Better Late Than Never on "The Social Dilemma"

Based on a recommendation from my buddy Kirk a few weeks ago, I finally got around to watching "The Social Dilemma". I waited awhile because I knew this movie was going to haunt me. I actually put it off that long because I think I did not want to see what the people had to say. But yesterday I had to watch. It was kind of eating at me. I wanted to see the stuff that Kirk was telling me about.

I had started the movie a few days back, but I started it over yesterday and watched it all in one sitting. And it was as haunting as I expected. It was dour. It was bleak. It made me scared for the future. But most of all, the movie was fantastic. It was also very, very true. It was so bleak because this is the direction we are headed as a country that is as tech obsessed as we have become. We all live on our screens nowadays. It is our source for most things. I do this constantly. I check the news each morning. I look at scores every night on my sports apps. I record my kids doing activities. I log runs and calories. I write a blog. We all live on screens. It was an inevitable chapter in Earth's life.

What "The Social Dilemma" brought to my eyes, what I had not realized, what frightened me the most, was how said screens are manipulating us. How screens give us endorphin rushes. How apps like Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, all of them, are advertising directly to us based on what we look at and what we talk about. Our phones and tablets are clearly listening to us. I will talk about running shoes, and not even an hour later I will receive an ad of said shoes on one of the many social media apps I use. It is scary. I do not like the idea of an AI listening to me, learning about me and advertising to me all within a span of an hour. But that is what "The Social Dilemma" taught me. It also taught me that there are people that are actually fighting to rid us of this wickedness social media platforms are doing. There are some good people in Silicon Valley that want things to change. And these people have the clout to actually do something about it.

While watching this movie, the things the experts were telling me had me shaken to my core. Outside of AI advertising to us, the use of social media in teens and pre teens is horrifying. It is also making being a teen, which is already tough enough, even harder. Kids are mean and vicious to begin with. Now, they can do it online behind a screen name. That stinks. I was also taken aback that most of the experts in the movie worked for these social media companies. It would show their name, then list the former jobs they had at places like Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. All of these people were literally in the belly of the beast. They saw a lot of what the internet has become from the start. They saw what was happening and left though. They wanted to make changes. They saw that it was getting bad, so they moved on and are now fighting for the greater good.

What scared me the most while watching was me thinking about how much time I personally spend on my phone. I have not stopped thinking about it since I finished the movie last night. I mentioned above the amount of time I use apps. I also play mindless games on my phone. I will sit down and lose a half an hour playing Candy Crush. I don't need to do that nonsense. It is a waste of time. What resonated most with me, besides kids being on social media, was how the movie ended. The experts talked about a world where we can be better. Where we can log off. Where we can stop being so cruel to people on the internet, and that made me feel okay. I loved hearing them say stuff like, "turn off notifications", or "get rid of apps that are of no interest", "remove negativity from your life", "get off news websites that show no real change", "if you are going to look at the news, gather as much info as you can from many different sources". Hearing all of that has really motivated me to make some changes. I am going to make the effort to not be on my phone as much. I am going to turn off most of my notifications. I am going to delete apps like Wikipedia. I'm going to not check football scores as much. I'm going to get off my damn phone all the time.

"The Social Dilemma" is one of the most horrifying, and best movies I have watched all year. I highly, highly recommend everyone check it out. It will definitely give you things to think about. It is a great, important movie. Watch it.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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Ty Watches "Big Mouth" Season Five

"Big Mouth" has done it yet again.

This show is one of the best things that has been on TV in quite some time. Each season deals with, or adds some new layer that just makes it better and better. I am a big time fan of this show. I have loved it from day one. I have said on this site, to anyone that will let me tell them, hell, to myself that "Big Mouth" is the best representation of going through puberty on any platform right now. I really, truly believe that kids in middle school should be watching the show. I think they should teach a class on it in school. It would have been so much better than the ridiculous sex education that I got when I was in middle school. It was too technical. It was too clinical. They used words that my 13 year old brain had not even heard. At least "Big Mouth" is compelling for kids. It is a cartoon. And it shows the horribleness, and sometimes wonderfulness, that is puberty. It is the truest version that I have ever seen.

Like I said above, they add something new each season that I will watch and think about all the times I had those exact same feelings. This season, their fifth, added hate worms. We have the hormone monsters, the shame wizard, the depression kitty, the anxiety mosquito and so many, many more already. Adding the hate worm was a cherry on top. Even though none of us want to admit it, we all went through this phase of hating a person for some reason only we knew at the time. They used it great in "Big Mouth" by showing Missy getting angry at Jessie for stealing her idea for an organized protest group, and for Nick being upset when Jessie did not like him back. We all had these feelings. It happened to us all. What "Big Mouth" did so well in this fifth season was have the characters say and act how I, and many, many others felt when we were that age, but did not say and act out of rage. It was funny and eye opening to see these cartoon characters act on their rage. They went over the top, but that works because when you are that young and angry, you probably want to go over the top, but you don't. "Big Mouth" gives us this outlet. I also like how they wrapped it up. How they showed Missy and Nick getting through their anger. I liked them showing how they apologized for being assholes. It was great. I also thought it was a great idea to have Nick Kroll, one of the creators of the show, show up as himself and talk to his teenage cartoon character. That was great.

Outside the hate in season five, the other characters involved had some solid storylines. Jay finally finds his true love. Nick's sister gets a real boyfriend. Nick's parents have their first real fight, and then makeup. Jay's dog has a great, small story this season. The Christmas episode was cool as hell. The main hormone monsters have a solid backstory. Lola, Devon and Devin, Ali, they each grow a bit this season.

"Big Mouth" is such a great show. I hope they keep making it. I am pretty sure they have a pretty solid contract with Netflix to keep making it. I love it, I think it is super relatable and totally based in reality, even though it is a cartoon. I think everyone should watch it. I think each person will find something they can relate to while watching. "Big Mouth" is awesome.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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An Ode to the Greatness of Peanut Butter

I was listening to "Doughboys" today and they were talking about marshmallow fluff. I used to love that stuff, but now it sounds and looks vile. The hosts and the guests seem to agree with me too. They talked about how horribly sweet it still is. They mentioned a fluffernutter sandwich, which I used to love, but other than that, they said it was gross.

I am not here to talk about marshmallow fluff. One of the guests mentioned that they had their own personal food pantheon. He talked about the three foods he had on his list. They were the chicken egg, rice and peanut butter. This got me thinking about what my food pantheon would be. I went through a ton of stuff that I really like, but nothing was making my own personal pantheon. I love steak, but that can be gross if not cooked properly. I love licorice, especially the Australian kind, but eating too much hurts my jaw. Coffee has become a big part of my life, but I have had some terrible cups of coffee. Hot dogs are great, but you have to add so much stuff to them to take them to the next level. And they are grossly made. I also love lunch meat, especially salami, but lunch meat has the same problem as the hot dog. It needs accompaniment to really go above and beyond. I was struggling with my pantheon. But then it became pretty clear to me. And I do not need to have more than one food in my pantheon. Everyone has their own personal pantheon, and they can make it as vast as they want. But I only have one food in my pantheon. I only need one food. And I actually agree with one of the items the guest provided. To me, the only food that even belongs in my pantheon is peanut butter.

This may seem harsh to my daughter, she is violently allergic to peanuts, but I am not. I adore peanuts and peanut butter. Peanut butter has literally everything you could want in one food, as long as you are not allergic to it. Peanuts are filled with nutritional value. So peanut butter, in small portions, is actually a good thing. It has carbohydrates, salt, sugar, potassium, and a bunch of other stuff that just makes you feel better, and full, after you have eaten some of it. I love, especially when I am going really low carb, to have a scoop or two of peanut butter straight from the jar for dessert. It gives me the sugar I miss, it has minimal carbs and it is tasty as hell. It also helps me to feel full, even if I may not be full yet. It tricks me. I like that. I love peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, especially after a good work out. The mix of peanut butter and jelly on white or wheat bread, I prefer wheat, is a perfect bite. It has all the good flavors. And it is filling. Adding peanut butter to candy makes it instantly better. Reese's Peanut butter cups are dope. Snickers is one of the best candy bars ever. Reese's Fast Break is the best candy bar. I like to take a little scoop of peanut butter and add it to a Hershey's chocolate bar. It just makes candy so much better. I also love it smeared on a graham cracker or a bagel. It adds a ton of flavor. Adding peanut butter to toast is amazing. You can even add peanut butter to a sauce, it is done a lot in Chinese food, and it works. It also works so well in Thai food. There is no instance that I can think of where peanut butter is not perfect. I bet it would taste good on stuff like mashed potatoes or brussel sprouts. Peanut butter is it. It is the GOAT food. It is my one and only member of my personal food pantheon.

