Thoughts on One More Season of "The Righteous Gemstones"

It was just announced that the fourth season of "The Righteous Gemstones" would be its last. This makes me happy and sad. Let’s discuss.

I'm happy because we get another season of this great show. "The Righteous Gemstones" is one of the funniest shows currently on tv. It always amazes me how funny and excellent the show can be with each new episode and each new season. I don't know why I would ever doubt it either. When David Gordon and Danny McBride work together, especially on an HBO show, they seem to hit every single time. "Eastbound and Down" is a true classic. That show will stand the test of time. I would not doubt my son watching it when he's older. "Vice Principals" is criminally underrated. This is a dark comedy that succeeds at every level. I wish more people knew of this show. It is amazing. And now, with "The Righteous Gemstones" they've found the perfect vehicle to skewer these mega churches and their tv shows and obnoxiously big churches. McBride is allowed to be his true self in these shows and he goes for it. It is a thing of beauty to watch. McBride is a gifted comedic actor, and when he can go a bit dark, man is it fun.

These two have also created some excellent side characters. Stevie is a gem. I mean, that actor shined in this role and I loved watching him get weirder and weirder. Walton Goggins as McBride's foil in "Vice Principals" is a work of art. He is so foul and mean and hilarious. This was my first experience seeing Goggins act and I became an instant fan. And now we have the Gemstone family and Keif. These guys know how to write these characters and how to make them shine. Judy Gemstone is one of my all time favorite tv characters. I adore BJ in this show. John Goodman truly shines as the father of the family. I mean, it is damn near perfect. Seeing these two do their thing is such a fun time for me. I have also thoroughly enjoyed every season of the three shows they've created for HBO. They are shows I go back to quite frequently, and I'm sure that will continue to be the case for years to come.

The news that they've decided to stop making more after this season, that bums me out. This is my only quibble with Green and McBride creations. They end shows after four or five seasons. They get in and get out. I get it, they don't want to wear out their welcome. But, even a show like the American version of "The Office" gave us nine seasons. "Brooklyn 99" gave us seven. "30 Rock" was also seven, I believe. These Green and McBride shows seem to never go any further than four seasons. I want to see more and more of the Gemstone family and all their issues. I'd love to have seen what Goggins and McBride did once they got the principal job. I thought the idea of Kenny Powers being on a tv sports talk show was perfect. They can do more and more with these characters, but maybe they get sick and tired after four full seasons of writing. I'm sure it can be frustrating for them because I assume they're perfectionists. And I just want to watch more and more because I tend to allow myself to get attached to these fictional people. I understand that this is the way of tv in this era. I'm sure creators want to get in and out and go to the next project. But, I'd like to get to know everyone a little better. I miss when shows would go eight or nine seasons. I know it can get stale, but sometimes shows can really crush it in the later years.

With all this being said, at least we get one more season of "The Righteous Gemstones", and I'm happy as can be for that. That show is great and I'm interested to see how it all ends up. 

Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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Ty Watches "The Righteous Gemstones" Season 2

My wife and I just finished season 2 of "Righteous Gemstones" last night. Much like "Eastbound and Down" and "Vice Principals", "Righteous Gemstones" is another big time hit from Danny McBride and Jody Hill. I adore these guys and the content they make. I have recently sung the praises of "Eastbound and Down" and "Vice Principals" on this very site. I was very curious to see how they would do this season of "Righteous Gemstones" since it was filmed during the pandemic. Well, any fears I may have had were easily put to rest after the first episode.

This season was a great follow up to one of the most memorable seasons of TV ever. The first season of "Righteous Gemstones" was amazing. I thought it was going to be pretty hard to follow that up with anything close to what they had accomplished. Well I was wrong. They did an amazing job. They brought up new storylines while still keeping the story very dark and very comedic. I will try to keep the rest of my piece as spoiler free as possible.

