant to see the first "Joe Dirt" because of what the critics were saying, but a friend of mine convinced me to watch it and boy am I glad that he did. "Joe Dirt" is hilarious. David Spade is at his best in this role. I'd say it's his best role since any movie he did with Chris Farley. With the mullet wig and his never die spirit, he's funny throughout the entire movie. The movie is a simple story, kid becomes orphaned, looks for his family, finds them and they're terrible. He meets some friends and his eventual wife on the way. Very simple story, but the actors are so good and funny, I don't care what the critics had to say. This movie is great. This is my favorite Christopher Walken role by far.

  I want to single out three more movies that may be deemed "beautiful disasters".

 First, we have "Southland Tales". This epic disaster of a movie is so insane. I don't really know what it's about, even though I've seen it at least a half a dozen times, but the fact that I watched it that many times proves that I enjoy it on some level. It's a totally incoherent plot, I don't even think director Richard Kelly knows what it's about, but it's a beautiful movie. There are some exceptional shots with beautiful colors and images. The acting in this movie is pretty good too. Dwayne Johnson is the lead actor and, as always, he oozes charisma and you can't take your eyes off him on screen. Justin Timberlake plays a crazed ex soldier. He's not a typical pretty boy in this movie, he is messed up. Great acting is done by Timberlake in this movie. Seann William Scott is no Stifler in this movie. He's a cop that finds himself in a lot of jacked up situations. This is easily one of his best acting performances. Comic actors like Jon Lovitz and Amy Poehler are unrecognizable in their roles. Lovitz is a crooked cop and Poehler is a crazy political activist. There is so much going on in this movie, almost too much, but you have to see this movie for it's sheer craziness.

 Next, we have "Hot Rod". This is one of favorite comedies of all time. Andy Samberg plays the lead character Rod, who thinks he's a stunt man, but he can't even do simple stuff like, a wheelie on his scooter. He finds out his step dad is dying, so he and his "crew" go out to make money for the surgery so Rod can kick his step dad's ass, so he will finally respect him. Another simple plot. This movie was canned by critics again, saying it was unfunny and seemed like an SNL sketch stretched out too long. I couldn't disagree more. The supporting actors in this movie are excellent. Rod's "crew" is made up of his step brother(Jorma Taccone), and two friends of his friends(Bill Hader and the always funny Danny McBride). There are many shenanigans along the way and it's all very funny. Hilarious lines are written for this movie too. One that always sticks out to me, Rod is watching the news and you can hear the broadcaster in the background saying, "the dog walked itself home, ate a pizza and took a nap". I crack up every time I hear it. I love this movie and will defend it to my grave. It's a comedy classic in my eyes. 

 The last "beautiful disaster" I will mention is, "Pootie Tang". I adore this movie. It's about, for all intents and purposes, a super hero that speaks his own language and can beat people up by simply using his belt. The movie is just a hair over an hour long. After the end credits, Bob Costas shows up and says to Pootie Tang, "that was the longest trailer" I've ever seen. You have people like Chris Rock, playing multiple roles in this movie, Wanda Sykes as a hooker with a heart of gold, JB Smoove as Pootie Tang's right hand man and Dave Attell as the bad guy. This movie is bizarre on so many levels, but in a very good way. You get scenes of Pootie Tang as a child having a grown women crying hysterically as he leaves her home, Pootie's dad being mauled by a bear, but it's literally just a guy in a bear costume, Pootie rubbing hot cherry pie on his body to seduce a farmer's daughter and many, many more. It's so ridiculous, but so awesome. Critics once again destroyed this movie, calling it dumb and saying it was impossible to understand. I wonder how they would feel about it now if they went back and watched it knowing that Louis CK wrote and directed it. Everyone loves "Louie"(you can count me as one of these people, it's the best show on TV) and lauds how Louis CK has such a fresh, yet bizarre take on the world. Much like the movie "Pootie Tang". Watch it again, with the knowledge of who Louis CK is now, and I bet you that you'll love it. "Pootie Tang" is great.

 There are many more movies I've left off my list, but I know that everyone has a "beautiful disaster" movie that they watch and love. Let me know in the comment section what some of these movies are, so I can watch and find some new movies that I haven't heard of, or never gave a chance. I'd greatly appreciate it.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for Seed Sing. It took him longer to write this article than it took to watch Pootie Tang. Sa da tay. Follow him on twitter @tykulik.