Ty Watches "The Boys" Season 4

The other night my wife and I finished season 4 of "The Boys". This is a show my wife and I started during the pandemic. RD suggested it to us in fact. We loved it from the start. This show is violent and fast and intriguing and funny and fascinating to watch. To take on superheroes in this fashion, making some of them very, very bad people, is a great hook. It does things other shows don't even think about doing. Some of the stuff they have gotten away with, it is amazing that they are even able to show it to the public.

I was stoked for season 4 after season 3 ended so upsetting. We start off pretty much where we left off, but this season proceeded to be one of the most depressing seasons of television I've ever watched. I had to remind myself multiple times that this show is not real. None of this is based on a true story. Some of the things that are being done on the show cannot possibly happen in real life. That is how damn sad this fourth season of the show is.

"The Boys" takes on what is happening in the real world right now. You have the alt right versus the progressive left. We see the rich superheroes, and their friends and supporters, as the alt right. They say things this season that have been said to me about being a liberal. I squirmed at times hearing Homelander or Firecracker talk to people who don't side with them. I would have to take a good long break after some episodes because they perfectly portrayed the alt right as I see them. The progressive left is highlighted by the titular Boys. They are all back and they are fighting the alt right. They have also added Starlight. She and Hughie are a couple and they are fighting together. Starlight is the face because she is a superhero. She is the leader of the left. She gets scoured by the alt right. It was all too real to watch. Again, seeing the way she was treated all season made me sick because it felt so real. The way the right in this show does their news, leaks their news, has their rallies, it all looks like Fox News and what the alt right follows and listens to nowadays. The progressives are left to hide and fight with whatever little means they can find. Some want to run, others are willing to die for what they believe in. All of this is way, way too real. It is a nearly perfect parallel to what is happening right now. And not one side can change the other side's mind.

It is shocking how realistic this show about lab created superheroes was this entire season. I would sigh and think how poignant it is in today's political climate. I love this show, but this season was such a downer. I was depressed after every single episode. It made me sad. Seeing how these characters have grown or changed this season was shockingly upsetting. I would find myself ruminating on episodes days after watching them. After watching the finale I sat in my bed and was terrified at the outcome, because something similar could really, truly happen in America.

I will always and forever recommend "The Boys", but this season is a tough watch. This season will make you feel all sorts of ways. I'm curious to see how they close it all out in their fifth and final season, coming sometime soon I believe. I'll watch for sure. But season 4 is a season I will most likely never watch again. It really bummed me out. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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Ty Watches 'House of the Dragon" Season 2 Finale

"House of the Dragon" closed out the second season last night. Let’s discuss.

I have been on board all season with this show. If you go back and read a past blog of mine, I wrote how I was waiting with such anticipation for the big battle they've been building towards all season long. I hoped it was coming. It felt like it was coming. They had a scene in an earlier episode that was akin to foreplay, in which we saw the bad side of battle and saw what the dragons are capable of doing. All of this had me so pumped to what I assumed was going to be one of the most epic battle scenes in television history. As my wife and I sat down to watch, we were both on the edge of our seats. With each passing minute we both felt that we were getting closer and closer to this tremendous battle. The armies were finished forming. People on both sides pledged their allegiance. We had big dinners the night before. We saw some dragons flying. We even got a glimpse into the future, with White Walkers and Danerys mind you, and it felt like it was time.

Sorry for the spoilers by the way.

After the meetup between Rhaeynera and Allicient, I figured it was going to be just a matter of time. I looked down at my watch and realized that we had less than ten minutes left in the finale. I figured, well, this is going to be a quick war scene. Maybe they would come in with a bang, have some epic stuff happen, close with a big kill, and then it would be on to the next two years before season 3.

That, unfortunately, didn't happen. After the meeting between the two queens, we see all the people that have some kind of importance traveling. The armies are on the move with their flags. The dragons are circling around waiting to get shit done. The king is being quietly moved to his new home. Some people are showing the prince regent that they don't trust his move. Allicient's dad is still in jail. One of Rhaeynera's step kids has found her dragon. The new riders are being fit with armor. It is a bunch of slow shots of people traveling to fight a war. And it went black while watching all of this.

I sat there confused. I, along with almost every other viewer, had been waiting for a war. This is what the whole season has been building to. This is what it is supposed to all come down to to close out the second season. We were supposed to see war. But we saw, as we have all season, people prepping for battle, people getting themselves lathered up for a fight. I am of the belief that tv shows owe us nothing, and I'm still at the point today. But come on dude. The fans have waited all season long for a war. At least on "Game of Thrones" we would get a bunch of battles during the season. That show was always building towards the biggest battle, but we got something like an appetizer from time to time. We saw fights, we saw bloodshed, we saw people dealing with their own reckoning. "House of the Dragon" season 2 was a tease. We got none of that. We saw people prepping for eight straight episodes. I still think this show is amazing, and it kept my attention. But, throw us a bone. Give us a taste. Let us see one of the main things we come to see when we watch this show.

I'll still definitely watch season 3, but this finale left an unappetizing taste in my mouth. There was a ton of pomp, but no circumstance. I was bummed, and now we have to wait for 2 more years to hopefully see this battle. That is a drag. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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Thoughts on Food Network's Celebrity Chefs

I have mentioned on the site and the podcast before that we watch a bunch of cooking shows in my house. We all love different aspects of the shows. My son likes the competition stuff. My daughter likes the baking shows. My wife and I both like to get ideas for dishes and other stuff to try and make at home. We all get something out of them, and that is what keeps us coming back for more.

We have been watching a good amount of "Beat Bobby Flay" most recently. My son loves this show and it is his turn to pick what we watch while we eat dinner. I know, we shouldn't have our television on while we eat, but we like it, so we keep it on. Last night we were watching an episode and Ted Allen was one of the guests picking someone to try and beat Flay. As we were watching, I said to my wife that there are only two Food Network personalities that I truly enjoy. One is Ted Allen, and the other is the incomparable Ina Garten. Ina Garten is a national treasure and I will not take it when people say anything bad about her. She is the best.

Anyway, this one statement started a conversation with my wife and I. After I said who I like, she went on and talked about some people she enjoys on Food Network. She mentioned Ina as well, but she also had some surprises for me. She likes Bobby Flay. I was stunned. I do not like him. He seems a little too smug and arrogant. And his shows are all about showing up other chefs. He challenges them to make dishes that they have worked on for years and years, and says he can make them better. He also tried to show up Morimoto, and that was a bridge too far for me. I find him to be a dickhead, but my wife and son both like him. To each their own I suppose. She mentioned some other names, but none of them held the same weight with me as Flay.