Peanut butter rules.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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Ty Watches "Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings"

It was my wife's movie pick for date night this past weekend, and she went with "Shang Chi". We had seen that it was going to be on Disney + for free on Friday, we both really wanted to watch it but did not want to go to the theaters and our son was at a sleepover, so we figured Friday was the perfect time.

I want to say right off the bat, I loved this movie. I had zero idea about the superhero Shang Chi. I knew nothing of the rings, no backstory, who he was now and how he came to be the holder of the ten rings. His story was a total blank for me. So I appreciated the backstory that they involved with this movie. The movie was a bit over two hours long, but I felt it was needed for someone like me who knew nothing. I really enjoyed the fact that they took the time to go back here and there during the movie to show why Shang was where he was during the movie. I also really liked the whole story about the ten rings and what they do, how they are used. It is a real cool power to have. It seems super effective and totally useful. I also like how they showed the rings when they were in use. It was cool as hell.

I also thought the acting was top notch in the movie. Young Shang, be it 10 year old or teenage, the actors did a great job portraying the sadness and anger. Then we have grown up Shang, the actor from "Kim's Convenience", he was absolutely wonderful. I loved every aspect of his performance. He was so cool and such a total badass. He was a perfect cast for the role. Awkafina, playing his friend Katy, was great as well. I am a big fan of hers. I love "Nora From Queens", she is great in "Ocean's 8", she is hilarious and fun. She brought all of that to this movie, but she also got to be the love interest, the damsel in distress. It was cool and different. I liked seeing her in that role. And the rest of the cast was superb. Shang's dad was a great villain, but I also kind of got where he was coming from. I felt his pain. Shang's sister was amazing. She may have been more of a badass than her brother. She also taught herself how to fight, and she was kicking ass all up and down the movie. Their mom was sweet and sensitive and also one hell of a fighter. I liked how she only used her powers when she truly needed to in the movie. The people who lived in the mom's village were great as well. There were some great marksmen, great fighters, people who knew how to harness the powers they have. I also loved the animals that lived in the village. It was some of the coolest mashups of animals I have seen in a movie. Also, Ben Kinglsey and his little buddy Morris were a delight. They were kind of the heart and soul of the movie for me.

Outside the acting, the imagery, the scenery, it was beautiful. San Francisco looked awesome. Macau was dope as hell. Everything was shown so well. My wife pointed out when they got to Macau how it reminded her of "Black Panther", when they went to Asia. It was nighttime, brightly lit and looked so cool. They made it feel like a very, very big city. And that fight scene on the side of the big building, that was awesome and it made my knees totally buckle. And the village that I mentioned before, it was amazing.

I adore this movie. I think it is one of the better MCU movies. I like when they make the movies a bit more fun, and even though this movie definitely has some heavy moments, it is still a very good time. And the fight scenes are some of the best they have had in some time. The fight on the bus is one of the cooler things I have seen in a movie since "Nobody". It was rad. If you have Disney + go watch the movie ASAP. It is free and totally worth it. I highly recommend "Shang Chi".


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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"The Last O.G." is Still Good, I Want it to Be Great.

I have been watching all of "The Last OG". From its start to where it is now, on season three,

I'm there for it. I think it is a solid show. Tracy Morgan is my all time favorite actor. Full stop. I love everything he is in, and I will watch pretty much anything he is in. He is it for me. He is the comedy actor. He makes me laugh all the time. I do not even watch "SNL" anymore, but I saw he was on a sketch last week and you better believe I watched in on YouTube the next day. He rules.

The other people on the show are great too. Tiffany Haddish is hilarious. Ryan Gaul is funny and can do a bit of drama. The actors playing his kids are really good at portraying teens. Tracy Morgan's mom is really good. Everyone knocks it out of the park. Jordan Peele is an executive producer and co creator of the show. This show has all the elements I look for when I want to watch a comedy show. And it has been really good for 2twoseasons.

We are four episodes into the third season, and while I have been enjoying it, it is kind of doing the same thing. They ended season two on a humongous cliffhanger, but they wrapped it up by the second episode of this season. I love that Tracy Morgan's character wants to give back, he is an ex-convict, but that storyline has kind of run its course. I do like what they are doing this season with a former childhood friend who lost her brother due to Morgan's character selling him drugs. I like how they are showing how his past really hurt other people. And the lady who plays Vecey is tremendous. It is a good storyline this season. I want it to be the main storyline. I feel like, especially after watching the most recent episode, they are going that way, and that is good. I just want them to stay in that lane. Again, I like how they show Tray giving back, but they have done that to death. I also really enjoy his interactions with his kids, but they have done that already. I am bummed out Haddish is not in this season, or she hasn't been yet, but that could do with scheduling or other conflicts. She is such a great actor, and she really shines on this show. I miss her a lot. I appreciate what they are doing with Gaul, her current husband, and the kids though. I just wish Haddish was there to perform. I saw that the next episode does have Tray helping someone out, but it is a guy that lived in the halfway house with him after they were released. I'd much rather see him help out those dudes than helping out a random kid on the street. And that is not because I am heartless, they have already done it. A few times. They have scratched that itch. And have done it very well. I want the show to go in new, different directions because I love it so much. I do not want it to feel stagnant. I was getting the stagnant feel, but then the fourth episode happened, and it has pushed me back to my hopeful feelings of the show doing a new story involving someone else involved in Tray's life.

I really do like this show. "The Last OG" has proven its worth and then some. I just hope it doesn't get content. I want it to go into different stories with different people. I think they are doing that. And I am hopeful that they are doing that.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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Ty Listens to "This is Important" Podcast

A few months back I was looking for a different podcast to listen to when I run. I have a good team of pods that help me through long runs, but I was either caught up on them, or was getting a little bored. I always try to find one of two kinds of pods when I run, conversational or comedic. When the two categories marry, that is the cherry on top.

The podcast I decided to try was "This is Important". This podcast is hosted by the guys behind one of my all time favorite shows, "Workaholics". We got Kyle Newachek, Anders Holm, Adam Devine and Blake Henderson as the hosts. The podcast is very straight forward. It is just the four of these guys bull shitting for an hour every Tuesday. They like to say that they are only talking about, "what is truly most important", but it is just four friends having a good time on the mic. It also helps that these guys are hilarious, have great chemistry, even better friendship and are pretty well known.

Outside "Workaholics", all these guys are still working. Kyle Newachek is still directing and producing, most recently on the great TV show, "What We Do in the Shadows". Adam Devine has starred in his fair share of movies of late, and he has just been announced as the star of an upcoming "Pitch Perfect" TV series. Anders Holm is still doing his thing, he is apparently in an upcoming movie with Robert De Niro. He was also great in "Top 5" by the way. And Blake Henderson, he has a recurring role on "Woke", was great on "Parks and Rec" and was excellent in the movie "Dope". They are all still grinding, and they still have the time to get together for an hour a week and make a goofy, ridiculous and fun podcast.

I often find myself cracking up when I listen. It is so mundane and wild and crazy and hilarious. They literally just take a subject here and there and they go down crazy rabbit holes. They did a good 10-15 minutes on John Lithgow movies a few episodes back. They did their first "live" episode when Devine had his bachelor party in the Ozarks. It was epic. When Holm goes on about neo soul music, I love it because I love neo soul. Anderson has a soundboard, and the way he uses it during the show is so hilariously perfect. Newachek will spend most of his time either talking about his wife and kids, his garden or expelling gas on the microphone. I know this all sounds trite and boring, but I promise you it is not. Especially if you like Mail Order Comedy and "Workaholics". It is just a continuation of where they started. They may have reached a new level of fame, but these dudes seem totally down to Earth, which is awesome. I think the simpleness of the pod is why I love listening to it while running. It marries the comedy and conversation aspects that I like about podcasts. It takes those two genres and melds them perfectly. I love it because it is two of my most favorite things about podcasting.