When they opened season two, with a good amount of church people around a big table, there was some big news dropped on everyone and a guy tried to end his life, only to fail and hurt his legs very, very badly. From that point on I knew we were in for some wild and crazy times in the second season. This season more focused on Eli Gemstone's, John Goodman, checkered past. We found out about him being a wrestler and bodyguard and "gun for hire". Eli did some wild things back in his day. He was helped out by Junior, Eric Roberts, who was such a wonderful addition. He was funny with a mean streak and ended up becoming a big time ally. I loved seeing him and Goodman as kids and where they were now. It was great. Jesse and Amber mended their ways, but Jesse still wanted more. He wanted to become head preacher. He wanted to work with Eric Andre's, another massive and wonderful addition to the cast, church and their new development. Danny McBride is so good at playing a guy way in over his head but does not realize it. McBride was simply the best this season. Judy and BJ showed a ton of growth this season. They helped out Tiffany. Judy started to work with other wives in the church. BJ was accepted into the family by Eli and Jesse. There was also an awesome scene of BJ rollerblading this season. I highly recommend checking it out. Kelvin and Keefe were so pathetic and so funny and then, at the end, totally redeemed themselves. It was a great journey for them this season, especially the stuff with Kelvin and Eli. That was incredible.

As the season had its twists and turns, everything came to a head in the finale. And what a wonderful finale it was. I never seem to know how they are going to end this stuff. And with this season being nine episodes as opposed to the usual ten, they found a way to wrap things up nearly perfectly. Even the Jason Schwartzmann character, a journalist exposing these mega churches, had his story all wrapped up by the end.

I adore this show. I am so amped it is coming back for a third season. I think this may be McBride and Hill's best work to date. And the fact that they are giving actors like Edi Patterson, Adam Devine and Tim Baltz a chance to shine, I love that. And I cannot forget the greatness that is Walton Goggins. He is tremendous as Uncle Baby Billy. That character may be as great as Stevie Janowski. Uncle Baby Billy is amazing. Oh, and they even got MaCaulay Caulkin to appear in a few episodes. Please go watch "Righteous Gemstones". It may be the best show on TV right now.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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"The Righteous Gemstones" has Already Delivered a Perfect Episode of Television

I'm not fully caught up yet on all of "Righteous Gemstones" yet, I am one episode behind. But my wife and I watched the episode last night where they went back in time before their third, and final, child was born. This was one of the best 40 minutes of TV that I have seen in quite some time. The stuff they did on this episode, and how they kind of explained the way these characters took shape as children, was wonderful.

First of all, the kids they got to play Danny McBride and Edi Patterson as kids were phenomenal. The young kid playing Danny McBride's Jesse was tremendous. He was as boisterous and offensive and mean and confused as I imagine Jesse would have been as a kid. The scene between him and a young Baby Billy, who I will get to in a few minutes, was so great. Baby Billy getting young Jesse drunk, so he would start a fight with his dad, was so funny, and so telling for the future. That kid was awesome. The actress that played young Judy was hilarious and foul and just angry all the time. She loves seeing her brother get in trouble, she always wanted to fight him, she was a perfectly spoiled brat during her party, it was all perfect. When she secretly watches Jesse get in trouble on the stairs, my wife and I were howling with laughter. It was so well done.

As I mentioned earlier, to see a young Baby Billy, who is expertly played by Walton Goggins, who is quickly becoming one of my favorite actors, was stupendous. He was just as devious and conniving and backstabbing and pathetic as he is as an adult. He is a trickster and a shit disturber. He got Jesse drunk to start a fight. He is constantly picking fights with Eli(John Goodman), and he takes advantage of those who still, for some unknown reason, love him and want to help him. What he did to his sister, Aimee Leigh(Jennifer Nettles), was such a low blow, and when she finally stood up to him, I was so happy for her. But you could see the conman in Baby Billy the whole time. He truly only cares about money, and himself. I will say, when his son hands him the ninja star, that was the funniest scene of the whole episode in my opinion.

The best performances in this great episode were Goodman and Nettles. They were so perfect together. They showed every part of a marriage, and boy did they love one another unconditionally. Nettles was the perfect, happy and loving parent and wife. She wanted everyone to be happy and get along and have a good time. But, she did have a tough side to her, and she was the star of the church in its early days. She was the main attraction, and she knew it. Goodman was so deeply in love with his wife. Seeing this episode makes his current mood so much clearer. He is clearly depressed and misses his best friend and wife. She kept him in check and loved him as unconditionally as he loved her. He was willing to protect her at all costs. He did what she needed when she needed and he was happy to do it. I now fully get why he is in this awful head space in current day on the show. Their connection and chemistry was fantastic.

To wrap this all up, this episode was perfect because it gave us the seeds to see why these characters are who they are as adults and much older adults. You could see the fire and anger in Judy's eyes. You could see the want to be a star and want to be the only one that matters in Jesse. You could see the conniving and cunning and sleaziness of Baby Billy. And, most importantly, you could see the joy and love that Aimee Leigh brought Eli.