I then started to think of other chefs that Food Network highlights, and I found myself not really liking any of them, other than Ted Allen and Ina. Anne Burrell is too mean and too loud. I would not like to work with her or for her. Scott Conant is a fake ass wannabe Italian. He is from Maine. He has the feel of being born into money and he is very off putting. Rachel Ray isn't a real chef. Michael Symon is kind of okay, but can also be very loud and very annoying. Guy Fieri started this whole "rock star chef" trend that I truly loathe. He also hangs out with shady people. Alex Guarnaschelli is mean and vindictive and conniving. Geoffrey Zakarian seems like the type of dude who would constantly correct you at a party while he complains about the caviar he is eating. Jeff Muaro doesn't seem to have any real it factor and he tries way, way too hard. Katie Lee is dull. Duff Goldman isn’t as fun as he thinks he is. And Ree Drummond's family has said some problematic stuff in the past on her own show. I just find it really hard to root for these other people on that channel. Food Network has also shifted into highlighting these chefs that I don't care for by making every damn show a competition show.

If I want dish ideas I have to watch the Cooking Channel or look online for them. Food Network doesn't do that enough anymore. They are too busy giving an asshole like Bobby Flay seemingly ten different tv shows in the past year, each one trying to make him the star. I will still tune in to watch Ina, and if Ted Allen is a guest host on something, I'll check it out. Otherwise, these other chefs are not my cup of tea. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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Ty Watches "The Bear" Season 3

I just finished season 3 of "The Bear" the other night. Let’s discuss.

I started off super strong, watching three episodes in a row the night it was released. But then I made a decision to slow down and take my time. Recently I have found myself not binging tv shows that much anymore. I like the anticipation and waiting. I remember having to wait a week for a new episode of a show I watched. That was cool. I had all these theories of what could happen. I vividly remember talking with friends and neighbors about who we all shot Mr Burns after that famous "Simpsons" episode. I just like the feeling of watching shows a little bit spread out now. That is why it took me a little longer to finish this season.

I do want to say, I read headlines and heard other people say that they thought this season was weak. I have been trying to figure out why they were saying all of this. After finishing the season I sat there and thought about what I just watched and I have to say, I thought it was damn good.

"The Bear" has all but cemented its place as a great tv show. There are no truly bad episodes. Each new show gives me more and more to think about. With each passing season I grow more and more attached to the characters on the show. I have grown to love the episodes when they tell us a single story about one of the characters. The episode solely based on Tina this year was wonderful. This show owes the viewers nothing. It is one of the heavier hitters to come out in a long, long time. Sure, there are some flaws here and there, but every show has that. The simple fact that "The Bear" has a hit rate of over 90 percent, that is pretty amazing.

I feel like wanting to be counter culture, or be a nonconformist or just try to have a "hot take" has really taken over the internet. People always want it to be the best thing that they have ever seen. The problem with that, we all have different takes on what we view. Most hated the series finale of "Game of Thrones". I thought it was fine. I don't care who became the overseer of everything or that the white walker's death wasn't as intense as some hoped. I was able to seperate the sheer fact that "Game of Thrones" is a fantasy world. Dragons and zombies and all that wild sci fi stuff is not real. It is pure fantasy. So whoever "wins" in the end, cool. I'm not going to get up in arms about it all. I know some hated the series finale of "Lost". Again, I didn't mind it. I don't care that they were all in a sort of, spoiler alert for a decades old show, "purgatory". Take the show as a whole, and it was dope as hell. I hear all these nerds talk about how "The Simpsons" was only good for a ten year run, between seasons 2-13. I still love that show and find something I adore in every episode, new or old. It is still one of the best written shows that has ever been on tv. I think, no matter how good and well beloved something is, there is going to be a small group of people that say it is bad. Unfortunately, the people doing that now work for major internet sites and publications. They put their opinion out there and the viewers just run with it and tell everyone that they feel the same. It is a true bummer because no one can ever just like a thing that most others do. Some people are just here to be a contrarian. I am glad that it is not me.

Back to the topic on hand, "The Bear" was as intense, as poignant and funnier than it has been to date. I'm very interested to see how they handle the ending of season 3 in season 4. I want to see Natalie and how she and her husband are handling life as new parents. I want to know what Sydney decided. I'm curious to see where Marcus and Tina are with the restaurant and their place there. I want to know if Carmy and Richie are cool again. I want to know what Unc decided to do after taking The Computer's advice. I'm just as engaged and curious as I was after seasons 1 and 2.

I recommend season 3 wholeheartedly and don't read into what the internet says and what your friends or family may regurgitate what they read on the internet. "The Bear" is still easily one of the best shows on tv, with season 3 only further cementing its place. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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Ty Watches "The Bear" Season 3 Premiere

The third season of "The Bear" was just released. I got to it last night. My wife was working late, so I watched the first three episodes. Let’s discuss.

This show is wonderful. It is one of the better things that tv has to offer right now. I'm all in again, as I expected I would be. Today, I want to talk about the season three premiere. After my wife retired to her home office to take a meeting, I sent my kids to their rooms and I went to mine to watch the show. I wanted to fully focus on only the show. As I turned on the first episode, I was blown away at how good, cool and unique it was. The whole premiere is done like a flashback, or a montage. We get to see Carmy going through his entire cooking journey, which led him to where he is today. We get to see conversations he had with his family members. We get to see who he trained with when he started in the restaurant industry. We see him at his highest highs as a chef, and his lowest lows. We watched him work with Daniel Baluad, one of the world's most renowned chefs. We watch him work at a farm to table restaurant, which was literally built at a farm. We see him back with his asshole of a boss played by Joel McHale. We see the chef from the excellent episode of season two, "Spoons". We see her send him to Copenhagen. We see him leave for New York to start his journey. We get to watch flashbacks with his brother who passed. We see him miss the call about said brother passing away. All of this is in the premiere in a montage. And the montage is underscored by Trent Reznor. The music is at times both sweet and haunting. You get the sense of what he was going for with the score when we see what is happening scene to scene.

I was moved by a lot of this episode, but it was the farm to table stuff that really got me. I have always thought of that idea as hackey. It felt like true schtick to me. But watching the premiere of season 3 last night, I got a new perspective on why that way of cooking seems so important to some chefs. Getting to grow, then use your own ingredients, that has got to feel truly amazing when/if you become a chef. Carmy seemed at his most content while working there on the show. I really liked the way that was all filmed and acted and it turned me from a skeptic into a less cynical skeptic. Even the tough moments, the things that make this show sad from time to time, it was necessary to understand why Carmy is back home, and why he is so determined to run this restaurant and work together with Sydney. He wants something bigger and better, and he wants Sydney to have better things as a chef.

All in all, watching an episode with a runtime of about 40 minutes all through montage should not work. But, "The Bear" not only made it work, they made it work perfectly. You get a much better understanding of the main character in this show and why he is where he is as of now. I cannot recommend this show enough. I know a bunch of people are already watching, but if you are somehow not, remedy that right now and watch "The Bear". This show rules and is so unique. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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Give "House of the Dragon" Some Time

"House of the Dragon" is two episodes into season 2 now. The first season was incredible, and my wife and I were both ready for this second season. So far, it has not disappointed us. The two episodes are a slow burn, but it is a wonderful slow burn. They are building towards a heavy duty war. You get that sense very early on. After the events that closed out season 1, a war was inevitable. This was coming.

