Episode XXII: The Great Pop Culture Gifts of the Holiday Season

Ty and RD love the holiday season. The food, family, presents, and most important they love the pop culture. Great music, awesome sports, incredible television, and the best movies are all part of the seasons pop culture. Join us and have your spirits lifted.

Check out the greatest Christmas Carol ever

Episode XX: Thanksgiving is Awesome

What makes Thanksgiving so awesome. The food? The sports? The awkward family moments? The X Millennial Man loves the Thanksgiving holiday and we are here to tell our stories. Great television, incredible football, sprained ankles, copious amounts of wine, Rocky IV, all of these and more make Thanksgiving great.

Episode XVIII: Your favorite things are no good and you should feel bad about liking them

There are pieces of pop culture that everyone seems to love. Everyone except the X Millennial. Like the Beach Boys, not us. How about Glee or American Horror Story? Hate to tell you that you like bad entertainment. Apple and Spielberg can do no wrong? Your faith in them are wrong. Come listen to Ty and RD be grouchy about the things we all love.

Mini Episode XVI-2: Anticipations and Heartbreaks

Sports heartbreak have left their mark on the X Millennial Man. Today they continue the conversation to discuss Pop Culture heartbreak. RD is still coming to terms with a certain movie. Ty is sad that in today's world we can not have foul mouthed little leaguers. Come take a listen and share your pop culture heartbreak. 

Episode XIII: Piracy on the High Internet

Piracy is rampant on all corners of the internet. Kirk and Ty have a lot of experience with bootlegged entertainment and as they have grown up, the way entertainment is consumed has fundamentally changed. They discuss how piracy practices became the norm for big companies. What value has internet piracy had for society? Is this a good or a bad thing? Come take a listen.

Indulge in some supplemental reading from Kirk.

Episode XII: Saturday Night Live - Generations

Where were you the first time you saw "Lazy Sunday"? Ty and RD know exactly what they were doing. The X Millennial Man wants to find out what SNL cast, and skits, define the generations. Who from Saturday Night Live made the biggest impact? What are the best SNL related TV shows and movies (we already know "Boogie in the Butt" is the best song). Join us for a conversation of SNL then, now, and the future.