If you like these guys, or watched "Workaholics", or just enjoy friends getting together that happen to be extremely funny, check out "This is Important". It is well worth your time.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

Come and support Ty and the podcast on Patreon.

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I Miss Chris Farley

This past Friday, during date night, I showed my wife one of my personal favorite comedies from the mid 90's. The movie was "Tommy Boy". I watched that movie over and over and over again when I was a teenager. It was the best. And I think it still holds up. There are a few problematic things and words used in the movie, that is for sure. But other than those very short, very few not so great words and scenes, I found myself cracking up just like when I was a kid. My wife wasn't laughing as hard as me, but she did say it was funny. She was also very clued in to why I loved, and still love, this movie so much.

I'm not here to talk about the movie. I love it, as I said. I want to talk a bit about Chris Farley. Farley was a comedy legend. He was one of the greatest "SNL" actors ever. He owned the comedies he starred in in the 90's. He was lightning in a bottle. He was this physical mastermind who also happened to be extremely hilarious. Farley had it all. And as a young teen, that was exactly what I wanted when I watched comedy. Farley was pretty much my entryway to comedy. I did not start to really dig deep into comedy until I discovered Farley. He was a gateway drug for me.

Unfortunately, he also lived his life way too hard. He died way too young. He could have done so much more in his life. But drugs are bad and addictive. He relapsed a ton. He did not take care of himself at all. He lived too fast and died much too young. He truly lived like his idol, John Belushi, to the fullest extent. Which is a bummer.

Watching him in "Tommy Boy" was amazing. When he did cartwheels after passing his test I was amazed at how athletic he was, but I was also cracking up. Seeing him lead this comedy was incredible. He was a force of nature. But he also handled the very minor dramatic moments really well in the movie. He had range. The same could be said for some of his other movies. He was amazing in "Coneheads". He had a very small role, but it was memorable. "Beverly Hills Ninja" would be unwatchable with any other actor in the lead role. The movie is not good, at all, but Farley is good in it. He makes it watchable. I saw it in the theaters simply because of Farley. He has some of the most quotable and memorable lines from "Billy Madison". He is so awesome as the bus driver. After doing "Tommy Boy", he and David Spade teamed up again for "Black Sheep". I saw that movie almost as much as "Tommy Boy". It is like an unauthorized sequel, and it is a decent movie. Farley, again, totally carries the movie. The scene at the Rock the Vote festival is one of the funniest things I have seen in a movie in quite some time. And his role in "Dirty Work" is so god damn cool. He is in full Farley mode, and it rules. And of course we have "SNL". He was, as I said before, one of the best actors that show has ever seen. His work on "SNL" is, for me at least, the best and most memorable of all time. From the GAP workers, to the Chippendales skit, to his talk show, to jumping in the cage at the zoo, to Matt Foley, and so many more I cannot think of right now, he was simply the best. The physicality was second to none. His timing was impeccable. He was made for live TV. He lived in the moment, and when it was his time, he seized on it. He was amazing.

I really miss Chris Farley. He was one of my favorite actors of all time. Watching him in "Tommy Boy" last week has me wanting to revisit a bunch of his other work. I have rewatched some of his "SNL" skits since Friday. I plan on watching "Black Sheep" soon. I want to see "Beverly Hills Ninja" again just to see if he still carries it like he did so many years ago. Farley was an amazing talent who lived his life much too hard. I highly recommend everyone go and check his stuff out if you haven't, or if you just want to revisit it. Farley was a once in a lifetime talent. I really, really miss him.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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A Lament of Aaron Rodgers

Aaron Rodgers is an idiot. Aaron Rodgers is dangerous. Aaron Rodgers is selfish. Aaron Rodgers cares about no one besides himself. Aaron Rodgers is flat out stupid and I have zero respect for him, of which I already had very little to begin with.

I have never been a fan. I'm not just saying that now, it is true. When the Packers drafted him I threw my hands up and openly groaned. RD called me that day to congratulate my father and I, as we are Packers fans, and we both told him we were upset with the pick. Now, he proved us wrong on the field. The Packers have always been a playoff team with him at QB, but that never stopped my dislike for him. I have never liked his attitude. I do not like watching him in press conferences. He is arrogant and full of himself. He has driven me mad as a Packer fan both on and off the field. Last summer, when he wanted to be traded, I told anyone that would listen that I wanted them to trade him. I wanted Green Bay to start over. I was ready for the Jordan Love era. I was ready for them to be a bottom dweller for a few seasons. I was fed up with Rodgers and his holier than thou attitude over the summer. And even when he came back, and the front office bent to his every wish, I was over it. I did not care about their hot start. It really had little to do with him anyway. The defense is actually much better than they have been in quite some time.

Recently when he returned, and all the COVID rules the NFL put out came out, which I love, he told everyone that he was "immunized". I, along with most everyone else, assumed that meant he was vaccinated. Using the word "immunized" is the same as saying you are vaccinated. "Immunized" means that you are immune, or safe, from a disease. He lied to everyone. I have to assume the Packers front office knew he was not vaccinated, so they are equally as much to blame as Rodgers. But facts are facts. Like I said, Rodgers lied. He is a liar. He is a storyteller. He is a snake oil salesman. He is pitiful and disrespectful. To play in eight games unvaccinated, to go to parties with your teammates unvaccinated, to see friends unvaccinated, too flat out lie to every single reporter, what a total and complete asshole. He was putting so many people in unnecessary danger because he wanted to do what he wanted. If my six or nine year old were to do something similar I would ground them for weeks. Telling such a stupid lie makes me furious as a parent. Rodgers is roughly my age, yet he lies like a child.

And then he had that unhinged interview. He went on a radio show and spewed misinformation. He bad mouthed masks. He claimed to be "allergic" to some of the stuff in the vaccine. He eschewed doctors and said he was talking to Joe Rogan about the disease. He quoted Martin Luther King Jr. Everything about this interview just made him look worse and worse. Why on Earth would any sane person talk to Joe Rogan about anything. That guy is a blowhard. He is a dummy. He is so unimportant. Masks have saved millions of lives. I still wear mine everywhere. It is not a bother. It is super important. The fact that he is taking heart dewormer still baffles me. What a goddamn moron. He is not allergic to anything in the vaccines. He is a coward. And quoting Martin Luther King Jr was wrong on every single level. I saw someone online say that, "white people when they are in trouble really like to use Martin Luther King Jr quotes". Never a truer statement has been made.

Aaron Rodgers stinks. I despise him more than ever. I have had moments where I am questioning if I still want to root for this team anymore. I do know for a fact that I am done with Rodgers. Even when he comes back I will root against him very hard. Aaron Rodgers is a quack, a coward, a blowhard and a dangerous individual. I will never, ever, ever believe another word that comes out of his mouth. Rodgers is a danger to society and I hope he is out of Green Bay very soon. Screw you Aaron Rodgers. I did not like you before, but now, and this is a word I rarely use, I hate you. You are a menace and I wish you would just stop talking. Stop making yourself look stupid.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

Come and support Ty and the podcast on Patreon.

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Ty's 2021 - 2022 NCAA Men's College Basketball Preview

Since my son starts basketball practice tonight, since I kept seeing commercials for college basketball games all Saturday afternoon while watching football and since I am kind of tired after getting my booster shot, I am going to give you all the NCAA men's college basketball preview I have promised.

I am going blind because of the ever changing college basketball landscape. I truly only know who is on the Michigan Wolverines team since I actually follow them. I was stunned to see KU was the third ranked team in the country. I was equally stunned when I saw Michigan State was unranked. I do not know who these top players are, sans for the freshman on Michigan. I am going in blind like I have for seemingly the past decade with men's college basketball. And instead of doing a conference breakdown for everyone, I'm going to go off the preseason rankings, and add a few teams I think could make some noise. Let's do it.

