Politics Week: Trump and Project 2025 are Wrong for America

Ty is on a court ordered vacation this week, so RD is taking over the writing duties. Due to the incredible time, we live in, RD is going to cover politics every day. The views expressed in these articles are the same as the website owners since it is RD that owns the website.

All compliments and complaints can be sent to rkulik@publicforumproductions.com

The Donald Trump for President team has a plan. I know that seems obvious, every person who runs for President has a plan. In 2016 the Trump team did not have a plan, and that is why his administration was a chaotic mess and the country was incredibly ill prepared for the pandemic. Not having a plan in 2016 was bad for America. Trump’s plan for another possible term as President, Project 2025, is catastrophic.

Project 2025 is a list of policy proposals, and the plan to implement them, that came out of the right-wing think tank The Heritage Foundation. Project 2025 is part of the Heritage Foundation’s “Mandate for Leadership” series that started in 1981. Project 2025 is their most aggressive plan ever and it will remake every corner of American society. Project 2025 is the New Deal of the far-right republican party.

Outside of the regular proposals Heritage always has in their “Mandates for Leadership”, policies like lower taxes on the rich, less government regulations, and stronger police, Project 2025 is adding new proposals to create an authoritarian, anti-woman, and anti-immigrant America. The 900+ page document, which I have read, is very specific in how the think tank will implement these policies. In the case of access to abortion and women’s’ health, Project 2025 wants to eliminate long standing medical practices and start to prosecute women and doctors. In the case of immigration, Project 2025 wants to indiscriminately tear apart families and force deportation even if the immigrant has a legitimate claim for political asylum. Project 2025 does not want the Congress or court system to get in the way of these radical proposals. Project 2025 expands the authority of the Executive Branch that the checks and balances of the past will have no place. If the President wants to do it, it is done.

One of the proposals in Project 2025 that is not getting as much attention is the plan to ban and criminalize all pornography. The proposal would punish anyone who has pornography, close or levy heavy fines on anyone who distributes it, such as internet providers, and lay down heavy jail sentences for anyone who creates pornography. What is hidden in this proposal is what is defined as pornography. Along with the traditional ideas of what pornography is, Project 2025 is expanding this definition to anything that incudes sexuality and gender identity. Under Project 2025, if someone was to publicly say they are gay or trans, the US Government could punish and jail that person. If a teacher is trying to help a transgender child who is in an unsafe home, that teacher would be severely punished. If a doctor gives medical care to a transgender person, that doctor will be jailed. Project 2025 does not want to ban pornography; Project 2025 wants to ban other sexual and gender identities.

Recently the public has been hearing more about Project 2025, and the proposal is not popular. Trump himself has been claiming that he knows nothing about it, yet it is written by many of his advisors who worked in the Whitehouse when Trump was President. Also, the Republican VP candidate JD Vance has publicly praised the ideas in Project 2025. Also, also the Trump team has put together their own plan for a second term called Agenda 47 which reads like a far-right wing third grader wrote Project 2025. Agenda 47 is almost the same, it just has more words like “deep state” and “fake news” littered throughout. Project 2025 and Agenda 47 identical policy twins.

The 2024 election is fast approaching, and voters are starting to do their research. The Democratic Party has rallied around Vice President Kamala Harris and the agenda of the party is starting to take shape. On the republican side we know their agenda, it is Project 2025. Trump may lie and say he does not know and/or support Project 2025, but a second Trump term would bring on the policies and plans mapped out in the 900+ page Heritage Foundation dream. The US does not need to move backward, we are better than hate and ugliness of Project 2025. It must be rejected. Trump and Project 2025 are bad for America.


RD is the creator and Head Editor of SeedSing and the host of The X Millennial Man Podcast

Support SeedSing and The X Millennial Man on patreon.

Politics Week: The Republican Party is Not Conservative

Ty is on a court ordered vacation this week, so RD is taking over the writing duties. Due to the incredible time, we live in, RD is going to cover politics every day. The views expressed in these articles are the same as the website owners since it is RD that owns the website.

All compliments and complaints can be sent to rkulik@publicforumproductions.com

Politics is a game of lies. Promises are made and not kept, deals are made and then broken, truths are revealed and then found to be false. That is politics. In this game of lies there is one so big in today’s political arena that we all see yet no one cares to discuss. What is the grand lie in plain sight? The great political falsehood of 2024 is that the current Republican Party is conservative.

One could argue, successfully, that the GOP used to be conservative. I would say that the party has a few conservative philosophical pillars, but it is not 100% pure. Lower taxes, austerity measures, less business regulation, resistance to letting government initiate social changes, these are all principals the Republican Party can claim in its past. This is not the Republican Party of Donald Trump and the ghouls who wrote Project 2025.

This new Republican Party wants an absolute authoritarian ruler at the top. Whatever the President says is the law. They want a leader like the Pope of the Catholic Church. They want the entire government to center on this leader. The modern GOP doesn’t want less government interference, they want unlimited government interference from one office. This ultimate leader can, and will, set the social, economic, and foreign policy agenda as they see fit. This idea of an all-powerful executive branch is nowhere near what the true conservative philosophers believe. As a matter of fact, true conservatism would reject this idea.

Project 2025 wants the government to have total control over everything. They want the press to be only loyal to their ideas. They want businesses to do as they are told. They want the people to live as vassals to the lords and ladies of the Whitehouse. Project 2025 rejects conservatism more than the Democratic Socialists in the Democratic Party. Project 2025 is the New Deal of the anti-conservative Republican Party.

Trump and his Project 2025 gang will still claim to be conservative. They will tout the rolling back of government regulations and tax cuts as proof of their conservative bona fides. These are lies. Once implemented, Project 2025 would allow the executive branch to set new regulations on businesses. These regulations would have to do with access to abortion, hiring of protected classes, and the duty to pollute. The tax cuts will continue to only benefit the corporations and richest Americans. The rest of us will pay for any economic calamity. Trump and his lackeys at Project 2025 will say they are the conservative choice. That is a lie.

As we get ready for the 2024 election season, think about what you hear. No one trusts politics because we knowing lying is like breathing air. While you continue to dismiss the everyday talk, do not get fooled by the things that we are told is certain. Donald Trump’s and Project 2025 Republican Party is not conservative. Do not be fooled again.


RD is the creator and Head Editor of SeedSing and the host of The X Millennial Man Podcast

Support SeedSing and The X Millennial Man on patreon.

Politics Week: Kamala Harris is The Democrats Best Chance

Ty is on a court ordered vacation this week, so RD is taking over the writing duties. Due to the incredible time, we live in, RD is going to cover politics every day. The views expressed in these articles are the same as the website owners since it is RD that owns the website.

All compliments and complaints can be sent to rkulik@publicforumproductions.com

As I write these words Vice President Kamala Harris has unofficially secured enough Democratic Party delegates to be the official nominee for President in 2024. The so-called mini primary was a little noise and no real chaos. It took the Vice President just over 48 hours to rally and unite the Democrats.

 Thank goodness.

I know that the GOP and legacy media wanted uncertainty when President Joe Biden announced he would not run for reelection. Politico and others kept floating the Joe Manchin phantom candidacy. RFK jr decided to weigh in. None of the dissention came to the surface. The President endorsed Harris immediately and then most of the party fell in line. Kamala Harris will be the Democratic Party nominee for President and will take on Trump and his Project 2025 social club this fall.

 Thank goodness.

At this time in the election calendar, and at this point in history, Kamala Harris is the best candidate to take down Trump and his Project 2025 goons this November. Harris herself said it on Monday when she highlighted her career as a prosecutor and dealing with sexual predators, con men, and frauds, men like Trump. The team that Biden gives Harris, on the campaign and in the Whitehouse, is tested and they have already beaten Trump before. Also, Kamala Harris is not 81 and does not flub words or sentences very often. The Harris for President campaign is only a few days old, and it is already using its momentum to disrupt the shaky Republican effort.

We are still a few weeks away from the Democratic Party’s National Convention in Chicago, and things may change. Much to the chagrin of The New York Times, I do not think we will see any party disarray. Vice President Harris is not only united the party, but she has also energized it. A record-breaking day in fundraising and strong public appearances, coupled with Trump’s online temper tantrums, has changed the narrative of the 2024 Presidential election. Kamala Harris has been the spark the Democratic Party has needed since the halcyon days of Barrack Obama. Hope lives again.

