Ty Watches "The Righteous Gemstones" Final Season Premiere

The fourth, and final season premiere of "The Righteous Gemstones" was this past Sunday. My wife and I got caught up on it this past Wednesday. Let’s discuss.

I love this show. I have been a fan since day one. In fact, I'm a big fan of Danny McBride. And when he and David Gordon Green work together on a tv show, that is a sweet spot for me as a viewer. With this final season of "Gemstones", I'm curious to see how they wrap it all up. The last season finale felt like a series finale, but I guess HBO wanted more and McBride and co decided they could do one final season.

I figured we would get put right back into where we left off for this final season, but the creators and writers had other ideas. The fourth season premiere took us all the way back to the 1800's. We opened on a church service in Virginia. I figured the preacher giving the sermon was going to be a Gemstone and this would show us the beginning of the family cheating people out of money. While that was the case, the preacher was not a Gemstone. In fact, after the congregation was let out there was one person left in the church hiding out in a pue. That person happened to be Eli Gemstone, and this character was portrayed by Bradley Cooper. We are then taken through Cooper's path from thief to killer to chaplin during the Civil War to huckster to, finally, his coming to believing in a higher power.

Cooper was absolutely fantastic. He was funny. He was rude. He was ruthless. He was brutal. And I couldn't take my eyes off him when he was on screen. He really embodied everything the Gemstones would eventually become. He stayed around in the church to rob the priest. When the priest fought back, he shot him. Then some soldiers showed up to let him know that the preacher was going to be their chaplain moving forward. Cooper then proceeded to steal the preacher's identity and make him look even worse than he did before leaving the church. As chaplain, Cooper was aloof and skating by. He didn't care about these people who were on their deathbed. He wanted to get drunk and play cards. Even when one soldier figures him out, he goes in on a deal with that guy to steal from a higher up in the war, and then he killed him. When he was actually pressed into battle, the cowardice showed. While people were shooting and being shot around him, he ran and eventually hid. When he was about to be executed with the other soldiers, he got a pass because he was a "man of God". Even still, realizing his life would be spared, he was reluctant to give the soon to be dead a sendoff. He finally did, he gave a great speech and then you could see the shift in his attitude. He looked like he cared. His words carried and he finally realized what a bad person he was and it was time to change. Cooper did all of this, did it well, in forty minutes. That's a powerhouse performance. It also got me very hyped for the final season. I love that we got a backstory that showed how scummy the Gemstones have been their entire existence. And I assume it will only grow from here.

Bradley Cooper should get awards consideration for this episode because he was so dynamic. It was wonderful. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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Thoughts on One More Season of "The Righteous Gemstones"

It was just announced that the fourth season of "The Righteous Gemstones" would be its last. This makes me happy and sad. Let’s discuss.

I'm happy because we get another season of this great show. "The Righteous Gemstones" is one of the funniest shows currently on tv. It always amazes me how funny and excellent the show can be with each new episode and each new season. I don't know why I would ever doubt it either. When David Gordon and Danny McBride work together, especially on an HBO show, they seem to hit every single time. "Eastbound and Down" is a true classic. That show will stand the test of time. I would not doubt my son watching it when he's older. "Vice Principals" is criminally underrated. This is a dark comedy that succeeds at every level. I wish more people knew of this show. It is amazing. And now, with "The Righteous Gemstones" they've found the perfect vehicle to skewer these mega churches and their tv shows and obnoxiously big churches. McBride is allowed to be his true self in these shows and he goes for it. It is a thing of beauty to watch. McBride is a gifted comedic actor, and when he can go a bit dark, man is it fun.

These two have also created some excellent side characters. Stevie is a gem. I mean, that actor shined in this role and I loved watching him get weirder and weirder. Walton Goggins as McBride's foil in "Vice Principals" is a work of art. He is so foul and mean and hilarious. This was my first experience seeing Goggins act and I became an instant fan. And now we have the Gemstone family and Keif. These guys know how to write these characters and how to make them shine. Judy Gemstone is one of my all time favorite tv characters. I adore BJ in this show. John Goodman truly shines as the father of the family. I mean, it is damn near perfect. Seeing these two do their thing is such a fun time for me. I have also thoroughly enjoyed every season of the three shows they've created for HBO. They are shows I go back to quite frequently, and I'm sure that will continue to be the case for years to come.