The AP has Gonzaga at number one. I'm pretty sure they have almost everyone back from a team that made the title game last year. Suggs and the other guard, Joe Ayayi, are gone, but they have guys that will take their place. Gonzaga is a reload team. They do have Drew Timme back, and from what I have read, they signed the number one recruit, Chet Holmgren, who plays like KD. Gonzaga is a basketball powerhouse. They are no longer Cinderella. They, save for the championships, are Alabama in college football. If they do not win it all this year though, that would be a bummer for their fans.

UCLA is two and they have everyone back from the 11 seeded team that made the Final Four. This is a team that had zero expectations last year, but now they have all the expectations. They are one of the older teams in the NCAA, they have scoring and defense and a good coach. UCLA is back. Now it is time to see how they play with everyone watching them again. They are not going to sneak up on anyone.

The aforementioned Kansas Jayhawks are next. They have a loaded team, with super talented freshmen, and doing some research, they got the best transfer in Remy Martin. The Jayhawks will be at the top all year, and they could make some noise. I do think Bill Self may consider leaving if the Jayhawks have a really good year for the NBA.

At four we have Villanova. They have tons of talent returning, they have some stud freshmen, they have always been good and they have the best coach in college basketball.

Texas is five, and I think that is all due to them hiring Chris Beard. Beard is a good coach, a good recruiter, but this seems kind of high to me. I do not know anyone on their team, maybe Beard got some good players to commit, but Texas always seems to dissipate when they are looked at as a preseason darling.

Michigan is six. I know a ton about this team. I love that Eli Brooks, Hunter Dickinson and Brandon Johns Jr came back. The freshmen, mainly Caleb Houstan and Moussa Diabate, are going to play and be heavily involved. Juwan Howard is not only proving to be a great recruiter, but he is also an excellent coach. I love this team, I cannot wait to watch them play on Wednesday and my expectations are sky high with this team.

Purdue comes in at seven. They have one of the best front courts in the country. They are big and mean and nasty. They can shoot. They are good.

Reigning champs, Baylor, check in at eight. They lost a ton, but they are also a very good team. They do have some returning talent, and that staff can recruit and coach. Baylor will always be a contender.

At nine and ten we have two teams that really stunk last year. Duke is nine. This is Coach K's last year as the head man. He brought in a great class. And I feel like the refs and TV people will do everything in their power to prolong their season as long as possible. Kentucky is ten. They have a great class of freshmen, as they always do. But this group feels a little different. They will be fun to watch, they will put up a ton of points and they will return to the tourney, and most likely be a pretty high seed.

Outside of the top 10, there are a few teams that I am interested in seeing. The Big Ten has a ton of teams ranked. I already mentioned Purdue and Michigan at seven and six. The Big Ten also has Illinois at eleven, the university of Ohio State at seventeen and Maryland at twenty-one. I could have also seen Michigan State, Rutgers and Indiana being ranked at some point. The Big Ten is the best conference in college basketball. The university of Ohio State has one of the best bigs in the country in EJ Liddell. Illinois has Kofi Cockburn who is a preseason All American. Maryland has scoring for days. MSU is always good. Rutgers returns pretty much everyone from a team that made the tourney last year. Indiana has a new coach and some young stars. This conference is amazing.

Alabama is now becoming a basketball power, which is kind of annoying. They are preseason number fourteen, and they will push Kentucky in the SEC.

Memphis has a monstrous recruiting class coming in, Penny Hardaway is a better coach, and if the NCAA lets these kids play, they will make noise.

Oregon, at thirteen, is only behind UCLA in the Pac 12. They are always good and always competitive.

UNC, at nineteen, and FSU, at twenty, will make the ACC highly competitive. They will push Duke to the brink, much to the chagrin of the ESPN's of the world.

UConn will be repping the Big East all year in the rankings. And Virginia feels super low to me at 25. They are a very good program.

As for the mid major teams, Houston is lethal. That is why they are ranked 15th. And St Bonaventure, at twenty-three, is loaded with experience. There are always some other mid-major programs, but they end up becoming big time later in the season. I am curious to see SLU because they are local and they seem to have a pretty solid roster.

For me, as I have said many times, the Big Ten is the conference. They will not get all four Final Four spots, but I could see two teams making there with ease. I also think, with Gonzaga and UCLA being the only two other teams, that the Big Ten will win the most postseason awards. I also think the Big Ten will finally, after two decades, bring home a title.

With that, my Final Four picks right now, on November 8th, I have Michigan, Gonzaga, Purdue and Kansas. That is very chalk, I know. I think Michigan and KU will face off in the title game. And, what the hell, I'm going with Michigan to win it all. Their football team continues to disappoint me, so I'm going to fanboy out on their basketball team. But this isn't also simply a fanboy pick. They have experience, depth, talent, great coaching and scoring from every position. They also play defense and they go hard every night. As for player of the year, I'll take Johnny Juzang from UCLA. He is older, he hits clutch shots and I think he will have a monster season. Freshman of the Year is going to be the Holmgren kid from Gonzaga. They have already written that one in ink I bet. Coach of the Year will be Juwan Howard. And my "surprise" team is going to be Michigan State. They will have a deep tourney run and I think they will be ranked inside of the top ten at some point after being left out of the preseason rankings. And my "surprise" player is going to be Patrcik Baldwin Jr from UW-Milwaukee. He was a top recruit, but he chose to go play for his dad instead of going to a major power five school. That kid is going to put up massive number.

Okay, there is my men's NCAA basketball preview. As I saw every year, take it with a big time grain of salt.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing, the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast, and the greatest basketball writer on the internet.

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Hi-Chew is the New Great Halloween Candy

I know some college basketball teams are playing exhibition games right now, and I said I was going to do a preview, but that will have to wait until Monday. I want to wait until Michigan officially starts, and while they have an exhibition tonight, they officially tip off on Wednesday. So my men's NCAA basketball preview is coming, you'll just have to wait until Monday. Today I want to talk about a particular Halloween candy.

My kids went trick or treating on Sunday. We did it safely, and everyone seemed to have a very good time. The people we allowed in our house have been in our bubble, are vaccinated and are family. And pretty much every house we went to had the candy in a bowl outside on a table and most even had sanitizer. It felt safe. And after my kids were done, my son especially, they like to sort out all of the candy they received. I like doing this too. I did it as a kid. So I helped out my son and my daughter did not really care about doing it. She was happy with candy. So my son and I retired to the kitchen table and went through his stuff. He got a ton of candy. He even got full size candy bars, a first for him, and it blew his mind. He was literally acting like a kid in a candy store. So we put full size bars in one spot, peanut butter candy in another, fun size candy bars in a pile and gummy and chewy candy in another pile. It was great. And, like almost any parent, I decided that I wanted to taste test some of the candy he received. I had a few Snickers. He gave me a piece of one of his full size Kit Kats. I love Haribo Gummy Bears, and my son gave me a pack of those. It was great. But there is one candy he gave me that I do not really recall ever getting as a kid.

The candy he gave me was a piece of his Hi-Chew, and I was blown away. This was one of the best pieces of candy that I have ever eaten. It is like a softer, less sweet Starburst. When I got off candy to lose weight, Starbursts were one of the first to go. They’re pure sugar. But I did, and still do from time to time, miss that chewy aspect of Starbursts. Hi-Chew’s bring that tenfold. They’re very chewy. They last long. The flavor sticks around. It’s wonderful. What puts the Hi-Chew over the top though is the taste. While sweet, they’re not overly sweet. Starbursts, Skittles, Gummy Lifesavers, they’re far too sweet. I eat a few of those and I feel like I’m in sugar shock. Hi-Chew doesn’t do that to me. They’re a bit sweet, but they also taste like the actual flavor listed on the wrapper. Lime tastes like lime. Mango has that mango flavor. Pineapple is real close to an actual pineapple. But the strawberry ones, those are the best. They taste like actual strawberries, but it’s candy.