The leadup to the fighting so far has been the most wonderful kind of tease. They are slowly building to what seems to be an epic battle. The things that have happened so far in season 2, including two primary-ish season 1 characters, spoiler alert, dying off in the last episode. That fight scene was awesome and tragic at the same time. It had a lot going for it at the time. I have grown to hate one of the guards now too. I didn't like him much in season 1, but after his exploits in the first two episodes, that dude can kick rocks for all I care. He is a coward and only looking out for himself. Most people on this show are out for themselves, so when I can grow to point out his exploits, that means this dude is a real piece of work. Matt Smith is even slimier than in season 1. He has some real issues and he cannot handle the fact that he may never be king. The two queens are clearly trying to keep their houses in order, but they have so many other things going on that it is nearly impossible for them to focus on one thing at a time. They have so much on their tables. The kids are getting much more involved in season 2. The king is a little prick. He is also so stupid. But, I found myself feeling bad for him at moments in the last episode. Rhaynera's kids are clearly working through the death of one of their brothers, and they are finding it very hard to move on. Daemon Targereyan was almost assassinated, but found refuge in a brothel. That dude is a bad, bad person, but he is also clearly gearing up to go to war, and he may be the best fighter on his side. The hand is out of a job and looking to move on, but he is going to need his daughter's help. She is too focused on hooking up with the punkass guard, so I really have no idea where they are going to go with his story. And, for a very bad guy, I felt awful for him at the conclusion of the last episode. I actually found myself rooting for him to beat up the king. And the dragons are creeping up here and there in the first two episodes. We've seen them flying a bit. They are coming out of their dungeons and looking to breathe some fire. They are mean and ready for war as well. I also saw some dragon eggs in a trailer for an upcoming episode, and if we get even more dragons, that would be a thing of beauty.

"House of the Dragon" took a long time off, but the work is showing in the series so far. I am so amped to see where it goes from here. And the battle that is incoming is going to be brutal, bloody and amazing to watch. Sunday's cannot come fast enough. I am itching to see more and more of this show. It is one of the best on tv right now. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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Ty Watches "Clipped"

I started to watch the hulu miniseries "Clipped" the other day. I have been looking forward to this since I listened to the podcast miniseries, "The Sterling Affairs", that it is based on. I followed along with the casting, the writers they hired and when it would be released. Then I went on vacation and forgot about it. That is until my cousin messaged me to ask if I had seen any of it yet. That jogged my memory and I fired it up the other day.

Now I truly cannot decide if I like it or not. This is a wild, widl story. For people who may not know, "Clipped" is centered around Donald Sterling, the former owner of the Clippers, and his relationship with his assistant V Stiviano. He said some horribly deplorable things about other races, Stiviano taped it all, and when she felt like she was being pushed out of his life, she released the tapes for all to hear. I have never listened to the tapes, but from what I have read about them, they are abhorrent. Sterling is a racist through and through. He also seems like a real crummy person to be around. He is an awful person who deserves all the hate he is rightfully getting right now. Ed O'Neil plays him in this show, and I have to give him credit because he is creepy as ever. Everytime he is onscreen portraying this monster my skin crawls. I cannot stand this person and O'Neil hammers that feeling home for me. Stiviano is played by Cleopatra Coleman, and she does a very good job of portraying someone that is just out to be famous. She doesn't seem to care how she gathers said fame, she just wants to be famous. Jacki Weaver plays Shelly Sterling, and she is delivering as she always does. The final main character of this story is Doc Rivers, played by Laurence Fishburne. He is, far and away, the best actor in this whole thing. He has totally embodied Rivers. He sounds, moves and reacts just like Rivers. It is uncanny.

So, with this main cast being a bunch of homerun hitters, and this story being juicy as hell, that should make for an easy 1-2 punch to make this whole show sing. But, it seems very different and odd at times while watching. I told my wife that I don't know if these people are really this shallow, or that was the direction the actors were given. At times the show seems very much like a melodramatic soap opera that "Talk Soup" would have made fun of in its heyday. Other times they try to be very serious, but it feels like they go over the top with it. When I was watching the second episode the other day it felt very much like a Spanish telenovela. I don't know if that is the vibe this show is going for, but that was the feeling I took away the other day. And the casting team did no favors to the actors they got to play the players. None of these actors resemble any former Clipper. During a basketball scene when they are playing the Warriors, the guy they got to play Steph Curry is the bottom of the bargain barrel version of Curry. But, with all these criticisms I may have, I find myself going back for more. It is like a trainwreck that I simply cannot look away from. I will laugh hysterically at something that I have to assume they were going for drama and not comedy. There are other times that I will exclaim, to no one in the room, "WHAT!!!!????!!!". I cringe consistently at some of the basketball stuff they do. There is a scene where they do the roll call song, and it made me squirm on my couch.

All in all, this show is inconsistent, and at times very dumb. But, I want more. I think because I was so interested and I devoured the podcast miniseries, I will finish this. But, I'd be wrong if I said it was actually good. It is a soap opera and that is how I will watch it going forward. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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An Ode to the Greatness of Will Forte

I listened to a podcast recently where they talked about the movie "Nebraska". I remember liking this movie. I enjoyed what I saw. During the episode they mentioned how good Will Forte is in the movie. I then remembered that they were correct. Forte really shines in this role. He plays the drama really well, and when needed, he is a comedic genius.

This got me thinking about his other performances and how great an actor he has always been. I became aware of Forte from "SNL". I instantly liked what I saw. He was absurd and silly. He did sketches that I hadn't seen before on the show. He was doing some wild stuff, especially for "SNL", and I was in from that point on. I decided a long time ago that I was going to be a Will Forte fan. I followed his work after "SNL" to one of my favorite shows ever, "Clone High". He voiced Abe Lincoln, and I found it absolutely hilarious. He was one of the main characters, and he did some excellent voice acting. I then watched "The Brothers Solomon". When I first watched it, I did not enjoy the movie. It was almost a little too absurd and bizarre. The writers seemed to take the jokes too far. But I watched it again, older, and I found myself enjoying it a bit more. The movie is wild, but the jokes hit a little better the older I got. Some of the stuff I didn't get landed with me this time. He was barely in the movie "Beerfest", but he was memorable. He did some more voice work, and a few more movies with friends, some of which I saw, others I skipped.

Then "MacGruber" came out.

I have loved this movie since the day I first saw it. It is absurdist humor at its absolute best, and Will Forte crushes as the lead character. This is such a perfect role for him. He can go as big as he wants, and fans like me will love every second of it. I have watched "MacGruber" a bunch since, and each time I find something else that makes me laugh even harder. "MacGruber" is a stone cold classic.

Forte then had an excellent run on "30 Rock". He was great in that show. We have the aforementioned "Nebraska", in which he proves his acting chops. He appeared on the "CBB" television show a few times, each appearance funnier than the last. He did some work on "Kroll Show", an underrated gem. He did a few things with The Lonely Island, all of which he is amazing in his small roles.

Then we got "Last Man on Earth".

This is one of my favorite shows of all time. I think it was funny as could be, but it also had a bunch of dramatic moments, where Forte crushes it. When he finds out his brother is still alive, Jason Sudekis. The things between the two of them are touching as hell. I buy that they were brothers. When Sudekis leaves, presumably to go die, I was in tears. And the way Forte and Kristin Schaal work off one another on the three seasons of that show is a thing of magic. "Last Man on Earth" is a gem as well.