I understand that we are still in the “honeymoon” period of the Kamala Harris Presidential campaign, but I feel like the moment has gotten better. It is not just President Biden’s act of patriotism that has brought on a brighter day, it is an excited and vibrant Harris for President campaign. Everything we have seen the last few days should leave no doubt in anyone’s mind. Kamala Harris is the Democrats best chance to win in November.

Thank goodness.


RD is the creator and Head Editor of SeedSing and the host of The X Millennial Man Podcast

Support SeedSing and The X Millennial Man on patreon.

Politics Week: President Biden Did The Right Thing

Ty is on a court ordered vacation this week, so RD is taking over the writing duties. Due to the incredible time, we live in, RD is going to cover politics every day. The views expressed in these articles are the same as the website owners since it is RD that owns the website.

All compliments and complaints can be sent to rkulik@publicforumproductions.com

In case you have not heard, President Joe Biden has said he will not continue his campaign to be reelected President of the United States. He intends to finish his term, but he is moving aside so a new Democrat can take on Donald Trump and his Project 2025 acolytes. I have some thoughts.

Joe Biden has been a good President in my opinion. I am not pleased with a lot of what his administration has done, and not done, but I do think in the last few years and the political climate we live in, Biden has done a better-than-expected job. If policy was the determining factor in voting for a candidate, Joe Biden would clearly be the front runner. Yet being a good President is not the main factor in the 2024 election. Age is, and President Biden really shows his age. That has been a problem since day one and it was put on full display the last few weeks. Biden showing his age gave Trump and his Project 2025 minions the opening they needed. When Biden stepped aside from the race, the Republicans lost their only advantage.

Should age have been the reason President Biden stepped aside. Yes, it should be. At the age of 81, Joe Biden was going to be the oldest person to ever run for President. In my state of Ohio, you cannot be a judge past the age of 70. I do not think anyone past seventy should be in the most stressful job in the world. Now that Biden took the age issue away, the Republicans are left with a 78-year-old Trump as their nominee. Again, way too old. I also know many may not know this, but Biden would mix up names and words a lot. Trump rambles like a conspiracy crazed lunatic. The man has observable cognitive decline. Now the age question surrounds the GOP nominee, and the country can decide if they want an old, crazed lunatic to be back in the Whitehouse, or do we want a capable non brain rotted person. I think the answer is obvious. The republicans have an age problem on their ticket. Everyone should know that.

I personally believe that Biden would have beaten Trump, and his Project 2025 supporters, in November. I think most of the United States do not want a competent Trump administration that would become more authoritarian and anti-immigrant and woman. Even though I still think Biden would have won, I still thinking stepping aside was the right move. The question is not who can win in November, the question is who can lead the next four years. It is obvious that if Trump wins the Whitehouse he will go back to golfing and grifting while autocrats like JD Vance and Project 2025 will start to strip people’s rights away. The Democratic Party can now tell the people that their nominee will be set for the next four years, and our democracy will be in good hands. Biden did the right thing by allowing the Democrats to chart a path for four years and beyond.

I admire President Biden for doing the right thing for his country. Whatever people may think of Joe Biden and his political career, history will look at this moment and reward him in its writing. I gave just a few reasons I think the President did the right thing, there are many more, and I wish him well the rest of his term. It is a new beginning thanks to President Joe Biden. It is now our turn to take advantage of this gift and to put Trump and Project 2025 on top of the dustheap of history.


RD is the creator and Head Editor of SeedSing and the host of The X Millennial Man Podcast

Support SeedSing and The X Millennial Man on patreon.

Ty Plays EA Sports College Football 25

I bought the standard version of "College Football 25", so that meant that today was the day I have been waiting for for 11 years. Let’s discuss.

I'm not a video game guy. I have told everyone I know, including readers of this site and listeners of the podcast that very thing. Growing up I was the youngest of four, so I did not get to play our Nintendo very often. My friends, when I was younger, we all wanted to play the actual sport. We played video games here and there, but it always ended with us replaying the game in real life outdoors. So, the fact that I have been this amped for a video game to come out should speak volumes to how long this wait has felt for me. I have been watching all the people play the game online that ordered it early, and it only made me more excited. I got up this morning and had some things to take care of, so I downloaded it while I was out. I was hoping to get started on it before noon, but I had to wait until 1pm. Again, that was all well and good. I was thinking about the game, but I hadn't played it just yet. So, around 1pm I fired up the PlayStation and immediately turned the game on.

I played half an exhibition to get used to the controls and then it was on to Dynasty Mode. This is what I love most about this game. I get to control everything that Michigan does on and off the football field. So, I got that going, and it is ongoing as we speak, and I could not be happier.

This, for me, is the greatest video game that has ever been created. The gameplay is smooth and easy. It is akin to "Madden", but the playbooks are much larger and the game is much faster. You also get all the pomp and circumstance that comes with the college football atmosphere. From the fight songs to the crowd chants, it is all there. The uniforms look just like the teams. They have alternates for the teams that use those. The players' names are front and center. This is new, and it is rad. In older versions of this game they couldn't use players' names. The names were the position and the number, i.e. QB #16. Now, when I fired up my dynasty with Michigan, I saw names I knew, on both offense and defense. There was no HB #7, it read D.Edwards, for Donovan Edwards. My elite corner was not DB #2, it was W. Johnson, for Will Johnson. That, for me, is the coolest new aspect. They have the main college football announcers. We have Rece Davis, David Pollack and Jesse Palmer calling the games. They have teams' entrances down pat. Michigan comes out for every home game and they smack that banner. That is here in the game. When I played Washington earlier, they had their husky dog run on the field. I'm sure Clemson touches the rock and Oklahoma has their Schooner. 

This game truly feels like it has it all for all college football fans. The game play is smooth like I said, but also realistic. I know I keep mentioning Michigan, but that is the team I play with. And they have it spot on. Alex Orji is fast, but inaccurate. Will Johnson is elite and the computer barely throws his way. Mason Graham and Kenneth Grant eat up o lineman. Donovan Edwards is fast, but goes down easy. Jaishawn Barnham is a heavy hitter. It feels like I am controlling a real football game. I feel like a coach. I am up here in my home playing this game and motioning for first downs or telling the opposing team I held them on third and it is now fourth down. I'm a 41 year old father of two. That is crazy.

"NCAA Football 25" is everything I hoped it would be. This is the exact game I wanted and I couldn't be happier. It is back although it almost feels like it was never gone. I'm ecstatic. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go play some more. What an incredible game. Well done EA Sports. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

Come and support Ty and the podcast on Patreon.

Follow Ty on instagram.

SeedSing is funded by a group of awesome people. Join them by donating to SeedSing.

Russell Westbrook Playing in Denver is Not a Good Idea

Russell Westbrook's time in LA has come to an end. About an hour ago he was traded to the Jazz, where he will be waived and he will eventually sign with the Nuggets. This was his endgame all along. He said a few weeks back that he wanted to go play in Denver. He knew he was done with the Clippers, he still wants to play and he wants to go to the Nuggets. He is getting his wish. But, I don't know if it is going to be as fun and entertaining as he may hope.

I adore Russell Westbrook. He is one of my all time favorite players. I have gone to bat for him on this very website. I banged the drum loud and hard for him to win his MVP the season he won it. A lot of people didn't think he was the rightful MVP, but I did. He did remarkable things and kept the Thunder relevant after Kevin Durant left for the Warriors. And I liked him before. I was a Thunder fan for a while. While rooting for them, KD was my guy, but Russ was a very close second. I loved the enthusiasm and energy he played with. He was going 100 percent at all times. It didn't matter if he was playing a random game in the middle of the season or a high intensity playoff game, he was always going full bore. He attacked the rim, he made good passes, he is one of the best rebounding guards ever and he talked a great game. I was all in. And even when he left, for Houston and both LA teams, I would still tune in to watch him play. Hell, I watched his lone season in Washington. He still seemed to have something to contribute. And while I saw his rough first round playoff performance last season, I was still rooting hard. But, you can see that his game is just not what it used to be.

