Ty Watches "Search Party"

Today I want to write about a new show that I am really enjoying right now. That show is "Search Party" on TBS.

I had heard a lot of things about this show because I am a Michael Showalter fan. He created one of my all-time favorite movies, "Wet Hot American Summer", he put out the "prequel" to that great movie on Netflix a few years ago, "Wet Hot American Summer: First Day of Camp", he directed the wonderful "Hello My Name is Doris", and now he has "Search Party". He is clicking on all levels as a creative artist right now. He had one of the best binge-worthy shows that has even been put on Netflix. "Hello My Name is Doris" is not only an indie darling, but is even getting some early Oscar buzz, mainly Sally Field. And now, he has a great episodic show on national TV. He can do no wrong right now.

As I said, I heard a lot about this show before it came out, and everything I heard about it, it made me want to watch it that much more. I was excited to hear that it wasn't going to be a straight forward, goofy comedy like much of Showalter's stuff. He proved that he could do some different things with "Doris", and he is putting that to use on "Search Party". Now, that is not to say that this show does not have comedic moments, because it has a lot of them. There are times that I have laughed out loud while watching. But, each comedic moment is met with moments of clarity, sadness, self reliance, drama and intrigue.

"Search Party" is about a group of over privileged, hipster kids that live in New York. They have little to nothing going on in their lives, although they act much more important than they really are. They are kids born with a silver spoon in their mouths, and it shows. But, the main character Dory(Alia Shawkat), sees a missing person photo on the street in the pilot episode, and we come to realize she recognizes the girl from college. They weren't necessarily friends, but Dory has memories of her. She meets up with her core group of friends, her boyfriend Drew(John Reynolds), Portia(Meredith Hanger) and Elliot(John Early) to tell them the news, but it is met with deaf ears. Dory's friends either don't care, or are way too interested in their own stuff to feign interest in their missing college "friend". But, Dory cannot shake it. She now feels like she needs to find her old college acquaintance. There are a lot of reasons she makes for wanting to find their friend, but it mainly seems like she doesn't have a lot going on in her life. She is bored and tired of the hipster scene and she wants something that will make her feel important. She actually acts kind of selfish in her quest to find Chantal(Clare McNulty). She becomes singularly focused on this search, putting everything else on hold.

Alia Shawkat is tremendous in this show. I know it may sound like I think she is kind of selfish, but that is just her character. Shawkat has been in a lot of stuff, and has been pretty good in her minor rolls, but this is a great vehicle for her as far as starring roles go. She shines as Dory. She is so, so good on this show. I have become a big Alia Shawkat fan during the run of this show. But, the three other friends are great as well. John Reynolds as Drew, Dory's woebegone boyfriend, is excellent. He plays a total pushover with no backbone really well. He is at Dory's beck and call and does anything she asks him. But, he also has heart and soul, and you begin to feel for him when Dory, or anyone else for that matter, starts to go off on him. Meredith Hanger as Portia is perfect as the pretty blonde actress that wants so badly for everyone to like her, but also be proud of her and her career choice. She is an actress, but she is a very mediocre actress that plays small roles on corny crime procedurals. She works hard on her show, but outside of that, she is self-involved and careless. But, she does have moments when she seems to be a caring, loyal friend. She wants to believe that Dory has seen Chantal, she goes to weird parties with her and she genuinely cares for Dory's safety when Dory goes out to do PI work.

Then there is John Early as Elliot. He is so god damn good on this show. Early was excellent on "Wet Hot: First Day of Camp", but man oh man, is he awesome on "Search Party". He is so funny, he has so many skeletons in his closet, he is constantly making up and breaking up with his boyfriend, in very comedic ways and he has a terrible secret that he has kept since he was a teenager. Early has taken the direction to be a New York hipster to the absolute perfect point. He is so douchey and self-involved, and I couldn't love his character more. He is the second best person on this show, next to Shawkat.

There have been some great recurring characters played by some big name people as well. Christine Ebersol is great as Portia's mom that doesn't give her enough attention. Rosie Perez is really good as a crazy lady that claims she has seen Chantal as well, when her and Dory meet for the first time. Christine Taylor is so awesome as Dory's boss, who lives in a whole different world than everyone else on this show. Tunde Adebimpe, as the leader of some weird cult that may or may have some kind of involvement in Chantal going missing, is both mean, but also very funny. Then there is Ron Livingston as the PI that follows, then eventually hires Dory to work with him to find her friend.

"Search Party" is a really good show. All ten episodes were shown in 5 days, 2 episodes a day, and they are all on TV for your viewing pleasure right now. I have watched 7 episodes so far, I will be finishing it this afternoon, and I cannot wait to see how it all ends. Obviously I recommend this show. Check it out.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast. He loves new and interesting television, tell him about a show you like. Follow Ty on instagram and twitter.

SeedSing is funded by a group of awesome people. Join them by donating to SeedSing.

Be Thankful for All of "The Simpsons"

2016 is not so bad when every single "The Simpsons" is on in a row

Instead of talking about how rough 2016 has been, I want to talk about something that has made me very happy, that started yesterday. Once again, FXX has made a great, brilliant decision, and they are showing every "Simpsons" ever again. It is like the holidays have come early for me. I went out to have lunch with my wife's family for Thanksgiving yesterday, and when we got home, my wife turned on the TV, flipped to FXX, and there it was. I said to her, "oh, that's cool that they are showing "Simpsons" episodes today", but then she reminded me that yesterday was the start of the marathon. This made me very, very happy. I had totally forgotten that they were doing this again. With college football and the NBA in full swing, I completely spaced that FXX was doing this marathon. It was a wonderful surprise.

After we put our children down for nap/quiet time, we turned it on, and I was so pleasantly surprised that the first episode we watched was "The Crepes of Wrath". I rarely watch the older episodes, but when I do, I am reminded at how great this show truly is. "The Crepes of Wrath" is an all-timer in "The Simpsons" world. It is an awesome, funny, and even at the end, there is a touching moment. This episode shows everything that "The Simpsons" would, and could, become.

Then, as we settled in, we kept the TV on and watched episode after episode. When the kids came out of their rooms, we continued to watch. My son, who is 4, loves "The Simpsons". He has never really seen any of the early episodes, so it was kind of neat for him to see the show at its very beginning. He loved the episode where Homer and Marge go on a date, and the kids have the mean babysitter that they tie up and call the police on. He thought it was hilarious. Call me a bad parent if you want, but I'd much rather my son watch that besides "PJ Masks" or "Shimmer and Shine". At least "The Simpsons" is well written, thoughtful and can teach lessons, if the parent looks for them. The episode with the babysitter showed me, and my son, to stand up for yourself. For example, the babysitter, voiced excellently by Penny Marshall, was a bully, and it showed that you should not take any crap from bullies. All three children stood up for themselves, got together and took a stand against a mean person, and they prevailed. I feel like that is a much better lesson than anything on another little kids TV show on Disney Jr. So, yeah, my 4-year-old was more than happy to sit there and watch "The Simpsons" with us. This makes him extra cool, and let me tell you, my son is pretty god damn cool.

This was my 1 year old's first time being cognizant of "The Simpsons". It has been on in our house, but she never sat still long enough, or was sleeping when it was on. But yesterday, when Bart and Lisa and Maggie where watching the "Little Elves" show, she was glued to the screen. She thought it was funny and exciting. Then, when they went to Bart and Lisa arguing about the show, my daughter was still on board. She loved the interactions between the kids. She was laughing, looking at me and my wife, then looking back at the screen and laughing some more. Then, when she saw Maggie, sucking on her pacifier, she got much more happy. I swear she thought she was looking at a cartoon version of herself. She walks around the house, pacifier in mouth at most times, so she was very pleased to see someone that resembled her. Again, call me a bad parent if you want, but I adore the fact that my 2 children are advanced and smart enough to love this show that I have been watching since I was my son's age. They have great taste, even if my son deviates and watches Disney Jr occasionally.

But, getting away from why my kids rule, again, I was so happy to watch these early episodes once again. "The Simpsons" has been so successful and wonderful since it has been on the air. This is one of the smartest shows that television has ever aired. I have learned more from "The Simpsons" than I ever learned in high school. I have mentioned that fact on the podcast many times. The writing on this show is impeccable. The jokes are laugh out loud funny, but, they can give you heartfelt moments at any time. There are all different types of episodes too. There's drama, sci-fi, political, religious, sports, but above all, comedic episodes. "The Simpsons" can do no wrong, and I will debate this until the day I die.

I guess this blog is my long winded way of giving many thanks to FXX. They have made me so happy two times in the past 2 years. I love the fact that I can turn on my TV at any time for the next 6-10 days, and see "The Simpsons". I hope they continue to do stuff like this, and it is great to have the best television show ever back on TV for your viewing pleasure at any time. Now that I have finished this, I'm going to go back and watch some more great episodes of "The Simpsons". I suggest you all do the same.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast. He is far and away the most cromulent writer on all the internets. Follow Ty on instagram and twitter.

SeedSing is funded by a group of awesome people. Join them by donating to SeedSing.

Thanksgiving should be about Family, Friends, and a Great Episode of "The Simpsons"

I am way thankful for this juicy piece of meat

Today is Thanksgiving, so I'm going to keep this short and sweet, well, maybe not sweet.

As RD and I already stated, 2016 has been pretty rough (seriously, go listen to the podcast. It is free.). Politically, a travesty, pop culture wise, very ho hum, most other stuff, kind of blah. But at least you get to spend this day with family and friends. That is what people should focus on today. Leave your politics, religion, pop culture, any other thoughts you may have inside your home, and just be nice to one another. People should not get together to just argue, that should not be the focus today. The focus is to be kind and thankful for what you have, that is what this holiday is, allegedly, all about.

Might I also recommend watching the great Thanksgiving episode of "The Simpsons", where Homer becomes Mr. Burns' "prank monkey". Every time around this year, I walk around saying "Happy Pranksgiving" to everyone. I do not throw fish guts on people, but I find it very funny when Mr. Burns does, and this episode cracks me up every time.

With that being said, just be nice and thankful that you get to be with family, friends, have food and shelter this time of year. We are all very lucky, and should be very thankful, that we at least have that. Happy Thanksgiving everyone, enjoy your turkey, stuffing and football, I know I will.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast. He is also quite proficient at the Lindy Hop. Follow Ty on instagram and twitter.

SeedSing is funded by a group of awesome people. Join them by donating to SeedSing.

