Ty Watches "The Boys" Season 4

The other night my wife and I finished season 4 of "The Boys". This is a show my wife and I started during the pandemic. RD suggested it to us in fact. We loved it from the start. This show is violent and fast and intriguing and funny and fascinating to watch. To take on superheroes in this fashion, making some of them very, very bad people, is a great hook. It does things other shows don't even think about doing. Some of the stuff they have gotten away with, it is amazing that they are even able to show it to the public.

I was stoked for season 4 after season 3 ended so upsetting. We start off pretty much where we left off, but this season proceeded to be one of the most depressing seasons of television I've ever watched. I had to remind myself multiple times that this show is not real. None of this is based on a true story. Some of the things that are being done on the show cannot possibly happen in real life. That is how damn sad this fourth season of the show is.

"The Boys" takes on what is happening in the real world right now. You have the alt right versus the progressive left. We see the rich superheroes, and their friends and supporters, as the alt right. They say things this season that have been said to me about being a liberal. I squirmed at times hearing Homelander or Firecracker talk to people who don't side with them. I would have to take a good long break after some episodes because they perfectly portrayed the alt right as I see them. The progressive left is highlighted by the titular Boys. They are all back and they are fighting the alt right. They have also added Starlight. She and Hughie are a couple and they are fighting together. Starlight is the face because she is a superhero. She is the leader of the left. She gets scoured by the alt right. It was all too real to watch. Again, seeing the way she was treated all season made me sick because it felt so real. The way the right in this show does their news, leaks their news, has their rallies, it all looks like Fox News and what the alt right follows and listens to nowadays. The progressives are left to hide and fight with whatever little means they can find. Some want to run, others are willing to die for what they believe in. All of this is way, way too real. It is a nearly perfect parallel to what is happening right now. And not one side can change the other side's mind.

It is shocking how realistic this show about lab created superheroes was this entire season. I would sigh and think how poignant it is in today's political climate. I love this show, but this season was such a downer. I was depressed after every single episode. It made me sad. Seeing how these characters have grown or changed this season was shockingly upsetting. I would find myself ruminating on episodes days after watching them. After watching the finale I sat in my bed and was terrified at the outcome, because something similar could really, truly happen in America.

I will always and forever recommend "The Boys", but this season is a tough watch. This season will make you feel all sorts of ways. I'm curious to see how they close it all out in their fifth and final season, coming sometime soon I believe. I'll watch for sure. But season 4 is a season I will most likely never watch again. It really bummed me out. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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Ty Watches "The Boys" Season Three Finale

I really want to talk about the season three finale of "The Boys", so I'm going to. That being said, this will be as spoiler free as possible for those of you that have not watched it yet.

"The Boys" is fast becoming one of my favorite TV shows. It is so well written, well acted, precisely directed and uses superhero culture the way I like to see it done. I'm a fan of when they show how violent these powers can be when they are used. That is why I love a movie like "Logan", and why I adore this show. It is the most violent and NSFW TV show I think I have seen. But, when it is done right, like "The Boys" does, it works.

This past season has been the most disturbing one for me to watch though. They take on the new world of politics we live in, they just add these wild, company created superheroes. The "heroes" represent two factions of politics we have in our country now. But since this show is "fantasy", they can take far more chances. They did that tenfold this past season. Homelander is the alt right conservative and Starlight represents the left. Both actors nail it too. But the fact that I grew to hate Homelander even more this season means that the actor is nailing his role. I despise him. I loathe his every move. I want them to kill him off, but he is the star of the show. I find it hilarious that real alt right conservatives were stunned when they found out that Homelander is the bad guy of the show. I cannot fathom how god damn dumb those mouth breathing alt right conservatives are that they had no idea that Homelander was the bad guy, and that they got all up in arms when it was revealed by the creators that Homelander is the bad guy. But the thing that threw me the most in this finale, and for the whole season for that matter, was how realistic it all felt. Homelander would say things that felt like they were lifted from alt right rallies. The stuff they did at these rallies looked horrifying because it felt so real. When Starlight's supporters came out, they were marginalized and looked at as less than by the right. They called them names and talked about how "weak" her supporters are. They would try to start actual fist fights. They would use violence as opposed to words or simply acting like an adult.