This was a perfect episode of TV. This is the type of thing where, when I see it, I remember how great McBride and Jody Hill and David Gordon Green are as a trio when they work together. I'm so stoked to see where the rest of this season goes, and where they take season 2. "Righteous Gemstones" is a great show, and this was a near perfect episode.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast. Since Ty is the youngest in of four brothers everyone should start calling him Baby Ty. Let’s get it started.

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Ty Watches "The Righteous Gemstones" Series Premier

Last night my wife and I watched the new Danny McBride show "The Righteous Gemstones" on HBO. I have been anticipating this show, as I stated on a previous podcast, and boy did the pilot, for me, live up to the hype.

This show has all the elements that I have come to expect from McBride, Jody Hill and David Gordon Green, but amped up by ten. No show of theirs will live up to "Eastbound and Down", that was lightening in a bottle, but "Vice Principals", and now "The Righteous Gemstones" are excellent. What i really enjoyed about "Vice Principals", and I have written about this before, was how comedic, yet dark, it was. That show was excellent, and it had a great run. What I found in the pilot of "TRG" was that, while still funny, this show may be their darkest yet. There was some wild stuff that went on in the pilot episode. I am not going to spoil anything, but man did stuff gets nuts at the end.

What I want to focus on more today is the plot and the actors. I love the plot of this show. I am a non religious person, not at all, so to see a show that sends up the whole Evangelical TV minister, and makes them sinister and evil and only interested in making more money than any person could ever need. We have all seen how awful some of these TV ministers, Joel Osteen comes to mind first, are really are behind the scenes. That is what this show shows us. The three main characters, John Goodman as the patriarch and main minister Eli, Danny McBride as the screw up, yet thinks he is more important than he really is Jesse Gemstone and the gullible and wet behind the ears youngest son, Adam Devine as Kelvin Gemstone, are all great in their own ways. Goodman is menacing and in a deep state of depression. His wife has died and his family is constantly fighting each other. Add on the fact that he is trying to be the only game in town, he is a bad dude. Goodman is perfect for this role. McBride is perfect in the role of an asshole who is way in over his head. He seems good on the surface, but he has some demons that he is fighting, and he refuses to go it alone. He wants to drag all kinds of people into his own mess. And Devine, in a very different role for him, is so innocent and maybe has some kind of soul and just wants to help people. They are all great. The third child of the family, Edi Patterson as Judy Gemstone, is definitely the smartest one of the family, but she doesn't get her due because she is a female. Patterson was a revelation on "Vice Principals", and now, in a much bigger role, I feel like she is going to shine.

Outside of the Gemstone family, the supporting actors so far are really good. Tim Baltz is Patterson's soon to be husband, and he is a pushover and hilarious. Dermot Mulroney, as a rival minister, is kind of badass, and I actually found myself rooting for him in the episode. Casidy Freeman as Amber Gemstone, McBride's wife, is so good and menacing herself. She had the line of the episode to me when Baltz's character said that the family is backwards and they never give women a chance, Freeman speaks up, but before going into her rant, she asks McBride if she can speak. Even a guy in a super small role, Tony Cavalero as Keefe, the former Satan worshiper who is now working for the church and has found God, I found him absolutely hilarious. Everyone, so far, has been wonderful, and I cannot wait to see where they take the characters from here on out. I have also seen that Walton Goggins, one of my very favorite actors, is going to show up in upcoming episodes, and I'm sure that will rule. It is not only the characters that I cannot wait to see where they go, it is the story too. Like I said, no spoilers, but the way the pilot unfolded, things are going to get wild in this first season. It should be dark and hilarious.

Look, I am a McBride fan. I am predisposed to like what he does, and a show like "The Righteous Gemstones" is perfect for his sense of humor, and what he wants to do on a show. I have a feeling this will be one of my favorites from 2019, and I cannot wait to see how the next 8 weeks pan out. I highly, highly recommend this show. It is really good.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast. Ok people, one spoiler. Never in your life will you see the efficiency of a Land Rover running over not one, but two people. It was shockingly awesome

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Great Movie Comedies Vol 1: "Caddyshack" & "The Big Lebowski"

The greatest jokes ever live on the reels

The greatest jokes ever live on the reels

As you all know by now, I'm a fan of comedy. I've written and talked about it a ton both on the site and podcast. I love stand up comedy, television comedy and, today's topic, comedy movies.

