Episode CCXLI: Politics in Television Shows

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The 2020 Presidential Election is over, Spoiler Alert: Joe Biden won., so the X Millennial Man decided to talk about fictional politics in fictional television shows.

Join us as we look at some of our favorite, and one of our not so favorite, tv shows that had a focus on politics.

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Episode CXX: The 10 Best Television Shows of the 21st Century


The X Millennial man is in the mood to make a list of their favorite television shows of our current century. Join Ty and RD as they give their expert lists of their favorite television programs that have premiered in the 21st century. Get all the answers you crave by downloading the podcast for free today.

Episode XII: Saturday Night Live - Generations

Where were you the first time you saw "Lazy Sunday"? Ty and RD know exactly what they were doing. The X Millennial Man wants to find out what SNL cast, and skits, define the generations. Who from Saturday Night Live made the biggest impact? What are the best SNL related TV shows and movies (we already know "Boogie in the Butt" is the best song). Join us for a conversation of SNL then, now, and the future.