Ty Watches: People of Earth

I recently started watching the show "People of Earth" based on a recommendation. Man am I glad that I took that advice and caught up on this show. "People of Earth" is one of these rare, unique shows that comes along once in a lifetime.

The show's premise is simple. We have a journalist that is sent to a small town in New York to write about a support group for people who claim to have been abducted by aliens, they call themselves "experiencers". Wyatt Cenac, who I adore, plays the lead character, Ozzie, who is sent on this assignment. In the pilot episode he keeps having flashes of a deer, which he hit in an accident, driving to this small town. He finally arrives to this group and finds out way, way more about himself than he ever knew.

When he gets to this town, we get to meet all the weird and wacky people that entail this group. The ensemble cast is wonderful. Luka Jones pays a wannabe alien abductee, AKA, an experiencer, but he is the ultimate alien expert in this small town. Brian Huskey plays an experiencer that claims all the world is run by aliens, which he calls "reptilians". Ana Gasteyer plays the leader of the group, and she is great as the main support, but has a troubled past. Alice Wetterlund and Tracee Chimo are an excellent Yin and Yang of people that claim to have been abducted by the same alien. Nancy Lenahan is great as the lonely widowed lady that had her alien experience. Da'Vine Joy Randolph is great as the local mail person that had a run in with aliens. Daniel Stewart Sherman is very good as the hillbilly esque guy that had your typical run in with aliens. H Jon Benjamin shows up as a cop in the town, and he is great.

The people that play the aliens, Drew Nelson, Ken Hall, Bjorn Gustafsson and Michael Cassidy are the absolute best. They each represent a different style of alien. We have your run of the mill, big head, little body alien. We have the reptilians and we get a very tall, very long haired human looking alien. These actors do these roles so well. I love how normal and regular the alien characters act. Sure, they are abducting people and doing random tests on them but they aren't probing anyone, or eating anyone, or even being mean to the people. They just want to study humans, at least that is what I have gathered from the first four episodes. The aliens bicker with each other. They have conversations like you and I have at our regular everyday jobs. They are as normal as aliens have ever been portrayed on TV or in the movies. I love all the back and forth between the aliens.

But, the star of the show, as it should be, is Cenac. He is absolutely wonderful as Ozzie. The interactions that he has with the deer are wonderfully weird and hilarious. He keeps seeing them, and thinks that it is because of his accident, but we come to realize, spoiler alert, that he was abducted by all three styles of aliens, and they made him think that he hit a deer. When he recalls this to the support group, they are all shocked that he had an experience with the three different aliens, and they want him to stay to tell his whole story and stay in the group. Everyone likes him.

Ozzie decides, after revealing everything to the group, that he wants to stay, so he quits his job and moves to the small town to work for their paper. We do come to realize that his boss at the big newspaper is a reptilian, sent to study Ozzie. This sends us into a whole different world of who is real, and who is a reptilian in this planet that this show has created. The friendships and interactions between the people in the group and Ozzie are funny and heartfelt at the same time.

This show is a great opportunity, and the perfect one for that matter, for Cenac's unique sense of humor. He is a very funny, yet quiet person. He was great on "The Daily Show". He has done some excellent stand up specials. He has had bit parts in movies and TV shows here and there, but "People of Earth" is just perfect for him.

I do not want to give too much away because I think people should watch this show. It is really good, and I feel like it will be around for awhile. Watch "People of Earth" so we can get multiple seasons. The show is different from anything you will see, but it is one of the funnier shows to come out on TV in a long, long time. Check it out.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast. He has suspected that the head editor is an alien, one of those Midwestern balding ones. Follow Ty on instagram and twitter.

SeedSing is funded by a group of awesome people. Join them by donating to SeedSing.

Ty Watches Bar Rescue: The Triple Nickel Edition

The season finale of "Bar Rescue" this past Sunday was your typical run of the mill episode. There is a follow up episode coming next week, called "Back to the Bar", that I will review, but this was the finale of this season.

Taffer and crew headed to a bar in Colorado called "The Triple Nickel". This was a family owned bar that had some great times early on. They were making money, the family was happy and all was well. But, things started to get pretty rough over a year ago. The youngest son took over the bar, and at first, he was doing fine, with help from his family. But, his mother got cancer and died. Then, his sister got cancer and she died. Then, his brother got cancer, and he died. That is a whole lot of tragedy to deal with in under a year.

I would have totally understood had he just sold the bar and did something else, but he did not do that. He chose to keep the bar going, change it to a punk rock venue, stop selling food and drink his sorrows away. I do not blame him for drinking, if I lost 3 family members in one year, I'd drink too, and I do not drink alcohol. But, this drinking led to him forgetting about the bar. He just kind of let things go, and made the place his own personal playhouse. He hired friends to work there, they drank constantly, he belittled people in front of patrons and the bar started to go down the drain.

When Taffer and his experts came to check things out, they were not impressed. The outside of the bar looked drab and old. The interior actually had the look and feel of a country/BBQ bar. It was all finished wood and old chairs and barstools. It looked rather weird, because this guy wanted his bar to be a punk bar. When they watched the workers, they were unhappy. These guys kept treating the place their own personal frat house. They played pranks on each other, they demeaned each other and they drank until they got sick. It was embarrassing to watch. When the owner had physically pushed one of his employees to the ground, that is when Taffer jumped into action. He walked straight into the bar and made a beeline for the owner. He verbally attacked this guy the second he walked into the bar. He started yelling at him, calling him a bully and a fraud and a drunk. The owner, who was completely hammered, was totally taken aback and unprepared for the verbal abuse that was coming from Taffer.

After Taffer got through all the insults and yelling, he closed the bar down and told everyone to go home and sober up and come in ready to work the next day. When the staff arrived the next day, they were all pretty apologetic and seemed to want to change. They wanted their friend who had gone through these horrible tragedies to be okay. The owner himself owned up to all his faults. It was refreshing to see these people not yell and fight with Taffer, but rather, take his advice. One of the first things Taffer decided he was going to do was to reopen the kitchen. This made everyone happy. This meant more revenue. They also decided to make drinks a bit easier, and made it so they did not need a ton of liquor in the bar. That was a problem for them. They kept running out of alcohol and liquor during their operating hours. All the stuff that Taffer and the experts decided to do were all very good, and obvious, choices.

During stress test, the fact that I do not remember many problems speaks to the fact that they did okay enough. There were some small problems, but it wasn't anything that was shocking or made the experts close the bar down. This staff, when locked in, seemed like they knew what they were doing. The owner was very, very involved during the stress test as well. He was in the kitchen, worked at the bar and helped wherever help was needed. He looked really good during stress test.

When they finished the stress test, they closed the bar down, and Taffer and his crew got to work fixing up the bar. They made some nice changes on the inside. They gave them new tables, chairs and barstool. They also made the outside more inviting, and they did not change the name, which I always like. When the staff saw the new bar, they loved it. They loved the new look, the new stage, the new stuff, they were very enthused. During the re launch, things went swimmingly. They were pumping the new food out of the kitchen, the bartenders were cruising behind the bar, the owner was doing his thing and everything was working out very well. They looked to be in good shape.

When the Bar Rescue crew came back for the 6 week check up, one of the staff filmed a thing by himself and said that things were going fine. But, he did not seem as excited as the whole crew did during stress test and re launch. It was odd, but they could be doing just fine as far as I know.

This was a pretty decent season, save for a couple of episodes. I will review the episode next week, and that will be it for this season of "Bar Rescue". Thank you all for reading these particular reviews, and I will continue to do this when "Bar Rescue" returns for its next season.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast. As long as Jon Taffer is rescuing bars, America will be a ok in Ty's book. Follow Ty on instagram and twitter.

SeedSing is funded by a group of awesome people. Join them by donating to SeedSing.

Ty Watches Bar Rescue: Fort One Edition

The most recent episode of "Bar Rescue" got back to its greatness this particular season. There was no stupid puns or stories of war, it was a trashy, ridiculous episode, which is what I adore about this show.

The bar they went to "rescue" was called "Fort One" in San Francisco. This bar had a lot of problems, mainly their spoiled brat of an owner. This guy was something else. He was a rich kid whose dad bought him a bar as a "gift". Also, this bar never really was on fire at first like a lot of bars on the show. They did okay at first, turning a small profit, but nothing like the other places that always claim to be "raking it in". After their okay start, the owner started to get heavily involved in drinking and buying things for patrons he deemed attractive. He was giving away free alcohol to try and get phone numbers basically. He brought on a friend that gave him a sizable loan to have a stake in the bar. After getting this money, the owner did not change, and in fact, he demeaned the friend and treated him as one of his employees, instead of a part owner himself.

On the night that Taffer and his "expert" went to do recon, what they saw, they did not like. For starters, when they are watching from their car, they despised the outside of the bar. They do not like the sign, and they claim that it is uninviting. They can't park on the street where the bar is located, so they park in a lot and go to another bar where they can watch from their monitors. One of the first things they notice is how empty this bar is. This is a huge space, I think they said 6,000 plus square feet, with a downstairs nightclub, but this place was dead. They also notice how terrible the décor and the furniture in the bar and nightclub have become. The chairs are old and creaky, the VIP room couches have ripped apart upholstery and the bar is incredibly dirty.

Taffer and the expert also see that the majority of the bartenders, and the primary owner, are hammered. They are taking shots with the paltry amount of patrons and they keep going and going. Taffer sends in 2 more recon spies, 2 attractive, young ladies, to see if the owner lives up to his reputation. As soon as the women enter, the owner makes a beeline for them, sends them to bottle service and sits with them. He orders a bottle immediately for the table. We come to find out that it is an 80 dollar bottle, but the bar sells it for 400 bucks. This is a very common practice in bars we, the viewers, are told. So, he right off the bat gives away a free 400 dollar bottle of liquor. But, he doesn't stop there. He gives them not just 1, but 4 free bottles. That is 1,600 dollars he flat out gave away. That is terrible. When his employee in charge of bottle service and his partial owner ask him to maybe charge the ladies for the bottles, he cusses them out and tells them to leave him alone.

Now Taffer makes his entrance. He doesn't go straight to the owner first, but picks the one bartender that he has seen take the most shots that evening. He goes up to the bar, the bartender has her back turned, and there is about 20 seconds of awkward silence before the bartender finally turns around and drunkenly tells Taffer that she is closed. Taffer then talks to her about how much she drank, asks if she made any money that night, asked about her family and then proceeded to tell her to go home to sober up. After this interaction, he goes to the partial owner and bottle service worker, they tell him how terrible things are, and Taffer finally asks to speak to the main owner. He saunters over drunk as a skunk. Taffer immediately begins to lay into him. He is calling him everything, and then some, and the drunk owner keeps saying things like, "you're stressing me out", or, "could you stop cursing at me like this". It was hilarious, and we all need a laugh right now.

