Episode CDIX: 2024 Year in Review: Sports, Music, and Video Games

The X Millennial Man year in sports was very heavy on the Michigan Wolverines. The Wolverines also figured in our year of video games. What about music?

Join Ty and RD as the look back at what was great in sports, music, and video games in the year 2024.

Download the episode for free.

Episode CCCXXXII: What We Got Right, and Wrong, in 2022

At the beginning of 2022 The X Millennial Man made some predictions on what pop culture was going to worth your time. Today RD is looking back and telling us what we got right, and what we got wrong in the year.

Join the X Millennial Man in a journey of congratulations, and regret.

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Episode CCCXXXI: The Year in Television, Movies, and Music - 2022

How was 2022 when it comes to television, movies, and music? Pretty damn good if you ask The X Millennial Man.

Join Ty and RD as they discuss the best of television, movies and music in 2022.

Download the podcast for free.

Episode CXVI: The Things About 2017

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The X Millennial Man is taking a look back at all the happenings of 2017. Join Ty and RD as they discuss the best and worst in movies, television, music, podcasts, sports, and other historic events of the year that was. Download for free today.

Episode XCVII - The 2017 Mid-Year Best in Pop Culture Awards

The X Millennial Man is all dressed up, has not mixed up the envelopes, and is ready to give out awards for the best in pop culture for the first half of 2017. What movies, television, music, and sports moments will Ty and RD recognize? Stay for the second half of the show to learn what will be the best pop culture for the rest of 2017. Find out all the winners by downloading the podcast for free.

Episode LXIV: The Greatest American Band Debate: An Oral History of Rap

Rap music has grown up with Generation X and the millennials. From the underground clubs of New York City, to the outskirts of Los Angeles, rap is the greatest American music. Join the X Millennial Man as they recount the highs, and the lows, of rap and hip hop in their lifetime. Download for free and come on in for a listen.