X Millennial Man Presents - The Vaporware Tales - George Miller's "Justice League: Mortal"

Back in 2007 making a superhero team up movie was not a sure thing. This did not stop Warner Bros, along with Mad Max, Babe, and Happy Feet creator, George Miller from coming up with the first big super hero team up movie "Justice League: Mortal". A writer's strike later, an unknown cast, and a non-committed Australian government would be too tough a foe for Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, and friends, and the movie would be lost before a single shot was taken.

Join RD as he goes over the script and wonders if we missed out on a potential super hero masterpiece.

Download the episode for free.

X Millennial Man Classic: Episode CCXXII: The All Star Team of Pop Culture Villains

This episode originally premiered on June 6th, 2020

If we needed to select the best villains to fill a baseball All Star roster, who would we pick?

Join Ty and RD as they fill out their dream lineups of villains from pop culture.

Download the podcast for free.

Episode CCXLVIII: What to Look Forward to In 2021


Goodbye 2020, it is time to look forward to 2021.

Join Ty and RD as they lay out the movies, television, music, sports, and other events in 2021 they are most looking forward to.

Download the podcast for free.

Episode CCXXII: The All Star Team of Pop Culture Villains

If we needed to select the best villains to fill a baseball All Star roster, who would we pick?

Join Ty and RD as they fill out their dream lineups of villains from pop culture.

Download the podcast for free.

Episode CLXXXIX: The Best Pop Culture Reboots and the Best Yet to Come


The X Millennial Man is talking about the pop culture they have seen rebooted for the good, and give suggestions on properties that could be rebooted in the future.

Join Ty and RD as they find the best redos of pop culture and let the world know what should be next on the reboot block.

Download the show for free.

Episode CXXXII: Marvel v DC: The Sequel


The X Millennial Man is back looking to answer one of the most important questions of our time. Who makes a better movie, Marvel or DC? Join Ty and RD as they look at some of the biggest films from each cinematic universe and scientifically figure out why Marvel is so much better at making good movies. Download for free.

Episode LXXXIII: The Worst Leaders from Pop Culture


Pop culture has given us some great leaders (like these), and some not so great ones. The X Millennial Man is going to take a look at the worst leaders seen in our movies, television shows, and comics. Some men want sharks with lasers, some want to carve their face in the moon, and some are just selfish jerks. The one thing these leaders all have in common? They are all terrible. Download for free and hear who are the worst leaders in all of pop culture.

Episode XLV: Millennials are from Marvel, Gen X is from DC - Remastered

Ty and RD update their debate on Marvel vs DC after the release of Captain America: Civil War. Is the debate over since everyone liked Marvel's new movie, and only RD liked Batman V Superman? Does the DC Rebirth show any promise?

The original conversation is remastered and presented after the new information. Come take a listen to where the debate started on why Gen X likes DC and the Millennials are tied to Marvel. 

Mini EpisodeXXXVI-2: Batman v X Millennial Man v Superman

One half of the X Millennial Man saw Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, and we are here to tell you all about it. Is it worth your money and time (maybe)? Should you really care what we and other film critics think (nope)?  Ty and RD also discuss if it is even worth having any stand alone Superman movies. 

Major spoilers at the very end of the podcast (there is plenty of warning) where RD talks about the end of the film.

Episode XV: Millennials are from Marvel, Gen X is from DC

If you were born before 1980, DC is the best. Born after 1980 then Marvel has been bringing the better entertainment. That is what the X Millennial Man has on it's mind today. Is Marvel winning the pop culture war? Can DC still tell good stories? Is Lex Luthor running for president as a Republican right now? Come take a listen and be enlightened. 

Enjoy some supplemental reading:

Ty likes Marvel

RD likes DC