I’m really impressed with Hi- Chew’s. They are a great alternative to actual Starbursts. They’re better than Mamba’s. They’re much better than Skittles. I like them even more than Haribo Gummies, which I didn’t think was possible. I’m stoked that Hi-Chew is making a comeback, and the flavor is on point. My hat goes off to them. I can’t wait to eat some more when my son and I get some candy later tonight. Hi-Chew’s rule.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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Ty Watches "Bad Sport"

Yesterday I finished up a very cool and interesting show on Netflix. The show is called "Bad Sport". I was scrolling through Netflix the other day and it popped up as something I might have been interested in. They were right. I do like sports and I am interested in the seedy underworld that no one ever really talks about. This show has both.

Now, I was hyped because the first episode was all about a point shaving incident that I know of that occurred in the 90's involving Arizona State. I remember this story as a kid. They made a made for TV movie about this incident in the early 2000's. I was aware. What this first episode did though was go very, very deep in the whole scandal. I was learning a ton of new things. I was also kind of frightened at the people who got involved. I was also fascinated at how high this went. It was very informative and a very good. watch. The first episode was a great starting point for my sports fandom. Then I took a few days off because the other episodes featured sports I have never been too interested in. But I was still kind of looking for other shows, but my mind kept wandering back to "Bad Sport". So the next few days I devoured the rest of the series.

I am not a race car fan, but the second episode was all about a race car driver that brought in and sold millions of pounds of marijuana. It was incredible to hear this guy's story. I loved hearing what the people around him thought. I actually ended up kind of siding with the main guy in the end. He got put away for a long time just for some weed. And the race car stuff was kind of interesting. It was minimal, but I still found myself following it all.

The third episode was about a humongous bombshell involving Juventus soccer. I guess their owner back in the day had some serious pull over officials and was able to get things to go for his team when he needed it to. There were never any fixed games, or so they say, but the refs did some shady stuff. And the refs who didn’t do the shady stuff, they got stiff penalties. One of them was kidnapped for a few days. It was also wild to see the actual guy they were talking about come on and be interviewed near the end. And he still claims he did nothing wrong. It was wild.

The fourth episode featured a figure skating controversy. I never really watch figure skating, but I have friends and family that like to watch. I was also vaguely familiar with the people involved in this story because it became so big. There was a Canadian team and a Russian team, they were pairs, and there was a whole problem involving a French judge and how she may or may not have fixed an Olympic event in favor of the Russian team. The story was so wild too. I was totally invested in this one.

The fifth episode featured the biggest monster on the show. This one was about show horses and the owners. The guy they focused on was a guy that ended up falling into this world, and he became known as the Sandman, a guy that would get rid of horses if the owners wanted him to for a 5,000 dollar fee. And by get rid I mean he would execute these poor horses. This episode was frightening. It made me sick to my stomach at times. There were people that made me so angry while I watched. It also made me furious with the legal system. This episode has really stuck with me.

The final episode focuses on a South African cricket star that took money to try and fix games. He was a mega star in the cricket world. He had a big come up and achieved greatness pretty young. He was beloved by everyone. But all along he was accused of finding teammates and telling them to fix games here and there to get big chunks of money. It wasn't until a few of his younger teammates didn't do what he asked him to that he got caught. It was a big time scandal and the guy was banned from cricket. And that wasn't even the worst thing to happen to him. You'll have to watch to see what happens next.

I really liked this show. I hope it comes back for more seasons. I was endlessly fascinated by what I saw. It was very well done and very informative. I definitely recommend people check out this show. It is great.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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The College Football Playoff Committee are Fanboy Idiots

The first college football playoff rankings were released last night. For college football fans, like myself, this is a big deal. Things can, and definitely will change in the next four weeks, but the release of the first CFP ranking kind of marks the 3/4 mark of the season. We are getting near the end of the regular season.

I do not have much of a problem with the initial rankings, except two teams, who I will get to shortly. Georgia is clearly the number one team. They have beaten the pants off of every opponent, they have the best defense in the country and they can win with both of their QB's. They are really, really good. As much as it pained me to watch last weekend, I think Michigan State is in the right spot at three. They have won every game, they have the front runner, that isn't a QB, for the Heisman and they have found ways to win. Oregon rightfully deserves to be ahead of the university of Ohio State because they beat them, and they beat them in Columbus. It only seems fair. I love that Wake Forest is in the top ten. I don't think Michigan deserves the nine spot, but that is because I am never optimistic about that team. I'm not that upset by Oklahoma being eight because they have had one of the easiest schedules in the country, but they have made all eight of their wins, save for last week, much closer than they should have been. As for the teams outside the top ten, I love UTSA being ranked. They have earned it. I would have put Oklahoma State a little higher. I like that Minnesota is finally getting some recognition. Wisconsin has rebounded nicely after a rough start. Texas A&M has been riding high since beating Alabama, and they have a chance to make a real jump this weekend. And I like that teams like San Diego State and Fresno State got some love.

But, like I said at the top, there are two teams, one that got royally screwed, and one that seems to get their way no matter how they perform on the field. The fact that Alabama is two and Cincinnati is six is a total joke. Again, lots of things are going to change, but to put Cincinnati that low is such a bad look for the CFP committee. And putting Alabama that high, after they have a loss at Texas A&M, makes them look worse. It is clear now that no matter what Alabama does, no matter how many wins and losses they have, this committee will continue to find a way to get them into the top four. They will find a way. They will make excuses. I heard the chair of the committee explain why they put Alabama that high, and it was all nonsense. He was stating ridiculous facts. They have some wins in the top 25, he said. Their loss was a last second field goal on the road to the 14th ranked team. Alabama will play tougher teams. It is all pure nonsense from a college football perspective. And he had the nerve to go on tv and claim, "who has Cincinnati beat besides Notre Dame?". Again, this was like pushing in the knife after already stabbing someone. It was salt on a wound. He sounded like a fan, and that committee is supposed to be non biased. Cincinnati went to South Bend and pretty easily handled Notre Dame. They beat Indiana by two touchdowns in Bloomington. Say all you want about Indiana, but they are a solid football team. They crushed UCF when people thought they could be better than we all thought. They struggled with Navy, but like Michigan State, found a way to win the game. And they easily dismissed Tulane, who put a scare into Oklahoma in week one. They also have one of the best defenses in the country, and while I loathe their coach, he is doing a great job, and I would be stunned if he isn't at a big time power five school next year. Alabama crushed Miami, well they are 4-4. Look at that game like you look at Indiana on Cincinnati's schedule. They beat Florida in The Swamp they may say. Okay, they are 4-4. Their best win is Ole Miss, who they did smoke, but Cincinnati's best win is against a much better, higher ranked team, and it was on the road. I'm fed up with this committee finding excuses to get their beloved Alabama in the CFP. They are a good team, and they may still very well make it to the CFP, but to have them at two in the initial ranking is a spit in the face to the Big 10, the Pac 12 and, most importantly, the Cincinnati Bearcats football team. They got totally screwed by this committee. It is clear they do not have a level playing field. Cincinnati should be two, and hell, I'd put the university of Ohio State, Wake Forest and Oklahoma ahead of Alabama. Michigan State should be ranked higher. Oregon should be ranked higher due to a much better high profile win.

If someone asked me what I think the top four should be right now I'd go with, from 1-4, Georgia, Cincinnati, Michigan State and Oregon. Then I'd have Oklahoma, Wake Forest, the university of Ohio State and then Alabama. I'd have them at eight in the rankings right now. But I'm just a Michigan fan that lives in the Midwest. But I also watch a ton of college football, and I can tell you, on November 3rd, Alabama is not the second best team, Cincinnati is, and they should be ranked as the second best team in the country, like every other major poll has them. This is a bummer, I hope it gets fixed, but also, it just goes to show how stupid and pointless ranking college football teams truly is. It is a genuine waste of time. They should just wait until every game has been played and then make a final decision.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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Ty Watches the Trailer for "Atlanta"

Yesterday I was checking stuff out on the internet, as I like to say, as I am want to do, and I came across a story on many, many social media platforms claiming that Donald Glover surprised everyone with a new trailer for his hit series "Atlanta".

I am a big, big time fan of this show as you all know very well by now. I think it is the best show on TV, it is a delight to watch, it makes me think days after every episode and Donald Glover can do no wrong in the entertainment world. He is a genius. So I was obviously stoked about the trailer. I do not know if he put it out late Sunday or early Monday. I saw it on Monday. I am older, I am a dad, I am usually late to popular stuff on the internet, all of these are my excuses on why it took me an extra day to know, and then watch the trailer. As soon as I saw the story, and a link to the trailer, I watched it immediately. And I loved every single weird second of it.