The news that they've decided to stop making more after this season, that bums me out. This is my only quibble with Green and McBride creations. They end shows after four or five seasons. They get in and get out. I get it, they don't want to wear out their welcome. But, even a show like the American version of "The Office" gave us nine seasons. "Brooklyn 99" gave us seven. "30 Rock" was also seven, I believe. These Green and McBride shows seem to never go any further than four seasons. I want to see more and more of the Gemstone family and all their issues. I'd love to have seen what Goggins and McBride did once they got the principal job. I thought the idea of Kenny Powers being on a tv sports talk show was perfect. They can do more and more with these characters, but maybe they get sick and tired after four full seasons of writing. I'm sure it can be frustrating for them because I assume they're perfectionists. And I just want to watch more and more because I tend to allow myself to get attached to these fictional people. I understand that this is the way of tv in this era. I'm sure creators want to get in and out and go to the next project. But, I'd like to get to know everyone a little better. I miss when shows would go eight or nine seasons. I know it can get stale, but sometimes shows can really crush it in the later years.

With all this being said, at least we get one more season of "The Righteous Gemstones", and I'm happy as can be for that. That show is great and I'm interested to see how it all ends up. 

Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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Ty Watches "The Righteous Gemstones" Series Premier

Last night my wife and I watched the new Danny McBride show "The Righteous Gemstones" on HBO. I have been anticipating this show, as I stated on a previous podcast, and boy did the pilot, for me, live up to the hype.

This show has all the elements that I have come to expect from McBride, Jody Hill and David Gordon Green, but amped up by ten. No show of theirs will live up to "Eastbound and Down", that was lightening in a bottle, but "Vice Principals", and now "The Righteous Gemstones" are excellent. What i really enjoyed about "Vice Principals", and I have written about this before, was how comedic, yet dark, it was. That show was excellent, and it had a great run. What I found in the pilot of "TRG" was that, while still funny, this show may be their darkest yet. There was some wild stuff that went on in the pilot episode. I am not going to spoil anything, but man did stuff gets nuts at the end.

What I want to focus on more today is the plot and the actors. I love the plot of this show. I am a non religious person, not at all, so to see a show that sends up the whole Evangelical TV minister, and makes them sinister and evil and only interested in making more money than any person could ever need. We have all seen how awful some of these TV ministers, Joel Osteen comes to mind first, are really are behind the scenes. That is what this show shows us. The three main characters, John Goodman as the patriarch and main minister Eli, Danny McBride as the screw up, yet thinks he is more important than he really is Jesse Gemstone and the gullible and wet behind the ears youngest son, Adam Devine as Kelvin Gemstone, are all great in their own ways. Goodman is menacing and in a deep state of depression. His wife has died and his family is constantly fighting each other. Add on the fact that he is trying to be the only game in town, he is a bad dude. Goodman is perfect for this role. McBride is perfect in the role of an asshole who is way in over his head. He seems good on the surface, but he has some demons that he is fighting, and he refuses to go it alone. He wants to drag all kinds of people into his own mess. And Devine, in a very different role for him, is so innocent and maybe has some kind of soul and just wants to help people. They are all great. The third child of the family, Edi Patterson as Judy Gemstone, is definitely the smartest one of the family, but she doesn't get her due because she is a female. Patterson was a revelation on "Vice Principals", and now, in a much bigger role, I feel like she is going to shine.

Outside of the Gemstone family, the supporting actors so far are really good. Tim Baltz is Patterson's soon to be husband, and he is a pushover and hilarious. Dermot Mulroney, as a rival minister, is kind of badass, and I actually found myself rooting for him in the episode. Casidy Freeman as Amber Gemstone, McBride's wife, is so good and menacing herself. She had the line of the episode to me when Baltz's character said that the family is backwards and they never give women a chance, Freeman speaks up, but before going into her rant, she asks McBride if she can speak. Even a guy in a super small role, Tony Cavalero as Keefe, the former Satan worshiper who is now working for the church and has found God, I found him absolutely hilarious. Everyone, so far, has been wonderful, and I cannot wait to see where they take the characters from here on out. I have also seen that Walton Goggins, one of my very favorite actors, is going to show up in upcoming episodes, and I'm sure that will rule. It is not only the characters that I cannot wait to see where they go, it is the story too. Like I said, no spoilers, but the way the pilot unfolded, things are going to get wild in this first season. It should be dark and hilarious.