After Taffer closes the bar for the night, he makes everyone go home to sober up and come back in the morning. The next day, they get to business. Taffer asks all the employees about what they think is wrong, and they all say it is the owners fault. The claim he doesn't care, they don't get paid and he is a blowhard. Then, Taffer and the expert do their cleanliness check, and it is a total nightmare. They find mold all over the ice machine. There is mold on the pipes. The owner doesn't know the smallest things about cleaning the stuff that makes the ice. The bottles, and the bar itself, has fruit flies flying everywhere. It is a mess. They find 2 dead mice behind the ice machine, and that is the topping on the crap cake that is this bar. Taffer excuses every employee, rubs some mold on the owners shirt and tells him to clean the place by himself.

Much to my surprise, he does everything that Taffer says with no complaints. Once the bar is finally up to standards, they get to training. Now, I do want to say, the staff at this place was great, when sober. They made quality drinks, and they made them fast. One of the bartenders in fact, was awesome. She was cranking out drinks, making them properly and did it all with a smile. So, training was not as important as getting this owner to get his head out of the gutter. They all get ready for the stress test, and I have got to say, this was the best stress test I have ever seen on "Bar Rescue". They left the rock star bartender at the main bar area, by herself, to see if she could handle it. She did incredible. She was making 5 and 6 drinks at a time, making them right and smiling all along. She was incredible. They put the 2 other bartenders downstairs at the nightclub bar, and even though they started shaky, they came through in the end. They picked up the pace and started making drink after drink the more comfortable they got. The partial owner was running everything great. He had his eye on the prize, and he kept everything running smoothly. The bottle service employee was doing a great job, and making more money than she ever had at "Fort One". Even the owner, who they made be a bar back, showed promise. He worked hard all night, he helped wherever help was needed and did not have one single drink all night. This was the best stress test ever.

When they get to re launch, Taffer tells the whole crew how proud he is, and the rock star bartender I keep mentioning, Taffer tells her that he is going to bring her on some later episodes to be one of his "experts", and she is thrilled. They turn to see the new bar, and Taffer has changed the name to "The Roc". This is actually a good name. It makes sense because of the location near Alcatraz. The inside of the bar is a hell of a lot nicer, with new furniture and a new style. It is so much better looking than when they first arrived. When they re open with the new name and new stuff, they do even better than stress test. They crush it. This "rescue" was so much more about giving this spoiled rich kid a kick in the ass than anything else, and it seemed to work.

After Taffer leaves, they do the 6 week update and sales are up, and things seem to be doing well. This was a refreshing return after the terrible episode last week. There is only one episode left this season and I will be here next week to review it for you.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast. He thinks we need hope in our world, and Bar Rescue is the epitome of hope. Thank you Jon Taffer. Follow Ty on instagram and twitter.

SeedSing is funded by a group of awesome people. Join them by donating to SeedSing.

Ty Watches Bar Rescue: Brickhouse Bar and Grill Edition

This past Sunday, "Bar Rescue" turned in one of their worst episodes that I have seen in awhile. Taffer and crew headed to the "Brickhouse Bar and Grill" in Colorado to help save it. From the start, I was not very happy with this episode. The great thing about this season is the fact that it has been so different from the other seasons. This season has not taken itself seriously, or when they do, it is with a coy smile as if to say, we know what we are doing. There have been some home run episodes in earlier seasons, like "The Landing Strip", "Piratz Tavern" and "The O Face Bar", but most early episodes are filled with "redemption" stories and cliché after cliché. It can be pretty off putting. That was the case with "Brickhouse".

The episode opens with your typical sad, my bar is failing, can you help me Jon Taffer type story. But, we come to realize that the guy running the bar is a member of the army that gets deployed a bunch. I have no problem with the troops, they are doing the US a great service that I could never bring myself to do, but to constantly talk about the fact that you are an army guy, so you need help more than others, stop with that. The bar is not failing because you get deployed, it is failing because the owner likes to get drunk on the job, not charge anyone and hit on patrons in front of his girlfriend, who also works for him. I do not like when people use outside excuses as to why their company is failing. That is some Donald Trump type shit, and Trump is a colossal failure when it comes to pretty much everything in his miserable life. But, this owner used his army and deployment as the only reason his bar was failing. That was a terrible excuse.

Unfortunately, "Bar Rescue" and Jon Taffer didn't really tell him that he was the problem, they kind of ran with the army stuff, because it makes for "touching" TV I guess. Taffer, when talking and berating this guy, kept using military terms and telling him that he needed to run his bar like he runs his platoon. What a bunch of crap. A bar is not a war zone Jon Taffer. I hate, hate, hate when people compare everyday stuff in life to something as horrific and terrifying as war. I don't like when athletes are called "warriors" or "heroic". I don't like when a field or a company is compared to a "battlefield" or a "platoon". It is all nonsense. Athletes are not warriors or heroic, they are athletes. The same can be said for a business owner. He is only a warrior or heroic when he is on the literal battlefield, not when he is running his bar into the ground. But, that did not stop the "Bar Rescue" crew from running this comparison into the ground. Every time the owner got yelled at, or had a nice little sit down with Taffer, everything was compared to his military record. I COULD NOT CARE LESS about his military record. I wanted to know why his bar needed to be rescued. I wanted to know what he was doing wrong. I wanted Taffer to berate him for getting drunk on the job and treating his girlfriend like garbage. I wanted to know why their systems were so terrible. I wanted to see the experts get into it with the employees.

The things I love about "Bar Rescue", we only got a very, very little bit of this. The small bits of good stuff was not enough to get the bad taste of this episode out of mine, and my wife's mouth. The stress test was not nearly as gleefully terrible as it could have been because, any time they ran into a problem, Taffer would yell at the guy and tell him to run this bar like he runs his army unit. What a pile of crap. During training, they kept talking about making cocktails and food that was affordable, but also appealing to an army man. I'm sorry, does every patron at this bar have an army background? I don't think that everyone in the whole state of Colorado is in the military, but this episode tries to make it seem that way. The training was filled with army related puns and it was so, so stupid. After training and the crew fixing up the bar, Taffer renamed it "Garrison's Tavern", I have no idea what this has to do with the military or the people that work at this place, but the people at "Bar Rescue" sure tried to make it seem that way.

After re launch, they of course were firing on all cylinders, and Taffer was praising the owner for running the bar like he runs his army unit. They would not stop the army talk, hanging on to it all the way to the end. It was infuriating.

This was a very lackluster episode lumped into what has been a pretty great season of "Bar Rescue". I guess they can't all be winners, but this was a humongous step down. I loathed this episode, and I hope with the final 2 episodes this season, they stay away from this type of crap. As I said, stop comparing everyday life with scary situations like war. It comes off contrived and superficial. It is also very patronizing to people in the army who fight for their lives everyday. A rescue on "Bar Rescue" will never be as scary or hard as life in the army. This was a bad, bad episode. Do not watch it, unless you want to be frustrated by terrible writing and bad war puns.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast. Something else Ty really hates are the shenanigans of men's rights activists. Hear all about his anger towards these terrible people. Follow Ty on instagram and twitter.

SeedSing is funded by a group of awesome people. Join them by donating to SeedSing.

Happy Halloween from SeedSing

The end of October is upon us. The trick or treaters are getting ready with their store bought costumes to come fleece the neighborhood of it's fun sized candy bars. In honor of the holiday, we here at SeedSing want to present a treasure trove of Halloween related content. Read, and listen, if you dare.

The Monsters Live on Chalie Brown's Street

It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown has been a Halloween staple for fifty years. The show has delighted generations of readers and views. What is hidden in this classic is a horror story of children without supervision, and the monstrous adults who feel like it is ok to bully a bald, and maybe depressed, kid. There are monsters hiding everywhere.

Treehouse of Horrors is One of the Only Good Things about Halloween

The Simpsons has been going strong for over twenty five years, and in that time the show has presented a triumvirate of Halloween stories every year. Revisit some of the greatest THOH episodes and see what the greatest show on television does with our spookiest of holidays.

Ty says Boo-Urns to Halloween

Pop Culture editor Ty is not a big fan of Halloween. Nothing gets him more annoyed than the terrible puns associated with the holiday. He does not care for "spooktacular" savings or listening to the dulcet tones of "Rocktober". Oh, and adults dressing up, that is not Ty's favorite thing either. Maybe next year the Halloween fad will fade away.

The X Millennial Man Podcast Episode XVII: Strip Clubs, Hangovers, and the Innocence of Halloween

Ty and RD talk about the scary real life consequences of Halloween. Did you know that strip clubs do not always let you enter when you have a mask on. Even on Halloween. Many adults like to dress up and drink on Halloween too. Most of the time, these adults end up forgetting the night's festivities and spend All Saint's Day praying in front of the toilet. Who says kids get to have all the holiday fun.

The X Millennial Man Podcast Episode LXVII: Trolls and the Other Monsters Who Live on the Internet.

The X Millennial Man was doing some internet research on Mad Max: Fury Road, and we learned that there are some men who are not happy with the movie. It seems these fellows do not like a movie that portrays women as strong, or stronger, than men. It also seems many of these upset men can not find dates. In order to express their frustration, these gentleman go to the internet and write about their troubles. It is frightening. Join Ty and RD as they read some of these tales of MRAs and MGTOWs.

We hope you enjoy a cavalcade of Halloween scares. If you really need a good fright, go ahead and read anything we have written on Donald Trump. That will keep you up at night. Have a fantastic All Hallows Eve. 

The Writers of SeedSing

SeedSing is funded by a group of awesome people. Join them by donating to SeedSing.


Ty Watches "Jon Glaser Loves Gear"

Tru TV is at it again, putting on great, irreverent comedy shows. This past Wednesday, Jon Glaser, who I am a huge fan of, new show premiered, "Jon Glaser Loves Gear". I heard very little about the show until earlier in the week. I was on Facebook and I'm a fan of another Tru TV show called "Those Who Can't", and their page was promoting Glaser's new show. I immediately put it on my DVR so I could watch.

