Episode CCXLVII: Best of 2020 - Pop Culture and Sports


Episode note: We start off the podcast discussing the attempted coup at the United States Capitol on January 6th, 2021.

2020 was quite the year.

Join Ty and RD as the discuss the best movies, television shows, music, sports moments, and other pieces of pop culture from 2020.

Download the podcast for free.

Episode CCXVII: Star Wars Talk

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It has been months, and we still have a few hot takes about "Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker".

Join Ty and RD as they debate the merits of the latest Star Wars film, and then they discuss other great things that take place in a galaxy far, far away.

Download the podcast for free, and remember...The Force Will Be With You...Always.

Episode CXX: The 10 Best Television Shows of the 21st Century


The X Millennial man is in the mood to make a list of their favorite television shows of our current century. Join Ty and RD as they give their expert lists of their favorite television programs that have premiered in the 21st century. Get all the answers you crave by downloading the podcast for free today.

Episode XXVIII: Chewbacca Rules and Boba Fett Drools

RD grew up with Star Wars and loves it. Ty just recently sat down and watched all seven movies. There are many questions that need to be answered. Why does everyone love Boba Fett so much? Is Chewbacca the offensive line of the films? What does that even mean? Come on in and give the X Millennial Man a listen. We have the answers you seek.