Westbrook doesn't hit the elbow/free throw line jumper like he used to. He has never been a good 3 point shooter and it has only fallen off more. He isn't a starter anymore. He has become a role player that you never know what you are going to get from him on any given night. He is older and can't do the things he used to be able to do. That is the end game for all of us. As we get older we can't do those things as well anymore. And when it happens to pro athletes, it is very clear. Russ has been on this path for a few years now. You could see it with the Clips. And as more of their guys got hurt, and Russ was asked to do more, he just couldn't bring it all together.

Going to Denver is not going to be good for Westbrook. Some, Zach Lowe, like to say that Nikola Jokic is the "best player in the world". I disagree. He doesn't play a lick of defense. And he is apathetic. I think those two things are going to frustrate Russ, which will frustrate Jokic. Jamal Murray has never really been able to stay fully healthy his whole career. If he is the point guard, like he has been, Russ is going to be his backup, and when Murray gets hurt, that will thrust Westbrook into a bigger role he is not suitable for anymore. He and Reggie Jackson have already played together and it did not end well. Jackson couldn't wait to get out of OKC after a few years playing with Russ. That was a dumb move on Jackson's behalf I thought at the time, and still think is true. Michael Porter Jr is a zero on defense and follows some weird conspiracy theories. These are some of the core dudes that Russ is going to have to learn to play and practice with everyday. Russ is older now too. He should be ring chasing, which maybe that is what he is trying to do. But this fit in Denver is odd. The other spots made sense. In Houston he got to play with CP3. In Washington he played with a young Bradley Beal. In regards to both LA teams, that is his hometown. This move to Denver, for me, makes zero sense. I don't think he fits in with the team. He is almost assured to be a bench guy, but I don't know where the meaningful minutes are going to come and how he is going to really contribute. I don't want to see his career end like a bunch of these guys, where he just fades into obscurity and becomes a "oh yeah, I remember him" type of guy. But that is what I fear may happen in Denver.

All this being said, I am still going to be rooting for him because he is an important basketball player in my fandom and I want the best for him. I just don't like this fit at all. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing, the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast, and the greatest basketball writer on the internet.

Come and support Ty and the podcast on Patreon.

Follow Ty on instagram.

Ty Watches "The Real Bros of Simi Valley: The Movie"

Years ago I watched a show on Facebook. That sounds weird to say, but it is true. One day I was scrolling on my feed and came across something I found interesting and funny, so I clicked on the link. The two reasons were, one, I'm a Jimmy Tatro fan and two, it looked like a spoof of all the reality real housewives stuff that I actively avoided.

Tatro is a funny actor. If you don't know him, he was the star of the first season of "American Vandal". He was also the co-star of "Home Economics" and had a small role in a movie I loved, "Theater Camp". The guy works. Then, I love when funny people spoof nonsense reality shows. I adored "Burning Love". Kevin Hart did something similar with "Real House Husbands" which was also hilarious. I devoured both shows. So, seeing funny and smart people spoofing real housewives stuff, I was psyched to click on the link.

The show was called "The Real Bros of Simi Valley". I watched the hell out of this show. It was short too. There were three seasons. Each episode was anywhere from 6-12 minutes. And it was nonsensical hilarity. They made fun of all of the classic tropes of real housewives shows, or better for me, they constantly made fun of shows like "Laguna Beach" and "The Hills", both shows I also watched. When I found the show I watched as much as I could in a few days. Then I waited for more. It was great.

It seemed like it just went away. Then I saw the people from the show popping up on social media recently as the characters from the show. I was intrigued. I found out they were making a movie and that it was going to be on the Roku Channel. I get that channel, as does everyone that owns a Roku, and patiently waited for "The Real Bros of Simi Valley: The Movie". They were going to do a high school reunion type movie. I was hyped.

I watched it the day after it was released, and holy hell is it a funny movie. It was nostalgic to see them all again as their characters. And the movie is downright hilarious. They bring along all the reality tropes and play them off so goddamn well. From the start of the movie, where they think they are going to have to fight, but they are all brought together by Xander, Tatro, getting a new truck, it was dynamite. From the truck to making fun of Xander's brother for not "burning" to Johnny being picked on to some of the girls starting a podcast to everyone living a "lifestyle", it all worked. They had a ton of guest stars in the movie. They brought on little known comic actors who shined in their small roles. The jokes were flying. I found myself laughing harder and harder at every joke. I loved how they kept making their trucks bigger and bigger. I appreciate that they stuck to their ignorance from the show. And their arrogance. In the reality tv world it seems like everyone that is on one of those shows takes themselves far too seriously, and they recreated that perfectly. This movie was a total home run. They didn't have to make it, but the fact that they did and that it works makes it that much sweeter.

I love this movie. I highly suggest watching this movie if you watched any of the show when it was on Facebook. It helps to know who the people are and why they act the way they do. That is why you should check out both. This movie is awesome and the show that came before is even better. Watch both. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

Come and support Ty and the podcast on Patreon.

Follow Ty on instagram.

SeedSing is funded by a group of awesome people. Join them by donating to SeedSing.

"Major League 2" is on the Short List of Worst Sequels Ever Made

About a month ago I decided to revisit one of my favorite movies when I was a kid, "Major League". It holds up. It is still as funny and biting and cool as I remember. It makes me laugh harder than some modern comedies. I also find myself as intrigued by the ending as the first time I saw the movie. I know what the outcome is going to be, but I still get nervous. So, due to my OCD and other issues, I have decided to rewatch all three "Major League" movies. I like to finish what I start.

The other day I turned on "Major League 2". It is streaming on Netflix and I had some laundry to fold. It was an easy choice. I remember the movie not being that good, but hey, it is an old sports movie so I figured I'd enjoy myself. Well, I finished it this morning, it has been raining all damn day here, and this is a bad, bad movie. There is really nothing that is redeeming or good about it. I was trying to find something, anything that would bring me back to thinking it may be okay. Tom Berenger is okay in this movie. He is still moving along like the original Jake Taylor. But, the bite from the first movie is gone. He is old, a has been now. He has settled down. He is a coach. He isn't the same guy we all grew to love in the first movie. Charlie Sheen cannot handle the role of trying to be the good guy millionaire that is trying to leave his old life behind. He is dull in this movie. He is boring. He is not funny. There aren't any jokes like he was popping off in the first movie. They completely recast Willie Mays Hayes. Wesley Snipes is gone. Omar Epps takes over. Epps is fine, but they never address the fact that it is a totally new actor playing a beloved character from the first movie. I think the writers just figured we wouldn't notice. That is a spit in the face to the viewer. I found this to be the most annoying part of watching this sequel. They totally changed Dennis Haysbert's Pedro Cerrano. He is a buddhist now, which I'm cool with, but what made him so great in the first movie is gone here. He was a silent homerun hitter who would curse out Joboo in the first movie. Now he is saving birds when he hits them with a ball. It is a bizarre, unnecessary change. Corbin Bernsen's character is relegated to owner, which is fitting, but he is annoying and flat out stupid in this movie. I do think Rachel Phelps, the old owner, knows what type of movie this is supposed to be, and she is okay in her very minimal role. And Bob Uecker is always electric. He is wonderful as the announcer. He always delivers. They bring on a few new characters, but they add nothing. Rube has a good joke in a minor monologue, but he is so dumb and so oblivious to the real world that it is hard to watch his performance. The "bad guy", Jack something or another, is a cliche dickhead of a baseball player. You hate him from the moment he steps on screen. He has none of the charisma that Clue Haywood had in the first movie. Randy Quaid's crazy ass is in this movie. He is dreadful and we all should have known that he wasn't all there just by watching him put on an abysmal show in this movie. And I cannot go without mentioning Tanaka. This is a very, very offensive portrayal of an Asian baseball player. I understand that work is work, and I'm sure he got paid well for this movie, but it is really tough to watch on screen. I don't get how some writers got away with this.

This is such a disappointing sequel to what I consider to be a classic. This is case and point for why some things are left at one. Certain movies and tv shows don't need sequels or prequels. It is fine to just leave some stuff in one version. I know that the third version of this series is even worse, but I'm still going to watch it. From what I remember there is a young Walton Goggins in the third movie. But man oh man is "Major League 2" a terrible, horrible, not nearly as fun sequel to the incredible "Major League". 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

Come and support Ty and the podcast on Patreon.

