Episode CDVIII: 1999 - The Greatest Movie Year of Our Lives

1999 was supposed to be the year of "Star Wars Episode I", "Wild Wild West" and "American Beauty". Instead it became a great year in film because of movies like "Office Space", "South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut" and "The Matrix".

Join Ty and RD as the discuss the big misses of 1999 and why the hidden hits of the year make this time the greatest year in film history.

Download the episode for free.

Episode CCXCIX: The Best Made Up Television Shows

"Bitch Hunter", "Man vs Car", "Itchy and Scratchy", these are our favorite television shows that are actually not real. What other great shows are not real that we would love to watch?

Join the X Millennial Man as they discuss the best fake tv shows in their history.

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Episode CCIX: The Television Shows That Became Movies


Who thought a Simpsons Movie would work? What about the tv show Dragnet screamed comedy film?

Join the X Millennial Man as they look at the television shows that became noteworthy movies. In the second half Ty and RD pitch the next great tv show to movie idea.

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Episode CLXXXIII: The Years of Our Lives - 1997

1997 art.png

1997 was a big freaking year. It was the year of "Titanic", OK Computer, and Michigan Football.

Join Ty and RD as they recount the important pop culture, sports, and historic events of 1997.

Download the show for free.

Episode LX: The Best Television Pilots Ever

Not this kind of pilot

Not this kind of pilot

The X Millennial Man is always excited to check out a new tv show. Most of the time these pilot episodes are no good, but sometimes there is a great piece of entertainment in these show beginnings. Join Ty and RD as they remember their favorite tv pilot episodes ever. Download for free and come on in for a listen.