Episode CXVIII - Predictions for 2018

Episode CXVIII - Predictions for 2018
RD Kulik
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The X Millennial got a brand new shiny Magic 8 Ball for the holidays, and today they are going to use it to predict the future. What does Ty and RD see in our movies, television, music, sports, and politics for 2018? Find your answers by downloading the podcast for free today.

Mini Episode XXXII-2: The Oscars are Dumb

Mini Episode XXXII-2: The Oscars are Dumb
RD Kulik

"Mad Max: Fury Road" was loved by critics and audiences alike. It was on the top of everyone's best movies list. Unfortunately the Academy Awards did not think it was important enough to be the best picture. Why do the Oscars get it so wrong every year? Ty and RD vent their frustration about the Oscars and wonder when the great movies will get their little naked man statues.