I really enjoy his work in "A Futile and Stupid Gesture". He does some good work in "Good Boys" and "Booksmart". During the pandemic he did some solid work. Peacock did a "MacGruber" show. It was funny, but not as funny as the movie. He has a recurring role on "Bob's Burgers". He's in "Weird: The Al Yankovic Story". He's done three episodes of "The Simpsons". He is endlessly memorable and quotable on "I Think You Should Leave". And now he has a new Netflix series called "Bodkin", which I will almost certainly watch very soon.

Will Forte is a true pro. He is endlessly reliable. He is hilarious and has proven he can do drama. Will Forte is awesome and I just wanted to give him some love today. Forte is great. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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Ty Watches "The Contestant"

Last night I finished the new Hulu documentary "The Contestant". I clocked this movie solely based on a picture. I was scrolling through Hulu one day and saw this picture of a gentleman sitting down with wild hair and a bushy goatee. It was at that moment that I thought, what is this, and I need to find out asap. I did a little research and found out it was a doc about the first "reality show". I watched one trailer and that was all I needed to watch. I started it the other day, but my son got home from school, and he was not interested. That is why it took me two days to finish.

I really liked what I saw. This is an eye opening doc. There are so many things in here that made me gasp and audibly say things to no one besides my dog. I could not believe what I was seeing. The movie is about a young actor in Japan, nicknamed Nasubi. That is the Japanese word for eggplant. He is called this because he has a very long face. He was bullied as a child because of this, but found out that if he made people laugh, he would not get picked on. After growing up and not enjoying the day to day office life, he decided to become an actor and comedian. He was amongst a group of other no known actors to participate in a new show. His ticket was picked and he was off to do a show, of which he had no idea what it was going to be. He is taken to a room, stripped of all of his clothes, has the essential things to survive, and is told that he can only leave the room when he earns 1,000,000 yen by mailing in postcards from popular magazines. This all takes place in the late 90's. So, Nasubi knows he is being filmed, but doesn't think it is ever going to see the light of day. He is also totally alone and the only way to get food, clothes and whatever else he may need, is to play these mail in postcard games from magazines.

The doc starts off goofy and funny, but it quickly turns dark, and kind of sad. You can see the struggles Nasubi is going through. You can see him starving. At one point, after he eats all of his rice, he is left to eat dog food. I was so sad for him at that point. Seeing him slowly lose his mind was hard to watch. He didn't deserve this, but he was there everyday, everything being filmed and watched and he kept plugging away at these postcards. The producers and creators of this show kept pushing. People kept tuning in, so they just kept it going. They moved him and gave him new tasks. He had to figure things out all over again. And he did. And he was eventually done with this, but it still felt like bullying, the way he was treated afterward. He became a caricature. I felt really bad for him because you could tell he was still really struggling with everyday life. He eventually used his newfound fame to help others. He did what he could for the horrific tsunamis and earthquakes in his hometown. He climbed Mt Everest to make money for another earthquake in Delphi. He did things to help others. Instead of trying to take his fame and become an actor or comedian known worldwide, he did things to make sure others were taken care of. Nasubi is a good dude who did not deserve to go through the horrific 15 months he did for content. I am so glad he came out of the other end a better person.

I recommend this doc wholeheartedly. It is a glimpse inside the awful world of "reality tv", and how it kind of got its start. And Nasubi is so much better than the people who used him for 15 months. "The Contestant" is a very good doc and you should watch it right now. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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I Did Not Grow Up Watching the Shows of My Generation

While on a walk this morning I was listening to the podcast "This Is Important". I enjoy listening to the "Workaholics" guys shoot the shit weekly. It is relaxing and fun for me. Today they brought up the cartoon "Talespin" and they totally sidetracked what they were talking about to talk about their memories of this classic kids cartoon from the 90's. I thought back and remembered seeing commercials for this show. I saw the toys in the store growing up. But, I do not remember watching it ever. I guess it just passed me by.

This got me thinking. My wife brings up old shows she watched while growing up and they usually go over my head. I am a day older than her, so it is not like we are from different generations. And when I get together with friends from childhood, the few I still see, they will bring up classic shows and it flies over my head then as well. I guess I didn't watch the shows that most people my age watched growing up. Besides "Talespin", my wife will bring up "Ren and Stimpy" a ton. I have only seen one full episode of "Ren and Stimpy". I thought it was gross as a kid, so I tuned out. My wife also loved "Pinky and the Brain", which was a sideshow involved with "Animaniacs". I know all the classic lines from "Pinky and the Brain", but I can't pull out the stuff my wife comes up with on a regular basis. I would float in and out on "Rugrats" constantly. I would watch it very closely for a season, then totally tune out. I've never seen a second of "Dexter's Laboratory" or "AAH! Real Monsters". I've only seen a handful of "Doug" and maybe an episode or two of "Rocko's Modern Life". "Johnny Bravo" is a complete mystery to me. As is "Gargoyles", which my wife adores. I know people are totally stoked on "X-Men 97" right now. I haven't even started it because I never watched the original "X-Men" cartoon. I did watch "Beavis and Butthead", as well as "Daria". But a show like "Recess" or "Batman; The Animated Series", never watched a second of them. I kind of wished I checked these out when I was younger.

I feel like I chose to watch stuff like "Sportscenter" or "American Gladiators" instead when I was younger and home on summer break. I have seen the entirety of "Good Times", which was a classic. But that was live action. I go in and out of "South Park", but can recite about 90 percent of "Seinfeld". I guess, growing up, my folks didn't really leave cartoons on tv. I know "Ghostbusters" had a cartoon, but I watched the movies. The same can be said for "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles". I craved sports and live action as a kid. I enjoy animation much more as an adult. Maybe I should go back and check some of this stuff out, but I don't know where to even start. And there is so much current stuff that I want to see as well.

I guess I am asking some people around my age who watched these things, other than my wife, what I should check out? What is worth using my free time to binge? I can only watch the same shows over and over again, so I want something classic to check out. Let me know what is best and I will have a follow up to what I picked and how much I liked it. Be nice in the comments. And give me those suggestions. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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Ty Watches "Fallout"

Recently my wife and I started to watch "Fallout" due to RD giving it some rave reviews. I didn't know much about the show, but I did hear Johnny Pemberton talk about it on a recent episode of the podcast "Doughboys". I have been a Johnny Pemberton fan ever since I first saw him on "Superstore". He was hilarious on that show, and that gave me the push to watch his standup and his other movie and tv appearances. I was an instant fan. Then, after listening to "Doughboys", RD and I were recording a podcast of our own, and he kept asking me if I had seen "Fallout", or if I was going to check it out. I mentioned the Johnny Pemberton stuff, and with the push from RD, that was all I needed to check it out. I told my wife I was going to start it, but she asked me to wait. She wanted to watch it as well. It was a wonderful surprise.

