Episode XCIX: The Years of Our Lives - 1999

The X Millennial Man is talking about the years of their lifetimes. Today is all about 1999. Were you a scrub? Did you get disappointed by Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace? Did you cold step to your girl with a fresh pack of gum? Join Ty and RD as they discuss the pop culture, and historic happennings, of 1999. Download the podcast for free.

Mini Episode XCVIII-2: Where Have All the White Male Actors Gone?


The new Doctor Who is going to be played by a lady. The new generation Jedi is a girl. Wonder Woman is ruling the box office. The pathetic mens rights activists and the Republican Party talk radio idiots are not happy that women are becoming our most popular heroes. It is time to grow up and embrace positive social change. The X Millennial Man is going to be stern with the white male victim hood that is going extinct. Get enlightened by downloading the podcast for free.

Read all about the Extinction of the White Male

Episode XCVIII - Boys and the TV and Movies They Love

The X Millennial Man is happy to bring back five year old pop-culture expert Miles to the podcast. Today Miles will tell us what television shows and what movies are the best ones out there right now. Come on in for the conversation by downloading the podcast for free today.

Episode XCVII - The 2017 Mid-Year Best in Pop Culture Awards

The X Millennial Man is all dressed up, has not mixed up the envelopes, and is ready to give out awards for the best in pop culture for the first half of 2017. What movies, television, music, and sports moments will Ty and RD recognize? Stay for the second half of the show to learn what will be the best pop culture for the rest of 2017. Find out all the winners by downloading the podcast for free.

X Millennial Man Remastered: Episode LXIII - Television Weddings to Have and to Hold

Revisit the X Millennial Man talking about the most memorable television weddings of their lifetime's. This podcast originally aired on October 1st, 2016

The X Millennial Man wants to walk down the aisle and remember the television weddings of our lives. Selma being a hopeless romantic, Liz Lemon and Leslie Knope finding true soulmates, and a political coup have all been part of the great nuptials on our television. Download for free and join us for a walk down the wedding aisle of memories.

X Millennial Man Remastered: Episode XLII: Mothers, Like No Other

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Time to treat your mother right with a classic, remastered, edition of the X Millennial Man.

Mothers Day is a time to celebrate the love of our great mothers. Ty and RD take a look back at the great moms of pop culture. Who is the symbol of motherhood from tv and movies? Why are there not more great moms to celebrate in our pop culture? Is Disney to blame? Come in for a listen and hear about why you should treat your mother right. Treat her right.

Happy Mothers Day

Mini Episode XC-2: Lavar Ball and Boston are Bad for Sports


The X Millennial has a few issues with recent sports stories. Ty is tired of talking about Lavar Ball and his bad sports parenting, but RD gets a rant out of his other host. RD is tired of the press covering the horrible racism that constantly surrounds Boston sports. In the end, both host want to be happy so they reccomend some new awesome pop culture for the people to check out. Download the conversation for free.

Episode XC: A Very Modern History of How We Watch Television

The X Millennial Man loves watching tv. Starting in the early days of black white and two dials, to the modern era of watching on super thin big screens and our phones, we are talking about forty years of television technology in the new podcast. Join Ty and RD as they talk about the advances in televsion that has made shows like "Legion" and "Teen Mom" possible in this great modern world of ours. Download for free.

Episode LXXXIX: The X Millennial Man Oral History of the X-Men

The X-Men comics have been around for over half a century, but their ascension to the top of our pop culture with moves and tv has happened over the last twenty years. Join Ty and RD as they discuss the movies, television shows, and video games that has made the X-Men the best pop culture property in all of the world. Download for free today.

Episode LXXXV: The 10 Best "The Simpsons" Ever

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The X Millennial Man has spent years studying, and they are finally ready to unveil the greatest episodes of the greatest television show ever. Ty and RD each present their definitive list of the 10 best episodes of "The Simpsons". No debate, no disagreement, just great television. Get the list by downloading the podcast for free.