Look, I am a McBride fan. I am predisposed to like what he does, and a show like "The Righteous Gemstones" is perfect for his sense of humor, and what he wants to do on a show. I have a feeling this will be one of my favorites from 2019, and I cannot wait to see how the next 8 weeks pan out. I highly, highly recommend this show. It is really good.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast. Ok people, one spoiler. Never in your life will you see the efficiency of a Land Rover running over not one, but two people. It was shockingly awesome

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Ty Watches "Vice Principals" Series Finale

This past Sunday was the series finale of "Vice Principals". I've been a fan of this show from day one. I have even said, and RD disagrees with me, that I think it is a better show than "Eastbound and Down". Don't get me wrong, I adore both shows, but I like the darkness and the seediness of "Vice Principals". That is not to say that "Eastbound and Down" wasn't dark at times, but it was always filled with some comedic element. When "Vice Principals" got dark, it stayed dark.

The series finale was a prime example of how far they could go with this show. I felt that the finale was a perfect ending to the show. I know that Danny McBride and Jody Hill and David Gordon Green had always said that it was only supposed to last 2 seasons, and the way they ended it was stupendous. They do not need to do anything else. They closed up every story line perfectly. I was so pleased with what I watched. After I finished the finale, I watched it yesterday, I felt a sense of completeness.

Everyone involved with this show, be it acting, writing, producing or directing, did a wonderful job. Danny McBride was awesome as Neal Gamby. He could have settled into a Kenny Powers esque character, but he went the opposite direction. His character had a soul. He had a conscience. He did some bad things, but his heart was, for the most part, in the right place. He is the hero. Walton Goggins deserves a god damn Emmy for his role. He was the absolute best thing about this show. He was conniving. He was a bad, bad man. He had a troubled past. He constantly lied and cheated to get what he wanted. He was just flat out evil. But, in the end, he came through for his buddy, that is a minor spoiler alert. All the bad stuff he did, he finally, kind of, redeemed himself. Goggins and McBride were the stars, and who the show was based around, and it was a perfect pairing. I did not know how they would fit, but they had tremendous chemistry on screen. I fully bought into their journey and friendship.

Outside of the main guys, pretty much every supporting actor was great too. Georgia King as Amanda Snodgrass, the sometimes love interest of Neal Gamby, was so good. She was tough, no nonsense and didn't put up with Gamby's bull shit. Her arc, especially when she started to date Fisher Stevens, an excellent addition, as a YA novelist, was so good. The fact that she took pride in Gamby's love for her book, which by all accounts sounded pretty bad, showed how naïve, yet faithful she was to Gamby. Kimberly Hebert Gregory as Dr. Belinda Brown, the ire of Gamby and Russell in season 1, was just as good in her much reduced role in season 2. She found a new school, but she popped up here and there to debunk some theories and curse out Russell when he came to her for help. She was so good in season 1, and I did not know how they would incorporate her in season 2, but they found a nice fit for her to come back. Edi Patterson as Ms. Abbot, had a much expanded role in season 2, and she owned it. She was nutso. She was crazy. She had all kinds of ulterior motives, and Patterson crushed in this role. Sheaun McKinney had a bigger role as Dayshawn in season 2, and he was great. He was always there with a joke, but also good advice for Gamby. I loved him in this show. I could go on and on. Dale Dickey was a great addition this season. Busy Phillips and Shea Whigham were just as good this season as they were in the first. All the other teachers at the school, excellent. The cast was one of the best parts of the show, and everyone involved really leaned into their roles.

What truly made this a great show was the writing. As earlier stated, it was dark, but it was also funny, sometimes moving and had a nice mystery involved in the second and final season. I love this show so much. The finale has one of the best guest appearance that I have seen. RD texted me and told me this before I watched it, and he was one hundred percent correct. The finale is crazy. All the stuff they pack into about 34 minutes is nuts, but it works. I loved the whole series, but the finale was exceptional.

I will miss "Vice Principals", but it is going out on top. It ended perfectly. You can always watch it on HBO Go or On Demand, or anywhere you may watch TV. I'm glad that I watched it in real time. It was a show that I looked forward to every week. As I said, I'm sad it is done, but I will remember it as one of the best shows I have ever watch. Watch this show. When Danny McBride, Jody Hill and David Gordon Green get together, they usually knock it out of the park, and with "Vice Principals", they hit a grand slam. What an excellent, phenomenal show.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast. The Head Editor agrees that "Vice Principals" is one of the greatest shows ever, but the first ten minutes of "Eastbound and Down". that belongs in the Louvre.