So, over the weekend, we started, and three episodes in, I'm all in. This is a good show. It is gory. It is violent. It is profane. It is bleak. It is hilarious. And it is doing some cool, interesting things for a newish tv show. I have never played the videogame that it is based on. I don't think RD has either. I know my wife hasn't either. But, I don't think you need to to watch this show. The characters look like what I have looked up on the internet from the game, but that is where it seems to end. This is a whole story outside the game from what I gather. This is new and unique to the show. And it works. I have been so excited to watch with each passing night. I'm doing a thing where I don't want to binge watch shows. That means one show a night. It makes for a much more fun experience watching a show. It reminds me of how I used to watch tv as a kid. It also helps build suspense. I am so ready to focus on the episode when we turn it on. I am fully locked in on what is happening on the screen. No phone, no Nintendo Switch. It is just me, my wife and "Fallout". I love it that way.

Outside Pemberton, who plays an army brat, the cast is pretty great. Ella Purnell is the lead. She is really awesome as a vault dweller. Her naivate is great to watch on screen. Kyle MacLachian plays her dad, and he has only been in the first episode so far, but it is clear there is more of him to come. Moises Arias plays her brother, and while he seems meek, his arc looks like it is going to take a cool turn. Leslie Uggams and Zach Cherry are on the vault board, and they are in over their heads. Aaron Moten plays Maximus, another Army brat, who is out doing his own thing in this wild post apocalyptic world.

And then we have Walton Goggins.

Walton Goggins may be the coolest person on Earth. He is so, so wonderful here as "The Ghoul". I have a whole piece coming up strictly dedicated to his acting career. That is for another day. But in "Fallout", Goggins continues to be so incredible. He makes a show instantly watchable when he is on screen. He is the absolute best.

Outside the acting, the scenery is rad. The world they created is dark and bleak and arid. It is a good look at a crazy possible outcome of a bomb. And even in the dark times the show has created, there is still humor peppered in and out of each episode. I find myself laughing a few times each episode.

I'm very glad this show is in my life now. I highly recommend people watch it if you have Prime. "Fallout" is very, very well made. Check it out. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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Ty Watches "Love, Death, and Robots"

RD and I were having a conversation the other day and he brought up the Netflix series, "Love, Death and Robots". This was not the first time I had heard about this show. Nick Wiger talks about it quite a bit on his many podcasts. I have heard some friends bring it up. I have read about it before. But, it wasn't until my brother was talking about it, he hasn't seen it to the best of my knowledge, that I finally felt intrigued to actually watch the show. RD has, for the most part, been a good barometer for me when it comes to good tv or movies. I trust his opinion. So, after we talked about it, and I was sitting down folding clothes, that is when most of my tv watching is done, I decided to give "Love, Death and Robots" a try.

I was immediately hooked. From the first episode I saw, episode one of the third volume, I wanted to watch more and more. I couldn't figure out why Netflix decided to start me on the third volume, but then I read some stuff. I guess "LDR" gives you four episodes they think you'll like based on what you have watched before. I also read that they just start you with the most recent stuff. Either way, the first episode of the third volume was all I really needed to get hooked. It was three robots, who looked familiar to me from seeing stuff on the internet, trolling around the remains of humanity. All the people were gone, but buildings and the like were still there. The robots checked it out, made some jokes, poked fun at the human race and the episode was over. I couldn't believe it was over and done within ten minutes. Then I looked up some other episodes and the usual run time is anywhere from six minutes to twenty-two minutes. This was another feather in its cap. I love content that doesn't drag. "LDR" tells a story very quickly. They get you in and out asap. And there is nothing really left to the imagination. They tell a well thought out, full tale.

After the first episode I saw I thought they may all have a funny tilt to them. Some do, but the stories cover a wide variety of genres. There's comedy, sci fi, drama, horror, brutal wars being fought, zombies, AI gone awry, there are so many more that I will not name right now. I love that. "LDR" doesn't have to stay in one lane. They go for it in any genre. And each episode is animated differently. The amount of work that goes into each episode is amazing. And it comes off beautifully. The David Fincher directed episode "Bad Travelling" is a work of art in the horror genre. "Jibaro" is one of the coolest, and most colorful things I've seen. And each episode is different and cool and offers almost everything to any watcher. "LDR" reminds of a Quibi version of "Black Mirror". They tell the horrors and the ills and even some of the good about technology and the future.

I cannot recommend this series enough. It is one of the most inventive things that tv has ever given us. I will most likely finish it all within the next week, which will only make me want to see more. Go check this show out. It is masterful. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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An Ode to the Comedy Stylings of Kyle Mooney

My algorithm for my Instagram reels has been throwing a bunch of comedy stuff my way. I love it. I'm a big fan of standup. I get a bunch of standup clips now. My favorite movies are comedies. I get plenty of trailers and classic scenes now. And I love going back and watching "SNL" clips and cast members doing their own thing. One such cast member that has been showing up a bunch lately is Kyle Mooney.

I adore Kyle Mooney. I think he might be one of the most underrated and funniest cast members of all time on "SNL". He has been around longer than most of you think, and his hit rate is pretty damn high. Mooney did some of my favorite things on "SNL". He used to show up as a 90's stand up on weekend update when he was on the show and it was the funniest thing in the world to me. He was so deadpan. His jokes were awful. Even when he pandered to the crowd it was met with crickets. And that was the whole point. I loved this character so much that I would sit on my couch howling at this portrayal. My wife was not a fan, but I fully bought in from day one. He used to do digital shorts with Beck Bennett that were bizarre and hilarious. I liked these shorts as much as The Lonely Island stuff. Whenever he would show up in pretty much any sketch I was stoked and his appearance took it up a notch for me as a viewer.  When he did stuff outside of "SNL" I was almost assured to watch. The movie he made, "Brigsby Bear" is funny, sad, heartwarming and so memorable. The fact that Mooney starred and was a writer on this movie made me so happy. This was a role that let him stretch, but also do what he does best, and it is a highly underrated gem. I have so many vivid memories of that movie and they are all good. People need to watch that movie. His one appearance on "Parks and Rec", where he interviews to be Ron's assistant, let him do his awkward comedy at his best. He appeared on the first show from Jessica St Clair and Lennon Parham, another underrated gem, "Best Friends Forever", and while I don't remember much, I do remember Mooney's one episode. He had a solid run on "Hello Ladies", the show from the original "The Office" creator, Stephen Merchant. He did a one off appearance on the "Comedy Bang! Bang!" television show. He reprised his "Hello Ladies" role for the movie. He was very memorable in the movie "Hello, My Name is Doris". And his most recent tv show, "Saturday Morning All Star Hits" sees him playing twin brothers on a 90's sketch show. It is funny, weird and incredibly dark. It is like a much darker version of "Brigsby Bear". I really enjoyed the first season of that show. I hope it comes back.

I feel like Mooney is right up there, as far as sketch stuff goes, with someone like Tim Robinson. Mooney can be much, much darker too. As for the Instagram reels, his stuff is riotous. He goes around interviewing people, all the while he is being very awkward and very bizarre. And I find myself cracking up every time at each new video, of which he puts out daily. Kyle Mooney has an old filter as far as comedy goes, and that works for me so much. I get excited when I see a new video. When he shows up in a movie or on a tv show or on a podcast, that makes it even more of a must see or listen for me.