Today I'm going to talk about 2 specific comedies that I adore, but there's so many others I could talk about. Movies like "Billy Madison", "This is Spinal Tap", "What We Do In The Shadows", "Napoleon Dynamite", the list could go on for days. Those are all great and all classics. I really love a good comedy. A movie that makes me belly laugh and doesn't take it self to seriously, it gets no better than that. A great example of that, "Anchorman", but that's not one of the two I will talk about today, but it deserves mentioning. There are also older, classic comedies that still hold up to this day. Movies like "Some Like It Hot" or "Duck Soup" or "Kentucky Fried Movie". All older, but all still absolutely great and worth checking out. But, the two I want to specifically talk about today are "Caddyshack" and "The Big Lebowski". Not only are these two of my favorite comedies, they're two of my favorite movies of all time. They're both timeless, hilarious and just flat out well made movies. Everyone involved with both movies really hit a home run. The actors, writers, producers and directors really struck gold.

Let's first talk about "Caddyshack". This has to be one of the most quotable movies ever made. Talk to anyone that's seen it and I guarantee they will quote something from "Caddyshack". There is so many famous lines and speeches in this movie. Bill Murray has multiple moments that are absolutely splendid. Take any scene, be it when he is pretending he's at the Masters and smashing flowers or when he is ogling the older women and telling them to "bark like a dog for me" or when he cleans the pool after what is believed to be feces floating around and he picks it up, smells it and takes a bite and exclaims that everything is okay and the rich lady passes out. Bill Murray is the star of this movie by far. But, we get excellent performances from Chevy Chase, Ted Knight, Michael O'Keefe, Sarah Holcomb and Rodney Dangerfield. Chevy Chase and Rodney Dangerfield are phenomenal in this movie. They too, much like Murray, have equally quotable lines and moments. Chevy Chase's scene when he is putting and talking to Danny Noonan(O'Keefe) about life and handing him lessons is very, very funny. And everything Dangerfield does in this movie is comedy gold. Rodney Dangerfield truly did not get the respect that he deserved. He is one of the greatest comedy actors of all time. "Caddyshack" is a classic.

"The Big Lebowski" is almost the exact opposite of "Caddyshack", but that doesn't make it less funny. Where "Caddyshack" had great improvisers and great comic actors, "The Big Lebowski" is one of the best written comedies of all time. The Cohen Brothers dabbled in comedy, with the excellent "Raising Arizona", but they're more known for their more dramatic stuff. What makes "The Big Lebowski" great, they blend drama, action, and most importantly, comedy to perfection. This has to be one of the weirdest, yet most hilarious movies I've ever watched. It is so good. It starts out great and continues to be great for two hours. It's also very weird, but that adds to its charm. Any scene involving Jeffrey Lebowski(Jeff Bridges) and Maude(Julianne Moore) is absurdist comedy gold. The scene when the two of them are talking about sex and her weird roommate is just sitting there listening, reading and laughing is genius. It's so bizarre, yet hilarious at the same time. John Goodman and Steve Busecmi are spectacular in this movie too. Goodman is the loud and obnoxious ex Vietnam vet and he is so good. When he pulls the gun on the guy for going over the line and forces him to mark it 0 is awesome. Also, when he talks about "the Jesus"(John Turturro), and his troubled criminal past, absolutely hysterical. Busecmi is great as their quiet bowling buddy that just wants to be involved. The arguments he and Goodman get into are great. Phillip Seymour Hoffman is also very good in his limited role and so is Tara Reid. But, Jeff Bridges is the star and he totally nails this character. He's so good, I associate Bridges as "The Dude", no matter what role he's playing. Everything he does is memorable and he is very believable as this stoner stuck in a crazy situation. And what makes is so well written as I wrote earlier is, everything that comes out of the actors mouths was all written. There's no improvising in a movie that seems it's almost exclusively improvised. That's some next level writing and the Cohen's are some of the best. "The Big Lebowski" is a terrific and bizarre comedy that everyone should see.

These are just two of my favorites, but I wanted to single these two out because they're different, yet equally hilarious. If you haven't seen either of them, stop what you're doing and watch them now. When you are done laughing, you will be thanking me.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast. Tomorrow you can hear Ty talk all about great comedy movies on The X Millennial Man Podcast. Ty is on twitter, go follow him @tykulik.