The show's premise is quite simple. Glaser and his gear expert, who he calls "spert", are pitching a show where they go out on random excursions and try out the newest and best gear for that particular trip. The first episode focused solely on a camping trip. After the execs at Tru TV green light the show, Glaser and his "spert" go on a shopping spree. The show is a mix of reality and scripted sequences. I really enjoy this. For example, when they are talking about their upcoming shopping spree, it's easily identified as scripted TV, but when they go to the store, that's when the mix of reality TV comes into play. To watch Glaser and his buddy shop is hilarious. One of my favorite things that Glaser does, after every piece of equipment that he seems serviceable, he loudly yells, "GEAR!!!!". I think this is so funny.

Before they head out on their camping trip, Glaser goes to his home to tell his wife and kids about the show and all the new stuff he purchased. Well, his wife wants nothing to do with the show. She doesn't want to be on camera and she doesn't want her kids on camera. This bit really reminded me a lot of one of Glaser's older shows, "Delocated". It was very goofy, and everyone's face was covered, except Glaser's. So, after his wife says she will not go with him on this trip, he has a casting call for someone to play his wife. Again, Glaser hits it out of the park with this bit. Go watch it, it is comedy gold.

After he hires an actress, they go on their camping trip. A lot of funny stuff occurs during this trip. Glaser's "wife" is way more into his "spert" than him. This makes Glaser very angry and jealous. He goes so far as to fire his "spert" after some advice from "geari". Who's "geari" you ask? That's what he calls Siri. "Geari" is a lot like Siri, but it only gives gear advice, writes scripts, gains the power to feel and basically runs Glaser's life. When Glaser is in the process of firing his "spert", there is another great bit involving a phone call with Andy Richter. Again, go watch it, you won't be disappointed.

Once the camping trip is over, Glaser gives a run down of how his gear did, and the first episode ends. We were granted with a second episode during the premiere. This one focused on bikes. There are some great scenes where Glaser is harassing a guy that sells night vision goggles. He also gives a guy that works on bikes a hard time. He has another run in with his wife where he thinks she's cheating on him.

You know how I mentioned that "Geari" writes scripts, that comes up in this episode. "Geari" writes a ridiculous script about a bike messenger that has to deliver male seed to keep the world afloat. Glaser goes so far as making a trailer for this movie. This episode was more about the movie than any gear. The gear actually takes a backseat to everything else. That's another thing I really like about this show and Glaser's comedy, it can go anywhere.

Again, do yourselves a favor and go watch the trailer for "Quick Rush", it's so weird and so funny. I highly, highly recommend everyone check out this show. If you're a Jon Glaser fan, you'll love it, but I think people who do not know of Glaser will enjoy it too. The show is weird, goofy, dysfunctional and very funny. I already love "Jon Loves Gear", and I think you will too. "GEAR!!!!!!!!".


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast. Join him and RD for the X Millennial Man Halloween podcast where they discuss the biggest monsters on the internet, the MRAs. Download it for free tomorrow. Follow Ty on instagram and twitter.

SeedSing is funded by a group of awesome people. Join them by donating to SeedSing.

Ty Watches Bar Rescue: Sam Jordan's and Tradewinds Edition

Much like yesterday, I'm back today to catch everyone up on another show, "Bar Rescue". Lucky for you and me, the past 2 episodes have been fairly, and kind of shockingly, similar, so I am going to lump the two of them into one blog for you today.

Two weeks ago, Taffer and crew went to a bar called "Sam Jordan's", and this past Sunday, they went to a bar called "Tradewinds". Right off the bat I will let you know that Taffer did not change the name of either bar because they are both landmark places with landmark names. Both bars have been around for 50 plus years, so changing the name would have caused a big problem in the communities, and we know that Taffer does not want to upset any community. So, the names never change, and I think this is a good thing because Taffer always picks something dumb, for the most part, anyway.

Another similarity, both bars were family owned. "Sam Jordan's" was now owned and operated by a brother and a sister, after their father, a former pro boxer, had passed away. "Tradewinds" was run by a step dad, his friend and the step dad's son. "Sam Jordan's" owners had a very splintered relationship since the bar started to go down the drain. The sister ran the day to day and front of house, and the brother ran the kitchen. The sister was doing a fairly good job of running the front of house. The bar was okay, not blowing anyone away, but not hemorrhaging money. The kitchen though, it was a disaster. The brother had kind of thrown in the towel, and was microwaving old BBQ and dousing it in sweet, disgusting sauce. "Tradewinds" was a shit show everywhere. The step dad and his friend had no business running a bar. They were both former car salesman, so the restaurant business seemed a bit much. They couldn't make drinks and their food systems were crap. They gave the step son a 20% stake in the bar because he has restaurant experience, was a manager at most of those jobs, and was young and energetic. Well, after getting his stake, the step son kind of gave up. He would show up late, if he came in at all. He would drink behind the bar. He would leave his bar and go to another bar to drink, thus giving his own competition money. He was a mess.

As you probably can tell by now, "Sam Jordan's" had people that wanted to change and get better, and "Tradewinds" had a spoiled, rotten little brat that got too much too young and was flaming out. As far as "Sam Jordan's" goes, we came to find out later that the brother running the kitchen did not have to pay any rent and all the money the kitchen made, it went straight to him. This pissed his sister, and Taffer off, but it was an agreement they made. Taffer had the people, during stress test, compare the food and drink at "Sam Jordan's". Needless to say, the drinks and bar crushed the kitchen. The brother was taken aback by all this, but I think it opened his eyes, and he seemed like he wanted to care again. He and his sister had a heart to heart, and it looked real, not staged like a lot of these interactions on "Bar Rescue" so often do.

During the first stress test at "Tradewinds", the young owner actually walked out. He was over matched by the amount of customers in his bar. And, try as they might, the two other owners were way in over their heads. The young son's mom was the chef, but she didn't really cook anything. In fact, when people asked for a menu, they said they did not have one, and they offered the people a cup of popcorn. After the horrific showing of the first stress test, all the owners had a big meeting, and it seemed like the young guy wanted to do better. He actually listened during training and helped the other employees. See, both stress tests and families having heart to hearts, really worked out. It was very much the same thing in each episode.

After the brother and sister from "Sam Jordan's" had their talk, and the brother realized that he needed to start giving a shit again, they actually did a pretty good job with their main stress test. They were getting drinks out of the bar fast. The food was coming quick, and it was better tasting. It was pretty nice to see. As far as "Tradewinds" real stress test, it was not so great, but all the people actually put in work. They had terrible systems and the layout was garbage, but, people were putting in effort.

So, after both stress tests, Taffer and crew did their thing, and gussied up both bars. The inside of each bar looked nice. Taffer does have a good eye for making the inside of a bar look nice. As I stated early, the names were not changed, but he made the signage and the layout outside more appealing. Again, Taffer can make a place eye popping. He makes it look like a place you, at the very least, want to check out. At "Sam Jordan's" re opening, everything went very smoothly. The bar did great, the food tasted much, much better and the brother and sister were getting along. I was very happy to see this bar have a decent turnaround. I wanted this bar to become successful, and during the 6 week check up, by all accounts, "Sam Jordan's" was starting to make money again, and the brother and sister weren't fighting anymore. "Tradewinds" re opening went just as well. The staff was on fire, the mom became a calzone making machine, the two main owners were much more invested and doing a better job and the young owner cut his hair, and seemed to care again. He was yelling out drink orders, conversing with the whole bar, making 5 or 6 drinks at a time and always had a smile on his face. During their six week check up, all was well. They were making money, getting along and everyone was coming in, as scheduled.

It was nice to have two similar episodes that I could put into one blog for the readers. I'll be back next week for the next review, and I will be back every week as long as the show keeps pumping out new episodes. Stay tuned


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast. The Head Editor recommended Ty get his beard trimmed up, but no one tells Ty what to do with his beard. Follow Ty on instagram and twitter.

SeedSing is funded by a group of awesome people. Join them by donating to SeedSing.

Ty Watches the Eric Andre Show: Season 4 Finale

I know that I'm a week late, I was hyper focused on basketball last week, but I'm back to recap the zaniness that was the season 4 finale of "The Eric Andre Show".

This episode started as most, with Andre destroying the set. He did his usual stuff after his name was announced. He trashed his set. He tackled his drummer and destroyed his kit. He beat the stuff up that was sitting on the set. But, at one point, he stopped, and talked two guys down from beating each other up. He stopped everything that he was doing and that these 2 guys were doing, and became a mediator of sorts. He told the 2 gentlemen that everything was going to be fine, and that they did not need to fight anymore. After they shook hands, Andre told them he was proud of their progress, then he proceeded to finish his destruction.

After all that, Andre sat down and Hannibal Buress was introduced. He came and sat down, and Andre got up to do his monologue. He said some nonsense, and then the show went to a pre taped segment.

This time around, Andre was dressed like the Ranch Dude, but he walked into a karate studio and kept saying, over and over again, "time to deliver a pizza ball!", and he literally had a ball of pizza. Any time that one of the patrons of the karate place came up to talk to him, he would say his catchphrase. This made the people at the studio furious. The leader of the place started to threaten Andre. He picked up some kind of a karate stick and challenged Andre to a fight. Andre did not back down, saying his catchphrase again and again, until he finally realized that the leader was not going to back down, so he left. This was one of the better skits ever. I have been walking around my house for a week now saying, "time to deliver a pizza ball!", much to my wife and kids chagrin.

We then go back to the set, and they introduce the first guest, Jack Black. Black seemed down for anything. He didn't look like he knew what was going to happen, but he rolled with all the punches. He answered all the weird questions and put up with all the usual nonsense. Finally, Andre busted out 2 cans of whip cream and asked Black if he wanted to do whip its with him, and he obliged. They did their whip its and some weird stuff happened after that. Black was foaming whip cream at the mouth. Andre seemed normal, but he was about to pull some stunts on Black.

First though, they went to another pre taped segment, and it was Andre walking around, dressed as a construction worker with a big piece of metal sticking out of his chest. He was stumbling around and asking people if they knew where the hospital was, or if they could help him get home, or give him a ride, anything to get people's attention basically. It was disturbing, yet funny.

They went back to the Jack Black interview, and at one point, Andre's coffee cup started to spurt out coffee. Black nearly jumped out of his seat. Andre just sat there and calmly said, "this thing is broken". I think his calmness freaked out Black even more. The coffee cup shot out more coffee, and Black ran out of the room.

Don't worry, he comes back, and this time, after explaining that his brain felt fried from the whip its, Andre and Buress attached a lie detector test to him, and they tell him that any time he lies, he will get shocked. They ask some easy questions, but any answer Black gives, they shock him. He keeps yelling at Buress and Andre that this is ridiculous, and that he wants out. They push it a bit further, but they finally let Black leave the stage.