Kyle Mooney is an underappreciated comedic genius. If you like awkward comedy, he may be the best one doing it out there right now. Give him a shot and I bet you will not be disappointed. Kyle Mooney rocks. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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Ty Watches "Curb Your Enthusiasm" Series Finale

"Curb Your Enthusiasm" ended the series last night in what I consider to be perfect and glorious fashion. I don't truly know what I was expecting, but this seemed fitting and almost the only way Larry David could close out this classic television comedy. David is a genius. I have sung his praises for so, so many years. The guy gets it when it comes to comedy. He makes fun of others, but more importantly, he makes fun of himself time and time again. That much was on display during the hour long series finale. I think that is what made this such a successful and hilarious show over its long run.

"Curb" started in 2000. The show went for 12 seasons, and it felt like HBO let him put out a new season whenever he was ready. That was the best way to do this show. They had to be hands off for this to work. I have to assume David made it that way as well so he could put out exactly what he wanted in each season. We got 120 episodes of his genius. We had through lines in every season. They brought back classic bits in last nights finale from the earliest seasons. David got incredibly famous people to be on, either as themselves or as totally new characters. He let his stars shine. JB Smoove became a household name. Jeff Garlin and Susie Essman will be remembered forever as their characters. Ted Danson's heightened version of himself was perfect. Cheryl Hines starred as his wife and then ex wife. He got everyone from "Seinfeld" to be on his show. He got Bruce Springsteen to appear. He gave young up and coming improv actors their first chance to be on tv. He made offensive jokes and dealt with the blow back. He made his portrayal of himself as one of the greatest comedic characters to ever be on screen. This was, and always will be for me, a perfect show. This is the greatest comedy to ever be on tv. No one will come close to touching its genius. "30 Rock" is the closest now, and I love that show, but it is not even close to the hilariousness that "Curb" gave us.

And the way they closed it all out last night was a true joy to watch. To take on David's finale of "Seinfeld", the one everyone besides my wife and I seem to despise, and just go with it and do an almost updated version, it was the absolute best move to make. My wife and I kept saying to one another while watching, "this is perfect". To see him in a courtroom, to see the witnesses from seasons past show up, to see him and Jeff get into another messed up situation caused by their own stupidity, it was so perfect. Seeing Jerry Seinfeld show up for him and David to do bits was like watching a reunion I didn't know I needed. And for the the two of them to kind of hash out the "Seinfeld" finale in the most meta way possible, I couldn't be happier with what I saw. I'm glad they didn't do some kind of character change for anyone on the show. They all ended up the same as when they first appeared on the show. They were still griping about menial things. They were still trying to figure out where to eat. Richard Lewis, RIP, was still cracking jokes to David, and he was doing the same to Lewis. It was just a great sendoff to a great, all timer of a show. I loved the series finale. So did my wife. As for what I've seen on the internet today, it got a pretty good ovation from everyone who has watched it.

I want to end this today by thanking everyone involved with the creation and the constant improvement on "Curb Your Enthusiasm". You will all have a special place in my heart. And the biggest thanks goes to Larry David. Your genius knows no bounds. You are the greatest comedy television writer this world has ever been able to witness. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, and enjoy your retirement. Now, it is time for me to rewatch this series for the millionth time. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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R.I.P. Richard Lewis

Richard Lewis passed away at 76 yesterday. No cause of death was given, but he was battling Parkinson's Disease.

This one kind of hit me hard, as a fan. Lewis was a big deal to me due to his recurring role on "Curb Your Enthusiasm". He was a pretty big part of one of the best shows to ever be on tv. Lewis and Larry David are lifelong friends. It showed on the show. The back and forth, the yelling, the lack of courtesy, it all played so well because of their closeness and chemistry. They knew each other so well that they knew how to goad the other one, or how to try and make the other laugh and break while filming the show. It was glorious to watch. To see David get on Lewis' nerves whenever he would cause a break up with the next girl that he would claim to be "the one". These interactions were amazing to watch. I also really enjoyed in recent seasons of the show how they shifted from who Lewis was dating to what they were going to do in the afterlife. In one of the most recent episodes, they yell fight at one another about putting each other in their own personal will. Seeing David endlessly challenge Lewis was wonderful. And all the while you could see Lewis smiling wryly back at David. The closeness and love between the two friends was very apparent. I walk around the house and say "Richie boy!" all the time. That was how David would greet him whenever he was on the show. Richard Lewis' work on "Curb" was his greatest achievement in my mind. He will go down as one of the best people to ever be on this show. But Richard Lewis did so much more.

The first time I saw him was in the Mel Brooks movie, "Robin Hood: Men in Tights". I watched this movie over and over again as a kid. I rewatched it in the last couple of years, and while it wasn't as great as I thought it was when I was a kid, I still found myself chuckling at it, mostly at Richard Lewis' character. He played the king, and he had this mole that always moved. Every new scene, that mole would be in a different spot. And Lewis really played it up. He also got to do some of his standup routine in the movie, and that was just as funny. I liked how he would break character and go into his bits. It was great.

That is another thing I always conflate with Richard Lewis, stand up comedy. He was one of the first stand up comedians I ever saw on tv, and I clocked him as the stand up guy. He had a very unique look, and that was my influence with comedians going forward. Anytime I saw a person that looked or dressed like Lewis, I assumed they were also a standup. I first saw Steven Wright on tv with a hat and black suit coat, thought he looked like Lewis so I assumed he was a comedian, and then he did stand up comedy. The first time I watched "Seinfeld", and saw his stand up at the beginning, he was dressed like Richard Lewis. During that era, he was the guy that made me think of stand up comedy and guided my direction into being a fan of the artform. He ushered me into something I adore so much now.

Outside of "Curb" and "Robin Hood: Men in Tights", he was the Golem in "The Simpsons" treehouse of horrors. He appeared as himself on the highly underrated "Dr Katz". He co-starred with Jamie Lee Curtis in "Anything But Love". And lent his voice to "Bojack Horseman". Richard Lewis has always been around in Hollywood. He stayed working, be it tv and movies. But he was, and always will be, best known as one of the best stand up comics to ever do it. He was one of a kind. He was a legend. And he will be missed.

Rest in Peace Richie Boy. You will be missed. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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Ty Watches "Curb Your Enthusiasm" 14th Season Premiere

The 14th, and final season, of "Curb Your Enthusiasm" premiered this past Sunday. My wife and I didn't get to see it until Monday, but all the same, it was awesome.

The thing I like most about this show, what has kept me coming back for each new season, you never really feel like it left. It picks right back up where we left off after last season, and we are in it. That makes me happy to be a fan. They don't have to rehash every storyline from the previous season. They use the main story, add a little detail from other seasons, but all in all, each new season is, and feels, new. Larry David and the writers deduced they were going to keep his new show and Maria Sofia this time around. That is kind of perfect because it helps the viewer understand why David and all his people can continue to live their lavish lives. His show is a hit, he is asked to appear at parties with Maria Sofia and they do, although David is not too thrilled. And then we are thrust into the new season.