What is the best season of "The Simpsons"? Check out Ty's thoughts.

Episode LXXXIII: The Worst Leaders from Pop Culture


Pop culture has given us some great leaders (like these), and some not so great ones. The X Millennial Man is going to take a look at the worst leaders seen in our movies, television shows, and comics. Some men want sharks with lasers, some want to carve their face in the moon, and some are just selfish jerks. The one thing these leaders all have in common? They are all terrible. Download for free and hear who are the worst leaders in all of pop culture.

Episode LXXXI: The Most Inspirational Leaders from Pop Culture


The X Millennial Man is looking for a good leader to follow. Unfortunately the only ones we found to be worth looking up to are all in pop culture. Join Ty and RD as they break down who the best leaders are from our movies, television, and comic books. Download for free today.

Episode LXXVIII: The When, Where, How, and Why of Getting the News

Did you hear that Beyonce is pregnant with twins? The X Millennial Man heard about it in all the places fit, and not so fit, to give us news. But what does it all mean, if anything? Join Ty and RD as they look back at the evolution of information delivery. Was the news always like Fox News? Is social media going to save us from ignorance? Where should we go to find all the news fit for our minds? Download for free today and get all the answers.

Episode LXXVI: The Greatest Television Ever - An Oral History of FX

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What started as a hard to find cable channel broadcasting from a New York City apartment, became a source of the best drama and comedy on television. Join the X Millennial Man as they recount the beginning, and future, of FX. When did this unknown cable channel become home to the best television ever? Download for free and find all of your answers.

Episode LXXV: The 2017 Pop Culture We Resolve to Consume

A new year brings new pop culture. The X Millennial Man is looking forward to some new television, movies, music, and other entertainment options in 2017. Ty and RD pick the pop culture they are most interested in, and make some resolutions on entertainment to avoid.  Download for free and get all the answers.

Episode LXXIV: The Things About 2016

It is time to say good riddance to 2016. Was all that terrible? Join the X Millennial Man as they try to find the bright spots in a year filled with dark clouds. What were the television shows, movies, music, and other pop culture that made the year tolerable? Why were so many people extra affected by the celebrity deaths of the year? Before we can look to the bright light of 2017, we need to accept the realities of 2016. Download for free and come on in for a listen.

Check out our best, and worst in pop culture for the year.






Episode LXXI: The Most Awesome Holiday Television Programs

The X Millennial Man is ready for some yuletide cheer. The best way to get in the spirit of the season is to spend time with our favorite television shows. The Simpsons, Lost, and even Saved By the Bell have had some epic adventures in late December. The holidays also saw a Star Wars story so bad that Jar Jar will  not acknowledge it. Download for free and hear about the greatest, most awesome, holiday television programming ever.

Mini Episode LXX-2: Things to be Thankful for in a Rotten 2016

2016 was pretty rotten for these fellows too

2016 was pretty rotten for these fellows too

2016 is looking like a rotten year. The election, the loss of so many music legends, the election again. It has been a tough one. Join Ty and RD as they look at what pop culture we are thankful for this past year. The Cubs, A Tribe Called Quest, Atlanta, are just a few of the things we are thankful for. Download for free and come on in for a listen.

Episode LXVIII: The Best Presidential Campaign Television Ads Ever

The start, and finish, of any good ad

The start, and finish, of any good ad

The X Millennial Man is ready for the ads for Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump to leave its airwaves. Tina S joins us today to talk about the best, and most memorable, Presidential campaign ads ever. Little girls get nuked, old men laugh, morning comes to America, and a wife just wants her husband reelected so he will leave her alone. Download for free and come on in for a listen.

Take a look at these great ads:

Two Best Political Ads of 2016: Jason Kander and Gerald Daughtry

Yes We Can

Carly Fiorina's Demon Sheep

Mike Gravel - Rock

Ronald Reagan Morning in America and Bear

Willie Horton 1988

JFK Campaign Jingle 1960
