Ty Watches "Thor: Love and Thunder"

For date night this week my wife and I watched "Thor: Love and Thunder". We both wanted to see the movie. We liked "Ragnarok" a lot, and with the whole crew back we figured this one would be great too. While not great, I thought this movie was okay. It could have been better, but there are little critiques I have here and there.

What made "Ragnarok" so great was the way they used comedy and seriousness all within the superhero world. "Love and Thunder" was almost too goofy. They leaned way too far into the humor aspect. I like a good comedy, but with the whole superhero thing, you have to juggle those two things. We are talking about a world in which superheroes and villains exist. There are bound to be some serious things going on. There was another break in the whole vibe of the movie every time Christian Bale was on screen. He played the villain. He was Gorr the God Butcher, and he did a pretty good job. But whenever he was on screen he was overacting. He was too serious. Even when he was trying to be funny/menacing at the same time it came off as too serious. It was creepy. He was creepy. And I assume that is what they wanted in this role. But whenever Bale wasn't on screen, or when they just focused on Thor, it was joke after joke. There was too much. Even when they tried to make him more serious it was done in a light tone. And I appreciate Chris Hemsworth and his acting ability and the fact that he can be funny. But in this movie it was just too much.

The movie also moved kind of slowly. It was definitely slower than most MCU movies, especially after the more recent MCU movies. It kind of took awhile for it to get to the point. And it felt like it took awhile. Scenes went on for a little too long. It was too much at times. The stuff with Russell Crowe was a bit over the top. So was some of the Christian Bale stuff as well. They meandered a bit longer than they did in "Ragnarok". They went away from what made "Ragnarok" so great.

Even with these critiques, this movie still worked. It was more fun than some of the other MCU stuff. I liked that there wasn't all this backstory. I appreciated that there weren't a ton of new superheroes or villains I needed to learn about. I liked that they kept the cameos to an extreme minimum. I appreciated that scenes with all the gods featured gods from Greek mythology. These are gods we all know or have heard of before. Hemsworth was solid. Tessa Thompson rules. She is such a badass. Taika Waititi does great as Korg. Natalie Portman's return was great and much deserved. Bale was chewing the scenery, but he was still fun and creepy. I liked the look of New Asgaard. The music, even with it being Guns N Roses, was fitting.

All in all, "Love and Thunder" was uneven. There were parts I liked and parts I didn't like so much. I'm glad I watched it at home and not at the theater. I had fun but it felt slow. I do not get the mass criticism from some MCU fans, but they are an unreasonable bunch. "Love and Thunder" is a fine movie. Watch it at home if you have Disney +. That is the best way to consume the movie.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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Better Never Than Late on "Vox Lux"

Yesterday I wrote about a movie starring Natalie Portman that I really liked. Today, I’m going in the opposite direction.

I really wanted to see the movie “Vox Lux” when I first saw the preview, about 2 years back. I thought it had an interesting premise, girl is involved in a school shooting, gets hurt, writes a song about the event, becomes a pop star and has many mental problems stemming from the incident in school. It also starred Portman as the grown up version of the kid, the pop star version.

The movie started out strong enough to keep my attention. The school shooting was a little bit too real, which made me emotional, and I felt for this young kid, dealing with the aftermath. It was upsetting and a struggle and, at least I thought, portrayed tragedy through the eyes of a teen very well. But, when the music starts in the movie, that’s where they lost me. As I said, the main character writes a song about the event, someone is filming it on local news, a record exec hears it and decides they want to record it. That is when the movie shifts tones and kind of goes off the rails. The girl, while dealing with record people, and people in the music industry, kind of becomes a satirical version of a young person breaking into the pop music scene. She has to learn how to do choreographed dances, but can’t really dance after the shooting. She goes away overseas and starts to get heavily involved in drugs and sex. She constantly derides herself for making pop music. She has weird monologues that seem pointless and endless. She walks in on her sister sleeping with her manager and that strains their close relationship. She is then late for a plane, but she’s told that she is going to make a video because her song is so popular.

What I gleaned from all of this, pop musicians can do whatever they want if they’re good. She shoots the music video, but that scene felt forced and pointless. We then flash forward about 15 years, and we see Portman as the adult version. And surprise surprise, she has all kinds of mental problems, she’s a head case, she’s an addict and she has no real redeeming qualities.

I’m a humongous Portman fan, but I did not find her very good in this movie. She talks way too fast, and her New York accent is trifling. She’s also over dramatic far too often. As is Jude Law, who plays her manager. In fact, everyone is a bit over dramatic in this movie. They also have a scene, twice in fact, where some bad dudes dressed as the people in her video, shoot up a beach, and they only broach that topic once. I feel like they could’ve done a ton with that, using her past, fame, religion, a ton of stuff, that they barely touched on, if at all. And when you think there’s going to be some big, revealing ending, there’s not. Spoiler alert, Portman sings the song from the beginning, they scan the characters in the audience all smiling, and when the song is over, credits roll. It was very unfulfilling.

