Episode CCCLXV: How the Last Writers Strike Changed Pop Culture

The 2023 writers strike is over, and how it changed our television and movies is still unknown. What we do know is how the last writers strike changed our pop culture for the better, or the worse.

Join Ty and RD as they look at the movies and television shows that were forever altered by the 2007-2008 WGA strike. We will talk about robot testicles.

Download the episode for free.

X Millennial Man Classic - Episode CCCXI: The Greatest Monster Movies of Our Time

This episode originally premiered on June 25th 2022.

There is nothing better than seeing a big monster tear stuff up on screen. We want to talk about it.

Join the X Millennial Man as we highlight the greatest monster movies of our lifetimes.

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Episode CCCLX: The Wildest Twin Movies of Our Lives

Want to see a comet destroy the earth, or do you want to see a meteorite do it? What if we made a bunch of movies about Hitchcock, or Capote, or Churchill, and released them the same year? Does this sound like fun?

Join RD as he tells Ty the story of the weirdest movies with same plots that came out around the same time.

Download the podcast for free.

Episode CCCLIX: Barbenheimer of Days Past

Barbenheimer is here to consume all of our movie theater going dollars. Why has no one thought of this before?

The truth is that we have been doing Barbenheimer for a very long time.

Join Ty and RD as they look back at the biggest movies that opened against each other on the same day.

Download the episode for free.

X Millennial Man Presents - First Watch Rewatch: The Apple

Welcome to First Watch Rewatch, the podcast where one person introduces a piece of pop culture the other has never seen. The only way to premier this podcast is with a discussion on 1980's terrible musical film "The Apple".

Join RD and Tina as they walk you through the craptastic "futuristic" musical dystopia.

Download the episode for free and go follow First Watch Rewatch.

Episode CCCLVII: An Oral History of Cannon Films - Part 2

Stallone, He-man, and Superman could not save Cannon Films from the inexperience and the excess of Golan and Globus.

Join RD as he tells Ty of the high days of Cannon Films, and what big budget projects led to the downfall of the 1980s greatest film studio.

Download the episode for free.

Episode CCCLVI: An Oral History of Cannon Films - Part 1

Do you want B movie action, then Cannon films has a film for you. How about soft core classic literature porn, Cannon films is here for you. What about low brow teen sex comedies, Cannon films has you covered.

Join Ty and RD as they go over the founding, and early years of 80's icon Cannon Films.

Download the podcast for free.

Episode CCCLIV: The Hit Songs Sung By Actors

Does your girl like to party all the time? Is she like the wind? What does the public not know? Are you looking for a heartbeat? These are the questions that can only be answered by actors who decide to sing hit songs.

Join Ty and RD as they discuss the biggest hit songs that were sung by the big actors of the time.

Download the podcast for free.

X Millennial Man Classic - Episode CCC: The X Millennial Man Film Festival

This episode originally premiered on March 19th, 2022

For our very special 300th episode we are going to present the very first X Millennial Man Film Festival.

Join Ty and RD as the talk about the ten films that define the podcast and their lives growing up and enjoying good movies.

Download the podcast for free.

Episode CCCLII: The Battle Against A.I.

A.I. is here to take over. We don't need people to write our movies, we have ChatGPT. Who cares about the Mona Lisa, Adobe will tell you what is around her. The end of human made art is over.

Not so fast.

Join RD as he squares of against ChatGPT, Adobe, and other A.I.s to find out who can truly make art.

Download the podcast for free.

Episode CCCLXVIII: 1983 - The Worst Movie Year Ever

1983 is the worst year for movies ever. Do not believe us? Well it is the year that ended the love for Superman films, brought some terrible Cannon films to the public, and crashed John Travolta's hot streak. Yes there was some good films to come out, but the bad were some of the worst ever.

Join Ty and RD as they talk about all the crappy movies of 1983.

Download the podcast for free.

X Millennial Man Classic: Episode CCCXXIII: 1982 - The Greatest Movie Year Ever

This episode originally premiered on October 1st, 2022.

One part of the X Millennial Man was born in 1982, and along with his birth came the greatest year in movies.

Join Ty and RD as they discuss the films of 1982 and make the argument of why that year is the pinnacle of human movie making.

Download the podcast for free.

Episode CCCXLIV: The Cleveland Browns Cinematic Universe

In the beginning there was "The Super Bowl Shuffle" and it was good. Then the 1986 Cleveland Browns decided to try and top it, and it was ... something. Then Browns did not stop in making their short genre films, and it was wonderful.

Join Ty and RD as they discuss the late 80s Cleveland Browns barbarian epic "Masters of the Gridiron" and E.T. ripoff "D.T. in Dawg Territory".

Download the podcast for free.

X Millennial Man Classic: Episode CCLXVIII: An Oral History of Our Favorite Toys - Transformers

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Editor’s Note: This episode originally premiered on June 26th, 2021

More than meets the eye.

How about, Robots in disguise.

Yes we are talking Transformers on an all new X Millennial Man Podcast.

Join RD as he tells Ty the history of Transformers from their toyline to their comic book, to their tv show, and all the way through the robots’ multiple films.

Download the podcast for free. It is a crazy ride.

Episode CCCXXXIV: Good Idea, Bad Movie

Flavor Flav once told us to not believe the hype. We should listen more often.

Join RD as he talks about the movies he thought had very good ideas, but for some reason the finished product turned out less than expected.

Download the podcast for free.