The trailer is about a minute long. I think it might actually be exactly one minute. I'm sure there is some reasoning to it, but I am not smart enough, nor do I want to put the research time into finding out exactly why it is one minute long. But I watched it with pure glee. I was quite giddy in fact. I started the trailer and was completely blown away by what I saw. It was eerie. It was different. It was sleek. It was cool. I felt hip watching it. I also felt like a dork too because I was a bit confused. Anyway, the trailer goes through a bunch of different rooms and there is a song lyric repeated over and over. "It's after the end of the world/don't you know that yet". That is the lyric that is repeated over and over again. And there is some dark and creepy music accompanying the words. All the while we see these rooms. We see empty, what I assume, are concert venues. There are very few people roaming the streets. I only saw a few people on bikes in one shot. There are four TV's set up with different images flashing on them. There is a room filled with chairs stacked on top of one another. And at the end we see Brian Tyree Henry, who plays Paper Boi. The camera starts out far away from him, but the shot gets tighter and tighter while the creepy song comes to a big crescendo. We then get a close up shot of Paper Boi looking sad and despondent. He has a white shirt with some red, yellow and green stripes on it, and across his chest in yellow letters the word "FAKE". He also has two people working for him who are totally turned away from the camera not even looking in his direction. The screen then goes black and it says "Atlanta/2022".

This has me even more pumped up for what is to come in 2022. Clearly Paper Boi has made his ascent to some kind of fame. But we will also, or so it seems, get a look at how Donald Glover has dealt with the pandemic. We will also hopefully get to see that Paper Boi may not be happy with his newfound fame. Maybe he doesn't like the limelight like he thought he would. I am very curious to see where LaKeith Stanfield, Zazie Beetz and Donald Glover's characters are in this world created by Glover.

While I think a show like "Curb" is more reliable, or "The Simpsons" is my favorite show of all time, "Atlanta" is probably the best show on TV when it is on. And after this trailer I can only hope that this whole new season is going to be like the "Teddy Perkins" episode from the second season, because that is an all time classic. Needless to say, I am very, very excited for the new season of "Atlanta". Now I just have to wait a few more months.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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Ty Watches "I Know What You Did Last Summer" and He has Some Thoughts on Movie Violence

Over the weekend my wife and I pushed our date night to Saturday due to school stuff and because it was closer to Halloween. We had sushi, since we are so fancy, and my wife got to choose the movie. She wanted a scare so she picked "I Know What You Did Last Summer".

I have never seen the movie and it has been years since she watched it. She remembered really liking it and saying that it had some good jump scares. She also loves the show "Buffy" and is a big Sarah Michelle Gellar fan. It checks a lot of boxes for her. So we watched.

The movie was fine. My wife jumped a few times. It made me laugh a little because I kept thinking about "Not Another Teen Movie" and "Scary Movie". There were some okay chase stuff. It was a typical late 90's scary movie. It felt a lot like a JV version of "Scream", which is not a bad thing. But I came away from the viewing with a thought that has never really occurred within me. When the movie was over I thought that it was kind of hokey, not super scary and not too violent.

I was very wrong on the last thought. This movie was very bloody. A person gets hit with a car. There is a suicide. There is plenty of knife and hook wounds. Needless to say, there is a good amount of blood. But nowadays a movie like this seems so tame. That is brutal. It is actually kind of depressing. I think we are so numb to what we see now that a movie as gory as "I Know What You Did Last Summer" just kind of lands flat. I've seen more violence in a noir like "Drive". All three chapters of "John Wick" have a much higher body count and way, way more gore. The way "Uncut Gems" ends is way more horrifying than anything in this movie. Hell, I have seen worse in comedic movies. Or even psychological thrillers like "The Babadook" or "Black Swan" had me shook up. And even tv shows now are way more violent than this movie. "The Wire" had more hard core deaths. Gus Fring's ending in "Breaking Bad" was much more scary. "Lost" had more brutal scenes. And I think we all can agree that the first episode of "Squid Game" is way more hard core and gory than any scene in the entirety of "IKWYDLS".

That is crazy to me though. We have become so numb to violence in our society now. Some almost have to be pushed to the absolute brink to get even a little scared. When watching scary movies now there is so much more blood and gore and just flat out spooky things that happen. "IKWYDLS" feels almost ahead of its time, but at the same time it feels dated. It is cliched, but aren't all horror movies a little cliched when you really think about it? The acting is solid too, but newer, good horror movies have better acting. And the gore, the thing a lot of horror fans go for now, seems minimal. There were no real jump scares from me. I could feel them coming. But this movie did work on my wife. So what does that say about me? Am I so numb to it now that I need something like "John Wick" to get my blood pumping? I hope not. But I was just so surprised at how little I was scared while watching the movie on Saturday. And I scare easily at more modern horror movies. We are pretty numb to things we shouldn't be so numb to anymore, but it seems like the gross factor continues to notch up and we just consume it and are happy with it.

"IKNWDLS" is a solid horror movie, but it just does not hold up to the standards of today's horror movies. That could be the year or the consumer. I tend to think it has more to do with the consumer unfortunately, and that is what bummed me out the most.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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An Early Look at the NBA Season So Far

The NBA season is a week old now and I have some quick thoughts that I want to get out there. I will do this from time to time because I love the NBA so much, and when it is not Saturday, that is college football watching day, all I pretty much watch is NBA games.

The season has gotten off to a very fun start. The Bulls look good, the Nets look bored, the Celtics look injured and the Bucks look dominant. That is where I want to start, with the Bucks. They look every bit the part of reigning champs. They have brutalized the teams they've faced when they play their full lineup. Giannis looks as good as he did in the finals, Jrue Holiday, save for one minor injury, looks great and Khris Middleton is hitting big jumper after big jumper. The bench looks solid and the Bucks look like a lock to make a deep playoff run only five games into the season.

On the other hand, the Lakers look not so good right now. I am sure they will right the ship, fix some of their problems and be in the thick of the playoff race when it matters. But right now they look really, really bad. The lack of floor spacing is rearing its head. LeBron is already hurt. AD is arguing with Dwight Howard on the bench. Carmelo is missing open threes. Everything people worried about with this roster is happening right before our eyes. I expect them to figure it out, but even I did not think they would look this bad this early in the season.

The Bulls are fun, but their schedule is about to get real tough. But still, they are 4-1.

The Hornets are even more fun to watch. LaMelo Ball is really good at basketball. He is a blast to watch play as well. He is the best Ball brother.

Ja Morant has been amazing to start the season for my team, the Memphis Grizzlies. I have known since he was in college that he was going to be great. If you all remember, I rated him ahead of Zion in their draft class three years ago. I feel pretty good about that right now. But now that the Grizzlies are getting more primetime games, the rest of the country is getting to see how awesome of a basketball player Ja is. I love that.

The Warriors look pretty solid too. Steph is hitting tons of shots, the additions are working and Klay may be back sooner than expected. Maybe I underestimated them a bit.

The Timberwolves, and mainly Anthony Edwards, have been an absolute blast to watch. They fly up and down the court, they score in bunches and Edwards post game interviews are the best. Go look up what he said about Giannis the other night, it was amazing.

Houston, for as bad as they are, they are so much fun to watch play. They are young and not afraid of anything. I'm not a fan, but damn they are fun.

Also, the Thunder are really, really, really bad, but Shai Gilgeous Alexander is amazing.

Over in the East, I already mentioned the Bucks and Hornets, but it looks way grimer than the West. The Nets look bored already. KD looks good, but I expected that. James Harden is not scoring like he used to, he is not getting cheap foul shots anymore and his passing game is not nearly as lethal with his lack of points. Joe Harris is off, and the rest of the lineup, save for Patty Mills who has been great, just looks out of shape. They will right the ship, but they have to at least look like they care.

Atlanta is still fun, but the same thing with Harden is happening with Trae Young right now. He is not getting cheap foul shots anymore and he hasn't adjusted yet. He will, but right now he is struggling to adapt.