Follow Ty on instagram and twitter.

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Ty Watches "Vice Principals" Final Season Premier

This past Sunday "Vice Principals" returned to TV. I loved the first season of this show. Anytime that Danny McBride and David Gordon Green get together, save for "Your Highness", I am completely on board. They did great work with "Eastbound and Down", and they are doing it even better, in my opinion, on "Vice Principals". That is very high praise from me. "Eastbound and Down" is one of the greatest shows to ever appear on TV. It was perfect in every possible way. But, I feel like "Vice Principals" is darker, funnier and just a sight bit better. The show is so dark.

The opening scene of the season 2 premiere was intense. I watched it while sitting on the edge of my couch. It only got darker, but also funnier from there. Spoiler alert if you haven't watched the first season yet, McBride's character got shot in the school parking lot by a masked person. I didn't know if the show was going to come back, or if they did, how would they treat what happened? Would McBride be dead? Would he be paralyzed? Who did it? Why did this person do it? I had so many questions. So, when they announced that they were doing a second season, and it would be the last season, I was pumped.

I watched the season 2 premiere yesterday when I finally had a chance to sit down. As I said, they had that crazy dark opening dream sequence, and then the show snapped back to its comedy roots. McBride was awoken by his daughter, and she told him breakfast was ready. What made this so funny, he was staying at his ex wife's house, played by Busy Phillips, and her new boyfriend was his live in nurse. If people remember my review from season one, one of my favorite characters is Busy Phillips new boyfriend. He is so nice to Phillips, her daughter and, especially, McBride. That is hammered home in the season 2 premiere. McBride seems to think he needs a wheelchair and a lift to get up and down the steps, but we find out that he was shot in the shoulder and the hip. He is not paralyzed, but he acts like he is. He has become so reliant on the chair and the lift.

Later on Walton Goggins shows up to give McBride his medicine, so we find out then that he and McBride still hang out. They successfully got the new principal fired, and now Goggins has become principal of the high school. He does find time to help out McBride though. They go on walks and feed ducks. McBride tells Goggins his plans for getting Dr. Brown back, he believes she shot him, but Goggins says that everyone in town, including the police, say that it was a stereo thief that was spooked by McBride's presence. McBride doesn't believe that, and neither does Goggins. But, they have to go along with it so no one will find out all the terrible things they did to Dr. Brown in season 1.

At this recent walk in the park, Goggins gets McBride to get out of his chair and walk. He needs him back at the high school. Goggins is having a hard time being the full time principal. He goes on to explain how hard it has been by describing all things he has to do for the parents and administrators by describing it as "the worst gang bang I have ever been a part of, and believe me, I have been in some gang bangs". McBride returns to the high school the day after his last encounter with Goggins, and that scene was hilarious. He has the student choir sing "Tears in Heaven", and McBride is so very uncomfortable the whole time. It was comedic gold.

The episode did get dark when McBride found out where Dr. Brown was living now and confronted her in the restroom of a restaurant she was at with her kids. She told him she did not shoot him, and at this point, McBride tried to pull a gun on her. It slipped out of his arm, still using humor even in dark scenes, and rolled to her feet. He then pulled the sword out of his cane and told her not to move. She explained then all the reasons why she wouldn't shoot him, and even showed him a tattoo of him and Goggins holding hands and eating shit. She has put them behind her, just like gin, and got it tattooed on her back, as is her way. She then tries to tell him that she thinks it may have been Goggins that shot him because everything worked out for him. McBride storms into the school the next day and asks Goggins if he shot him at their meeting spot in the woods. Goggins is appalled, and starts to walk away. McBride apologizes, and this is when we hear about how bad it is to be principal. Goggins shows him a binder filled with possible suspects of people that could have shot McBride. They seem to be back in business as partners in crime again.

The final scene of the first episode shows McBride getting his gumption back and tearing into students that are acting up at lunch. It was great, and he is most definitely back. I'm very excited to see how this second, and final season, goes. I want answers, hilarious scenes and dark shit to happen, and I'm one hundred percent sure that "Vice Principals", Danny McBride and David Gordon Green will deliver. Everyone should be watching this show. It is amazing.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast. He is right that "Vice Principals" is an awesome show. It is not better than "Eastbound and Down". I mean the first ten minutes of that show's premier is the greatest piece of entertainment man has ever created.

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