This movie had all the makings of things I like, original songs from Sia, Natalie Portman, talking about modern pop music, and a tragic story that could have ended with revelations. None of that, except Sia’s music, worked at all. I wish this movie was better. Unfortunately it is not. Oh well, at least Portman crushes in pretty much everything else she’s in. Watch “Annihilation” instead of this movie. You’ll be happy you did.

Also, on a positive note, happy birthday mom! Love you.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

Follow Ty on instagram and twitter.

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Better Late Than Never on the Movie "Annihilation"

With all the streaming options available now I have been catching up on a ton of movies that I have wanted to watch, and now have the time. I will be writing about two of them the next two days, and I want to do the good one today.

So, I recently watched the movie "Annihilation" and boy oh boy did I love this movie. I remember seeing the preview awhile back, probably over a year ago, and thinking that it looked pretty good. I then saw that it was directed by the same guy that did "Ex Machina", and that pretty much sealed the deal for me. I also heard some people talk about it, mainly RD, and they all seemed to find something to enjoy about the movie. I had a free afternoon on Tuesday and I decided that it was the perfect time to check it out. I was blown away.

The simple synopsis of the movie is that a group of women, some soldiers, some with wild pasts, decide to enter this weird, alternate universe called "The Shimmer" to see what is going on. Natalie Portman is the main character, and her husband, played by Oscar Issac, went to "The Shimmer", and came back a totally different person. Portman plays a biologist, and she wants to know what happened to her husband. She wanted to find out why he was so different. To find out what happened. She joined a group headed by Jennifer Jason Leigh, and it included Gina Rodriguez and Tessa Thompson. They enter this "Shimmer", and things are not what they seem. There is wild vegetation. The animals are weird hybrids. The days seem short but are actually months long. Compasses don't work. Timing is all odd. It is nuts.

I loved every second of it. I like weird sci fi movies that stay with you days and days after watching it. I have not stopped thinking about this movie since I finished it. I texted RD immediately to tell him how much I loved it. I told my wife all about it. I did the same with my parents. And when they asked me what was so good, or why I liked it so much, I have a plethora of answers.

First off, the story is really good, and fairly easy to follow. The imagery is some of the coolest and most unique stuff I have ever seen in a movie. The monster, the hybrid animals, are cool and scary and wild and memorable. The acting is top notch. The direction is cool. The colors are as colorful as "Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2". And I dig this director. I was blown away at everything in this movie. When you see some vegetation that looks like people, I was blown away. When the crazy stuff starts to happen, I'm trying my best to not spoil anything because this movie needs to be seen by everyone, I was stunned and shocked and pleased in all the right ways. The alien in this movie was one of the coolest things I have seen in quite some time. Everything that happened in "The Shimmer" was totally cool and fresh and like nothing I have ever seen before. Natalie Portman is so good in this movie, and when she has a solid script, she really knocks it out of the park. Also, I want to shout out Gina Rodriguez. I have only ever seen her do comedic stuff, but in this movie she is rough and gruff and I was on board. Also, shout out to the people who let women be the guiding force, the strong people in this movie. That doesn't happen enough, and when it does, it works.

I really think "Annihilation" is going to be fondly remembered as a very solid movie. This is another step in a good direction for director Alex Garland. To follow up "Ex Machina" with this, I am stoked for the future. "Annihilation" is a great movie that I highly recommend. Also, go into it knowing as little as possible like I did. The movie will blow you away.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

Follow Ty on instagram and twitter.

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Ty Saw and Ranked All the Star Wars Movies

I find your rankings disturbing

I find your rankings disturbing

Make sure to download the X Millennial Man podcast tomorrow (January 29th) to hear Ty and RD talk about the Star Wars movies.

I know I already wrote about "Star Wars" earlier this week, but I'm going to write about it again. This time though, I'm going to rank the movies from worst to best, in my personal opinion. Now, for everyone out there, I've just recently, within the past two months, seen every single "Star Wars" movie of importance. I did not watch the Christmas special and I have not seen any of the cartoons or TV shows that exist in the Star Wars universe. I have only seen the seven movies that were made. That's the basic information any reader needs going into my rankings. This is all very subjective as well. I'm, by my own admittance, a movie snob. I prefer comedies to any other genre of movie, but I also really like science fiction, noir and drama. But, I also recognize that a pop culture writer should see movies like the "Star Wars" movies because they are very influential and are involved with any big time pop culture. "Star Wars" is quoted and referenced in almost every pop culture thing that I've ever seen. And, with the nudging, I call it harassment, coming from my wife, cousins, friends and most importantly, our editor, RD, I caved and decided to watch every single movie. Before I get into my countdown, I watched them in a specific order. I watched episodes 4, 5 and 6 within two weeks of each other, then I watched episodes 1, 2 and 3 about a month later. Just last week I took my four year old and we saw episode 7 in the theaters. So, I have officially seen all seven movies, which in my mind makes me qualified to give my rankings. As I said at the top, I'll be going from what I think in the worst "Star Wars" movie to the best. On with the countdown.

Coming in at number 7, I have "Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith". This movie is pure, unadulterated garbage. Nothing about this movie is good. I didn't care about anyone or anything in this movie with the lone exception being the death of Mace Windu(Samuel L. Jackson). That was the only bummer to me. This movie is bad. Hayden Christensen is a terrible actor. He shows zero emotion and I don't buy his and Padme's(Natalie Portman) love story at all. Those two have no chemistry at all. The rest of the movie feels very scattered and poorly made. I HATED this movie.