Follow Ty on instagram.

SeedSing is funded by a group of awesome people. Join them by donating to SeedSing.

Ty Watches "Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire"

Over the weekend my wife and I, and our children as well, watched "Godzilla X Kong". We were all calling it "Godzilla Kisses Kong" halfway through due to the x meaning kisses in x's and o's. My wife was very excited for this movie. These types of movies are right up her alley. She was stoked the moment she remembered it was now streaming. So, as we do most Friday nights, we sat down for our home movie viewing and all four of us watched.

First off, this is not a good movie. The story is nonsensical. After seeing a Godzilla movie that was amazing, "Godzilla Minus 1", "Godzilla X Kong" was not even close to its level. The people in this movie, and there are some pretty good actors, are nonessential. We would have scenes with actors like Rebecca Hall, Dan Stevens and Brian Tyree Henry all sharing the screen and I couldn't care less what they had to say. The humans in this monster movie were so uninteresting and, quite frankly, useless in this movie. They are there to move the story along and tell us, the viewer, what we are about to see next with the monsters. They offer nothing else. They are strictly the voice for the voiceless. Again, I like those three actors quite a bit, but they had no real reason to even be in this movie. I remember saying to my wife while watching that I had had enough of the humans. I just wanted to see the monsters doing monster activities.

And that is where this movie thrives. The monsters make this movie worth watching. Godzilla and King Kong are the only reasons to watch this movie, and while it is not a good movie, these two monsters make it one of the most fun movies I have seen in a long time. A movie doesn't have to necessarily be good for me to have a good time. That is more than the case for "Godzilla X Kong". When we get past the scenes with the humans, and we get straight up monster action, I was more than there for all of it. Seeing the humongous King Kong at the opening of the movie ripping a dog monster in half, it was amazing. Seeing the green goo spill onto his body was rad. I felt bad for his toothache as well. That bummed me out. When we met the baby Kong, that was dope. Baby Kong had a bad side, but he ended up doing the right thing. Godzilla was incredible to look at as well. This Godzilla went from blue to purple to pink and it was cool. When Godzilla suplexed King Kong, I scoffed, but then watched it again. And it ruled. To see Godzilla do an old school wrestling move on King Kong, then to do it correctly into a pyramid in Egypt, I don't think it gets any cooler than that. Even a minor monster like Mothra was pretty amazing to see in this movie. When the three of them decide to team up, and do so by screeching and growling, it was akin to when the Avengers came back in "Infinity War". And I'm not being hyperbolic about it at all. I got chills when they teamed up. Oh, and we cannot forget the underground apes that are bad that cause the original King Kong to get a metal arm. That's right, King Kong gets his arm frozen, then has an attached metal arm affixed to his body, which he then uses to crush not only his enemies, but also full on cities. I thought I would hate it, but I loved it. It was super useful and pretty integral to the ending of the movie.

Look, when one sits down to watch "Godzilla X Kong", they need to lower their expectations. This is not a movie that is going to make you sit and reflect. You will not be asking many questions afterward. But you will have a good time. You will enjoy the fight scenes. You will eat all of your movie snacks. My expectations were low, and this movie greatly exceeded every single one of them. I wholeheartedly recommend "Godzilla X Kong". It was an absolute blast. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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Ty Watches "The Bear" Season 3

I just finished season 3 of "The Bear" the other night. Let’s discuss.

I started off super strong, watching three episodes in a row the night it was released. But then I made a decision to slow down and take my time. Recently I have found myself not binging tv shows that much anymore. I like the anticipation and waiting. I remember having to wait a week for a new episode of a show I watched. That was cool. I had all these theories of what could happen. I vividly remember talking with friends and neighbors about who we all shot Mr Burns after that famous "Simpsons" episode. I just like the feeling of watching shows a little bit spread out now. That is why it took me a little longer to finish this season.

I do want to say, I read headlines and heard other people say that they thought this season was weak. I have been trying to figure out why they were saying all of this. After finishing the season I sat there and thought about what I just watched and I have to say, I thought it was damn good.

"The Bear" has all but cemented its place as a great tv show. There are no truly bad episodes. Each new show gives me more and more to think about. With each passing season I grow more and more attached to the characters on the show. I have grown to love the episodes when they tell us a single story about one of the characters. The episode solely based on Tina this year was wonderful. This show owes the viewers nothing. It is one of the heavier hitters to come out in a long, long time. Sure, there are some flaws here and there, but every show has that. The simple fact that "The Bear" has a hit rate of over 90 percent, that is pretty amazing.

I feel like wanting to be counter culture, or be a nonconformist or just try to have a "hot take" has really taken over the internet. People always want it to be the best thing that they have ever seen. The problem with that, we all have different takes on what we view. Most hated the series finale of "Game of Thrones". I thought it was fine. I don't care who became the overseer of everything or that the white walker's death wasn't as intense as some hoped. I was able to seperate the sheer fact that "Game of Thrones" is a fantasy world. Dragons and zombies and all that wild sci fi stuff is not real. It is pure fantasy. So whoever "wins" in the end, cool. I'm not going to get up in arms about it all. I know some hated the series finale of "Lost". Again, I didn't mind it. I don't care that they were all in a sort of, spoiler alert for a decades old show, "purgatory". Take the show as a whole, and it was dope as hell. I hear all these nerds talk about how "The Simpsons" was only good for a ten year run, between seasons 2-13. I still love that show and find something I adore in every episode, new or old. It is still one of the best written shows that has ever been on tv. I think, no matter how good and well beloved something is, there is going to be a small group of people that say it is bad. Unfortunately, the people doing that now work for major internet sites and publications. They put their opinion out there and the viewers just run with it and tell everyone that they feel the same. It is a true bummer because no one can ever just like a thing that most others do. Some people are just here to be a contrarian. I am glad that it is not me.

Back to the topic on hand, "The Bear" was as intense, as poignant and funnier than it has been to date. I'm very interested to see how they handle the ending of season 3 in season 4. I want to see Natalie and how she and her husband are handling life as new parents. I want to know what Sydney decided. I'm curious to see where Marcus and Tina are with the restaurant and their place there. I want to know if Carmy and Richie are cool again. I want to know what Unc decided to do after taking The Computer's advice. I'm just as engaged and curious as I was after seasons 1 and 2.

I recommend season 3 wholeheartedly and don't read into what the internet says and what your friends or family may regurgitate what they read on the internet. "The Bear" is still easily one of the best shows on tv, with season 3 only further cementing its place. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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Watch out for Team France at the Olympics

The men's Team USA basketball team won their first scrimmage last night against Team Canada. Let’s discuss.

Team USA looked a little discombobulated at times, but they also looked good. Anthony Edwards played a solid game. LeBron and Steph seemed to have nice chemistry. All the bigs, with Joel Embiid being the exception, played okay. Embiid had a rough go, but I feel like he will figure it out.

This is a good group of pros for this team, and I do feel like they should be the favorites heading into the summer olympics. This will not be an easy go though. I understand we didn't have our absolute best at the FIBA Championships last summer, but they did not medal. That was worrisome. Germany is good. Spain is solid. Brazil has some decent players. Canada is loaded. But, I think the biggest obstacle, the hardest country to play is going to be France.

France is stacked. They have current and former NBA players up and down their roster. They have youth and they have size. They have chemistry. They play loose and have fun. They are not the favorites going into these games, so they are playing with house money. I had to look up their roster just to see how well put together it actually is. This is a solid group of players. Rudy Gobert, Victor Webanyama, Evan Fournier, Nicolas Batum and Bilal Coulibaly are all currently on NBA rosters. Gobert, for all of his warts, is a very, very, very good defender. He has multiple DPOY's. He is one of the better rim protectors currently in the game. He can rebound and he can run a pick and roll. Wemby is the best young prospect in the NBA. He is the unicorn of unicorns. He is my favorite player to watch. He literally does it all. He is already as good a defender as Gobert. He is an excellent rebounder. He can shoot the three and attack the glass. He is an amazing player to watch and will be for a long, long time. Fournier and Batum's best days are behind them, but they always up their game in the Olympics. They can both shoot, and Batum plays solid defense. Coulibaly is coming off an okay rookie season, but he is playing with his home country and teaming up once again with Wemby. They have wonderful chemistry and they made the Metropolitan 96ers a team to watch last season. The rest of their roster is full of overseas pro players. The overseas players play on some of the best pro teams overseas and are integral parts of those teams. This France roster is almost as well constructed as Team USA. The French roster has much better chemistry than the US. These dudes use their offseasons playing together. They get together and work on their team building. They know how to play off one another. They have set plays that have worked time and time again. There is something to all of that. It is useful to have that kind of camaraderie and knowing your teammates abilities.

