Episode CCLXV: The Most Memorable Deaths in Television and Movies



Some character deaths are very sad, some are very sudden, and some are strangely very funny.

Join the X Millennial Man as they discuss the sad, sudden, and funny deaths of television and movie characters.

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Episode CCLXIII: Our Hottest Takes - Volume 1


Are the Guardians of the Galaxy movies just like Batman and Robin? Was the Game of Thrones finale actually pretty good? What decade had the best pop music?

Join Ty and RD as they give their hottest of hot takes on the pop culture of our times. It is quite spicy.

Download the podcast for free.

Episode XXXVIII: Final thoughts on the Best and Worst TV Finales

Ty really hated the season finally of "The Walking Dead". He wanted to talk all about and the other season / series finales that tv go t so wrong. In the second half he and RD return to positive thinking and reminisce about the tv finales that were great. Do the tv writers owe us quality entertainment? You be the judge.