After Black, they have Jeanette McCurdy on. I did not know who she was, but my wife told me that she was a Disney Channel actor. Anyway, Andre begins the interview asking random questions about acting, and nude photos surfacing. She claims that is not true, but he pulls out a picture, but it is his same one from all season, of a photo shopped nude photo of Obama. McCurdy laughs it off. I was surprised by her attitude, but it soon changed. After this, Andre started to push. He got right in her face, told her he was not in a good place, and kept telling her that he loved her. McCurdy was definitely put off by this, answering him calmly, but looking extremely uncomfortable. She immediately left after this interaction.

Finally, something we have all been waiting for, Andre finally got to investigate the band 311. This has been a long running joke on the show for all 4 seasons. He is always talking about investigating and interrogating 311, Well, he finally got his chance. The band was playing one of their songs, but they were all tied up or put in some kind of interrogation type situation. The lead singer kept getting shocked, the drummer couldn't drum, the bass player was bound and the other singer and lead guitarist was tied up and eventually water boarded. It was totally worth the wait. It was all done in jest of course, but man was it hilarious and totally worth the wait. At one point, when both the singers could not sing, T-Pain came out and started singing for them. The episode, and thus, season 4, ended.

This was a great season of "The Eric Andre Show". It was bizarre, odd, gross, disturbing, but above all else, hilarious. I love this show. I love Eric Andre and Hannibal Buress and Adult Swim for putting this show on TV. I cannot wait for season 5 and you better believe that I will be back to recap all the episodes for everyone. What a great season of this great show.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast. He wants to investigat on why UB40 thinks they are a reggae act. Stay tuned. Follow Ty on instagram and twitter.

SeedSing is funded by a group of awesome people. Join them by donating to SeedSing.

Ty Watches Bar Rescue: Schaffer's Bar Edition

"Bar Rescue" this past weekend had some stuff on it that I had never seen before.

Taffer and crew traveled to "Schaeffer's Bar" in some small town in Washington state. This bar was the talk of the town when it first opened. According to the first owner, they were making upwards of one million dollars a year. He said that he couldn't count his money fast enough. After the third year of making a lot of money, 2 outside buyers came in and bought the bar from the first owner. They paid a hefty sum for it too. For some inexplicable reason, they asked the first owner to stay on as a manager. I've never heard about anything like this ever. I just assumed that when you sell, you leave it to the new owners, but that was not the case. The guy stayed on, but he had clearly mailed in his effort after selling. The bar started to tank with the two new owners too. Neither had any real experience being owners, so they had little to no idea how to run a bar. They also believed that the original owner was sabotaging their bar so he could buy it back at a much lower price.

When Taffer came with the experts, he sent them in the bar and had one of the new owners come and watch from his car. He wanted her to see how poorly the bar was being run. First thing they both saw, the bartenders had to look up how to make drinks. They had no idea how to make the simplest of drinks. Entry level stuff was foreign to them. The next thing they saw was the kitchen staff being highly disgusting. They weren't spitting in food or anything, but they were touching uncooked meat with bare hands, then touching other stuff. There was cross contamination everywhere. Then, they both saw how long ticket times were. The two experts ordered a medium temperature steak and a medium rare burger, and it took over 45 minutes for both to come out. That should have been 15 minutes tops. The food was also a total mess. The burger was well done, the steak was undercooked and the nachos were gross. The whole bar was a mess. At one point, one of the bartenders got so upset at the drink orders from the experts, she quit. The owner that was in the car with Taffer rushed to try and stop her, but to no avail. To quit a job because of this is ridiculous.

Finally, after all the nonsense, Taffer came in and laid down the law. He crushed the bartenders and the owners. He slammed the kitchen staff for their poor work and the uncleanliness of the kitchen, it was disgusting. He also attacked the former owner and said he agreed with the new owners that he may be sabotaging them. It was classic Taffer stuff.

When they finally cleaned everything up and got ready fro stress test, this was another time I saw a first for me on "Bar Rescue". The stress test was going as usual, terrible, and one of the new owners shut down the bar before Taffer could. She told everyone that they were done for the night, and that the bar was closed. Taffer was shocked, as was I.

The next day Taffer talked about how that had never happened before, and that it showed weakness. This kind of woke up both the new owners. They now seemed on board with Taffer and his plans. They even amicably parted ways with the former owner. It was nice to see that for a change. No one was forced to fire anyone, they both mutually agreed that it would be for the best.

We then got the big reveal of the new bar. The name was changed from "Schaeffer's" to "R.Lee's". I don't get the name, but it had something to do with the names of the new owners. Whatever. Everyone seemed to like all the changes, but one of the owners was not happy. She wanted to keep the sports bar esthetic, but Taffer went a different way. She was visible upset at what Taffer and crew had done. She let it be known that she was upset as well. Taffer left after this, thinking all was good. The bar, during reopen, seemed to be doing well, and they looked like they could be profitable.

When they went to do the 6 week checkup, we came to find out that they changed the name back to "Schaeffer's", and the new owners refused to talk on camera. They even tried to get the old owner back because they didn't seem to think they could handle doing all the work by themselves. The old owner did the right thing and refused to come back, and we may never know what happened at "Schaeffer's". These people thought they wanted change, but they just clearly wanted to be on TV.

This was a waste of Taffer, his experts and Spike TV's time. I do not like when bar owners do this type of stuff. It is tacky and pointless. I do not know when the next episode is on, but I know that I will be here to review it for you.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast. He hates restaurant name changes, like St. Louis Bread Company being called Panera. Follow Ty on instagram and twitter.

SeedSing is funded by a group of generous donors. Join them by donating to SeedSing.

Ty Watches the "Eric Andre Show" Season 4 Episode 9

This past Friday, "The Eric Andre Show" was as great, and as weird, as ever. The show started the same. Andre ransacked the stage. He did his usual destruction of the set. He crushed his drummer and his drummers kit. He absolutely destroyed his desk. He, at one point, was in a fight with a kung fu master, and when he went to hit the kung fu guy, it turned out that he was in a hall of mirrors, a la "Enter the Dragon". Andre loves doing this destruction, and I love to watch it as well.

Hannibal Buress didn't have any fancy entrance this time around, he just walked to stage and sat down. When they were both sitting, Andre asked Buress what to do next, and Buress told him to do the monologue. Andre walked up to the microphone, but when he started to speak, he started to see visions, some weird music played, and Andre fell into a black hole. It was bizarre. When he finally came to, Andre was freaking out, yelling nonsense and looked terrified. When the camera panned over to Buress, he stated, "knock it off with this Burning Man shit!", and the screen cut to the freeze frame "we'll be right back".

They then cut to a pre taped segment featuring the Ranch Dude. Andre's outfit was ridiculous. He had on a Madonna cone bra, a Dr. Seuss hat, some big boots, wild sunglasses and a bikini bottom that looked like a beaver. The back of the bikini was not keeping anything secret. Andre was fully exposed from behind, as usual. The Ranch dude then went on to ask people if they wanted a hit off his ranch bong, he played a fake double guitar and claimed some random guy on the street as his dad. He continued to walk around downtown New York saying completely random things to random strangers. This bit is always funny.

The next part of the show had their first guest. Haley Joel Osment. He came out on stage and looked immediately put off. I don't know if the people that come on realize that this is all a joke, Flavor Flav, I'm taking to you, but Andre is trying to make people uncomfortable. Osment was definitely uncomfortable. Andre was saying random things about how there are no rules on his show. He ripped a piece of paper with the word rules on it, he threw that same piece of paper through a fake window, he then broke a piece of glass with the word rules on it. He did it all. Osment jumped when Andre broke the glass. Then, Andre said they were cutting to a clip from Osment's new movie, but it was a clip of a cow giving birth. Osment was totally put off. Both Andre and Buress made fun of Shamalayn movies. It was a great Eric Andre interview.

Once Osment left the stage, there was another pre taped skit that had Andre walking around a park, dressed like a park ranger. He also had a massive head wound. He was stumbling around telling people that he needed to give a speech, but first, he had to find his falcon. People were legitimately trying to help him, so Andre tried to make them uncomfortable, as he is want to do. He started to tell people that he was a Subway spokesman, and he wanted them to make the bread out of used yoga mats. He kept saying namaste to everyone. At one point, he also peed fake blood. This turned people off right away.

After the park ranger bit, we got our next guest, Dennis Rodman. Man oh man, Dennis Rodman is in tough shape. He was immediately sweating when he got on stage. His words were unintelligible. He kept patting away makeup because of the sweat. He kept deflecting questions about his friendship with Kim Jong Un. At one point, Andre started to have a "dance contest", and instead of getting involved, Rodman started to beat box on the table and egg on Andre. Andre kept going while Buress stood still. Rodman was completely incoherent and either drunk, stoned or both. He looks really, really bad. Near the end of the "dance contest", Buress finally started to dance vigorously. This led to another freeze frame "we'll be right back" screen.

This led us to our final pre taped sketch, and I swear it made me feel like I was on drugs. Andre was dressed like an octopus, but the 8 arms were filled with 8 little people. Andre had some weird voice, and the little people kept talking over him when they entered a fancy restaurant. It was loud, trippy, weird and bizarre. The restaurants patrons were terrified. Andre and crew got kicked out pretty quick. This was the weirdest bit I have ever seen on the show.

When they went back to the set, their final guest was David Alan Thicke. It was Alan Thicke and David Alan Grier dressed in an oversized shirt and singing some nonsense song. Andre and Buress were, at first, looking at this like it was stupid, but they quickly got into it. The end of the show was like an "SNL" ending with rolling credits and everyone smiling and hanging on stage.

This was a very odd, but still, very funny episode. Come back next week for the next review.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast. He is friends with a Kim, and a Jong, but no Un. Follow Ty on instagram and twitter.

SeedSing is funded by a group of generous donors. Join them by donating to SeedSing.

Ty Watches Bar Rescue: Russell City Bar and Grill Edition

This past Sunday, Jon Taffer and crew visited the bar "Russell City Bar and Grill", with plans to rescue it. Right off the bat, you could see the problems.

The episode started out with the bartending staff and the owner yelling over one another and arguing about nonsense. We come to find out that none of the employees respect the owner. They walk all over him. They drink behind the bar. They try and make fights happen on a regular basis. They fight with each other in front of the customers. The staff is a mess. It doesn't help that the owner is, as I have said, a total pushover. He seems like a meek man, and he definitely lets his staff tell him what to do. To make matters worse, he seems to check out at times. He lets the crazies run the asylum basically.