Team USA has some time to get a bit of chemistry, but it is not like the years that all of these other countries have played together. The US is going in as the betting favorite, but it is going to be an absolute bloodbath. They are going to play at their peak night in and night out. And even if they do that, France is going to come to play. I would not be shocked at all if these two meetup in the gold medal game and France won. That is how much respect I have for their roster. The US cannot go into a matchup with France and expect to win. They need to be ready for everything the French will throw at them. And I cannot wait to watch. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing, the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast, and the greatest basketball writer on the internet.

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I'm Not Happy With My VO2 Number

Four years ago I got one of the greatest gifts ever for the holiday. I'm a runner, as you all know, and my folks bought me a Garmin Fenix 5x watch. I had pined for one of these watches. As I got deeper and deeper into the running community, all of the people I knew would tell me about the greatness that is Garmin. I heard how they are the perfect watch for runners, they have a great GPS system obviously and they are durable as hell. They also have a pretty long lasting battery life.

So, when I opened that gift on Christmas morning in 2020, I was stoked. It gave me excitement in a very tough pandemic riddled world. All of the things I heard and read about the watch rang true, and still does to this day. I run five times a week, but I only have to charge the watch every 9-10 days. If I get confused about where I am on a trail, I use my map. I have dropped the watch, swam with the watch, fallen down with the watch on my wrist and there is no damage done. I'm all in on Garmin.

As I grew more accustomed to the watch, I started to add more fitness items on the app on my phone for the watch. One such item was my Vo2. I am still up in the air on what Vo2 fully means, but I do understand that it calculates your breathing as you exercise. The harder you go, the better your Vo2 max can get. I am usually right around a 43 or 44. I feel like that is pretty good for a runner my size.

This summer the Vo2 max and I have been fighting. I am trying a new thing with my running this summer. It has been very nice here in Saint Louis lately. But, that isn't always the case and it is about to get hot and humid again. So, this summer I am slowing down my pace. I'm taking my time a bit more. I'm not over exerting myself. I have recently started using an inhaler, so my doctor told me to slow down a bit when I run if I feel out of breath. So, I have been doing just that. My pace on the road has gone from 10 minute miles to 11. On the trail I'm at about 13 as opposed to 11 or 12, depending on the trail. It is only a minute, or just a little over a minute in some cases, but if you were to look at my training status and my Vo2 max on my Garmin app, you'd think I was hurt or slacking. I am still at a 43, but it is teetering on the edge of a 42. My fitness age is usually in the low 20's, but that is now averaging about 31. And it is really getting to me. It is making me legitimately angry. I will finish a run, like I did this morning, where I went slow but I feel good, and then get mad when I see my fitness age go up and my training status says "unproductive".

I know I shouldn't let this bother me. I understand that things like this happen when the weather changes. I get that I shouldn't be so invested in an app that is on my phone. I know how I feel after a run. I can tell from home my body feels. But I am really letting this whole Vo2 max thing get to me this summer. It is really pissing me off. I need to listen to the sound advice my sister in law gave me when I first started running. She has been one of my biggest supporters all along this running journey, and early on she told me not to take the numbers on a watch or phone app so seriously. She told me to focus on how I feel, not what an app says. And she is totally right. I ran six miles this morning. That is something I could have never done over ten years ago. And this was a smaller training run for me now. But I cannot help but be annoyed by that damn number on my app. It makes me angry. I get mad that I didn't do enough. I sit there and think about what I can do differently the next time I go out. But in actuality, I should be happy that I did anything this morning. I chose to get up and go run after taking my kids to camp. I could have gone home and sat on my ass, but I didn't do that. I got exercise. I burned almost 1200 calories. I am more prepared for my trail half that I am running in a few months than I was the day before. But, with all those positives, I'm still over here obsessing about that damn number.

Maybe I need to delete that portion from my app. I won't, but it is nice to have that option. I should be content with going out and getting exercise, and that is what I'm going to try to do moving forward. But to say that I won't think about that damn Vo2 max would be untrue. It is going to frustrate me until I decide to let it go. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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Is Bronny James a Nepo Baby? Who Cares

Before the NBA draft I wrote a piece about Bronny James. I talked about his possible future in the NBA, why I hoped he was going to be drafted and why I was rooting for him from now on. None of that has changed.

Well, I guess he was drafted, but otherwise, I'm still unsure of his future and I am still rooting for him. I watched his first summer league game and it was fine. He didn't score a lot, but he was present and tough on defense, he played his role and he had some instances that made me think he has a future as a decent bench player in the NBA. Then he missed the second game and I fell off. I stopped with summer league all together. I check on the Grizzlies, but I'm out otherwise. Today I was out with my son and dad to lunch and my dad brought up a very good question. It is the question I am going to try and answer on this very blog today. He asked me if I think Bronny James is a nepo baby.

Nepo babies were all the rage a few months back. People were pointing out a bunch of actors who have famous parents. Some were outraged, others didn't seem to care. The whole idea of a nepo baby doesn't really sway me either way. If someone is talented enough to be paid to do a job, who cares who their parents may or may not be. If they used their parents to get into a door that others might not be able to, good for them. Your parents are supposed to help you out. I don't care if they used that advantage. That is smart. But, the whole idea of a nepo baby seemed to be relegated to Hollywood. I only ever heard it used when referring to actors. But there seem to be nepo babies everywhere. Parents have never stopped helping their kids get jobs. I know of plenty of people who were hired based upon a parental recommendation. And it doesn't bother me.

In the sports world, the whole idea of a nepo baby is going to be coming up more and more. A bunch of people who played, or play pro sports are having kids. These kids are growing up and they seem to have a natural ability to play the game their parents play or played. Carmelo Anthony's son is committed to Syracuse to play basketball right now. That is Carmelo's alma mater, and I'm certain he helped him in his decision to play there. Does that make Kiyan Anthony a nepo baby? Sure. Do people seem to care about it? Nope. Carmelo Anthony is retired, so Kiyan is going to go as far as he can on his own merit. Ken Griffey Jr played with his dad, who was on the Mariners when he was a rookie. Does that make him a nepo baby? Sure. Do I care? Absolutely not. Ken Griffey Jr is one of the greatest baseball players to ever live. He was already better than his dad when he got to the pros and he had a better career. There are a good amount of college athletes whose parents were college and pro athletes, and no one cares or focuses on them being nepo babies. But when it comes to Bronny James, people seem to ask this question more than they should, in my opinion.

Is Bronny James a nepo baby? Most definitely. But, I feel like he has to do a bunch more to prove his worth than any other nepo sports babies. There are a few reasons. First off, Bronny probably shouldn't have been drafted. Even with him going in the second round as the 55th pick, that seemed too high. He missed a bunch of the college season because of a heart defect. When he recovered, thankfully, he did not do much to prove he was a legit prospect. USC was bad and he was average. But, people could see his skill set and see a possible NBA future, if he went back to school. He did not. He went to the combine and had a solid, yet sometimes shaky showing. He did enough, I thought, that he could get a shot as a two way player. But, the pool of prospects at the combine was very, very watered down. This past NBA draft was one of the weaker classes in a long time, so the top players sat out. They knew, or had an idea of where they would go. Bronny had to go, and he did okay. But, I still do not think it was enough to be drafted. After staying in the draft, Rich Paul hovered over him and told him where and where not to work out. Bronny only worked out for two teams, the Suns and Lakers. Other teams, it was reported, were told not to schedule a workout because Bronny was informed by Rich Paul to not work out for them. Then the draft came. Bronny was not a first round pick, rightfully so. But, as day two dragged on, it was looking more and more likely that he was going to be available late in the second round. Rich Paul decided to get involved again, and told teams that if anyone other than the Lakers or Suns drafted Bronny, he would not play for them. I read that he would go overseas.