This is the last go round, that is what everyone involved with the show keeps telling us, so we are instantly put into uncomfortable situations. Larry goes to Atlanta to appear at a party of a lifelong fan. Before going though they stop off at Auntie Ray's house in Atlanta. Auntie Ray was one of the family members displaced by the hurricane in season five I believe. She and Larry are all lovey dovey with one another until she tries on his glasses. Larry is convinced she bent them and they have a pretty epic screaming match. Leon is there, of course, and he adds his usual hilarity. Maria Sofia and Larry are at it at every step, so all of this just adds to his frustration over the glasses. We then get classic Larry David stuff. He wants to call a party guest by a nickname, but they don't want him to call her that. This irks Larry and he will not rest until he knows why he cannot call her by this name. He won't take pictures with the party guests. Leon eats the birthday cake before it is presented. David feigns interest during conversation. He gets into a fight with the maid at his hotel. He has to wear Auntie Ray's glasses everywhere. Jeff tells him he may not get paid for his appearance because of his attitude at said party. It is all the classic things you have grown to love about the show made better by the three years since it was last on air.

David knows what he is doing because he may be the best writer in comedic television history. He is gruff and mean and angry all the time, but that is what I love about the character. Leon is back and funnier than ever. Jeff and Susie are there to go along with and antagonize. Cheryl and Ted Danson are going to come up most assuredly. I cannot wait to see Vince Vaughn. I have to assume Richard Lewis will make appearances. And now we have Maria Sofia.

I cannot wait to see how they close this all out and I'm going to relish every moment of this final season. If the season premiere is any indication, this is going to be a rock solid season of one of the best comedies of all time on tv. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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Leon Black, The MVP of "Curb Your Enthusiasm"

The final season of "Curb Your Enthusiasm" premieres this Sunday. Everyone involved has said that this is it, and I fully believe them. I don't think this is one of those situations where people say this is the end but then decide to come back for a movie or reunion. This has a real finale feel. I also tend to believe that Larry David is done with this show too, and he doesn't seem like the type to go back on this. So, with that being said, I want to shout out an actor that turned this show from great to classic.

The first couple seasons of this show were great. They laid the groundwork. We got to know who the main characters are, how they act and live day to day. The show was also hilarious. I loved everything with Larry and Cheryl. The stuff with his dad was phenomenal. The stuff with Cheryl's family was great. Getting to know Susie and Jeff really let us into those characters' lives. Seeing how Larry David interacted with the people he used to work with was pretty excellent. The show worked. But, when they decided to do their thing with Hurricane Katrina, and write it into the show in their own way, this is where the show skyrocketed to being one of the best things in television history.

During the season 6 premiere the audience is introduced to the Black's. They are the family whose house was destroyed from the flood and the David's took them into their home. We get to meet the mom, the aunt and the kids right away. But it wasn't until the next day that we were introduced to Leon Black. Leon might be the greatest side character of all time. JB Smoove absolutely knocks this role out of the goddamn park. It feels like Smoove was destined to play this role. He is too perfect here. The whole idea of the show is, with each storyline, they improvise. There are never any true scripts. They get an idea of what each episode will be about, but there are never any written lines. Or at least that is what I have read. This fits right into Smoove's wheelhouse. He is a true comedian and an excellent comedic actor. He improvises so well with David, Susie Essman and Jeff Garlin. It feels like he makes them go up a level. Everytime he and David get into a shouting match I know it is going to be hilarious. When he starts to talk about Leon's past life experiences, it is so, so funny. When he reminisces I cannot control my laughter. I watched an older episode the other night where Leon and David come up with an idea for Leon to be a "house husband". This means he goes and helps his friends get better deals on home improvement projects. It all blows up in their faces, and Smoove is there to play this all for big time laughs. I also love the episode where we see the Black's leave Larry's house, after he and Cheryl split, and Leon walks up, seeing his family leaving. When Larry asks what he is going to do, Leon tells him he is going to go inside and eat his Chinese food, securing his place in Larry's house. Since that moment they have been roommates and friends. They've gone to Paris together. They have their businesses. Leon played a fake doctor for him. He has been his assistant. He talks to him about his lovelife and Larry's could be better. He despises Irma more than Larry I think. They are inseparable, and we are all reaping the rewards of getting to watch them go on this journey as a team.

I cannot wait to see what they do in this final season, but more so for me, I want to see how they wrap Leon's story. That is what I'm here for. I cannot wait. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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Ty Watches "The Curse" Season One

Last week I finished season one of "The Curse". I kept thinking about it a lot since then. I was thinking about it so much that I went back and rewatched the finale last night.

I thought this finale was pretty remarkable. In fact, I found this whole season to be very weird and interesting and thought provoking and pretty solid. This show is very different. It is unlike pretty much anything that is on tv right now. The plot is fairly simple, but the execution was next level.

"The Curse" centers on Whitney and Asher, a married couple that host a HGTV show. They go to their hometown and build climate change friendly homes. They have squabbles with the network, the people who work for them and amongst themselves. Sounds simple enough. But the twists and turns happen galore. This show went to some of the cringiest places one could imagine. There were times where I felt uncomfortable watching. I would squirm on the couch. It was wild. The way these two take advantage of the people in their hometown, especially the indigenous people, is abhorrent. When they think they are doing something nice, it is only for their own benefit or to help the show. They are only out for themselves, so much so that they start to plot against one another.

Emma Stone and Nathan Fielder are dynamic here as well. I was totally blown away by Fielder's acting. He takes the uncomfortableness to a whole new level. If you thought he was awkward on "The Rehearsal" or "Nathan For You", this show makes those people look tame. He is clingy and needy and helpless here. It was a delight to watch. Emma Stone is wonderfully odd and plays a white savior so well. She has no qualms about the things she does as long as she thinks she is helping out the less fortunate. In most cases she is only out for herself. There is a scene in particular when she pokes fun at Fielder for trying to be tough and I was taken aback at how mean and nasty her character could be. It was a tour de force for her. I also appreciate the fact that she is doing stuff like this as opposed to taking on multiple rom coms or dumb coming of age movies. She is taking chances, nailing it and I'm here for it. Benny Safdie is also a revelation. I have always enjoyed his directing, but his acting here is pretty good. And while not as cringey as Fielder, he is right up there.

I think my favorite thing about this show is the long, silent moments. They really make you sit in it. The viewer is almost forced to sit and go back and think about what you just saw. They will have this super awkward scene or moment, and then they will cut to a long shot of a home or the face of the person in the aftermath. You just sit there and go over what you just saw until the silence breaks. It is pretty cool the way they do that. And the way they tell this story, and how they end it, it is one of the odder yet cooler things I've ever watched. They never poke fun at reality tv or home making shows. They never make these awful people seem like they have some good inside of them. They paint these overprigeled rich assholes in the proper light. And I love that.