The Knicks look fine, and I like the Kemba addition, but I expect them to be a solid team.

The Celtics look jumbled and are not winning if Tatum and Brown do not have humongous nights on offense. Maybe I overrated them a bit.

The 76ers do look better than I thought without Ben Simmons, so at least there is that. I read that Embiid is suffering through some pain right now, but when he is on the floor he has been dominant.

The Heat look as good on defense as I thought, but the offense needs work. I could say the same about the Raptors.

The fact that the Cavs are sitting in the 6 spot should tell you all you need to know about the first week of the season in the NBA.

Outside of the teams, it has been neat to see fans in the stands. I am not going to any games yet, but it is nice to see people at these games. I love the new no foul call when the offensive player forces all the contact. It has made the game much more fun to watch, and it makes it flow much better. I'm a big time fan of the new rule. I would love to see them get rid of the foul where the defense intentionally fouls a team on a fast break as well. Hopefully they will. And seeing teams other than the Lakers, Celtics and Nets on primetime has ruled. I've gotten to see the Grizzlies twice. I've seen Portland play a few times. I watched the Thunder the other night. The Timberwolves got in there. The Nuggets have been on a few times. The Hawks had a primetime game. It has been cool to see some "smaller market" teams getting some shine.

The NBA rules. I'm so happy it is back. I do not feel as gross watching as I have in the past. Basketball is back, and I couldn't be more excited. Go watch some games, they are fun. I promise you.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing, the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast, and the greatest basketball writer on the internet.

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The Kids Today and Their 3-D Printers

From time to time I told you all I was going to talk about my kids going to school amidst a pandemic. Today I want to touch on that subject, but not the pandemic specific stuff I usually do. I want to do something a little different.

My wife and I are doing all the parent teacher conferences this week. Now that both of our kids are in school, we have extra conferences, and they have been quite eye opening. We are finishing them up tonight but we had one yesterday with our son's gifted teacher. My son has been in this whole gifted program through the school district since he was a kindergartener. We love it. He loves it. The program gives him a challenge he doesn't get in his everyday class. Now it is not that he isn't being challenged in his usual fourth grade class, this gifted program just pushes him to further his creative thinking and learning. The curriculum at the gifted school is made to teach the students to use different parts of their brain, and I am fully on board with all of that. We have had conferences every year, but last night was the most fired up I have been, in a good way, talking to my son's teacher there.

First of all, his teacher is amazing. Big shout out to her and all that she is doing. She is excellent at her job, and my wife and I both totally appreciate everything she is doing. Talking to her via a phone call last night was great. She was super informative. She had an answer to every question we asked. She talked about what my son needs to work on and what he is doing well. I liked that she focused more on what he needs to work on too. We all know he is smart, what he is good at doing in school, I want to know what he needs to work on so I can help him at home as well. I want to put in the effort to help the teachers as much as I can. This was where my mind was literally blown while talking to his teacher last night. When we talked about what he needs to work on, he wrote this down himself by the way, we are not judging him, his teacher told us he wants to get to know coding a bit better so he can do a 3-D print project at the end of the school year. I let out a verbal gasp when the teacher told us they had a 3-D printer in their classroom. I could not believe it. I am not totally computer savvy, but I know my way around one. I write blogs, I record a podcast, I can check email, I know the basics. But the idea of creating a coding program that would lead me to 3-D printing is so beyond any level of computer knowledge I could ever know or have. I was blown away. I thought this was the coolest thing ever. I have seen some 3-D printing products, but never something that I have created or my wife created or my kids created. Now my son is learning how to do this, during a full school day, and I couldn’t be any happier about it. The idea of a 3-D printer, when I was in 4th grade, would have blown my mind. It would have been the only thing I focused on all year. I would have obsessed over it. I would have poured over it. It would have been the only thing in school that mattered.

The fact that they have 3-D printers also proves to me that I am getting older. That a 3-D printer is commonplace in school now shows my age. I remember getting Oregon Trail, and that was the best. I am old. This is the equivalent, I assume, of when my dad and I were driving home from a college football game maybe four or five years ago and I pulled up a different game on the radio on my phone. I had, still have, an iPhone at the time, we had just watched Michigan barely win and my dad was driving the five hours back home. He wanted to listen to other games while we drove, so I pulled up an app that had college football radio stations, downloaded it and we listened to a few games on the way home. He told me that that technology would have been so foreign to him in his teens and 20's. That is how this 3-D printer being in my nine year old's classroom is for me. It is so wild, but also very, very cool.

I love CCL. I love the gifted program. And now that they have these great tools to help the students learn, while it blows my mind, I love it so very much. This is a good thing. This makes me happy. I hope they continue to grow and learn and add the proper, and needed materials for schools. I'm a big fan of all things CCL, especially the new 3-D printer that my son is currently learning how to use. So awesome.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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"Curb Your Enthusiasm" is the TV GOAT

Last night my wife and I watched the season 11 premiere of “Curb Your Enthusiasm”.

It was great. It was funny, I like how they approached COVID, there is a great storyline involving Albert Brooks, another one with Lucy Liu and a great bit about COVID hoarding. It is like a warm mug of hot chocolate on a cold night. The show is reliable and comforting. And I’m not here to review the premiere today. I just said it was great. What I do want to talk about today, a thought I had while having coffee with my mom and dad this morning, “Curb” is the most reliably great show on TV.

Hear my out. The show took a few years off between seasons, yet watching the premiere last night, it was like it never left. It was just as good as it always had been. There is not one episode or moment of this show that I think is bad. Everything is good too great. Everything works. Larry David is the GOAT of tv writers and actors. I don’t know why it took so long for me to realize this, it it’s true. There are shows I love, shows I adore, but most, if not all, have clunkers. “The Simpsons” is my favorite show of all time, but the early “Treehouse of Horrors” episodes are easy for me to skip. They’re not as silly as the more modern ones. They tried to make them kind of scary in fact. I would be fine if I never saw them again. “Breaking Bad” was the first show I binged, and it was great. But, and I do appreciate the message of the episode, the one where Bryan Cranston is obsessed with killing a fly in the meth lab was kind of dull. I thought it was fine, but it isn’t something I’ll revisit. “The Wire” is the best show ever in my opinion, but like many other people, most of season two is a drag to get through. We don’t get much of the main characters we grew to love in the first season. They show up here and there, but not enough for me. “Lost” kept my attention, but the episode about Jack’s tattoos is stupid. It’s a legit waste of time. “The Office” rules, but seasons seven, eight and nine stink. As soon as Steve Carrell left the show went down the tubes. “Parks and Rec” was the opposite “Office”. The first two seasons are easy to skip. I could go on and on. But when I look at “Curb” there is no season or episode that I want to skip. Everything works. The show is perfect. There are no clunkers. There’s no bad seasons. When Cheryl and Larry split, that could’ve been an undoing, but they nailed the transition. When Leon moves in with him it took the show up a few notches. Whenever Ted Danson is on it’s hilarious. Everything with Richard Lewis is glorious. The early seasons are as good as the recent seasons. The way they write this show, and let these comedic geniuses improvise, it makes the show never stale. It’s always fresh. It’s always funny. They can take a guy like Vince Vaughn and turn him into a character actor. They get Jon Hamm to play a heightened version of himself. Jeff Garlin and Susie Essman are always great.

“Curb Your Enthusiasm” is quite simply the most reliable show on tv. I don’t even think it’s arguable. I’m pumped it’s back on, and I already know this season will be great, just like the first ten seasons. What a triumphant show.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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Ty Watches "Champaign ILL"

A few years back I heard about a show that David Caspe and his crew were producing for YouTube. I read that it would star Adam Pally and Sam Richardson. I heard that it was going to be about a rapper and his entourage. I read that it was going to be very comical, but have some dark moments. All of these things checked my boxes for what I look for in a TV show. Well, except the YouTube part. It was going to be a YouTube exclusive, but you had to pay for the content. I really like YouTube. I use it a lot, especially during the pandemic, to watch concert footage, trailers for movies, music videos, a ton of stuff, all of which is free. I already pay for enough streaming services, I do not know how to get the material other ways and it seemed unnecessary for me to start paying for YouTube as well. My loss.