So, take all of this and smush it together, it reeks of nepotism. The Lakers were all but told to draft Bronny no matter what. Rich Paul and LeBron James wanted it, and they run the Lakers for all intents and purposes. There is no other way to look at this other than nepotism. But, who cares? Honestly. Bronny clearly has skills to be a pro basketball player at some level. He was a division 1 college basketball athlete. He was invited to the combine. He had scheduled workouts. Teams were interested. But his biggest draw is the fact that he is LeBron James' son. I truly don't know if there is any more known nepo baby than Bronny James. So, while he is, for sure, a nepo baby, that does not change the fact that I am still rooting for him to make a name for himself in the NBA. I don't care if his dad is one of the greatest to ever play the game, Bronny can carve out his own niche and stick around if he plays his way. I believe he can do that.

I'm still a Bronny James fan, nepo baby or not. His family gives me zero pause as to his ability. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing, the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast, and the greatest basketball writer on the internet.

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Greatest American Music - The Genius of Jack White

I have found myself listening to more and more White Stripes lately. Let’s discuss.

I went through a big phase where they were one of my most listened to bands. Then I fell off. I never really pinpointed why. I think it was a number of things. But, the main issue I had was, I despise Jack White. I still do. He seems like a real piece of work. He feels pretentious to me. I don't like the way he speaks. I don't like his dumb little faces he makes when he is out in public. I think he took his persona a little too far, and now that is his whole being, I must have read something negative about him, and that was all I needed to stop listening to his band. I had all the records, I dove into their history, I saw them live, I felt like I did it all. But, due to the fact that I still listen to, and adore, The Black Keys, Spotify put it upon themselves to play more White Stripes when they curated a Black Keys inspired playlist for me. At first I'd skip and move along. But, one day I decided to listen.

The song was "Apple Blossom", off one of their earliest records, and I wanted to hear it again. I think I wanted to understand why I was so into this band at one point in my life. That particular song took me back. I was instantly into the music. I was vibing out. This made me listen to more and more of their music, and I have found it quite enjoyable. I have rediscovered why I like this band so much too. There is one single reason in fact. That reason is, drumroll please, Jack White.

As much as I dislike his personality, as much as others say he is kind of a jerk, as much as his public persona bugs me, the dude is a musical genius. His writing, while simplistic, is dope. I like the old timey blues lean to a bunch of their songs. You can hear the influences. From Robert Johnson to BB King and Muddy Waters, it is all there. You can feel the imprint a band like Led Zeppelin left on him as a younger person. You can hear the ripping guitar and heavy distortion that made them such a big hit in the early 2010's. That, that right there, the sound, that is what I love most about this band. Meg White is a fine drummer. She can keep the rhythm, she does some pretty cool fills and she seems to enjoy drums. But Jack White is the true driving force behind this band. And it is his guitar playing that makes it so listenable.

I was driving my son home from camp today and the song "Ball and a Biscuit" came on. This is a true hit. This song slaps. This is such a simply written song. But the guitar is truly amazing. That is what makes the song so damn good. Jack White shreds solos over and over and over again. He switches from distortion to reverb and back like it is nothing. The guitar in this song gives me mixes of Zeppelin and if Son House had played an electric guitar. It truly slaps. It is probably one of my favorite songs of all time, and it is solely due to the guitar in there. White, for all of his warts, is an undeniably phenomenal guitar player. The dude knows what he is doing and he does it well. He takes risks on that instrument and he hits more often than not. Even when The White Stripes stopped making music, his other projects worked for me as well. The only reason, he shreds guitar over and over and over again. And I cannot get enough of it when I listen. So, for all the reasons I should not like him, his music is reason enough for me to separate the art from the artist. He has not been accused of some things that other famous people have, so maybe I should be a little less angry about his nonsense.

All in all, I'm stoked that I was able to get to this place with his music because Jack White is a really dope guitar player, and if you are on the fence about listening to him, let it go and try it out. You will not be disappointed.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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Ty Listens to Courtney Barnett

My dad is always on the lookout for new music. Ever since I can remember, he searches, finds stuff and passes it along to his kids. He has introduced me to a bunch of artists I currently listen to. I have always said that he influenced me on my taste, and that rings true to this day. So, when he gives me a suggestion, I listen.

Recently he told me about an artist he found on YouTube named Courtney Barnett. My dad will sit around and watch tons of different artists on the internet and whittle it down to the few he wants to listen to and tell us about. Courtney Barnett must have stuck in his head for a bit, because he brought her up until I listened.

I am glad that he kept mentioning her. She is a pretty dope artist. She is unique and different from current musicians. She has this folk lean to her music, but her singing is akin to Lou Reed. She is monotone, but in a very cool, very listenable way for me. Her instrument of choice is the guitar, and she can play. She goes both electric and acoustic. I prefer her acoustic stuff, but that is only because I like acoustic music more, especially when listening to folk music. She can play. She is no virtuoso, but she can strum it well enough to help carry her song. She also has features sometimes, and when she does that, she tends to let the other musician shine on guitar. She does the majority of the singing, and I like her written lyrics. She is not the best singer in the world, but she can carry a tune. Her voice is different too. She does the monotone stuff, the Lou Reed stuff, but she has these really deep and introspective lyrics. I listen to her more for what she is saying than how she is saying it. She goes into detail in songs. It takes me a few extra listens to get what she is saying, but when I do, it is a very nice payoff. I like how she blends words and melody. She has a real knack for writing a really good folk song. I like what she has to say. That is what has drawn me in most with her so far.

She also has a ton of music. After my first listen, I headed over to my Spotify account and was floored at the amount of music she has on there.  There's a whole lot. And it is all pretty damn good. She has multiple albums, a bunch of singles, she is featured on other records and she is putting in the work. I also like that not everything sounds exactly the same. They have a folk/lo-fi quality, but that is her preferred genre. She can go in different directions within the genre, and she does that very well. She is young too, like in her 20's. That means she has a long, long time to make more and more music. I get hyped with stuff like that. She is still young, so she hasn't reached her music writing prime yet. I get amped to think of what she will write after she lives a little more. I'm sure it is going to be epic.

I'm glad my dad kept at it with Courtney Barnett. I don't know if I would've jumped so deep if he hadn't. And I'm glad that her music is in my life now. She is a very good, very unique artist that more people need to check out. And she has a long career ahead of her. Go check out her music. You won't be disappointed. I think I'm going to go listen to some more of her music now. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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Ty Watches "A Quiet Place: Day One"

My wife and I went to see "A Quiet Place: Day One" last weekend. Our kids were staying with grandparents for an overnight visit, so we used that opportunity to go on a date. We went to a movie we wanted to see and had a nice, quiet dinner at home.

We saw the first two "Quiet Place" movies in the theaters as well. The original movie is incredible. It is truly unique. It has a totally different take on a post apocalyptic world. It was an interesting idea that really worked for me as a movie goer. I was all in on the sheer fact that John Krasinki was directing it, and the fact that it happened to work, that was an added bonus. The second installment I was a little cooler on. It is still a good movie, but it just didn't hold the same weight as the first one for me. I liked the idea of seeing the family move on now that the dad had died, but it was more of the same. I knew going in that the monsters attack based on sound, that they cannot see and that water is how you can somewhat defeat them. I was hoping for a little more from the deaf child, but I felt like they didn't push that narrative hard enough. That being said, I liked the whole idea of a town surviving in that world. I thought it was a cool concept. And, spoiler alert, to see how it all came crashing down was a devastating ending, but it was also well done and came across almost flawlessly.

Going into "Day One", I was both skeptical and excited. I was skeptical because we all know this story by now. If you have seen any of these movies, you know the jist. We get the nuance by now. We understand the rules. I was excited though because I wanted to see how this all started. I thought maybe we would get some kind of story telling us why and how the monsters came to Earth. And the fact that they were focusing this story solely in New York City, one of the loudest places on the planet, I was all in for them doing that. So, we got our popcorn and water, sat down in a very comfortable theater and sat back and watched.

