Episode XXXV: A Batman for all Generations

Since 1939 every generation has had a Batman to call their own. Ty and RD take a close look at these different Dark Knights and how they define the generation. Who is the best to wear the cape and cowl? Who played the best Batman villain?  Can the "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" movie enhance the already great character? Come on in and take a listen.

Episode XV: Millennials are from Marvel, Gen X is from DC

If you were born before 1980, DC is the best. Born after 1980 then Marvel has been bringing the better entertainment. That is what the X Millennial Man has on it's mind today. Is Marvel winning the pop culture war? Can DC still tell good stories? Is Lex Luthor running for president as a Republican right now? Come take a listen and be enlightened. 

Enjoy some supplemental reading:

Ty likes Marvel

RD likes DC