The owner has a friend of his, "Church" that he hangs out with at the bar every night. The two are old friends, and Church is there every night. Church gives nothing to the bar, except frustration. He walks behind the bar and pours his own drinks. He takes money when he wants. He yells at the bartenders. And, in this episode, he started a fistfight with one of the bartenders, and it was violent. The bartender asked him nicely, twice, to leave from behind the bar, but Church ignored him. After a third time, the bartender, who was totally in the right in my opinion, started to throw punches. Church refused to listen, and he acted as if he was an owner. The bartender beat the hell out of him, and I loved it.

Once the fight was finally broken up, Taffer and crew walked in to assess all the damage. This was a shit show from the start. First off, the bartender that beat up Church quit, and walked out on the spot. He just vanished. Then, instead of telling Church to leave, the owner blamed his bartenders for the bad behavior. Taffer was completely baffled. He could not believe what was happening.

The next day, the experts came in to try and train the people, after a long night of cleaning. The bar and the kitchen were an absolute mess. the bar top looked like it hadn't been cleaned in months, and the kitchen was ten times worse. There were grease traps filled everywhere. The kitchen was an absolute fire hazard.

So, after they cleaned, the experts came in to do work. The mixologist trained the current staff on some simple drinks for stress test. The chef expert changed the menu to some easier, more cost effective menu items. During stress test, it was a nightmare. Food and drinks were being made okay, but they were going to the wrong people, they were late and they were bad. The main problem was the owner. The bartenders actually did a very good job of trying to keep up. They were making drinks as fast and as well as they could. The kitchen staff was even stepping up, but the food was not going to the correct place, or if it was delivered to the right place, it was late and cold. This all fell on the owner, as he was the runner that night. Instead of owning up to his mistakes, he blamed his staff and told them that they were "making him look bad". This guy was a piece of work. Ranging from not kicking Church out of his bar, falling asleep during training, asking his parents for more money even though he was almost 300,000 dollars in debt, basically everything he did, it blew up in his face. But, he took no ownership.

When Taffer and the experts laid into him, he actually seemed to start to figure it out. He took accountability. He professed to paying his parents back and to be stronger as an owner. He legitimately made a 180 on his personality. It was astounding.

As Taffer and crew were fixing up the bar, we got the first ever cut away to a black screen with writing that I have ever seen. The owner and his crew were talking about the new changes, and the owner said that they were going to be splitting tips from now on. This is pretty customary stuff at any type of service industry job. But, the staff freaked out on him. They yelled and called him names. They were furious. The owner pushed back, but he was totally valid. He explained how much better this would be, and he was right. But, the whole crew, except the kitchen staff and one bartender, quit on him one day before reopen. He hired a new staff, and it was for the best. The new staff worked very hard at relaunch, and they seemed to be much more even keeled. I didn't think that they would save the bar, but they pulled it off at the last minute.

Taffer changed the name to "Fogline", another dumb name, and gave them a bunch of new POS systems, all typical "Bar Rescue" stuff. After the new bar opened, sales were up and things seemed on the up and up. This was a crazy episode filled with yelling from everyone, except for Taffer. Taffer actually kept his cool, shockingly.

Come back next week for the next review, and watch "Bar Rescue", it's been so great this season.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast. His advice on saving a bar is do not open the bar to begin with. We have enough crappy ones already. Follow Ty on instagram and twitter.

SeedSing is funded by a group of generous donors. Join them by donating to SeedSing.

"Westworld" is the Apple Pencil of Television Shows

Still better than the high tech version.

HBO premiered the long in production "Westworld" television show last Sunday (October 2nd), and the internet has gone nuts. The AV Club, IO9, EW, Time, all the usual suspects who love any HBO show predictably gave "Westworld" high marks. These are the same critics that loved "Vinyl", "John from Cincinnati", and "The Newsroom", so take their advice with caution. Critics at Vox, the Washington Post, and the New York Times were not as praiseworthy, but still found round about ways to find value in watching week to week. Similar to when Apple announces a new product, the zealots overtly praise and everyone else highlight what is good while trying to explain away what is bad. HBO is the Apple of television, and "Westworld" is its Apple Pencil.

Here at SeedSing, we did not receive the first four episodes of "Westworld" like the outlets mentioned. We can only review the show based on the pilot episode "The Original". The first fifteen minutes were amazing. In this introduction we are introduced to James Marsden Teddy Flood. Flood is waking up on a train completing its journey to the old west theme park of the future. As the audience, we know that Flood s heading to a theme park, so no explanation is needed. The false vistas of the old west and the town of Sweetwater look incredible. "Westworld" has the best set design and cinematographers in television. Flood passes a few archetypes of the American old west, the potential of a mid town dual, the sheriff's posse assembling to take out the outlaw, the prostitutes offering their special services. Teddy Flood has no interest in any of these things, he is here to meet back up with a girl. 

The girl is Dolores Abernathy, played expertly by Evan Rachel Wood. It is quite obvious that Dolores is one of the androids, or "hosts" as they are called by the staff. Teddy seems to be playing out a romantic story line with Dolores, and "Westworld" kicks off with a little bit of hope.

That hope does not last long once we get back to the Abernathy ranch. Outlaws have killed Dolores's mother and father. The outlaws drink milk, like all creepy people do. Teddy draws his pistol and guns down the outlaws, playing out the story to be the hero. Then we get a glimpse of the unnamed, dressed in all black, Ed Harris character. Harris is not a good man, and Teddy Flood has his weapon ready to take the evil man down. Here the story takes a turn, Harris is seemingly a guest and Teddy Flood is revealed to be a host. Hosts cannot kill the guests. The Westworld park exists to allow people to live out their fantasies, no matter how depraved, with the hosts as the guests tools. Harris kills Teddy and takes Dolores to barn so he can rape her. "Westworld" had our attention after this great opening.

Once we get an inside look at the behind the scenes brains behind the park, "Westworld" goes off the rails. Jeffery Wright's Bernard Lowe and Luke Hemsworth's Stubbs was ok, and the brief scenes with Anthony Hopkins's Dr. Robert Ford were pretty good, but the scenes with Sidse Babett Knudsen and Simon Quaterman were downright terrible. They may be good actors, but every time Knudsen and Quaterman were on screen, I almost turned off the television. Their dialogue was awful, and their delivery was even worse. No amount of pretty scenery can make up for cringe inducing moments "Westworld" devoted to Knudsens's corporate stooge Theresa Cullen and Quaterman's  guest experience writer Lee Sizemore.

"Westworld" gives us these terrible performances because it is trying so damn hard to be an edgy HBO show. Gratuitous lesbian kiss with no meaning, check. Copious amounts of violence and unnecessary nudity, well of course they have it. Liberal use of the "f" word, hey it's HBO. We are by no means against these things, when there is a point. Outside of the violence, none of these other HBO show staples had any purpose other than to be shocking. "Game of Thrones" did not win multiple Emmy's because of nudity, but the creators behind "Westworld" seem to think that is part of the recipe. It was distracting and took away from the show when one has to question why someone is nude, and how many times can Quarterman say the "f" word until it is a noun, verb, adjective, and adverb? The promising beginning of "Westworld" was completely undone by the distracting need for the show to be an "HBO show".

The bad performances and distracting edginess is not even the worse part of "The Original". The music of the show will make you miss key plot points. Many other writers have praised "Westworld" for using modern tunes like "Black Hole Sun" and "Paint it Black" rearranged as being played on an old 19th century player piano, but it was a bad choice. The music is recognizable enough to make the audience have to play name that tune while the show is trying to move the story forward. It is once again a directorial choice that was made to be edgy, and it turned out being bad.

The entire pretension of "Westworld" is also fairly weak. With the great opening scene, and the awfulness that followed, it is obvious that the show wants you to side with the hosts. Every single guest that was shown in "The Original" is a terrible human being who only wants to do terrible things. We are led to believe that the Westworld park is meant to be like a modern open world video game. It seems that the creators spent ten minutes on Xbox live and learned that anyone who plays a video game is a monster. "Westworld" gives inner life to the random NPCs (non player characters) and wants you to care about their dreams. It is an intriguing idea, but when the humans are just blank evil archetypes, the metaphor gets a little lost. Again a great idea ruined by terrible execution.

Many of the other reviews for "Westworld" urge the audience to wait the show out until the fourth episode. That is not the deal television makes with its audience. A great show should have a pilot episode that asks the audience to come back. We talked about some of these great pilots that captured our minds, for better or worse. The new "Battlestar Galactica" , another show based off of an old cheesy seventies piece of entertainment, started with a miniseries to gauge the audience's interest. If we needed four hours of "Westworld" to get involved, then producers JJ Abrams, Jonathan Nolan, and Lisa Joy Nolan should have made a miniseries first. A bad pilot can turn may people away from the next few episodes that will explain things. At least the miniseries would give people some closure after the first terrible hour.

Every year Apple unveils the newest and greatest thing mankind has ever known. Supposed tech journalist sites like The Verge, CNET, Ars Technica, and many others will give non-stop praise to anything Apple in hopes of clicks and recognition that never comes from Cupertino. In reality, many times Apple will release a new adequate piece of equipment, and sometimes they hit a huge home run. Every once in a while Apple will release something just flat out dumb. The Apple Pencil is such an item. There was no need for it. It was poorly executed, in that what good is it when Apple has been telling how great your fingers are for doing things. It was a copy of things done better before. It looked pretty, but had nothing to make it essential. The zealots fell for it, everyone else quickly forgot. "Westworld" is the Apple Pencil of television.


RD Kulik is the Head Editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast. He talks a big game but may end up giving "Westworld" a few more episodes. It is really pretty like his Apple Pencil.

SeedSing is funded by a group of generous donors. Join them by donating to SeedSing.

Ty Watches the "Eric Andre Show" Season 4 Episode 8

Man oh man, what a weird, wild and hilarious episode of "The Eric Andre Show" this past Friday. This episode was full on crazy, in a good way. I loved how absolutely nuts the whole thing was.

The show opened as usual. Andre destroyed the set. He beat up the drummer and his kit. Some weird stuff happened between Andre and the "Hannibal 9000" robot. Instead of breaking the metal shelf this time, Andre used it as a jumping off point and crushed his desk. It was the usual insanity that I have grown to enjoy with every open. After all this, Hannibal Buress was introduced, and he showed up on stage on a "magic carpet". It looked pretty ragged, and there were a few times that I thought Buress was going to fall off. After Buress took his seat, Andre said something to him, it was so quiet, I couldn't understand, and he approached the microphone to do his monologue. Once again, instead of a traditional monologue, Andre berated Buress. He was saying mean and hurtful stuff to try and get under Buress' skin. Throughout the whole monologue, Buress said nothing. This made Andre angry, so he pushed even further. Buress finally responded, but he was saying inspirational stuff, and he said he wouldn't let Andre take him down. Then, at the very end of the monologue, after being so upbeat, Buress finally stooped to Andre's level, and insulted him right back. We then got the freeze frame, "we'll be right back" screen.