We did not get a reason why the monsters attacked, but I was okay with that. I figure that if something like this happens, it will just happen. There doesn't need to be some bigger explanation as to why someone or something decides to attack. I assume with monsters like they have in these movies, they are just out for blood. And that is as acceptable a reason as I need. But, outside of that, this movie didn't really work for me. Lupita N'Yongo is fantastic. She is a damn fine actor and she more than pulled her weight here. But we already know how this all plays out. I wasn't as stoked on seeing the first day of this as I thought I would. When it happened in the movie I sat there and thought, okay, be quiet and get to water. I understand that the storytellers and actors have to do their job and pretend that they don't previously know all this stuff. But if you have seen any of these movies, just like I said above, we know the rules by now. I just didn't buy into the people and how they dealt with this horrific event like I did in the first movie. I already know what the monsters look like as well. And they look great in this movie, and we see them a ton, but the shock and awe wore off for me in the second installment. I didn't really buy any other actors' performances outside of NYong'o's. I wasn't as scared and jumpy as the previous movies made me.

I was talking to my wife and a friend of mine after seeing this movie and telling them that I think they have mined this idea for all it is worth. They can't really tell a new story at this point. They should have stopped after the first movie, but it was a surprise hit and the powers that be want all the money they can get. I get that, but what was once a really cool and different idea has become cliche and, for lack of a better word, boring. Monster movies shouldn't be boring. The monsters should make it exciting. And while I'm not fully on board with this movie, it is good, just not for me. The movie looks great, has one great performance and doesn't linger. But, I could figure out everything that was going to happen, and that is not something I'm always able to do.

Save yourself the time and just watch the first "Quiet Place". Or, if you're a completionist, watch "Day One" and only focus on Lupita N'yongo. She is the only good reason to see this movie. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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NBA Free Agency Gives Me the Chaos I Seek

The first day and a half of NBA free agency has been what I was expecting the draft would be. There have been moves a plenty so far. Some bigger than others, I'll get to those in a minute. Players have changed teams, others are still waiting and the market has dried for some big names. I understand that all the big stuff happens this fast, so we won’t get too many other star moves. But, for the time being, there has been a flurry of movement, and I want to talk about it today.

Right when all of this started, smaller named players re-signed with their current teams. The Pacers retained both Obi Toppin and Pascal Siakim. The Celtics and Lakers kept a few bench guys. Kevin Love is sticking around the Heat. And Kelly Oubre Jr made the correct choice to stay with the 76ers.

Then, as yesterday wore on a bit, some other names started to sign with new teams. Kentavious Caldwell-Pope was the first "big name" to move. He went from Denver to Orlando. The move was a surprise to me, but all that dude does is win, the Magic are up and coming and he will fit in nicely in Orlando. It feels like a good move all around. Eric Gordon left the Suns and is signing with the 76ers. If he can find his shot again, he adds some depth and bench scoring to a team that needs both. The Suns signed Mason Plumlee, and what he lacks in offense, he will bring some depth and anger to the Suns front court. Naji Marshall quietly signed with the Mavericks. This is a solid move for both. He brings defense and the Mavs clearly need help on that end of the floor. The Mavs were not able to re-sign Derrick Jones Jr though. That will hurt. I know he was not very good in the Finals, but he is a good defender, a world class leaper and he seemed to figure it out last year. The Clippers got him at a steal. I don't understand what Jonas Valanciunas is doing. He left a solid New Orleans team to go play for the Wizards. I get that NOLA wasn't going to offer him much of a deal, but he had other, better suitors. I know the Lakers wanted him. I would have liked the Grizzlies giving him another, smaller deal. He could've gone to the Suns. I guess he wants to put up numbers and get big minutes. That is the only reason I believe he signed with Washington. Andre Drummond is returning to Philly. This is a wonderful move. He will back up Embiid. He is still an excellent rebounder. He can score a bit in the post. And he gives the 76ers a buffer for when Embiid inevitably misses games in the middle of the season.

All these moves were very little compared to what happened after James Harden reupped with the Clippers. We all knew that would happen, I am sure he will be asking for another trade in the middle of next season, but the Clippers offered him 35 million a year. He'd be crazy to pass that up. The next big move after that was the Warriors waiving Chris Paul and then him almost immediately agreeing to a deal with the Spurs. I know CP3 is old and not nearly as good as he used to be, but he is better than every other guard currently on the Spurs roster. He should fit in great with Pop. I am almost certain that Victor Webanyama will adore him. Jeremy Sochan can go back to his natural position. Tre Jones will be much better as a reserve. This is a good move to put together Pop, CP3 and Wemby. I am a big fan of this signing.

The biggest move of the night came as no surprise, and came in the middle of the night, just like his last move. The moment that the Clippers released a statement saying that Paul George would be signing elsewhere, it was certain he was going to the 76ers. I know he had a "meeting" planned with Orlando, but that was never going to happen. The 76ers had the money, Joel Embiid wanted this, Daryl Morey is a star chaser and Paul George wanted four years. The 76ers gave it all to him. He has a four year max deal now worth close to 220 million dollars. He is teaming up with Embiid. The 76ers just gave Tyrese Maxey a big deal, so he is sticking around. They let Tobias Harris walk, and as I told my son, I'd much rather have George than Harris. They got Oubre Jr to come back. Eric Gordon and Andre Drummond are along for the ride now. I would be stunned if Kyle Lowry left. The 76ers are finally building something that looks legit, if everyone can stay healthy, and that is a big, big IF. Embiid and George are rarely healthy for a full season. But, if they can win enough, which they for sure can in the East, the 76ers can rest those guys periodically, to try and minimize injuries. I'd be willing to put the new three stars in Philly up against almost any team in the NBA. The Celtics have the most to say in regards to this, with Tatum, Brown and Derrick White. But, none of those guys can guard Embiid. The Nuggets may say they can throw Jokic at Embiid, but they can't guard George and Maxey, and when Embiid faces up against Jokic, he eats Jokic lunch. The Mavs have no one that can guard those three dudes. Giannis can take on Embiid, but who do the Bucks have to guard the other two guys? Middleton isn't as up to the task as he used to be. The Knicks have a core four to throw at those guys, but Embiid, who had bell's palsy and was coming off a knee injury, still put up big time numbers against them in round one last season. The Pacers don't play defense, so they are a second thought. 

This is a big time move and a big time get for the 76ers. This is who they wanted all along. They got their guy and I cannot wait to see them play next season. Free agency has been fun so far, and we still have a few moves left to be made. But Paul George was the big name, and he is now on a new team. I love it.


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing, the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast, and the greatest basketball writer on the internet.

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Ty Watches "The Bear" Season 3 Premiere

The third season of "The Bear" was just released. I got to it last night. My wife was working late, so I watched the first three episodes. Let’s discuss.

This show is wonderful. It is one of the better things that tv has to offer right now. I'm all in again, as I expected I would be. Today, I want to talk about the season three premiere. After my wife retired to her home office to take a meeting, I sent my kids to their rooms and I went to mine to watch the show. I wanted to fully focus on only the show. As I turned on the first episode, I was blown away at how good, cool and unique it was. The whole premiere is done like a flashback, or a montage. We get to see Carmy going through his entire cooking journey, which led him to where he is today. We get to see conversations he had with his family members. We get to see who he trained with when he started in the restaurant industry. We see him at his highest highs as a chef, and his lowest lows. We watched him work with Daniel Baluad, one of the world's most renowned chefs. We watch him work at a farm to table restaurant, which was literally built at a farm. We see him back with his asshole of a boss played by Joel McHale. We see the chef from the excellent episode of season two, "Spoons". We see her send him to Copenhagen. We see him leave for New York to start his journey. We get to watch flashbacks with his brother who passed. We see him miss the call about said brother passing away. All of this is in the premiere in a montage. And the montage is underscored by Trent Reznor. The music is at times both sweet and haunting. You get the sense of what he was going for with the score when we see what is happening scene to scene.

I was moved by a lot of this episode, but it was the farm to table stuff that really got me. I have always thought of that idea as hackey. It felt like true schtick to me. But watching the premiere of season 3 last night, I got a new perspective on why that way of cooking seems so important to some chefs. Getting to grow, then use your own ingredients, that has got to feel truly amazing when/if you become a chef. Carmy seemed at his most content while working there on the show. I really liked the way that was all filmed and acted and it turned me from a skeptic into a less cynical skeptic. Even the tough moments, the things that make this show sad from time to time, it was necessary to understand why Carmy is back home, and why he is so determined to run this restaurant and work together with Sydney. He wants something bigger and better, and he wants Sydney to have better things as a chef.