Fortunately the show was just released on Hulu, a streaming service I pay for, and I was able to watch it. The show is called "Champaign Ill". And it is everything I read about. The show follows Ronnie, Pally, and Alf Richardson. They are lifelong friends with a rapper who goes by ILL Lou the Sickest, played by Jay Pharoah. It is revealed pretty early on that Ronnie and Alf are a couple of free loaders. They do not know how to do much for themselves, they rely on Lou for everything and they are far too comfortable with the lives they currently have. Then, and this is not a spoiler because it happens in the first episode, Lou suddenly dies. He falls off a staircase filming a music video and hits his head. This shocks Ronnie and Alf, just like it did me when I watched.

This is where the show picks up steam. From here on out we go on to see how Ronnie and Alf have to adjust to life without Lou, and how they adjust to living back home in Champaign. They have all kinds of problems that they do not know how to fix. Alf wants his high school girlfriend back, but she is pregnant and hates him. Ronnie cannot figure out how to get back in the working world, even though he was heading to an Ivy league school before deciding to be part of Lou's crew. Alf has to move back in with his dad, and ever since his mom left him his dad has gotten very overweight and does not take good care of himself. Ronnie moves back home with his folks as well, but the parents are having problems, his sister is running a solid business, but she is still in his shadow and it drives her nuts. Needless to say, they are both finding their new surroundings to not be as nice. And when they find out they have no money in Lou's will for them, they really lose it. They try to start a business, but that never works. They try to write a song, they cannot do that. They try to get an apartment and they get into some serious credit card debt. But the thing that bugs them most is no one in their hometown seems to really care or be interested in their life from when they lived off Lou's coattails.

The series is all around great. It is one season that is ten episodes long. I finished it in about three days. I liked it that much. There is one episode where Ronnie and Alf have a very accusatory conversation in their apartment and it is like one long scene. The direction of this one episode has stuck with me for so long. It was super cool. My hats goes off to everyone involved with this show. It could have been cliche and corny, but they pulled it off. It is hilarious. It is dark. It deals with some heavy stuff. And it made me think how I would have acted had I been in a similar situation.

I really enjoyed this show, and now that it is on Hulu, I definitely recommend checking it out. It is well worth your time.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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Ty Watches "Dune"

Yesterday I watched "Dune". We got back from our trip earlier than we thought, my wife and I had already decided to move our date night to Sunday since we were gone Friday, and it was my turn to pick the movie.

I have been pretty pumped for this movie since I first heard about it over a year ago. I have seen bits and pieces of David Lynch's "Dune", and it is not a good movie. It has some great ideas, but it definitely falls off the rails. I have seen most of "Jodorowsky's Dune", and that is a great documentary and I would love to see his version. But that would have also been a crazy movie. I have never read the book, but I am somewhat aware of the story. But what made me want to see his one so much, why I was so excited, was the fact that Denis Villenuve was directing it. I loved "Blade Runner 2049", "Prisoners" is a tough watch, but a good movie and although I have never seen it, and RD despises it, "Arrival" won itself some awards. Villenuve has a very good eye for directing these big, lavish features. He has a good vision of how to show these vast landscapes. "Dune" was no different.

This is, hands down, one of the most beautiful looking movies I have ever seen. The landscape was beautiful. The worlds that were created looked so real. Maybe they looked real because this movie was shot in some beautiful places. I read they shot some in Norway. I have to assume that is where they got the water planet, and it looked glorious. I also read they shot in Abu Dhabi and Jordan, and that is most definitely where they got these seemingly never ending deserts. The deserts used in "Dune" were so big and so expansive and looked amazing. It was an incredible treat for your eyes. The set designs, while minimal, were just as beautiful. These futuristic homes and planets were perfectly constructed. I was blown away by how pretty this movie looked.

The acting was just the same. Timothee Chamelet, who I have not been a big time fan of, was very, very good in this movie. He is the main character and I loved watching his story unfold. I also bought his performance tenfold. He committed and he totally stuck the landing. Rebecca Ferguson was perfect as the mom trying to help her son, but also her people. Again, I bought her story. I loved her passion and ability to fight and stick her neck out there. Oscar Issac was a bit more subdued in this role, but he also did such a good job. He had very good vision as a leader and a father. He is a totally dependable actor. Josh Brolin was badass as the leader of the army and the weapons expert. I love this newfound fame Brolin has found the past five years, and he has more than earned it. Jason Momoa was also very good in his role. He can be hit or miss, but he hit in this one. It was a perfect role for him. Sharon Duncan-Brewster, who I did not know, was excellent. She was smarter than anyone else in the desert and she knew it. I found myself actively rooting for her. Dave Bautista and Stellen Skarsgard were creepy looking, ruthless and scary as hell. I found myself kind of sitting back in my chair every time they showed up on screen, which I believe was their job. Javier Bardem had two of the best scenes in the movie, and I have found that I really enjoy his acting. And Zendaya was really good in a very minimal role until the very end of the movie. Everyone in this movie totally nails it. The casting was tremendous. They totally stuck the landing.

While this movie is confusing, "Dune" is a confusing story, I cannot stop thinking about it a day later. I just keep going back in my memory and thinking about more and more stuff I liked about it. My wife was a trooper for sitting through this with me, she is not a big sci-fi fan and this movie clocks in at over two and a half hours, but she did it and she even found things she liked. To me "Dune" is like a modern day "2001: A Space Odyssey". It has that same feeling. And while I do not think this is a spoiler, this appears to be only part one. The movie starts with opening credits and it even says, "Dune: Part 1". I have to assume that they are going to greenlight a sequel very soon, especially considering how much money it made this weekend. I also like that approach to this story. Make it a five hour long two-part movie. "Dune" needs that large of a scope to get the full story across. I highly, highly recommend this movie to anyone out there. It is glorious, beautiful and awesome. I adore this movie. I cannot wait for part two.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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Even "Squid Game" is not Immune to Internet Idiots

I want to leave with one more thought on “Squid Game”. This won’t be the last time I bring it up, but it will be the last for a few months. I’ve given the show it’s well deserved praise. Be it the show, set design or music, it’s all an absolute home run. It’s one of the best shows ever. That much most of us can agree is true. So what do I have to say about it today?

The one thing that has me irked, that has annoyed me is the hate coming from people online about people who watch the show dubbed in English. That really bothers me that people are going after people who watch the show dubbed. I’ve seen it all. People have called others dumb, lazy, ignorant, all kinds of mean names just because they chose to watch a show differently than them. I have seen the first season twice now. I watched it the first time through with a mixture of subtitles and dubbed. And when my wife decided she wanted to see it we watched it with the English dub. And I’ve got to tell you all, there is not much of a noticeable difference. The show was just as dramatic. I was still on the edge of my seat. I was fully engaged in what I was watching no matter my method of watching. Be it subtitles or dubbed, I came away loving the show all the same.

I think it bums me out that people will find any excuse to be angry on the internet. I’ve been trying to be more positive on my blog posts this year. I’m staying away from things that trigger my anger. If I don’t like a movie or tv show or new music I just choose to not write about it. I feel much better as of late too. Not having something to gripe about has made me feel much better. I enjoy things much more now. I’m not watching or listening to something and trying to find a problem with it. I turn off my phone when I watch a show. When I listen to music I let myself hear it a few times before making my own personal judgement. And I usually keep that to myself unless I want people to check out something I think they might like. “Squid Game” is a very, very good tv show. The actors did a great job. The writers had a great idea. The direction is impeccable. And watching it dubbed did not take any of that away for me. Stop being so angry online. Stop judging people for how they watch tv. Judge people who won’t get vaxxed. Judge people who are mean to others for no reason. Judge people who have hate in their heart. But don’t get all high and mighty because you watched a tv show with subtitles. Hell, if you want to keep it really real, people in South Korea should be judging all of us for not watching in their native language. Just be cooler about things. Think before you go on the internet to judge. Just because you do something different from someone else that doesn’t make you better.

The lesson today? Let’s all just try to be cooler to one another. And finally, watch “Squid Game” any way you please. It works on every level.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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