Episode CCLXXVI: We Believed the Hype, and We Were Wrong


Have you ever wanted to hear that new song, and then were wanting for more? How about a movie that has all the hype, and it was a big let down? Well do we have a podcast for you.

Join Ty and RD as the discuss the pop culture they were most looking forward to, only to be left disappointed and empty when that pop culture was released.

Download the podcast for free.

Episode LIII: Pong to Pokemon Go - An Oral History of Playing Video Games

In the days of old we had a small box on the back of a television that allowed us to enjoy the majesty of Pong. Today, many people are staring into their phones, taking long walks, and trying to catch them all in Pokemon Go. In between, the X Millennial Man has played all sorts of video games. Join Ty and RD as they talk about the great games, and consoles, of their youth and adult years. Are you a bad enough dude to come in for a listen?

Episode XXXIX: Today's Security and Tomorrow's Pop Culture

What is the fight between Apple and the FBI really about. Thankfully we have Kirk here to explain the details of the case and talk about what encryption means to our security. Once we feel secure, Ty and Kirk talk about what the pop culture of the future will look like. Will video games replace movies? Is VHS the next media hipsters will be insufferable about? If Willie Nelson is timeless, why is he not in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Come in for a listen and get all your questions answered.