Episode CDXII: What We Are Looking Forward To in 2025

2025 is upon us, and with a new year we have new things to look forward to.

Join Ty and RD as they discuss the movies, television shows, music, video games, and sports they are most excited to see in the new year.

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Episode CCCXCIV: The Wildest Video Game Controllers of All Time

The controller for our video games allows us to immerse in the world of the game. Most of the time we use the regular controller because that is what works. Sometimes the games have special controllers that make the experience more immersive. Let's talk about those controllers.

Join Ty and RD as they look at some of the wildest video game controllers ranging from a piece of wood to a very competent vibrator.

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Episode CCCLXIII: The Worst Tech Gadgets of Our Lives

For the iPhone to walk the Newton had to crawl, badly. Microsoft has only seen big success when it learns to stop replicating it's failures. Nintendo innovates, fails, and then innovates into more success. These are the stories of the greatest product failures from our greatest tech companies.

Join Ty and RD as the reminisce about the great failed gadgets they bought and lived through to tell the tale.

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Episode CLXI: What to Look Forward to in 2019


The X Millennial Man has closed the book on 2018 and is looking forward to the new year. Join Ty and RD as the discuss the movies, television, music, sports, politics, and other things they most want to see in 2019.

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Episode LIII: Pong to Pokemon Go - An Oral History of Playing Video Games

In the days of old we had a small box on the back of a television that allowed us to enjoy the majesty of Pong. Today, many people are staring into their phones, taking long walks, and trying to catch them all in Pokemon Go. In between, the X Millennial Man has played all sorts of video games. Join Ty and RD as they talk about the great games, and consoles, of their youth and adult years. Are you a bad enough dude to come in for a listen?