Coming in at number 6 I have "Star Wars: The Phantom Menace". This was supposed to be the movie that brought "Star Wars" into the 21st century, or so I was told. This movie is boring. Too many federation meetings and stupid back stories about Anakin Skywalker. Also, could Anakin be more of a whiner? All he did was complain about everything. The pod racing scene, which I heard was cool, also felt very boring to me. I didn't care about it at all and by the end, I kind of wanted Sebulba to win. The only "cool" scene in "Phantom Menace" was the light saber battle between Qui Gon Gin, Obi Won Kenobi and Darth Maul. It was neat, but it also was pretty uneventful for something that's supposed to be a big deal in the Star Wars world. I wasn't shocked, nor upset when Qui Gon Gin got stabbed and even less surprised when Darth Maul got his. The double edged light saber was cool, but not nearly enough to save this piece of trash. Oh and the racist accents, that also sucked. 

Number 5 is the only prequel that has some cool stuff in it. The movie is still bad, but there are three pretty cool battle scenes. That movie is "Star Wars: Attack of the Clones". First, let's get the bad stuff out of the way. The scene between Anakin and Padme where they ride a mammoth type beast and frolic in the grass is dumb as hell. This scene should have been the first thing cut, but it made it into the movie. This was a terrible scene. Once again, Christensen and Portman have no chemistry and there are way too many federation meeting scenes. Now, there is the three battle scenes I mentioned. The first is the fight between Obi Wan and Jango Fett. That was a cool fight scene. There was the big battle at the end where we finally get to see Windu's purple light saber. That was cool. But, the best battle scene was between Count Dukuu and Yoda. When Yoda whips out his green light saber and begins his magic on Dukuu, I was legit excited. If they just had these three scenes in this movie, it might have been good, but they did all that other useless crap. Saying that "Attack of the Clones" is a good part of Star Wars is like saying that "Godfather 3" is better than "Speed 2: Cruise Control", it's still not a good movie.

Now, let's get to some better movies.

Number 4 is "Return of the Jedi". This one fell kind of flat for me, but it is still a million times better than the prequels. "Return of the Jedi" didn't need Ewoks and why on Earth was Han Solo all of the sudden a pushover, but the light saber battle between Darth Vader, Emperor Palpatine and Luke is awesome. I wasn't crazy about the side characters like Jabba The Hut or Bib Fortuna, but it was some cool make up to see. And Luke using the force to rescue Leia and Han Solo was cool too. "Return of the Jedi" is good, but not as good as the movies I'm about to mention.

Coming in at number 3 I have "Star Wars: The New Hope". This movie is as influential to science fiction as "Citizen Kane" is to all movies. Without a "New Hope", we wouldn't have all the great science fiction movies we now have. This movie is incredibly influential. It's also a good movie. We meet the main characters in this one. Sure, Yoda doesn't show up until the second one, but we meet Luke, Leia, Han, Darth Vader and, my personal favorite, Chewbacca. This is a really cool movie and I thoroughly enjoyed my watching experience. It was exciting and adventurous and instead of saying, "I guess I have to watch these", my sentiment became, "I can't wait to watch all of them". That's a sign of a good movie.

Number 2 on my list is "Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back". This movie is non stop, kick ass action for 2 plus hours. I loved everything about this movie. The opening scene in Hoth, when Luke gets captured and Han has to save him is awesome. We finally meet Yoda and he is as awesome as RD told me my entire life. The scenes when he is teaching Luke about the force is excellent writing and directing. Han Solo has one of the coolest lines ever spoken when he's about to be dipped in carbonite and Leia says, "I love you", Han replies, cool as shit I might add, "I know". That's awesome. And the light saber fight between Luke and Vader, where Vader tells him he's Luke's father and then cuts off his hand is incredible. "Empire Strikes Back" 100 percent lived up to its hype. It's an awesome, super enjoyable movie.

Which brings me to my number one, "Star Wars: The Force Awakens". I wrote a mini review earlier this week and I still stand by how much I love this movie. I could've seen it without seeing the others and I would have loved it. It's a great action movie that also has drama, comedy and heart breaking moments. The acting, writing and directing were top notch. "The Force Awakens" is such a well made movie that completely restores a franchise that looked lost after the prequels. There is nothing wrong at all with this movie. Now, hard core "Star Wars" fans may find problems with it, but me, just being a lover of movies, I thought it was perfection.

So, that's my personal rankings of the "Star Wars" movies. Take it or leave it, but this is how I feel about a pretty decent franchise of movies. If I had to give any advice to first time viewers, I'd say watch episodes 4 and 5 and then 7. You could probably skip the rest and still be satisfied. I will say though, "Star Wars" has gained a new fan.

I'm excited for episode 8.


Ty is the Pop Culture Editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast. He thought the prequels could have been better if there was some more Kit Fisto. Everything needs more Kit Fisto. Follow Ty on twitter @tykulik.