All in all, watching an episode with a runtime of about 40 minutes all through montage should not work. But, "The Bear" not only made it work, they made it work perfectly. You get a much better understanding of the main character in this show and why he is where he is as of now. I cannot recommend this show enough. I know a bunch of people are already watching, but if you are somehow not, remedy that right now and watch "The Bear". This show rules and is so unique. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing and the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast.

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Thoughts on the Zach Edey Going to the Memphis Grizzlies

Much to my chagrin, not too much really happened during the first round of the NBA draft. No big names were moved. Some prospects got traded, as did some picks, but that always happens. I think I am getting a little too ahead of myself because free agency starts this Saturday, so that is when the real moves will get started. But, I had this hope that there would be something, anything that would have made the draft a little more exciting.

That being said, I do want to talk about one of the early picks that surprised me in a good way. The Grizzlies did not trade up, like I hoped, so they were stuck picking at nine. The guys I thought they may go with were all gone by this point as well. Donovan Clingan, Ron Holland, Rob Dillingham, they had all been taken before number nine. The Grizzlies need a center, so I have to assume they went with the best available guy on their board, and they ended up drafting Zach Edey from Purdue.

This was a shock at first. I have seen him jump in some recent mock drafts, but no higher than 14. Hell, during the college basketball season, I had written a blog about him going to the Spurs in the second round and how good I thought that would be. But last night he was a top 10 pick. He was drafted before dudes that all the mock draft nerds fell in love with this offseason. He is coming off two consecutive men's player of the year awards. He was the only real Boilermaker that showed up in the title game against UConn. He has dominated the Big 10 for three straight years. Zach Edey is a good throwback basketball player. And now the team I root for in the NBA took him in the lottery last night.

After the initial shock wore off, I kept thinking about his fit. I then listened to some other basketball writers talk about the pick, and I have to say, I'm pumped now. I understand he is older than most rookies, and he hasn't played a single second in the NBA yet, but damn I am excited about the potential. The Grizzlies are going to come into this season whole. Everyone is back, and everyone is healthy. Ja is going to come back and be better and stronger than ever. Jaren Jackson Jr is going to bounce back from a less than stellar season last year. Desmond Bane will have help. He won't be asked to do it all himself. GG Jackson is coming off a heater of a rookie year. Luke Kennard can shoot. Ziaire Williams has potential, but he can also be used as a trade asset. Marcus Smart is a solid guard to have next to Morant. The Grizzlies were the 2 seed in the West two years ago. This is a good team. Now, trading Steven Adams was brutal, but with the pick of Edey last night, I feel like they have his replacement in house. I definitely think Edey should be penciled in as the Grizzlies starting center right now. He is their best option. He is humongous. He is 7'5. The Grizzlies have never had this type of size. Edey hustles constantly. He does not take plays off. He will get in good enough shape to run with Ja Morant and Desmond Bane. He is going to set some bone rattling screens. Shooters are going to be open in the corners more than they have ever been in their career. He is going to get opponents bigs in early foul trouble. Teams will not be able to put smaller guys on him in the post. He will bury them. He won't have to be the anchor on defense. They have Jaren Jackson Jr to protect the rim and Marcus Smart to take care of the backcourt. Desmond Bane can defend too. Edey has the potential to be a very important player on this team. He fits like a glove. He should buy into his role right away. He is going to get a ton of minutes.

I am on board with this selection. The shock is gone and now I cannot wait to see how they implement Edey into their offense. I trust the coaching staff to do right by him, and the Grizzlies should be right back where they were a short two years ago. I am extra pumped for the next NBA season. I cannot wait. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing, the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast, and the greatest basketball writer on the internet.

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What I Want to Happen at the NBA Draft

The first round of the NBA draft happens this evening. Let’s discuss.

As I get older, I find myself realizing I don't know who many of the players are that will be first round picks. I know the bigger stars, I can point out the college players I like, but all in all, this is a mystery to me. I will say that, by most accounts, this is not the best crop of players in the world right now. There is no Victor Webanyama or LeBron James. No one in this draft tonight may have the ability to turn around a franchise. I do believe that this is not like the draft that Anthony Bennett went first overall either. I think some teams may take swings, but much like there are no surefire superstars, I do believe that there is no player that can tank an entire team. This is a very middle of the road draft. Some of these guys may turn into all star caliber players, hell some may even one day be a franchise player. But, to me, it is more likely that most of the players drafted tonight will have uneventful, but long-ish careers in the NBA. There are role players abound that will be picked tonight. And, while I do know that guys like Alexandre Sarr and Zaccharie Risacher are more than likely to go one and two, and I understand that Donovan Clingan and Stephon Castle will go early, I am not going to do this like a normal draft preview. Instead of pointing out good, maybe not so good and sleeper players, I want to spend my time today talking about what I hope happens over the next couple of nights.

There is going to be a ton of movement. I have that feel going into the draft tonight. The Knicks already made a big move, acquiring Mikal Bridges for Bojan Bogdonavic and a bunch of picks. I love this move for the Knicks. They are Villanova 2.0 now. Bridges adds another defender and a solid shooter to an already very good team. The Knicks finally did something, it was smart and it will benefit them in the long run. This is the type of stuff I want to see tonight. I don't think the Hawks will move that first pick, but it would be rad if they did. I'd love to see them trade Dejounte Murray back to the Spurs. They could offload him for one of the Spurs younger guys and picks four and eight tonight. That way the Spurs get Risacher to team up with Wemby, and the Hawks can go full rebuild.

Which leads me to the next thing, I'd love to see the Hawks fully blow it up and trade Trae Young as well. If they offload both guards for younger dudes, maybe the Pistons would be interested in trading away Jaden Ivey or Jalen Duren for Young, then they could truly start the rebuild. I want to see what the 76ers are going to do with all of their cap space. It sounds like Paul George is off the table for them, so where do they pivot now? Tobias Harris is all but gone. But, they have all this excess money that they are going to have to spend. Maybe they go after one or Murray or Young. Maybe they move up to take a player like Stephon Castle. Maybe they add a bunch of vets to shore up their roster. The possibilities are endless with the 76ers. I want to see what the Suns do. Apparently the Rockets are trying to get Kevin Durant now. Maybe the Suns trade him for the number three pick and some youth from the Rockets. That would be wild and out of nowhere. It would also make this mediocre draft class look a whole hell of a lot better. And if the Suns do take Bronny James in round one, what does that do to the Lakers and LeBron? I'm sure he will stick in LA, but crazier things have happened. I'm of course interested in what the Grizzlies are going to do. Everyone should be back and healthy on a team that was the 2 seed in the West only two years ago. I would be ecstatic if they traded up and took Donovan Clingan. I'm not opposed to them picking Zack Edey at nine if they cannot trade up. I'm very intrigued with Ron Holland or Rob Dillingham. But if they could add one more vet, someone who brings toughness and height, that would be a coup for me as a fan.

I mentioned him a second ago. but I want to see where Bronny James ends up. I'm rooting for him to make it in this league, but that is all going to depend on where, and by who he is drafted. There is no middle with him. He is either going to flourish or he is going to end up a lifetime G League player. I also mentioned Paul George, and if he finally makes a decision, there would be no better night than tonight to let it be known. The 76ers chances of getting him are slim. But, the Warriors are apparently willing to give him a four year deal. The Clippers could sign and trade him. He could simply end up back on the Clippers. Or he may shock us all and go somewhere totally unexpected. And when George finally makes his decision, that is when everything is going to start going real quick. Player movement would be very, very high if/when George makes up his mind. And I hope it happens tonight.

So, while there are few players that really intrigue me in this draft, there is stuff on the outside that could make this a very notable night in the NBA. We will only have to wait a few more hours to see if it really starts popping off. Hopefully it does. 


Ty is the Pop Culture editor for SeedSing, the other host of the X Millennial Man Podcast, and the greatest basketball writer on the internet.

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