Next, they jumped to a pre taped segment, introducing the character that wants to be the Sprite spokesman. This bit started out with a focus group debating the Android and iPhone, then all of the sudden, Andre crashed through the roof, with a parachute that didn't fully work. He got up and started to stumble around, asking everyone if this was the Sprite building. This bit is bizarre, but also hilarious. The people in the focus group were terrified, and then they were pushed to anger. One guy was psychically trying to remove Andre from the room. The whole time, Andre just kept saying that he just wants to be the spokesman for Sprite. Then, at the very end, his head popped off, and a bunch of Sprite was shooting from his neck.

Cut to the main stage and they introduced their first guest, Chris Jericho. Jericho literally said 4 words before this interview went off the rails. He walked to his seat, heard the fake audience, and spoke his 4 words, "where is the audience?". Then, Andre went into the interview, and asked his first question. The question was just Andre screaming in the air. He was saying nothing. During this, Buress was eating a sandwich, very sloppily, and making weird noises the whole time, and Jericho looked legitimately confused. He stood up, and walked off the set. That was the shortest, and most bizarre interview I have ever seen on the show.

They cut to another pre taped segment called "Judge Eric" after that. Andre was dressed like a judge, and he walked into a sandwich shop and ordered a sandwich, but used judge terms while ordering. He also had a gavel with him. After finishing his order, Andre started to smash the glass in the shop with his gavel. The patrons were all freaked out by this, and a police officer showed up. But, the police officer was an actor friend of Andre's, and while he was bringing order back to the shop, he pulled out his "member". This freaked out the patrons more than before. Instead of being worried himself, Andre walked out with the "police officer", and said that he ruled that he did not want the sandwich anymore. The look of horror on the other people's faces as they walked out was priceless.

We then got out next guest, Roy Hibbert. Hibbert is an NBA player, and Andre asked him some nonsense questions about being a basketball player. Hibbert tried to answer, but was immediately thrown off when Andre stripped fully nude. Hibbert told him that he wouldn't answer anymore questions until he put clothes on, but Andre wouldn't listen. He kept pushing and pushing, and Buress was doing some virtual reality stuff, and the "Hannibal 9000" even showed up for a minute. Hibbert grabbed a bat and was using it to shoo away Andre. Hibbert was as freaked out as Jericho was earlier. Needless to say, he walked, more so ran, off the stage.

After this interview, they cut to a new segment that had Andre walking around downtown New York, holding a mattress with the words "BED BUGS!" written in permanent marker on it. He kept asking people if they would take the matress from him, and basically throwing it at random strangers on the subway or in the streets. I loved this.

We got our last guest after this bit. The final guest was Flavor Flav. This may be a first, but Flav was more bizarre and less coherent than Andre has ever been on the show. He was talking all nonsense. He was making no sense. So, Andre decided to strip nude again, and Flav became enraged by this. He told everyone on set that he was going to beat them up. He kept running away from Andre. At one point, they cut to Buress kicking a doll version of Flav in the face.

After all this insanity, we got to the final segment, and instead of having a guest, Flavor Flav and a guy dressed in a green screen, skin tight suit having a dance off. This, again all from Flav, was so weird. Flav was dancing and moving around, as was the other person, but it was so bizarre.

This episode was incredibly nuts, but one of the best of the show that I have ever seen. It was bizarre and weird and disgusting and hilarious in all the right ways. This was excellent. Go watch Flavor Flav because he has clearly lost his mind, and it was very prevelent during this most recent episode of "The Eric Andre Show". Man, what a great episode.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast. Before he lost a lot of weight, Ty would go to the supermarket in a skin tight green suit. Being thin does not make it quite as funny. Follow Ty on instagram and twitter.

SeedSing is funded by a group of generous donors. Join them by donating to SeedSing.

Ty Watches Bar Rescue: Ynot Edition

"Bar Rescue" had another great episode this past Sunday. This whole season has been pretty great,  but this episode was really good and really weird.

This time around Taffer and crew traveled to a bar called "Ynot" in Everett, Washington. This bar, like all the other bars on this show, was thriving when they first opened, but now, they have fallen on hard times. The bartenders drink on the job, they give out free drinks and they don't listen to management. The kitchen staff is defiant and makes terrible, old food. The inside of the bar is falling apart and it's dirty. The kitchen walk in, instead of having an air tight door, they have a sloppily put together front door of a house door for the walk in freezer. That doesn't keep anything cold enough, so they have to throw out a lot of food.

The biggest problem though, the "Ynot" bar is located directly across the street from a 10,000 seat arena, and they still can't get any regular business. The owners, a boyfriend and girlfriend, were running this bar into the ground. Oh, and before I forget, this bar's biggest "attraction", was goldfish races. It was as stupid as it sounds.

When Taffer and crew come to do recon, they are not happy with what they see, obviously. The first thing they see is the goldfish races. This makes Taffer irate. He cannot stop saying how stupid and pointless this whole thing was, and I couldn't have agreed more with him. The patrons grew weary of the races very quick, and the other patrons that were not doing the goldfish races, they could have cared less. No one was paying attention, except for the boyfriend that was co owner. He was way too invested in these stupid goldfish races.

Then, Taffer sends in his recon spies. It was a group of about 8 people, that were going to a show at the arena in 40 minutes, so Taffer had them order multiple shots and food, so he could see how long everything took. The shots came out quick. Shots are easy to pour. But, the spies did not like the shots. They complained that the liquor did not taste good. But, the food took forever. And it wasn't like they ordered high end food, it was bar fare. They ordered pulled pork nachos, tater tots, basically, your typical bar food. The fact that this food took this long to come out is a problem.

As soon as the staff finished, the spies had to go because the show was about to start. They walked when the staff was bringing out all the food. After this, Taffer and his "experts" entered the bar and told the waitress that they would take all the food that was just ordered. The whole time all this was going on, the boyfriend owner was obsessing over the goldfish races, and the girlfriend owner was outside smoking cigarette after cigarette. They had no interest in running this bar. Anyway, Taffer and the "experts" tried all this food, and, surprise, surprise, the food was terrible. The tater tots were cold. The French dip was gross. The other food just didn't taste right, or it was way too greasy. But, the topping on the crap cake was the nachos. They were so poorly made and so cold, that Taffer picked up a huge pile of them, held it from the top, and it stood still like a concrete. It was so, so gross. Taffer even held it up to the wall and said they should use it as décor. The owners were embarrassed, as they should be.  

Taffer and crew walked through the bar, realized how gross and disgusting it was, he told the owners that if the place wasn't clean by morning, he would not rescue the bar. The staff worked all night, and I have to say, they did a great job of cleaning that bar. So, Taffer and his "experts" chose to stay. This time around, instead of forcing the owners to fire the employees stealing from the bar, the female owner straight up fired 2 employees without batting an eyelash. The other bartender quit, so they were sans bartenders. This posed a problem, but they were able to hire 3 new bartenders. Instead of doing a stress test, they did a bartender audition. I like when they do this. We get to see how good the new bartenders really are. Some were experienced, others not, but, for the most part, all 3 new bartenders tried very hard. At the end of the night Taffer asked the owners which bartenders they wanted to keep, and they kept all 3. That made me happy.

After the audition, the new crew got trained, and Taffer's staff did their whole renovation. When they reopened the bar, Taffer renamed it "Forbidden Bar and Grill". I hated this name. "Ynot" wasn't a good name, but "Forbidden" was a horrendous name change. Taffer's crew also changed the whole inside aesthetic to an Asian theme. This also made no sense. The new menu had bahn mi sandwiches, but that was about it as far as Asian inspired stuff in this bar went. It was nonsensical, hence this episode being very bizarre.

To no one's surprise, "Forbidden" was doing great at reopen, and 6 weeks later. The 2 owners came on and thanked Taffer for everything that he did, and said that the new bar was thriving, they even had regulars now. This was a good and weird episode. It is everything that I like about "Bar Rescue". Taffer yelled, people got fired, the bar was messy and the owners were a disaster. Keep doing what you are doing "Bar Rescue", because it is working.


Ty is the Pop Culture Editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast. What does Ty watch, check it out here. Follow Ty on instagram and twitter.

Ty Watches the "Eric Andre Show" Season 4 Episode 7

This most recent episode of the "Eric Andre Show" started off like most of them do. He attacked the stage with his usual vigor, and crushed pretty much everything in site. He did tackle the drummer this time, and proceeded to destroy the drummer's kit. He also ran into metal shelves again, like last week. He absolutely just demolished everything in site. It was glorious. Then, they put new set pieces in, and Andre sat down at his chair, out of breath. Hannibal Buress was introduced. He walked on stage, and took his seat. When Andre approached the stage to do his monologue, I was hoping for some hilarity. He got to the microphone, but didn't say a word. He sat there, looked angry and then proceeded to lash out and attack Buress. He started to slap him and yell at him. It was all fake, obviously, but I was rolling with laughter. Buress started to fight back, and the two of them got into a slap fight. I was hoping for hilarity, and I got exactly what I wanted. I loved this "monologue".

During the slap fight, they did their famous freeze screen with the words, "we'll be right back" frozen in mid slap. They then cut to a pre taped segment. This segment showed the return of the 2 person horse. This time, the two person horse entered a subway car. In the front, we could see that it was a female, I believe it was comedian Michelle Buteau, and Andre was in the rear. When they entered the subway car, Buteau immediately began to moan. It was all very bizarre, but I found myself laughing. Then, Andre would appear from the back, and he would say some of the most foul things I have ever heard to the passengers. It was gross and shocking and funny. They did this for about 2 minutes, and I was laughing the whole time.

Back to the stage and they introduced their first guest, Raymond Cruz. Cruz, for those that don't know, played Tuco on "Breaking Bad" and "Better Call Saul". During the interview, some weird stuff happened, but Cruz just smiled and rolled with the punches. He was a very pleasant guest. At one point, Buress said he had to go, and they replaced him with a robot they called the "Hannibal 9000". Cruz didn't bat an eye. At one point Kraft Punk showed up, and Cruz talked to him. Andre's desk gave "birth" to a smaller desk, and instead of leaving the stage like most guests usually do, Cruz made jokes. I thought this was Andre's best interview, and it happened all by chance.