In the finale, especially in the final thing we saw this past season, I swear I got some kind of crazy PTSD. I was scared by what I saw because it wouldn't shock me if something similar happens in real life. The way Homelander's supporters responded to what he did had me horrified. I couldn't believe my eyes and ears. I told my wife we had to watch something more upbeat before going to bed because I just couldn't seem to shake what we had just witnessed. She agreed. We had to cleanse our palette if you will. We were both shaken. It was terrifying to see what we saw and think about if something like this actually happened. It literally shook me to my core. I still cannot shake the image three days later. I have spoken at length with my wife and dad, he watches the show too, and we all feel the same way.

"The Boys" is a wonderful show that I really think most people would love and should watch. And the direction they went this season, the stories they told, were done so well. But it is almost too close to real life. And that is what scares me the most. Oof, I am still kind of messed up from this. Boy oh boy.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

Come and support Ty and the podcast on Patreon.

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Ty Watches "The Boys" Season Three Premiere

For date night last week I had the choice. I had a good amount of movies I had in mind, but I kept finding myself going back to watching "The Boys". I have been trying to watch the third season for a few weeks now. But my wife has been working late with return to office stuff, my daughter and son have been playing a ton of baseball and softball games, with practices included, I have been playing late night softball and we are all exhausted when we get home. We just want to relax and watch mindless tv while we wind down before bed. But it was my turn to pick, and when I finally decided on watching "The Boys", my wife was stoked. She exclaimed "FINALLY!!!" and told me, "Great call!". She was excited, which made me excited.

We picked up this show during the start of the pandemic. RD told me that I should watch it. I was hesitant at first. I did not know how I felt about yet another superhero thing to watch. It just felt like too much. But at the start of the pandemic, what else could we really do but watch tv and go for walks and runs. So we decided to start after RD goaded me for what seemed like the millionth time. I'm glad he was persistent. I instantly fell in love with this show. It is gory and violent. It is sexual and crazy. It is full of swear words and every other bad thing you could think of. It is an anti hero show, and I'm all on board for that. I like when a genre is skewed in a much darker territory. I'm a big fan of bending genres. It also helps that the show is very well written, incredibly shot, had on point direction and every actor is down for whatever crazy stuff the show runners and writers throw at them. I understand that it is based on a graphic novel, but to actually see it on a tv screen, it is like "Sin City", except better and more violent. "The Boys" is willing to go there and push even further than you thought it could. I mean, the first scene with Hughie and his girlfriend is still with me. Homelander, more on him later, is a weirdo freak, especially for milk. I love the darkness within all the heroes. The Boys, the people who go after the superheroes, have all their own stuff to deal with. It is a truly terrific and original show. I love it. So watching the season 3 premiere was a long time coming and I knew I was going to love it.

We watched the first two episodes, and they did not disappoint. I don't want to spoil too much, but some spoilers may come out. Sorry. First off, I love the way they are dealing with Storm Front's death. It is too perfect. Homelander is going to do some real damage this season. He is off the hinges. The way the second episode ended has me terrified for what he is capable of doing. Hughie is realizing his life may not be as perfect as he thought it was at the end of season two. Starlight is climbing the ranks and she is scared of what may come. Hughie's boss has a terrible secret. Giancarlo Esposito, who may be the best one of the show, is a perfect human villain in this world. Mother' Milk is getting dragged back into this world he is trying to leave. The Deep has had some of the funniest moments so far. His movie looks hilarious. Frenchie and Kumiko meet a terrifying supe named Termite in the first episode, and that whole scene is nuts. And Butcher has a whole lot of shit to deal with, and he has taken some compound v that gives him superpowers for 24 hours. Add on the fact that we have Jensen Ackles character, Soldier Boy, coming, and this season is going to be a doozy. I cannot wait to watch more.

This is the first show I have seen this year, where they filmed it during this pandemic, that doesn't feel like it was filmed with all these useful restrictions. "The Boys" is in a class all its own. The show is incredible and original and one of the best things on any streaming device anywhere. Go watch this show. It is a gory work of art. And so far season three has ruled. Now I need to watch more.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

Come and support Ty and the podcast on Patreon.

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