"The Curse" is not the easiest watch, but if you let yourself get into it, the payoff is pretty exceptional. I loved it. If you are going to watch, and you are a Fielder fan, change your expectations. And if you are going in to watch Emma Stone, change your expectations. This show is unlike pretty much anything out there now, but it is well worth your time. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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"Fargo" Created a Television Masterpiece

Last week's episode of "Fargo" was something incredible. I was in awe watching that hour of television.

"Fargo" is one of the better shows on tv. I loved the movie, and when a tv show was announced, I was skeptical. But then the show came out and it is even better than I could have imagined. I liked season four, and that one gets some hate online. I thought it was good. But this most recent season has been a return to form if you will. They went back to the basics, probably brought back some original writers, and they have made something special. And, as said before, last week's episode was a triumph.

The episode in question we got to see Dot's, Juno Temple, backstory. We have been given little hints here and there about why she is doing what she is doing, and how she may have gained some of her vast knowledge. But nothing was ever really definitive. We got that last week. The episode sees Dot going on a mission to find someone to help her. She needs to let the world know that her ex-husband is a bad, bad person. We see her driving a bunch and nearly falling asleep at the wheel multiple times. She eventually ends up at a diner where she can eat and rest. This is where the episode goes from good to great. When Dot is done eating she finds her way to a community of abused women working and living together. This is where she finds Linda, the woman she has been looking for for help. But, before Linda will leave with her, she wants Dot to tell her story. She wants Dot to connect with the other women in the shelter. When Dot first gets to the commune, she sees a show featuring puppets. The show is harrowing. It is tough to watch. It is also heartbreaking. Dot takes this in and passes out. It is probably from no sleep, but maybe the truth in the story also knocks her out. We then see her journey making her own doll. When she finally tells her story, it is more depressing and tough and uncomfortable than the initial story we saw. Dot tells of a time when she was 15 and ran away from home. She was on her own and this lady Linda takes her in. We find out Linda is married to the bad guy that Dot is after, played by Jon Hamm. We see Hamm's character abusing and taking advantage of Dot. He abuses her sexually and physically. He takes advantage of her. He forces marriage upon her. All the while Dot is using dolls to tell this harrowing and rough story. The way they used these dolls was amazing. I couldn't take my eyes off screen. We see these dolls, but eventually they become real to me. I spoke with my mom, who worked in a battered women and children shelter, and she let me know this is a real therapy that is used. That makes this episode even better. After the story, Dot gets Linda to go with her and they are on their way to get Hamm. But, it turns out this was all a dream while she was waiting for her food. It was a "Wizard of Oz" scenario.

The episode ends on a very bleak note, and I have not yet watched the newest episode yet. But this episode was incredible and one of the best written pieces of content that has come out in a long, long time. I highly recommend watching this show, and being amazed at the brevity and genius behind Dot's story. It is a wonderful and incredibly well done piece of television. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

Come and support Ty and the podcast on Patreon.

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Best of 2023 - Television

Today I come to you all with my top 5 tv shows of 2023. I have to admit that there is a good amount of high quality, well regarded tv I have not yet finished this year. I have yet to see shows like "Loki", "Andor", "Ghosts" and "Big Mouth" yet. I'm sure there are a bunch of other shows that I have missed too. But I have seen some good stuff this year and today I want to give you all a peek at how I view television.

At 5 I have the third and final season of "The Other Two". This show is criminally underrated and should not have been cancelled. It is one of the best written and funniest shows on tv. Helen York and Drew Tarver play their characters to perfection. Molly Shannon is an absolute delight, and she got to really stretch in this final season. Ken Marino was great. The young actor playing the famous brother grew up and had a nice story arc about the ills of fame and social media. I have not seen a show that is this meta and funny and perfectly of the time. The whole musical episode was amazing. When York's character quits her job and no one can see her, brilliant. The whole thing with Tarver's method acting boyfriend, chef's kiss. "The Other Two" is destined to become a cult classic. This show is going to do major work on streaming. It will find its audience and I feel like people will talk about it like I do about "Happy Endings" now. "The Other Two" is a show worth checking out.

At 4 I have season three of "The Righteous Gemstones". McBride and company keep finding ways to make dark humor the best humor to watch on tv. This season was incredible too. We got Walton Goggins back as Uncle Baby Billy. Be it his game show idea or him wearing a big clam shell and singing at the pool, he is amazing in this role. We got the struggle of Goodman trying to leave the church to McBride. We also got some backstory from those two, which was nice to see. We got Kelvin, Adam Devine, finally showing his love for Keef. It may have taken the whole season, but damn it paid off. But the best of the best was Edi Patterson as Judy. We learned a whole lot about her this season and Patterson was masterful at pulling all this off. From her tour to the stuff with her husband BJ, Tim Blatz, it all worked to perfection. I cannot wait for season four to come out.

At 3 I have "Jury Duty". I don't know how they were able to pull off such an elaborate prank revolved around jurors, but they did and it was a joy to watch unfold. This show took a real chance. Anything could have derailed the show at any second, but they were able to maneuver around any way of the "hero" finding out what was going on the whole time, until the end. James Marsden played an asshole version of himself, and it worked. A guy made chairpants, and it worked. Another guy and girl did a thing called "soaking", and it worked. A lawyer had one of the worst presentations I've ever seen, and it worked. They were able to pull off this wild prank, all the while not making our "hero" look like an idiot. If anything, he held it together better than any of us would have and I was stoked to see it all get revealed to him and for him to take home a cash prize. I hope they leave this show at one season because it is perfect.

At  2 I have season two of "The Bear". I didn't think they could top season one, and they didn't, but they made a great companion piece to one of the best shows on tv. This season gave us episodes that focused on the individuals that work together at the restaurant. Edibiri's character took us on a food tour of Chicago. Richie had to get knocked down before rising to the top. Fak had to do his magical repairs. Abbi Elliot's character got the job as the marketer for the restaurant and is having a baby. We even got the episode that showed Jeremy Allen White's character family at their worst. That episode has amazing cameos as well. "The Bear" continues to shine as the best show about food on tv. It is better than any cooking show or cooking based competition show. The food looks delicious, the acting is top notch and the direction is a thing of beauty. "The Bear" rules. But it is not my top show of the year.

At number 1 I have "The Last of Us". This show is a work of art. It is brutal. It is realistic. It is dreadful. It is violent. It is relentless. And I couldn't take my eyes off the screen when we watched. This show is truly one of a kind. Pedro Pascal is perfectly cast. Bella Ramsey is just as good and a perfect counterpoint. The Nick Offerman episode is, quite possibly, the best written, directed and acted episode in the history of television. Melanie Lynskey is a bad, bad lady in her episode. The episode with the deaf boy and his brother gives us hope, only to smack it out of our faces in the end. And as mad as I was at Joel for lying to Ellie in the season finale, it made me even more excited to see them deal with it in season two. "Last of Us" is an achievement unlike any other on television. They took this weird video game and made one of the best tv shows to ever exist. I am so pumped for season two.

That is it for tv. Come back tomorrow for my top podcasts of 2023. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

Come and support Ty and the podcast on Patreon.

Follow Ty on instagram.

SeedSing is funded by a group of awesome people. Join them by donating to SeedSing.