After the Cruz interview was done, they went to another pre taped segment called "Mail Man Eric". This segment had Andre in a fat suit and found him getting caught in mailboxes. He would scream for help, but onlookers either paid him no mind, or they yelled at him and called him names. It was funny, but also a little sad.

Once we got back to the main stage and the next guest, Amber Rose, was brought out. She was put off immediately. She thought the stage was too dirty. Andre kept asking for her phone number and address. Andre repeatedly picked his nose. He kept claiming that she had a single, and was singing words from a song that didn't exist. Rose did not care for the "Hannibal 9000". This was your typical Eric Andre interview. He gets someone that isn't famous, but thinks they are, and he makes them as uncomfortable as he possibly can. I love when he does this, and this was no exception. This was all very funny.

We then get to see the "Ranch Dude" in the final pre taped segment. This is my all time favorite Andre character. I love how weird and downright stupid this character is. He wears goofy clothes and says goofy things. He asked random people if he could air DJ in their free space. He kept asking people if they wanted a hit off his ranch bottle. He would say complete nonsense that made passerby's uncomfortable. This character is an Eric Andre staple. I get very excited when I see the "Ranch Dude" show up. In fact, in New York, they opened up a ranch dispensary. Go look it up, it is hilarious and a great take on weed dispensaries.

After this last pre taped bit, they had their musical guest, Thundercat, come out on stage. I'm a huge Thundercat fan, so I was pumped to see him on the show. This time around, Thundercat has been on a bunch, they had him do a bass off against the "Hannibal 9000". This was so funny. Thundercat would play something totally funky and awesome, and the "Hannibal 9000" would do nothing. Then, at one point, the "Hannibal 9000"'s "dad" showed up, and all he had on was a collared shirt and a tie, nothing below the waist. This man came up and hugged Thundercat during the bass off, and Thundercat was laughing, but you could tell he was uncomfortable.

This was a very good episode of the "Eric Andre Show". In fact, this whole season has been great. Come back next week for the next review.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast. Before every review, Ty destroys his living room. His wife is not happy. Follow Ty on instagram and twitter.

Ty Watches "Bar Rescue": Celebrities Edition

This past Sunday, after a 2 week break, "Bar Rescue" was back. This episode featured a bar called "Celebrities" that was about 30 miles outside of Palm Springs, Florida. The bar was being run by 2 brothers that were former Army men. They were deployed in Afghanistan, which is where they were from, but they were raised in America, and when they got home, they wanted to run a bar. The main reason they were sent home, one of the brothers had a bomb go off very close to his face. He has a lot of PTSD from this incident, and he has many, many problems with his eyes, as one would expect. The other brother never really got over what he saw, and asked to leave the Army, which they obliged, so he could go home with his brother. I felt bad for these guys off the bat.

We come to find out that when they first opened "Celebrities", they were raking in the dough. They were making 6 figures every month, breaking even after only 2 months in the business. After making a good amount of money for almost a year, the brothers decided that they were going to give back to the community, and mainly, the veterans. They gave a good amount of money to charity. In fact, one of the brothers filmed himself picking up what seemed to be a homeless veteran, and giving him a good amount of money. After he filmed all this, he put it on social media.

Well, some people did some deep internet diving, and they found out that the homeless man was actually a scam artist. After people realized this, you'd think the brother that gave the money to this guy would apologize, but he did the exact opposite. He attacked people that attacked him on social media. When people came to the bar to confront him, he would yell and scream at these people and eventually would kick them out of the bar. He had become very angry at his mistake, but instead of owning up to it and swallowing his pride, he decided to take the offensive. Seeing his outbursts in person, and on social media, this made people stop coming to the bar. They didn't want to deal with a confrontational owner and a guy that wouldn't take heed of his own mistakes. They immediately started to lose lots and lots of money. They even tried to sell the space because they could not make ends meet.

By the time Taffer and crew showed up, they were 750,000 dollars in debt. When Taffer and crew got there, they had it set up so people that have confronted the main owner on social media would be the patrons of the bar that night. This escalated very quickly. Many complaints started right away. People were waiting 30 or 40 minutes for drinks. A lot of people would leave after 20 minutes of waiting. The food that patrons were ordering would arrive at their table cold and 40 minutes late. Bartenders were even giving away drinks without making people pay. It was a total mess. But, instead of trying to make things right, the owner argued with customers, and kicked the majority of them out. He is a hot head for sure.

Taffer came in and laid into this guy. But, the owner did not take his berating sitting down. He fought back and told Taffer that he did not like being treated like a child. After cooler heads prevailed, Taffer sat down with the staff and they got to the root of the problem. We come to find out that the bartenders have no real training. The kitchen staff is good, but they get no help from the owner on anything, in fact, he spends most of his time yelling at them. We finally realize that the brother who is the main owner has taken a lot of money from his brother to keep the bar running, and he feels that he has failed him. The owner is also very skeptical about giving more money to the community because he thinks that people will come at him even harder on social media, and he doesn't want to take it anymore. For the most part, this was a pretty laid back episode. There was the yelling and screaming, but everyone involved knew they needed to change if they wanted to become successful again.

After the whole heart to heart with the staff and owners, Taffer and crew got to work. They painted the whole bar with brighter and nicer colors. The staff got proper training from a renowned mixologist, a word I loathe. The kitchen staff got a new menu, which they knocked out of the park. And the owner, he started to act like a real person, instead of an asshole. He knew he needed to change his attitude, so he could help pay his brother back, and get back in good terms with the community and the social media people.

Once Taffer and crew did their thing, they revealed the new bar. They changed the name from "Celebrities" to "The Victory". I think that is a dumb name, but what do I know. The inside looked much more inviting, and everyone loved what they were seeing. He set them up with new POS systems, flat screen TV's, better liquor, all your basic "Bar Rescue" stuff. During the re opening, the bar seemed to be doing much better, and the owner seemed very grateful to Taffer.

This was your classic, right down the middle episode of "Bar Rescue". It is nice to have it back on air, that 2 week break seemed much longer, and I'll be here to review every episode until this season ends. Come back next week for more.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast. He is not one to lash out on social media at anyone. Want proof? Go follow Ty on twitter @tykulik.

Ty Watches the "Eric Andre Show" Season 4 Episode 6

This past Friday's "Eric Andre Show" was one of the weirder ones I have ever seen, and that is saying something, because his show is weird and wonderful. He did his thing during introduction, but as he went to tackle his drummer, he stopped short, and then proceeded to shake all the band members hands and give them praise. He then proceeded to destroy shelves on an aluminum built rack. He actually ran through the middle of two of them. While destroying the stage, pro skater Tony Hawk showed up and did some tricks, and also helped Andre wreck the stage. The two of them were doing damage. A guy dressed like a mummy came on the stage and went on to choke Andre with some of his wrapping. After that, Tony Hawk started to beat up Andre. Andre exclaimed, "why are you doing this? I thought we were friends", but Hawk just kept pummeling him. After all this, Andre threw a vase, and the destruction was over. Then, Hannibal Buress shot out from the top of the ceiling right into his chair. After all that, Andre got on stage and did his monologue. It was all nonsense and bizarre and funny. It even included a "Looper" reference, that was hilarious. I have really enjoyed the addition of the monologues this season.

After the monologue, the first guest, Warren G, came on stage. Warren G looked confused from the start. First off, Andre proclaimed that he was a rapper, and started to freestyle. It was terrible, on purpose, and Warren G was not impressed. Andre made Buress freestyle, and his rapping was worse than Andre's, and louder. Warren G was dumbfounded. Then, my new favorite character, Kraft Punk showed up. He came out on fire, throwing cheese slices at Andre and Buress. We then cut to his new pre taped segment, "The Kraftolor". It was like "The Bachelor", but Kraft Punk would show up in a random café, tell people that he could not die, then ask ladies if they would be his "cheese wife". I LOVED this. It was hilarious. Kraft Punk was ushered off stage, as usual, and then Andre asked Warren G if he would do adult stuff with Martha Stewart. Warren G paused, and then said yeah, with a huge smile on his face. The show then cut to a picture of Martha Stewart.

We then got another pre taped segment, where it starts out like an "And 1" mixtape video, but then it turns out that Andre is playing a dad whose son is flying away on a balloon. The guys playing basketball did not care for all this nonsense. They wanted him off the court, and they kept asking how little his baby was, if 4 helium balloons could carry it away. During this segment, the camera kept cutting back to Andre, and he was asking ridiculously ludicrous questions to himself, but the show made it seem deep. It was weird and funny. There was also an early pre taped segment, that took place in a café of some sort, and some wacky hijinks went on. It was bizarre, but in a good way.

After Warren G leaves the set, the next guest that comes on is Kelly Osbourne. She is immediately turned off by everything that Andre is doing. He asked ridiculous questions, he has a PA fly into his desk, thus crushing it, he speaks in an English accent, but he just says lines from the movie "Austin Powers" and he tells her that he heard that her dad was famous for eating animal feces. She is so angry at him, and at one point she says a very bad thing, and Andre runs with it. He puts up pictures with her face and the quote, and Kelly Osbourne is made very upset by all this. I thought it was hilarious. I won't type the quote, but go look it up online, or watch the episode, it makes her look really bad.

The show cuts to another pre taped segment, where Andre bursts out of a dryer at a laundry mat, covered in goo, and keeps asking people what year is it. The patrons are not amused. I was cracking up. He keeps pushing and pushing until one guy physically pushes him out of the laundry mat. The segment then turns into a "TV" show that Andre is making called "Alien Dad". He goes back into the laundry mat to tell people he just wants to find his kid, but they are not buying it. Once again, he gets shoved out a second time.

After all this, instead of having a musical guest on, they have comedian Jim Norton come on to do some jokes. But, the rub with this bit, Norton is hooked to an electrical shock machine, and any loud noise causes him to get shocked. He is doing fine at first, but then Andre sends out some angry, barking German Shepard's, and a lot of other noise causing things. Norton looks like he is in a world of pain by the end of the bit.

This was one of the more unusual episodes, as I said at the top, but I still was laughing throughout. Warren G is one of the first people that I haven't seen walk off during the first interview also. He was a good sport. There are only a few episodes left in this season, but I will be here to review the rest for you when they are on. Come back next week for the next one.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast. Ty needs new shows to watch, give us some suggestions. Follow Ty on twitter @tykulik.