Episode CDXV: We Watch "Italian Spiderman" and "Danger 5"

Back in 2007 a couple of Australians made the viral hit "Italian Spiderman". The artists in Australia took notice and asked the creators to make another hit. What followed was the equally absurd, and more competently made, television series "Danger 5". Here is their story.

Join Ty and RD as they discuss "Italian Spiderman" and how it's success led to a bigger cult comedy hit with "Danger 5".

Enjoy my friend.

Download the episode for free.

Episode CDXII: What We Are Looking Forward To in 2025

2025 is upon us, and with a new year we have new things to look forward to.

Join Ty and RD as they discuss the movies, television shows, music, video games, and sports they are most excited to see in the new year.

Download the episode for free.

Episode CDX: 2024 Year in Review: Movies and Television

2024 saw some big swings, and hits in the movies and on television. Epics like "Dune: Part 2", "Wicked" and "Shogun" joined the small budget gems like "The Substance", "Super|Man" and "Self Reliance" to make 2024 another great year at the movies and on television.

Join Ty and RD as they look back at the year in movies and television for 2024.

Download the episode for free.

X Millennial Man Classic: Episode CCCLV: Let's Remember The Battle of the Network Stars

This episode originally premiered on July 1st, 2023

Telly Savalas had moxie. Robert Conrad had spirtit. Gabe Kaplan had the talent. These three men, along with Howard Cosell, launched The Battle of the Network Stars, and we all benefitted.

Join RD as he explains to Ty the awesomeness of the original show, and the pathetic follow ups.

Download the podcast for free.

Episode CCCLXXXIV: An Oral History of "Iron Chef"

Fuji Television

With one bite of a bell pepper, or apple, and the announcement "Allez Cuisine" one of the strangest, and long lasting television cooking competitions was launched.

Join Ty and RD as they discuss the early Japanese days of Iron Chef and what monster(s) was made with the American version. Plus learn what a swallows nest is used for in cooking and ask yourself why.

Download the episode for free.

Episode CCCLXXIV: What We are Looking Forward to in 2024

2024 is upon us and Ty and RD want to talk about a bright future.

Join The X Millennial Man as they discuss the movies, television, music, video games , and more that they want to see in 2024.

Download the episode for free.

Episode CCCLXVII: We Watch "The Paul Lynde Halloween Special"

It is 1976, and comedy superstar Paul Lynde has invited his friends over for a Halloween Special. There's Betty White, Donny and Marie Osmond, classic witches, and introducing KISS. It was quite weird.

Join Ty and RD as they dissect this drug fueled gem from a bygone era.

Download the episode for free.

Episode CCCLXV: How the Last Writers Strike Changed Pop Culture

The 2023 writers strike is over, and how it changed our television and movies is still unknown. What we do know is how the last writers strike changed our pop culture for the better, or the worse.

Join Ty and RD as they look at the movies and television shows that were forever altered by the 2007-2008 WGA strike. We will talk about robot testicles.

Download the episode for free.

X Millennial Man Classic: Episode CCXXXII: A Look at the First Four Broadcast Hours of MTV

Ed Note: This podcast originally premiered on September 12th, 2020.

August 1st, 1981.

A rocket launch followed by the words "Ladies and Gentlemen, rock and roll". MTV is born.

Join Ty and RD as they go through the first four hours of one of the most influential cable channels of all time. Some of the videos were great, many more were terrible.

Join us for this trip into a very important time capsule for Gen Xers and Millennials by downloading the podcast for free.

Episode CCCLV: Let's Remember The Battle of the Network Stars

Telly Savalas had moxie. Robert Conrad had spirtit. Gabe Kaplan had the talent. These three men, along with Howard Cosell, launched The Battle of the Network Stars, and we all benefitted.

Join RD as he explains to Ty the awesomeness of the original show, and the pathetic follow ups.

Download the podcast for free.

Episode CCCXLIII: Top Ten 80s Cartoon Theme Songs - Non Toy Division

The 1980s were a magical time for cartoons. We had reruns from the decades prior and the new shows to sell us toys and adventure.

Join RD as he counts down the best 80s cartoon theme songs that were not centered on toy sales.

Download the podcast for free.

Episode CCCXLI: An Oral History of Our Favorite Toys - G.I. Joe

He fights for freedom where ever there's trouble. Is it the X Millennial Man?

Join Ty and RD as they look back at the history of the G.I. Joe toys, comics and cartoons.

Download the podcast for free.

Check out RD talk G.I. Joe on the podcast Joe on Joe

Read the Seedsing ranking of every episode of the Sunbow G.I. Joe cartoon.

X Millennial Man Classic: Episode CCLXVIII: An Oral History of Our Favorite Toys - Transformers

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Editor’s Note: This episode originally premiered on June 26th, 2021

More than meets the eye.

How about, Robots in disguise.

Yes we are talking Transformers on an all new X Millennial Man Podcast.

Join RD as he tells Ty the history of Transformers from their toyline to their comic book, to their tv show, and all the way through the robots’ multiple films.

Download the podcast for free. It is a crazy ride.