X Millennial Man Classic: Episode CCVIII: The Movies that Became Television Shows

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This podcast originally premiered on February 29th, 2020.

Many of us know MASH as a great tv show. Buffy is a beloved character from tv, not the movies.

Join the X Millennial Man as they talk Hawkeye, Buffy, Laszlo, and Ferris Bueller and decide if they did it better on the big or the small screen.

Stick around for the second half when we pitch our own ideas for movies that need to be made into television shows.

Download the podcast for free.

Episode CCXLIX: The Years of Our Lives - 1998


It is time to hop into our chosen time machine and revisit a year of our lives.

Join Ty and RD as the look back at the pop culture, sports, and politics of 1998. Was it a year that led to the dumbening of all of us?

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Episode CCXLVIII: What to Look Forward to In 2021


Goodbye 2020, it is time to look forward to 2021.

Join Ty and RD as they lay out the movies, television, music, sports, and other events in 2021 they are most looking forward to.

Download the podcast for free.

Episode CCXLVII: Best of 2020 - Pop Culture and Sports


Episode note: We start off the podcast discussing the attempted coup at the United States Capitol on January 6th, 2021.

2020 was quite the year.

Join Ty and RD as the discuss the best movies, television shows, music, sports moments, and other pieces of pop culture from 2020.

Download the podcast for free.

Episode CCXLI: Politics in Television Shows

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The 2020 Presidential Election is over, Spoiler Alert: Joe Biden won., so the X Millennial Man decided to talk about fictional politics in fictional television shows.

Join us as we look at some of our favorite, and one of our not so favorite, tv shows that had a focus on politics.

Download the podcast for free.

Episode CCXXXVIII: The Good, Bad, and the Horror


It is time for some scary stuff.

Join the X Millennial Man as they discuss the horror pop culture they like, and the stuff they definitely do not like.

Monsters, horny teenagers, and existential dread, we have you covered for the Halloween season.

Download the podcast for free.

Episode CCXXXII: A Look at the First Four Broadcast Hours of MTV


August 1st, 1981.

A rocket launch followed by the words "Ladies and Gentlemen, rock and roll". MTV is born.

Join Ty and RD as they go through the first four hours of one of the most influential cable channels of all time. Some of the videos were great, many more were terrible.

Join us for this trip into a very important time capsule for Gen Xers and Millennials by downloading the podcast for free.

Episode CCXXXI: The Pop Culture We Discovered During the Pandemic


What good has come out of the pandemic? For the X Millennial Man, they have used the time to visit some pop culture they may have missed. Never listened to the Talking Heads? The pandemic made us check the band out. Never watched a popular show? Thanks again pandemic.

Join Ty and RD as they discuss the pop culture they discovered during the great coronovirus pandemic.

Download the podcast for free.

Episode CCXXVIII: The Best Pop Culture Pets

Now that’s a pet we can ride, or walk, into battle with

Now that’s a pet we can ride, or walk, into battle with

Our pets are one of the best things in our lives. The fake pets of our fake friends on tv and in the movies are also very important to our lives.

Join Ty and RD as the discuss the best animals in pop culture that truly had an impact on their lives. There is a bunch of gladness, and some sadness (Fry's dog Seymour is crushing), but the whole discussion is great. Also, GI Joe had some crazy ideas about pets.

Download the podcast for free.

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Episode CCXXVII: The Best Pandemic Pop Culture Discoveries

Friendly reminder - WASH YOUR DAMN HANDS

Friendly reminder - WASH YOUR DAMN HANDS

In case you did not know, there is a global pandemic going on. Most of us have been doing the right thing and sheltering in place. We are also getting bored and need entertainment.

Join Ty and RD as they recommend some great pop culture they have discovered during the great pandemic of 2020.

Want to know more? Download the podcast for free.

X Millennial Man Remastered: Episode CXXXVIII: The GOATs of Sports and Pop Culture


Editor’s note: This episode originally premiered on June 30th, 2018

The X Millennial Man is in the mood to talk about greatness.

Join Ty and RD as they discuss the greatest of all time, since 1980, in basketball, football, baseball, movies, music, television, food, and candy.

Download for free.

Episode CCXXII: The All Star Team of Pop Culture Villains

If we needed to select the best villains to fill a baseball All Star roster, who would we pick?

Join Ty and RD as they fill out their dream lineups of villains from pop culture.

Download the podcast for free.

Episode CCXVII: Star Wars Talk

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It has been months, and we still have a few hot takes about "Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker".

Join Ty and RD as they debate the merits of the latest Star Wars film, and then they discuss other great things that take place in a galaxy far, far away.

Download the podcast for free, and remember...The Force Will Be With You...Always.

Episode CCXI: Sports and Pop Culture in the Early Days of Coronavirus

Wash your damn hands

Wash your damn hands

There is some sports, television, and movie news to report.

That is comforting in a weird way.

Join the X Millennial Man as they discuss the sports and pop culture news of the day, and how it all relates to the coronavirus crisis.

Join us by downloading the podcast for free.

Episode CCIX: The Television Shows That Became Movies


Who thought a Simpsons Movie would work? What about the tv show Dragnet screamed comedy film?

Join the X Millennial Man as they look at the television shows that became noteworthy movies. In the second half Ty and RD pitch the next great tv show to movie idea.

Download the podcast for free.